The Widow's Club Ch. 03

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Millie subverts her punishment and Dotty receives a warning.
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Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/25/2020
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[This chapter follows on closely from the previous chapters of "The Widow's Club". for a more satisfying read, it would be best to read chapters 1 & 2 before proceeding.

This story has many aspects and could have also been listed under the Mature and BDSM categories, among others. It has some references to bodily functions, so if that bothers you, I suggest you read no further. All characters in this story are well over 18 years old.]

The following morning, Dotty and Millie were sitting and chatting in Dotty's breakfast nook over a tasty spread of tea, scones, and hard boiled eggs, plus a special treat of bubbly Mimosas. It was a celebration of sorts for Mildred's initiation into the secret world of dominance and submission, and her accepting Malcolm as her new Master.

"Millie, I was very impressed with how you embraced the opportunity and dove right in yesterday! Not without a bit of coaxing, of course," Dotty smiled, "but you soon seized the moment and let your dreams come true! I was very proud of you. Except, of course, for staining my living room carpet!"

"Dotty, I am so sorry. I'll do whatever you want me to do, to set things straight. I had no intention to squirt and pee all over the place, but I'm new to such experiences and I didn't realize that the intensity of spanking and paddling my bum would make me lose control. But it felt so good. Oh, I don't know. I was trying to be a good girl, honest!"

Mildred sighed and cast her gaze downward in humiliation. Things had been going so well, and then she had lost control, not once but twice, and spurted her intimate fluids all over Dotty's carpet. Just as her dreams were coming true, she had experienced her worst nightmare.

"There, there." Dotty patted her dear friend's hand. "No harm done that a good steam-cleaning can't rectify. It's not the first time that my carpet has been soiled with bodily fluids, believe me. The rug cleaners have been out here so often, that I've practically put them on retainer!

"I'll just have to call again, and don't worry, I'll cover the expense, as I must admit that I was wielding the paddle when you came so magnificently and just let your bladder go." Dotty had a look of magnanimous compassion for her tenant's plight, though she also gave her a mischievous grin.

"All I request is that you greet the rug cleaner at the door when he calls, explain to him what happened, and witness the cleaning. Oh, and do so in a maid's uniform that I will provide. Can you manage that for me?"

Mildred was immediately grateful for such a modest request, and at the same time was certain that it would not be quite so simple. She had a hunch that Dotty would play it for her maximum embarrassment and humiliation. She dreaded the task, but she also suspected that it would arouse her, whether she resisted it or not. In a very short time, Dotty had come to know her cravings all too well, and Mildred felt that her submission to her urgent desires was being guided not only by her Master Malcolm, but by her mentor Dotty.

* * *

The doorbell rang and Mildred knew it was the rug cleaner. He was right on time and so was she, in a manner of speaking. Earlier that morning, Dotty had presented her with a black and white maid's uniform, fashioned to present maximum cleavage and minimum coverage of her panties and buttocks. It was entirely inappropriate in any circumstance other than one of sexual fantasy and role play.

Mildred answered the door and gestured the rug cleaner in. He was a burly fellow tugging a turbo cleaner behind him, and sporting a "can do" attitude. He was well aware that he and his co-workers had labeled Dorothy's residence "the House of Incontinence." He had no idea what went on here, but it somehow seemed to require the regular steam cleaning of rugs that had been despoiled by urine and feces.

He stared at Millie the Maid and grunted his inquiry. "What's happened and what needs cleaning?"

Mildred attempted to answer him with as much dignity as she could muster.

"This room's carpet needs a thorough cleaning, as I lost control yesterday and befouled it. I'm so sorry." Mildred struggled to maintain a calm demeanor, but her face had flushed to a bright crimson hue.

The cleaner smirked and answered. "Not a problem, M'am. Just point me to the worst area and I'll work outwards from there."

Mildred pointed him to the site of her helpless expulsions and then retired to a chair at the far end of the room to witness the proceedings. As Dotty had carefully instructed, she sat with her feet positioned together in their black pumps, but her lovely legs spread out from ankle to knee in a "V", and her short dress and apron stretched tautly across her thighs, allowing shadowy glimpses of her white cotton granny panties.

Dotty had devised this as a means to embarrass her friend, and that it did. But it also titillated her and she wondered if the cleaner would take the bait. Alas, he seemed intent on his work and oblivious to her undies on display. The turbo steam cleaner made a deafening racket and Mildred used its noise and the cleaner's indifference as a daring opportunity to play a little game.

She imagined as he worked that he was naked and displaying his muscles and his private parts. She felt her pussy begin to moisten and knew a wet stain would be spreading up and down her crotch. Sliding her fingers inside her panties was not a wise idea, she realized. But perhaps she could tease herself with little spanks to her white cotton-covered puss. She glanced over and the cleaner was facing away from her, and, in her imagination, nakedly displaying his butt crack to her.

Furtively, she gave her cunt a dainty whack. Oh! That felt good, but far too weak. She stiffened her fingers into a little flesh paddle and struck again. Ouch! That was more like it. More of that, please! Smack, smack, smack! Ouch, ouch, ouch! This had a spicy edge of risk to it. Why, he could look her way at any moment, and catch the maid spanking her twat and emitting little cries. She became caught up in the naughty game and squirmed in arousal.

However, someone was watching Mildred's erotic self abuse and it wasn't the cleaner. Dotty was standing just back from the arch between the living room and the kitchen. She was attired in a floor-length sleeveless black gown that might as well have been sheer, as it fit her form so well that it left little to the imagination. Her black stilettos gave her a commanding stature, while her full head of dark grey hair was pulled back tightly in a ponytail. She could clearly see her maid's antics and she did not look amused. Millie had turned what Dotty had intended as a humiliating exercise of penance into a sexy schoolgirl-like prank of narcissistic self-indulgence!

* * *

Once the rug was cleaned, the cleaner left after telling Millie that the cleaning bill would be added to Dotty's account. Mildred felt a little guilty that she had diverted her light 'punishment' for yesterday's messes into a naughty game, but no one seemed the wiser. The cleaner was oblivious and she'd neither seen nor heard any sign of Dotty.

However, once she went off in search of her dear friend, she found her simmering in the breakfast nook, looking very intimidating and not well-pleased.

"Uh oh," Mildred said to herself. "I may have gotten myself into even hotter water."

"So, my dear," Dotty greeted her. "Did you enjoy your little cunt-spanking escapade while the rug was being cleaned?"

Mildred was at a loss for words. She hung her head and stood before Dotty with a crestfallen posture, her little hands clasped together in a gesture of hopeless prayer. Tears welled up in her downcast eyes and began to drip down her cheeks. She brought her hands to her face to cover her shame and wept softly. Dotty just glowered silently.

Finally, at the end of her rope, Mildred looked up and faced her inquisitor. She sniffled and rubbed her dripping nose.

"I'm so very sorry, Dotty! I guess I just don't know what I'm doing. I thought that I was supposed to accept my desires and cravings and let them free! Master seemed to reward me for doing so, though I did deserve that paddling for squirting all over his privates."

"Yes, go on," Dotty said evenly.

"But it is hard to know how I should behave in his absence. I can't imagine going a whole week without his love and guidance. If we can just solve that, maybe I can be a good girl for both you and him!"

Dotty softened her expression and gestured for Mildred to seat herself beside her in the breakfast nook. She gently grasped Millie's head between her outstretched hands and brought it to her generous bosom. She patted her and murmured cooing sounds, like a mama pigeon to her chick.

"Let me confer with Malcolm and see what he suggests. I understand your confusion. I experienced something similar when I was beginning to explore this world. Perhaps no one is to blame. We are just trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together and they keep moving around. I'm sorry if I overreacted. But really, my dear, one has to show a little self-control. You can't just go from repressed widow to utter trollop in one day's time. It isn't all or nothing. Let's see what we can work out."

* * *

Somewhat comforted, Mildred went off to her cottage for a little nap and a change of clothes. Dotty rang up Malcolm for a meeting of the minds. After recounting the whole sequence of events following the previous day's initiation of Precious and the associated messes, Dotty described her 'punishment' for Millie and the rather mixed results.

Malcolm was less than thrilled with how things had turned out. He was inclined to cut 'Precious' plenty of slack, as she was an utter newcomer to the world of submission. Dotty's "maid" punishment for her was fine, as far as it went, but it had clearly not been explained sufficiently to Mildred and the mixed signals had tossed the whole scenario into the crapper.

"Dotty, my pet, listen closely, as I do not want to be misunderstood. I understand that Mildred feels like she needs daily guidance between her weekly sessions with me, and I am deputizing you to provide that. But, I do not want you to take that as permission to run roughshod over her delicate sensibilities. If I get any sense that you are exploiting her for your own depraved desires, or punishing her for reasons of your own devising, you will suffer mightily for it, I promise. I am not prohibiting that you may enjoy pleasure together, but you should cater to her needs, not just make her serve your own selfish desires. I have not forgotten the Billington Incident, and you had best not forget it either.

"And one last thing," Malcolm outlined to Dotty. "You are, in all cases, commanded to give 'Precious' the benefit of the doubt over anything she is accused of or seems to have done. Until I tell you otherwise, she is to be treated with kid gloves."

This was not entirely what Dotty wanted to hear, but it gave her enough leeway - at least as she interpreted it - to continue grooming Millie as a submissive and widening her horizons. The 'poor girl', as Malcolm referred to Mildred at one point, had so much potential that Dotty hungered to bring forth. In homage to Millie's naughtiness earlier that day, she gave her own twat a stinging swat and allowed herself a grunt of pleasure.

* * *

When Millie showed up for afternoon tea, both she and Dotty had changed back into their usual summer dress attire. Their 'girl talk' resumed, as if their earlier tiff had never happened. Once again, Dotty was gently drawing out her dear friend with little questions.

"So, tell me Mil, have you ever 'been' with another woman?"

Mildred gave her mentor a look of mortification and quickly shook her head. "Really now, Dotty! How can you ask such things?"

"Oh, tut tut! It has only been a few weeks since you moved in and we are still just getting to know each other. Are you telling me that in your rich fantasy life, you never considered doing naughty things with another woman?" Dotty gave her friend a look of skeptical disbelief.

"Welll, nooooo," Mildred confessed. "When I was younger, and just graduated from high school, the older teens in our neighborhood used to play 'Doctor' and we enjoyed inspecting and probing each other's, er, privates. I sometimes think of those days and fantasize what it would be like to do it as a 58 year old adult instead of an 18 year old."

"Oh, Millie! That's so cute!" Dotty exclaimed, licking her lips. "I should mention that I had a little conversation with Malcolm while you were napping, and he deputized me to look after you when he wasn't present. So, now you have a Master and a Mistress!" Dotty beamed. "You don't have to call me 'Mistress' if that doesn't feel right, but I am now charged with helping you to manifest your fantasies and cravings in your Master's absence. And I'm to set you straight when you misbehave."

Mildred's eyes lit up and she gave a happy squeal. This was just too good! Dotty had brought her Malcolm and it had been surrender at first sight. And now, Malcolm had brought her Dotty, so to speak, and she hoped that she would provide the guidance she needed on a daily basis between Malcolm's visits. The prospect of submitting to her dear friend was intriguing, although a bit unnerving.

Dotty clearly had a temper when provoked, of a sort that Malcolm had not yet displayed. Her Master had enveloped her in a field of warmth and love and indulgence. She'd trusted him almost as soon as they'd met. But Dotty? Millie considered her a dear friend and her mentor, but she was a bit rattled by Dotty's reaction to her innocent little game of chance with the oblivious rug cleaner. What if Dotty persuaded her to confess her most extreme fantasies and then set about making those come true? 'Careful what you wish for', she thought to herself.

"Cat got your tongue, my dear?" Dotty smiled sweetly. "You've become awfully quiet. I didn't mean to unsettle you. I'm just trying to help you uncover other repressed desires that would feel so good for you to admit. I can't believe that you haven't been curious about tasting love with another woman. Come now, let's play 'Doctor'! I'll show you mine if you show me yours!"

[If you enjoyed this story, a high rating and favoriting would be greatly appreciated and inspire me to continue with my stories here. Comments of a positive or constructive nature are also welcome. A greatly appreciate everyone who has already shown their support.]

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Love your stories

I love your stories can't wait till next chapter

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