The White Princess Pt. 01

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A fairy tale for the pervy.
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(This story was initially rejected because of a tongue-in-cheek incident with the Stag. I am rewriting it, hoping it will be accepted.) Okay, so a strange idea came to me for this one. Probably more of this fairy tale type will be coming, including more of this story. It's just that this idea tickled my fancy. There are probably a few misuses with my attempts at archaic (Shakespearean) English (I am no expert). Some intentionally, some to keep things more readable. Just so the reader knows, this story I am writing is completely tongue-in-cheek. Hopefully, it's fun for some. I am sorry if it comes off as a bit dumb. What the heck?

The True Story of the White Princess Part 1

Chapter 1: Escape with the Huntsman

The huntsman stood at the top of the hill looking over the so-called Lost Forest. He and the Princess had been followed from the castle by the Queen's Guard. Captained by a relentless warrior by the name of Ross, he and the White Princess had barely avoided him and his troops. "Princess, we must keep moving. The Guard is very close, I can feel them upon our rear."

The White Princess glanced at the Huntsman's ass, not understanding his comment. In her high and annoying voice she replied, "Yes sir, I am certain thou doth know best. I am just a girl. But, I am afeared, though, that the horses can not travel much farther."

The Huntsman replied in his heavy and rich voice, "Yes, we must continue afoot. But, ahead there is a cavern that will afford us some shelter and a place to hide. Once those in pursuit of us have passed us by, we shouldst be able to find someone to assist thee. Mayhap a family. Mayhap upon a stead." The Huntsman released the horses, freeing them from the gear they had used to ride them. He then swatted the asses of the animals. They would return to the stables of the castle, or so he hoped.

"Of course, handsome sir. Whatever thou sayeth."

The White Princess giggled as she responded to the Huntsman. She is not the brightest candle in the castle, he thought to himself. With her fair beauty, her less-than-middling intelligence, her less-than-savvy mind is not as vital. But, to see her in her nature I would give my left arm.

"Shall we then travel, good sir? I thank thee for thine assistance. I worry that thou wilt have great difficulty with the Queen." Her voice truly is annoying, he thought to himself.

"Do not worry. 'Tis nothing, I am most fortunate to have this opportunity to help the fair Princess." The White Princess covered her mouth with her teeth, grinning inanely behind those appendages. "Come, my lady. We must away."

It was only an hour before they found the cave. It was hidden behind an outcropping of brush the Huntsman had come upon it by sheer accident on a hunting expedition in years past. With his experience with the outdoors, the Huntsman was able to hide their back trail. He guided the White Princess into the cave, and after just a few feet they were in shadow, though not complete darkness. With only a waterbag and a half loaf of bread, the pair of pursued sat on a rock, close but not touching. It was all the Huntsman could do not to reach out and accost the beauty. The Huntsman felt his hardness rigid in his pants and because of the semi-darkness, he knew it was safe to adjust himself. Not that he believed she would understand the gesture anyway.

"Good sir..., how long must we hide in this dark space. I am afeared of dark places." Her voice, if only I might gag her, his thoughts not the noblest.

"At least for the night, fair Princess. 'Tis best that you rest. Mayhap thou shouldst remove thy skirt as it might be entangled and torn in the darkness of this cave. Mayhap though shouldst also remove thy blouse. This to keep thy clothing safe." How naïve is the Princess? The Huntsman thought.

"You are certain? I am only afraid of snakes and such in the darkness." Again she giggled that inane laugh of hers. He could tolerate it normally, but without the sight of her beauty, it was more difficult. He imagined her removing her golden skirt to reveal her alabaster legs and ass. Again the Huntsman had to adjust himself.

"I am here, Princess. I will protect thee. 'Tis best that your only clothing not be damaged in this cave."

"Oh! Then I shall remove all of my clothing, including my undergarments. I will need them upon departing this dark place." I could not ask for more, he thought to himself.

The pair consumed the bread in the darkness, their eyes adjusting to the very low light. The Huntsman once again adjusted himself, for he had brushed her naked breasts by chance, and had some sight of her nakedness even in the semi-dark. Washing the spartan meal down with the water, the Huntsman moved close to the White Princess. "Lie down, my Princess. Thou shouldst have some rest whilst thou can. I will be on guard, there is nothing to cause you worry." The Huntsman lay down his cloak. "Lie down, thou must have your rest."

"Thank thee, good sir." That annoying voice. Truly if only he could gag her for the duration.

The White Princess lay down on the cloak, her soft snore could be heard almost immediately. The Huntsman could not help himself, he lay next to her, both of them on their right side. He had removed his clothes and his manhood was at full attention. "Sir..., what are you doing?"

Truly, he needed a gag. Apparently, his spooning with the Princess had caused her to come awake. "You were shivering, Princess. I thought to warm thee."

"Oh, that is so kind. Thank thee, good sir."

Almost against his own will, he began to rub his cock against her backside. "What is that, sir? Is that a snake come between us? It frightens me." She shivered but did not move away. Perhaps not as naïve as he thought.

"No, my Princess. 'Tis nothing to be of worry."

The Princess felt something, perhaps a finger or two, slide between her legs, across her kitty. Unconsciously she spread her legs slightly, though a scowl of incomprehension crossed her face. "What are you doing, sir?"

"Oh..., nothing. Mayhap thou canst lift thy left leg, Princess?"

"But why, sir?" It was very difficult for him not to wrap his hand around her mouth.

"I wouldst show you something. I believe thou wilt like it, Princess."

"As you wish as thou hath been so kind to me." His hand on her inner thigh he assisted her in lifting her left leg. He then placed the tip of his dick at her opening. Before she knew what was happening she felt his manhood slip into her, sliding in and out of her very wet kitty. It felt good, but she did not understand why, or what he was doing. Her breaths coming in stuttered gasps she said, "What is that..., what are you doing sir?" He could take no more, he wrapped his hand around her mouth. But gently.

"Does..., does it feel good my Princess?" He released her mouth just enough for her to be able to reply.

"Oh yes..., yes sir." As she said this he removed his hand from her mouth and began to play with her left nipple. He squeezed it roughly. "Oh..., God. What is this feeling, sir? I..., I am about to have..., to have something happen. I have never felt this before."

The Huntsman groaned into her left ear. "Oh, my, have you never touched thy self? I mean thy nether region Princess."

"You mean my Kitty, sir?"

It was all that the Huntsman could do not to laugh at her comment, but he was too aroused to stop and laugh at her lack of perception. "Y-yes Princess. Yes, it feels so good, do you like it, Princess?"

"Y-yes, sir. I am about to..."

The Huntsman interrupted her, "About to have a release, Princess? A climax?"

"Is that it? Oh, yes, I..., I am going to climax, sir. Oh, God, it feels so good. I did not know of this... No one has ever done this with me. 'Tis so very good, so good. Yeeeeeeeesssss!" As she climaxed her pussy, her inner muscles, began to squeeze his manhood. He bit his tongue, not wanting to scream aloud as he began to shoot his cum into the Princess. "Oh sir, your appendage is harder, bigger. You..., you are spraying something inside me. Gods, it feels so good. Y-yes sir, so good."

Slowly the pair finished their coupling. The Huntsman rolled to his back, half on, half off of the cloak, but he did not care. He had finally had his way with the naïve Princess. In a few short minutes, both had fallen asleep. The Huntsman hugged the Princess close to him as they nodded off.

The cave was better illuminated in the morning, the light coming into the place from a different angle. Before she could awaken, the Huntsman grabbed her undergarments and hid them behind a pile of rocks. He planned to have his way with her again and it would be easier for access to her 'kitty'.

After a few minutes, the White Princess came awake. She searched for her clothes, but all she found were her shoes, her golden skirt, and her blue blouse. Even her stockings were missing. "Have you seen my undergarments? I can not find them."

"No, Princess. Mayhap a critter absconded with them in the night. I am afeared thou must wear just your outer clothing. We must away."

"I guess it can't be helped. Let us away."

The pair moved deeper into the Lost Forest. He knew that on the other side of the forest were small villages and miles of farmland. He felt he might be able to persuade some farmer, perhaps a family, to take her in. It was his only hope. In truth, other than the sex the night before, he considered her a burden and would be glad to be rid of her. He planned to head beyond the grasslands and start a new life away from the castle and the evil Queen.

The pair walked the Huntsman in front, the Princess in back. They were following a game trail when off to their right they heard the nearing sound of movement of a large group of people. A voice cried out, "I see them Captain, ahead on the right!"

Whispering harshly he said to the Princess, "Quick..., this way. We must move with haste. If they catch you the Queen will have thine head!" They ran, but the Princess had been looking back. She missed his turn and was lost as she ran straight ahead, falling into a gully in the forest. Quickly she climbed to her feet. She had to guide to her right as it was the path of least resistance, for the trail seemed to go that way. She attempted to be as quiet as she could, hoping the Captain and his men would not find her.

The White Princess ran and ran. Fear her constant companion. She turned between two large trees, perhaps oak trees, and ran headlong into a hedge. Her fear was massive, for she was stuck, unable to move. Only her ass end stuck out of the brambles as she tried to free herself. She was afraid to move too much for the brambles would cut her arms and hands.

Time passed. Perhaps an hour. The White Princess despaired of ever freeing herself. She had become tired and worried she would fall asleep and either be captured or even worse, she would die due to the elements.

Chapter 2: The Stag

It was near dusk when the Stag and his female companion were traversing the game trail they often used. The trail lead to a small stream where they would quench their thirst. They each gave a quizzical look as they came upon something caught in the row of brambles short of the stream. It was Stag who said to his partner, "Now what is this?"

The female, the Hind responded, "I believe that is a daikini."

The Stag questioned, "Daikini? What is that?"

"You know, a two-legger, The strange animals who ride horses and wear clothing?"

"Ohhh, that is why it moves," replied the Stag. "That is clothing. Now I understand." With that, the Stag used his rack to lift the skirt. A bare human ass was exposed and the Stag then said, "It has a smell. I think it is female."

"Yes, I believe you are correct." The Hind brought her nose to its crack and smelled the animal's opening. The White Princess yelped at the unexpected feel of a wet nose in her ass. "I believe this one has been mounted recently. It appears to be wet and has that smell about it."

"Truly? Let me smell." The Stag brought his nose to the creature's opening and took a deep breath. Once again the White Princess yelped. "Perhaps we should just move on, there might be others nearby."

"That might be true, but I think this creature is stuck in the bramble. She is no threat to us"

"What would you have me do? Please, let us move on."

"Are you so unfeeling you would leave this creature to die of exposure?" With that, the Hind grabbed the animal's skirt, her clothing, and began to pull.

"You are a fool, we will be found and becomes some hunter's meal. Let us move on." The White Princess listened as the animals behind her made noises back and forth. She had no idea what those noises meant, but eventually, she felt her skirt pulled upon as if something were trying to help her get free of her predicament. The Hind refused to quit, so the Stag grabbed a side of the skirt and he too began to pull. Finally, the creature was yanked free of the brambles holding her, and the animal fell disheveled to the ground. Frightened, shocked by her sudden release, the Stag and his companion quickly ran off,

The White Princess gathered her wits in the semi-darkness. She could not see any creature that might have been the animal, but still, she was thankful for the assistance. "I have lost the Huntsman, but still I must be away. I have no idea where the Guards might be, so I must hurry."

Chapter 3: The Dwarves

The White Princess was lost. It was late afternoon, the forest thinning in front of her. Her hopes began to increase as she saw ahead of her that the trees had all but disappeared and grassland spread before her. Unsure of which way to go, she walked straight ahead, away from the trees. Late in the evening the stars shining bright, she came upon a road. The Princess decided to turn left and follow the road in that direction. As fate would have it she came upon a small, picturesque house, surrounded by a picket fence. Even in starlight, she could see a beautiful flower garden in front of the house. Slowly, timidly, she walked up to the gate. "Hullo the house," she called out?"

The Princess called a couple of more times when a small funny looking man came out of the front door. "Who might you be, young lady?"

"I am the White Princess. I am afeared I am lost and would request thine assistance. Mayhap I can earn my keep by cleaning thine home. Though I am not a great cook, I could learn. I need a place to stay for a while."

"Hm, a moment. I will confer with my mates and see what they have to say."

As she was to learn, the dwarf's name is Merry. He walked into the house and told his roommates about the young woman at their front gate. "Who is she? More importantly, is she attractive?" It was Sleazy who asked the question. "I mean we could use one, if you know what I mean? What happened to the last one was unfortunate."

Merry replied, "I do, and she is very attractive. I think she would be a great addition, at least temporarily."

It was Nappy who responded, "Yes, temporarily. I mean we all know what happened to the last one."

It was Cock who responded. "I believe that elf was weak of heart. 'Twas nothing that could have been foreseen."

Fraidy then said, "Mayhap we shouldst not wear this one out, she might last longer. At any rate, we all couldst use a new companion."

Merry then said, "Then we are agreed..., we shall invite her into our home?"

Sleazy then said, "Smelly, Cock, and Grouchy are at the mine. But I think they would agree. Yes, I think she should be invited in."

Merry walked back out of the house and up to the fence. He opened the gate and said to the young woman, "Please, enter. We shall allow thee stay in our home. But, thou must earn thy keep."

"I said as much... That I would help around thine house." Merry did not respond. He escorted the Princess into their abode. The living room, the main room, was small. Only a table and eight chairs fill most of the room. A fireplace to the right. There were two openings from the main room, the room on the right led to a small kitchen and three very small bedrooms. On the left were three more bedrooms, two larger than the other on this side of the house, to accommodate a bed larger than was necessary for the dwarves.

Merry took her to the larger room. "Your clothes appear damaged. Grouchy is our tailor, he can repair them. Not that you will need them, he said under his breath. But, meanwhile, you should remove them and I shall have them cleaned. Thou art also a mess, mayhap thou should be clean."

"'Tis a long story. Have thee a bath?"

"When the weather is clear we have one out back. I will have water heated for you to bathe. Meanwhile, thou canst remove thine clothing."

Embarrassed she asked, "Have you anything I can wear temporarily?"

"I am afeared not. But, worry not, thou wilt become used to being without clothing in front of us. There are eight of us, by the way. We live two to a room with two extra for guests, but this room will be yours alone. At least for the time being. In truth, as thou wilt learn, that thou wilt leave it very little. Your job will take place in this room. Mayhap you will last longer than the previous tenant. We had to bu..., I mean she left a while ago. 'Twill be good to have a woman in the house."

Blushing profusely, the Princess removed her clothes, crossing her breasts with one arm, and covering her kitty with the other. Merry smiled to himself as he left the room and took her clothing and dropped it on the bed in the room Grouchy shared with Cock. It was a few minutes later that Sleazy came to her room. He said to her, "The bath outside is ready, follow me, young lady."

Very embarrassed, the White Princess followed Sleazy to the backyard. Just beyond the door on the right, opposite a vegetable garden, there was a bath with steam floating above the larger-than-expected bathtub. She quickly climbed into the bath to hide her body beneath the bubbles. Suds had been added to the bath.

The White Princess luxuriated in the bath for longer than she had ever done in the past. Eventually, she realized she had to leave the bath and called out for a towel. To her surprise, it was another dwarf who exited the back door and brought her a towel. "I am Cock. Here is your towel. Thou shouldst head to thy room, as you will need to begin your job."

She was about to ask what her job was but decided against it. She would find out soon enough. She walked into the room and began to dry her hair as best she could with a towel. "Have you a brush, Cock? Why is that thy name, may I ask sir?"

"You will learn soon enough," he said. She thought that mayhap he had a smirk on his face, but she could not gauge why he had that look. "My lady, I shall see if I canst find a brush. The previous tenant used one, I am sure it is around here somewhere."

After a few minutes, another Dwarf then entered the room the dwarves had assigned her. "My name is Grouchy. Please, no comments. Words about my name hath been voiced to me often. Here is a brush. Please make it quick, we care little for how your hair looks. In a few minutes, thou shalt be put to work. Hast thou eaten?"

"I could use some food, sir. I have not eaten but some bread for days."

Growling under his breath, angry at another delay he responded, "Fine, I shall bring thee a meal. Please stay here I shall return anon." The White Princess lay in the bed, pulling the sheet and blanket around her naked body. Just as promised, in a very few minutes, Grumpy brought her a plate with cheese and bread. Also a bowl of steaming and surprisingly good meat stew of some type. With a glass of mead, she ate all the food and finished the drink quickly. Grouchy watched her as she ate every morsel. It was a bit disconcerting to have him watch her, but it did make her eat faster than she normally would. It seemed they were impatient with her.