The Widows of Willoughby Close Ch. 03


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Phoebe told me later that she had at least three orgasms that evening. One while I was licking her cunt out and two more as I held her down and fucked her on the bed. I know I was stupendously turned on. In some ways more aroused than I was with Julia, or when I was fucking Jasminder's arse. There was something so erotic about the idea of a quiet, unassuming, middle-class, middle-aged lady with these unfulfilled and dark desires, suddenly blossoming into a sexy and uninhibited woman. I slowed right down and concentrated on finding Phoebe's mouth in the dark and kissing her but my balls started tingling and I felt an unstoppable climax well in my loins and blossom throughout my body and I cried out, 'Oh, God, Phoebe!' as I came for the second time into her tight fuck hole, my cock pumping sperm inside her.

After the sensations had died away I felt sated and lethargic. I also felt a deep tenderness for my lover and I gathered her into my arms and I held her for a long time and kissed the top of her head and stroked her skin and I whispered in her ear how fantastic it had been for me and she started sobbing quietly and I held her until her tears had passed.

Sometime after that I fell asleep, and I assume Phoebe did too. She was still in the bed when I woke up at seven-thirty on Sunday morning. I lay staring at the ceiling, listening to the faint sounds of surf on the beach a hundred yards from the house, and it occurred to me that not once the previous evening had I thought about Julia, or Jasminder. Phoebe's latent sexuality had taken me completely unawares and had consumed my attention and my desires. And it occurred to me also as I lay there that Sunday morning that I didn't want to wait until a week on Saturday before she and I indulged in coitus again. I wanted her sooner than that. Much sooner.

Breakfast was a bit of a stilted affair for us when we eventually got out of bed. Phoebe seemed shy after last night's activities and confessions and hardly spoke at all. But in the hall, as I took my leave, she clung to me like a drowning person and pulled my head down to her face and kissed my lips and neck and cheeks, still in her dressing gown.

'It's horrid to think that I'll have to wait two weeks before we can do this again,' she muttered, echoing my thoughts, her head pressed into my chest.

'What if I came around in the week, Wednesday, say?'

Phoebe looked up at me with shining eyes. 'Would you?'

'Yes,' I said. 'Why not.'

'What would Julia say?' she asked, quietly.

Well, that was a good question. Clearly Julia and I didn't have an exclusive relationship. In fact my first nights with my other neighbours had very much been at Julia's behest. We hadn't discussed the scenario whereby I had access to Phoebe or Jasminder whenever the fancy took me. It was a heady thought and something I needed to discuss with her.

I gave Phoebe a final kiss and walked up to my house at the top of the close.

Julia rang my doorbell later that afternoon, as I was putting my decorating equipment away and wondering what I was going to have for dinner. I opened the door and she was standing there in a black silk blouse and a black, pencil skirt and her dyed blonde hair was freshly washed and shining and her make-up was perfect and her stockings were black and seamed and her nails were a deep carmine and her scent blew in through the door and I almost fainted with desire, all thoughts of Phoebe temporarily put on hold. Which, I realised later, had probably been Julia's intention.

I invited her in and opened a bottle of Merlot and while she sat in the lounge and sipped the dark-red wine I showered and changed into chinos and a loose shirt. Then I joined her on my settee.

We clinked glasses and she gave me a little enigmatic smile, like the Mona Lisa.

'Go on then, James, tell me all about last night.'

I was strangely reluctant, it felt like a betrayal, but eventually I told her the bare bones of what had happened, omitting such details as me suggesting spanking and bondage. Julia listened carefully, with that little smile.

'Yes, she's quite something when you get her properly aroused, and it certainly sounds as if you did.'

She sipped her wine then put down the glass and stood up.

'I've got a lovely idea. Let's take the rest of this wine to bed and while you make love to me I'll tell you all about what Jasminder and I got up to last night and what she said about you.'

I stood up then and Julia came into my arms and I felt her silky blouse and the soft press of her breasts against my chest and we kissed and I tasted the sweet stickiness of her lipstick and I smelled her scent and I became light-headed with desire and I took her by the hand and gently led her to my bedroom.

Inside, she allowed me to undress her, slowly and carefully, lingering on her bra before releasing her heavy, grapefruit sized breasts with their thimble shaped nipples, crinkled and darkly pink. Finally I knelt before her and slipped her french knickers down with a rustle over her seamed stockings and she stood before me naked save for her stockings and garter belt and her three-inch heels and I put my face to her shaven pussy and inhaled her scent.

Then it was my turn and Julia stripped me equally slowly, pausing to kiss my chest and nipples and run her hands over my shoulders and pectoral muscles. Then she took my chinos down and my Y-fronts with them and my erect penis sprang up into her face and she grasped it with her red-tipped fingers and took my bulbous head into her mouth and looked up at me from her kneeling position as she slowly, and sensuously sucked my cock into her mouth, taking four or five inches into her, gripping the shaft lower down with her long fingers.

I kicked off my trousers and underpants and Julia stood and we got onto my bed and came together in a long and passionate kiss and I felt an overwhelming love for this gorgeous elderly lady who gave herself so willingly to me. We kissed for long minutes, mouths working, tongues writhing, tasting each other's spittle, stroking and caressing, breasts, vulva, stomach, thighs...

'Go down on me please, James,' she breathed eventually.

She parted her long, luscious legs, encased in black nylon, and I knelt between her shapely thighs and lowered my head slowly and reverently to her sixty-eight-year-old labia, swollen and puffy with desire, slightly open, an enticing wet pinkness inside. I nuzzled her lips and ran my tongue up her slit and Julia shivered and gripped the duvet with white knuckled hands. I sucked on her labia and licked her bud in its little hood and slid a finger into her vagina and Julia mewled with pleasure and wriggled her hips, opening her legs and raising them, tilting her pussy, exposing her perineum with its dark, knotted sphincter.

'Jasminder did that to me last night, James,' she said, huskily.

I slurped up my lovers secretions, tasting her musk and the slipperiness of her cunt juices. Julia writhed and moaned, her eyes shut, mouth open, a dab of spittle on her chin.

'She put her finger in my bottom, James,' breathed Julia. 'Would you like to do that too?'

I took my middle finger from her cunt, sticky with her juices, and slid the tip down her perineum to her anus. Julia gasped as I slowly pushed my finger past her sphincter and into her rectum, as far as it would go, feeling her muscle ring squeeze my digit. Then she gave a deep groan as a climax washed over her.

I let her orgasm subside then I knelt up and penetrated her with a long thrust, supporting myself on my elbows as I fucked my iron-hard cock in and out of her pussy, kissing her face and lips and throat, whispering in her ear that I loved her.

'I love you too, darling,' she said softly, wrapping her arms around me and urging me into her by digging her painted nails into my flesh. 'And I think if you keep fucking Jasminder like you did last Saturday, she'll fall in love with you too,' she added with a smile.

I had a sudden memory of pushing my rigid penis into Jasminder's anus as she braced herself against a chest of drawers and this vision tipped me over the edge and I came with a stifled cry, pumping great gouts of spunk into Julia's cunt.

Afterwards we lay together, sipping our wine.

'Jas couldn't stop talking about you,' smiled Julia. 'You obviously hit her sweet spot.'

I said nothing. I wasn't sure if Jasminder would have admitted to Julia that I'd fucked her arse, and if not, I didn't want to break that confidence. Although it did fleetingly occur to me that such a discussion, once embarked upon, might lead to Julia allowing me her anus.

'Were you surprised by Phoebe?' she asked.

'Yes,' I admitted. 'I suppose I was expecting... well, you know...'

'You were expecting Phoebe to be dull and unresponsive,' laughed Julia.

'Yes,' I agreed, 'and she was terrific.'

'In what way?'

'Oh don't make me spell it out, Julia, that wouldn't be fair to Phoebe.'

'Yes, you're right of course.'

'It does raise a point, though,' I said slowly, 'about the exclusivity of our relationship.'

Julia turned her head and gave me a knowing smile, then she chuckled.

'Which means that you want to sleep with Phoebe, or Jasminder, or both of them, outside of the Saturday night Bridge regime. Is that it?'

'Would you have a problem with that?' I asked.

'Of course not, darling. It would be selfish of me to want you all to myself for six nights every week. And besides, I'll be sixty-nine in a few days.' Her face turned suddenly serious. 'I won't always be able to keep up with you, James, to keep you satisfied. So of course I don't have a problem with you seeing the other two. I think it's rather wonderful that you're prepared to do it. And it's lovely for my friends.'

'It's not a chore,' I assured her. 'It's a massive turn on for me.'

'A fan of older women eh?'

'Yes,' I agreed, 'I think I can safely say that.'

'Just don't abandon me altogether,' she said, her voice anxious.

'I'd never do that, Julia. You're the one I'm in love with.'

'Yes, and that's lovely, but I'm nearly seventy, and you're twenty-six.'

We were both silent for a few minutes, but the moment passed and we got dressed and went over to Julia's house where she served us a paella and we had a bottle and a half of white wine on top of the red while we watched Brief Encounter and Julia cried at the end and I took her to bed and we made very slow, gentle love and we were both very happy and quite drunk.

On Wednesday evening I went back to Phoebe's house. I'd messaged her so she was expecting me and she must have seen me coming down the road because the front door opened as I approached and I went straight inside and Phoebe closed the door and then practically threw herself at me.

We kissed and I realised she was wearing perfume, which she hadn't been on Saturday evening. When at length we broke the kiss and I had a chance to look at her properly, I realised that she was dressed quite differently to Saturday, too. In place of the brown trouser suit, she was wearing a close-fitting black skirt and pantyhose, black high-heeled shoes and a crisp, white blouse. She'd also put on quite a bit more make-up than usual, including a dark-red lipstick and pale-blue eye shadow.

'Bloody hell, Phoebe,' I said in surprise.

She smiled and blushed. 'I went shopping today.'

'But... I thought you didn't have much money.'

'I wanted to look nice for you.' She looked forlorn. 'Didn't I do the right thing?'

'You look lovely,' I told her, 'but it's naughty of you to go spending your money like this.'

'Does that mean you're going to punish me?' she said in a small voice and I felt my guts churn with desire and anticipation and my cock swelled in my trousers. It was clear how this particular line of conversation was going to end.

'Yes,' I said,' as though thinking carefully about it. 'I think I will have to punish you for being naughty and spending your money on pretty clothes. Come with me.'

I took her firmly by her upper arm and steered her into her lounge, where I sat down on her old settee while she stood beside me, her head down, her hands clasped together.

'So, Phoebe,' I asked her. 'What do you think I should do with you?'

'I don't know,' she whispered.

'Take your skirt off,' I ordered her. 'I'm going to smack your bottom and we don't want to crease your nice new skirt, do we?'

She reached behind and undid the button and pulled down the zip of her skirt. Then she pulled the skirt down over her narrow hips and let it fall to the floor, where she stepped out of it and bent and picked it up. Underneath she was wearing stockings and a suspender belt, not pantyhose. Another surprise. Her legs looked rather nice in the sheer, black nylon. Her ankles were slim, her calves lean but well defined. She was also wearing an obviously new pair of black, lacy panties. I was very hard by now, and the game was just beginning.

'So you've spent money on new underwear too?' I asked.

'Yes,' she whispered. 'I'm sorry.'

'Fold your skirt up so it doesn't get spoiled, and then come here. I'm afraid you're going to have to go over my knee.'

She laid the skirt over the back of the settee and came to my side. I put my arm around her waist and half lifted her across my lap, face down, pinned by one of my arms across her back. She didn't make a sound, but she was shivering slightly.

I spent some time stroking her thighs above her stocking tops, relishing the soft, pale skin, feeling the texture of her stockings, running my hand over her lacy knickers, letting the tension build up.

'Please don't hurt me,' she said softly.

'You need to understand that when you've been naughty, there will be punishment.'

I grasped the waistband of her panties and pulled them down, revealing her bare buttocks. Phoebe squirmed and moaned and I told her sharply to stop. Then I carried on stroking her buttocks before suddenly raising one hand and bringing it down with a loud slap. I didn't use much force, just enough to make it sting.

'Ow!' cried Phoebe.

I stroked the bum cheek I'd smacked, feeling its warmth as the blood came to the surface. Then I smacked her other buttock.

'Ouch!' she cried again. 'Please stop!'

But she didn't use the safety word we'd agreed upon when we'd arranged for me to come round this evening, so I ignored her and smacked the first buttock again, then the second. Then I stroked her again and massaged the hot little globes.

I spanked her about five times on each cheek and after I'd done that my cock was straining at my trousers so I told Phoebe to get off and kneel between my legs. In a frenzy of anticipation, I fumbled at my waistband and pulled my trousers and underpants far enough down my legs to free my penis, which was engorged and hard, the veins standing out, the glans an angry red.

'Now suck my cock,' I ordered her.

Phoebe hesitated for a moment so I grasped her by her hair again and forced her head down to my meat, using one hand to steer the bulbous end to her mouth, pushing it in, past her lips, deep into her throat until she gagged and I released her hair.

It wasn't the best blowjob I've ever had; Julia was amazing, to name but one. But Phoebe tried her best and the sight of her grey head bent over me, her red lips sliding up and down my shaft, the feel of her tongue on my sensitive head, the sucking noises she made as she fellated me. Well, it was hugely enjoyable and I let her suck me off until after about five minutes she raised her head and looked at me.

'I'm sorry, James, my jaw's really aching.'

So I stood up and pulled my trousers up and I took her by her upper arm again and marched her into her bedroom and told her to get her knickers off and get on the bed.

She crawled on and lay down on her back and watched me nervously as I stripped my shirt and trousers off and then my underpants, revealing seven inches of glass-hard, well-sucked cock, drooling a bead of seminal fluid. God, I wanted this women.

'Open your legs,' I told her, climbing onto the bed. She complied and I entered her quickly and deeply. Her cunt was sopping with the juices of her arousal and she gave a great gasp as I sank into her and started a long, thrusting motion, coming out to my glans and sliding back in with a sucking, squelching noise.

While I fucked her I held her arms down and forced my tongue into her mouth, dominating every part of her. She writhed and gasped and I fucked her harder and then I withdrew and went down on her, slurping and licking her liquid cunt, sucking her little clitoris into my mouth, rasping my tongue across it. And Phoebe came in a welter of tears and moans, her legs beating on the bed, her hands on my head, grasping my hair.

When it was over, I entered her again and made love to her slowly and tenderly, kissing her gently, sliding in and out, licking her nipples softly. The contrast was exquisite. Phoebe mewled like a satisfied kitten and looked up at me with wide, adoring eyes. It was this sudden intimacy and tenderness, contrasting with the roughness of her spanking and fucking, that I found really exciting, though I couldn't tell you why. Whatever, it made me come so strongly that the world, the bedroom all went grey and I became a singularity in the universe, a point of intense pleasure, waves of ecstasy throbbing through my soul as I pumped my seed into Phoebe's dripping cunt.

Afterwards we lay together in silence. I don't know what Phoebe was thinking, but I was replaying the evening in my head and wondering what other, and more exotic, delights we could indulge in. Bondage was an obvious idea, as was anal sex. God, how would she respond if I tried to bugger her? I was pretty sure she'd never had a cock up her arse before. Then I felt bad. Phoebe was small, and slight and vulnerable and I shouldn't be thinking such thoughts, especially as Jasminder was more than happy to accommodate me in her anus.

But of course I couldn't stop thinking about it. Pushing my erection into Phoebe's tight little virgin arsehole. The ultimate domination. The idea fascinated me, consumed my thinking. I imagined myself deep in my neighbours anus while I was at work and while I was at home, decorating my house. I thought about it while Julia and I made love and as I spent my seed in her cunt I closed my eyes and imagined my cock stretching Phoebe's rectum, gripped by her sphincter...

After the next Saturday's Bridge game it was Jasminder and me that left together and went down the close to her bungalow. I was very excited by the prospect, but this time there was a little twinge of jealousy that Julia was going to spend the night with the vulnerable Phoebe. I wondered how Julia behaved with Phoebe. Did she dominate her? Did she order Phoebe to lick her cunt? Did she force Phoebe's face against her shaven pussy and order her to slide a finger into her anus?

As soon as we got through Jasminder's front doorway I put my arms around her and drew her to me and we kissed and I felt Jasminder's ripe lips against mine, felt them open and her tongue enter my mouth. We kissed with a fierce passion, lips mashed and writhing together, tongues working, hands pressing our bodies together in a frenzy of desire. God I wanted Jasminder!

'God, I want you, Jasminder,' I told her.

'Then have me,' she said, simply, and led the way into her bedroom.

There wasn't much finesse about the next few minutes; we were both aching with desire. We undressed quickly and scrambled onto the bed, where we went into another sizzling embrace, mouths locked together, hands stroking and exploring. My hand found Jasminder's thick bush and I stroked the silky hair and slid a finger between her labia into the slick, hot depths of her pussy. She moaned and wriggled and I added another finger and slid them in and out, kissing her breasts and nipples.