The Wicked Stepmother Act 02


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Now the icy cold mist of her daddy's hands is stroking up and down her bare arms, and then over to her bare tummy, slithering this way and that, raising goosebumps wherever it goes. Missy's hand has slipped out of her daughter's panties, and joining her other hand, is moving slowly upwards.

The utter warmth of Missy's hands is in extreme contrast to the coldness of the other unreal hands of her daddy's. Missy brings her mouth back to Ellie's and they start kissing once more just as both her mommy's and daddy's hands are hovering mere inches away from the soft rise of Ellie's young breasts, protected only by her skimpy little strapless bra.

As Missy's looks down she sees the first wisps of her daddy's misty hands slip down the front and under the protective covering of her bra. The coldness on her tits is acute as Ellie's ultra-sensitive nipples immediately stiffen from the chilliness.

"You know Ellie he has been dreaming of playing with those little nice little tits of yours for so long, and now it's finally almost here. I bet even more so now does he want to fondle them since I have made them so God-damn big and juicy just for him. I don't think I have ever seen his eyes burn so brightly with such desire, but it's too soon." Missy says forcefully pulling Ellie backward.

Being yanked backward causes Ellie's eyes to fly open and she sees Missy is correct, as her daddy's eyes in the wavering, unsettled face of mist burn a bright, bright red as the vaporous hands slip out from under her bra and reattach themselves to his body.

"I agree. Give the little bitch some more wine before we begin our assault on those luscious tits of hers." The misty form of her daddy announces with quiet satisfaction.

Much to her surprise, for some reason Ellie, as she greedily drinks down the wine offered by Missy, does not mind her daddy calling her a "little bitch" anymore, but instead finds being referred to in such a cheap way to be rather exciting.

No sooner does Ellie finish gulping down a full glass of the wine, then she sees the smoky tendrils of her daddy's hand stealthily approaching her chest. Missy brings her hands into the action now, as she too begins a soft attack upon her step-daughter's body. She starts by kneading her shoulders softly before letting her hands slip off and down the front of her chest.

Ellie's sighs as she feels one set of hands, her mommy's, sweet and warm, slipping down towards her tits from her shoulders, while the other set of hands, her daddy's cold and...almost calculating it seems, slowly rising across the flat plain of her well-toned tummy.

Ellie is scared and excited all at the same time. Like some kind of mad dream she simply can't believe this is happening; that she is about to be felt up by her mommy and daddy, with her hands helplessly tied behind her back.

The whole thing seems so surreal and unbelievable. But as both hands finally converge on her tits the experience turns very real as Ellie feels her mom and dad's hands, touching, stroking, feeling, fingering, and most especially, fondling those young virgin tits of hers through the soft delicate lace of her beautiful strapless bra.

Ellie has, of course, despite being 20 years old, has never had her tits felt up before, so the feeling of having them fondled is a most alien one to her. An alien one she is beginning to enjoy more and more, especially Missy's warm gentle hands softly kneading her tits through her bra.

Even through the bra she can feel how warm her mom's hands are; how they stand out in direct contrast to her daddy's icy cold fingers, which seems to be concentrating their efforts on stroking her bare skin, with its thin wispy fingers, just above her bra.

Ellie, stares at her daddy deep fiery eyes, trying to connect those eyes to the soft innocent eyes she remembers from her childhood. It's a hopeless task as she sees no innocence in those eyes whatsoever.

Finally, tearing her eyes from staring at the two fiery points of red, she sees something that causes sparks of wonder in her innocent heart. Breaking away from the body of the incarnate spirit form that is her daddy, Ellie sees a pair of misty strands of vapor escape from his body reaching out towards her chest, before slipping behind to her back.

Missy at the same time brings both of her hands up to Ellie's face, turning it towards her own, saying softly, "Shut your eyes sweetheart the best is yet to come."

Ellie reluctantly obeys her mother, shutting her eyes, despite wanting desperately to keep them open. She is simply wants to be able to keep an eye on what that damnable ghostly spirit that hovers directly in front of her shall do next.

She is afraid indeed, but yet, somehow thrilled, all at the same time as to this little ghostly adventure of hers. It's Missy's smooth, hypnotizing voice that causes her to relax and close her eyes. She wonders about this, maybe if Missy has placed some sort of spell over her, just as she feels Missy's lips softly kissing hers, while also feeling a pair of icy cold fingers tracing small circles around the middle of her back, just above and below her bra strap.

Ellie can feel both of her mommy's hands on either side of her face holding it gently as she kisses her so soft and sweet over and over again, so she knows that the fingers now fumbling with the clasp of her bra, trying to undo it, can't be Missy's, but instead must be her father's.

This somehow thrills her beyond all else, as she can clearly picture in her mind, the wispy tendrils wrapping themselves around the clasp of her bra, trying to unhook it. A rush of excitement fills her young heart as she, despite knowing the implications if those wispy tendrils succeed in their task, hopes secretly to feel the clasp of her bra being slowly unhooked. And then within a few short seconds of that forbidden thought popping into her head, it happens- she feels her bra becoming undone.

Missy breaks off her kiss, letting Ellie's face escape so she can witness her sexy little strapless bra slowly being released from her body. It slips down off her prodigious tits and floats to the carpet at her feet.

Missy stares down at her young daughter tits and lets out a gasp at what she sees. Ellie's fully erect nipples appear to be as thick, and as hard as pencil erasers. Rather large pencil erasers that is. "Jesus master, would you look at the size of your daughter's nipples- they are so...delicious looking."

While the areolas themselves are not particularly large in circumference, its Ellie's very thick, fully erect nipples, nearly an inch or so long, that steal the show. Her daughter's nipples, sitting atop her huge tits, jutting out so proudly, like a pair of dark crown jewels atop a pile of shiny black diamonds, cause Missy to lick her lips in wicked anticipation.

What happens next is like a dream, as Ellie sees two large misty blobs break off from her daddy's spirit body, and make a bee line, one towards each of her naked breasts. The swirling misty blobs envelope her chest completely; swirling round her tits in a swirling wicked vortex. Ellie lets out a small gasp as it feels like her big tits are being showered with dozens of small light kisses. Kisses given so sweetly by dozens of small eager lips under that gray mist.

The mist, of course, is cold making her delicious nipples protrude for all their worth, not only from the soft kisses, but from the chill of the mist. Ellie closes her eyes, pushing her body back against her mother's warmth, while thrusting her chest forward wanting more of the mist's eager little kisses.

Missy looks down and over her daughter shoulders, staring at her large breasts, with keen anticipation, watching the swirling mass of the mist finally break up into two long thin wisps. "Open your eyes Ellie and watch your daddy play," Missy whispers in her ear.

Ellie opens her eyes to see the two long strands of gray mist curl themselves gently around her fully erect nipples, caressing them with a sweet coldness that causes her heart to race with excitement. The feeling this causes, her nipples being stroked by the wisps as they curl about her inch long nipples, is so maddeningly exquisite as to defy description. It's a lethal combination of both pain and pleasure the likes of which Ellie has never experienced before in her 20 years.

She is starting to worry as the coldness that surrounds her poor nipples is getting quite acute. The pain is starting to suppress the pleasure in leaps and bounds. Then she watches in stark utter amazement as a thin layer of white frost begins to form over her dark nipples. She is starting to worry about frost bite, knowing how painful it can be, wondering if that is some sort of wicked punishment her daddy has in store for her. Could her daddy really intentionally be that mean to her?

Her poor tits feel like two blocks of ice as other thicker strands of vapor break off from his body, and begin to wrap themselves around the lower parts of her tits. She is barely holding back the tears when she looks down, and sees the two thin wisps of mist that originally were attacking her nipples have disappeared. She can scarcely believe what else she sees as the entirety of her tits are now covered in a light mist, all except her large distended nipples, which, much like a pair of majestic mountain peaks might poke through a thin layering of low lying clouds, poke up through the layering of misty gray vapor that covers her breasts.

"Let's see just how much cold the little bitch's nipples can take shall we Master," Ellie hears her step mother say, her voice devoid of the usual warmth she had been displaying to her as of late.

"Yes lets..."comes her father's voice as she sees the mist man's face sinking lower drawing nearer to her tits. She tries to squirm away but Missy hisses harshly in her ear, "Relax, be still or I shall lift my spell of protection."

She then drops her voice where it has that soothing quietness to it that comforts Ellie so and adds, "You wouldn't want those beautiful big tits of yours getting the painful frostbite now would you Ellie," she says stroking the side of her face gently with one finger.

"No mommy," Ellie says relaxing in her arms, as she at least knows that despite how much cold her daddy heaps upon her tits she won't get frostbite. Well, that is as long as Missy protects her.

She is beginning to view her evil step-mother as somewhat of a protector of sorts over her, which is exactly the way Missy has planned things to work out all along.

Unknown to Ellie, it is the wicked stepmother who is actually in control of things, not the ghostly apparition type thing that is her father. The whole thing of Missy calling her daddy master, and appearing to be so obedient to him is merely a ploy to trick Ellie.

The wide gaping blackness that represents her daddy's mouth in the unformed face is now a mere foot or so away from Ellie's protruding nipples. Ellie watches, her eyes as big as a deer's caught in headlights, as two small ringlets of mist escape from his mouth as the apparition laughs quietly; it's a laugh full of ill intent Ellie imagines as she watches the ringlets approach her nipples and then surround them.

They start to move slowly up and down, causing Ellie to gasp from the absolute coldness of them as they begin to tighten around her inch long nipples. Like all things this night the pain of the coldness is accompanied by an underlying layer of undeniable pleasure.

Ellie squirms mightily in her step- mother's arms, as Missy holds her tight, her warm hands wrapped around her mid-section. She begins to whisper in her ear, "You have very sensitive nipples I imagine huh Ellie girl."

"Yes Mom...t-they are...Jesus that c-cold...

"Hmm I imagine so...but good also hmm. Admit it ..."

"Y-yes." Ellis is shivering uncontrollably now as the ringlets are swirling around her nipples in tighter and tighter circles causing Ellie the most intense feelings of mixed pain and pleasure she has ever known in her young life.

Ellie closes her eyes, leans her head against her mother's shoulder, as disjointed thoughts swirl in her head much like the mist swirling around her nipples. She wants more; no she wants it to stop. Her feelings are fragmented and incoherent, as well as being at odds with each other.

"Just a bit longer honey we are almost there..." Missy whispers in her ear.

"P-please M-Mommy I...I c-can't take any...more," Ellie cries out as tears begin to spill out of her eyes. Her legs are growing weak and she is on the verge of collapsing when Missy says quietly, "I think that is enough Master, the poor girl can't take any more."

"Sure she can," comes the response from her daddy, his voice deep and without feeling. The swirling mist, if anything, around her nipples intensifies as does the coldness. Ellie knees are beginning to buckle when she hears Missy say loudly, "I said enough!!"

Ellie opens her eyes just in time to see her step-mother wave one hand in the air, while saying something in Old Latin, and suddenly with a loud popping noise the mist is gone entirely; not just the ringlets surrounding her nipples, not just the light covering of mist that enveloped her tits, but her daddy's whole entire misty body disappears.

Missy and Ellie are alone in the living room now. Somehow Ellie knows this even as she whispers, her voice shivering, "Where is Daddy?"

"I sent him away...for now honey. Come let's get you over to the couch, so you can sit and rest." As Missy helps her across the room to the couch Ellie glances down at her poor aching breasts and her breath catches in her throat. Large ice crystals have formed over her nipples, while the rest of her breasts seem to be covered in a light layer of frost.

Missy gently sits her daughter down on the edge of the couch, letting her rest for a minute, while she settle down next to her. Missy eyes Ellie's big beautiful black tits, with it icy layer of frost covering them, in addition to the large ice crystals that have formed over those luscious nipples. Her heart breaks knowing, despite her protection spell, that poor little Ellie is still suffering mightily from the coldness wrapped around her tits.

She reaches up with one finger and strokes the side of Ellie's face, before gently brushing away a tear that is trickling its way down her pretty face. "I-I'm cold M-mommy," Ellie says not actually trying to sound pitiful for once to garner her mommy's attention, but instead really is feeling quite pitiful with no additional acting necessary.

"Oh baby, sweetheart do you want Mommy to warm those big beautiful boobs of yours up."

"Yes please Mommy, warm them up pretty please," Ellie says batting her thick long eyelashes at her.

"Ok, let's see what Mommy can do for you." Missy says moving around so she is sitting behind her on the coach.

She snuggles her face down next to Ellie's ear so she can whisper sweet nothings to her as she begins the long, slow, and most delightful warming process.

Ellie feels her stepmother, wrap her hands around her stomach and slowly begin to glide her hands upwards, before finally gently cupping her large tits, one in each of her warm hands.

No sooner does Missy have her stepdaughter's tits in her hands, then she quickly pulls them away, as the sheer coldness of them catches her off guard. She quickly chants softly, again using her Old Latin, to project a warming spell onto her hands as Ellie, scared as to why her step-mother pulled her hands back, asks quietly, "What is wrong you don't like the way my boobies feel?"

"No, no baby that is not it at all. Have patience, I just have to project all the heat my body produces into my hands as your poor little tits are just that cold. Can't you see the light covering of frost upon them?"

"Yes," Ellie says looking down as the frost, a pure white, stands out in direct contrast to the darker color underneath. "But please hurry."

"I like that honey..." Missy says pushing her mouth to Ellie's ear, "Is just so anxious to have Mommy begin to play with her big black tits. Just be patient dear as I can feel the heat growing in my hands as we speak."

"Mother can I ask you a question seriously." There has been something on Ellie's mind, and it's been growing all night. Finally, she decides it's time to ask.

"Sure baby we have a quick minute to kill before we start the warming process."

" you mind that your baby girl is black. I mean does that make me like...I don't know, less attractive than if you had a white girl to baby and play with?"

"Ellie why would you say something like that?"

"I don't know maybe just the way you have mentioned my race a few times tonight. Like maybe my being black is a disappointment to you."

Missy turns Ellie's face towards her with one finger whispering, "Now listen to me close hon. I simply adore you, just the way you are and I very much think black is beautiful. Just to ease your mind from now on listen close and you will notice how every time I say something about, ahh just for example, those gorgeous tits of yours being black I will also use the word beautiful. Black and beautiful are two words that apply to you most assuredly sweetie."

"Really so you would not trade me in for some stupid pretty white daughter if you could."

"I would not trade you in for anything Ellie. Don't you realize that by now?"

"Y-you wouldn't?" Ellie says as their lips move closer together.

"Here let me show you."

They begin a long slow kiss, unhurriedly and full of nothing, but gentle love. Instead of shoving her tongue into Ellie's mouth like before, all full of reckless passion, Missy this time goes slow, only flicking her tongue slowly in and out of her stepdaughter's mouth.

Ellie responds to the gentle love her step-mommy is showing her by doing the same. Finally, Missy pulls away, staring at Ellie deep in the eyes as she says softly, "Now it's time for mommy to show her little girl how much she really adores those big, beautiful black boobs of hers by warming them up so gently." Missy makes sure she puts extra emphasis on the words black and beautiful in order to help reassure Ellie.

Ellie lets out a long, gentle sigh as she feels the warmth of her mother's hands as she once again cups her boobs in her hands. This time Missy's extra warm hands do not pull away from her stepdaughter's lovely tits, but instead she bounces them up and down in her hands a bit, as she secretly admires what a lovely job her little magic spell did on her boobs making them so much bigger.

Unlike with a man-made boob job, Missy's wicked little spell produces 100 percent real breasts. Such is the magic of this incredibly horny witch. Missy begins to slowly fondle her breasts, squeezing her young stepdaughter's breasts with ever increasingly passion.

Ellie looks down and sees the frost being burned away by Missy warm and loving hands. Loving too is the words Missy begins to utter quietly in Ellie's ear, "Your mother's hands are so warm huh on your beautiful black tits. See baby, how I keep using the words beautiful and black together, just to reassure you sweetie that I would never trade you in for any stupid little white girl."

And then to add emphasize to what she says, she turns Ellie's face towards her and gives her another long, slow loving kiss, as her hands are really going to work on her tits.

Ellie is the one to break off the kiss this time as she feels compelled to tell her something. "All this time I thought you hated me coz I was black, plus the way you called me a bitch several times tonight, a whore, a tramp, I just was thinking how much you really despise me."

"You were right." Missy says pulling her hands away. "I was despising you..."