The Wild & Sexy Mormon Girl

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Story about a male nudist who fell for a Mormon girl.
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This is Jess. I am the guy from Avalon, the popular, real-life nudist resort in the West Virginia mountains.

This story comes from my real life. The bare facts, so-to-speak. It is about my days dating a wild, and wonderful Mormon girl.

The Mormon girl was named Cathy. She asked me out my first day on the job at a Richmond television station. When I went to work at the station, Cathy was already working there.

Cathy was a mousy young woman of 23. She worked as a chyron operator. It was her job to type names, titles and credits that go on the TV screen during the news.

Poor Cathy had a stressful job that did not pay much. Getting a boy friend and getting outdoors with him was important to her.

Cathy was tiny--5 feet tall, maybe 110 pounds. I was 27 years old, stood at 5'10, and weighed 185.

Even though I was surprised Cathy asked me out the day we met, I decided to give her a chance.

I could not remember a girl ever asking me out. It was refreshing she had the courage to do it. I have always admired people who know what they want, and go after it.

I was a TV news photographer at the station then, not in the same department as Cathy, but we ran into each other a lot.

The big date night finally came. It was October, 1986. We saw a movie called Children of a Lesser God.

I bet you all remember it. It is the story of a young woman who can't speak, but uses sign language. Even though she is mute, she knows what she wants.

She is sexy in a way you might not expect. Kind of like Cathy.

After the movie we go to Cathy's apartment in the basement of an old Southern mansion. Built before the Civil War, the apartment was quite run down.

Richmond was the Confederate capital city. It is easy to go back in time in Virginia in general, and in Richmond, in particular. In Virginia, tradition is important and people from the past are looked up to with a great and special reverence.

Dating Cathy taught me several things. First of all, don't judge a book by its cover, or a person by their outward appearance.

On the surface, Cathy is plain, maybe a 4. But she has large tits for a small girl. Before I know it, the Mormon girl I thought was religious is kissing me all over.

I had so many hickies the next day, I was laughed at by my friends at the station. But, it was really nice to be wanted by a young lady.

Cathy told people she put those hickies on me and that I was her man from now on. She wanted to own and dominate me.

Cathy told me earlier that she was indeed a strict Mormon. She would not drink tea or coffee, and was not going to have sex with me until we got married.

I decided to play by the rules, just for the hell of it. It made our relationship fun and exciting. We always had fun, but we had to be careful, and stay under control.

No fucking, fingering, no oral sex, no touching and no playing with her bare tits.

That did not leave much at all, right? In spite of all these stupid Mormon rules, I'll have to say she was one horny woman. About all I could do was to kiss and hold her.

Cathy was a virgin, but told me she once had an affair with a married man named Bud at BYU.

Sometimes I really wondered how true her stories were.

She kept telling me stories about how she and Bud would have great make-out sessions, then poor ol' Bud would get blue balls.

I might tell you about my sex life, or lack of one, really. I only had sex with one girl before I met Cathy.

It had been a 2-year sexual drought for me when I met Cathy.

Thank the good Lord my first lover, Beth was patient with me. Also into giving me great blow jobs. The best part was she liked me on the bottom. I loved having her small sexy body on top, face-to-face with me. It was like we fit together perfectly.

I loved playing with her ass and taking showers with Beth. We always got soaped up and did all kind of stuff. So much fun.

I proposed to Beth in 1984, but she said, ask me again in 5-years, which I did. She delayed me again in 1989.

By 1993 I had kind of lost touch with Beth. I then contacted her. Turns out she married a lawyer, an older divorced man with 4 grown daughters. I never understood that decision.

I used to meet with them for dinners later on. I always noticed Beth met me alone and gave me a great kiss on the mouth while the lawyer was out parking their car. He did love her though. I could easily see that.

Anyway, Cathy and I continued our sex-less relationship. I learned all about the Book of Mormon. I learned about her protective underwear she had to wear all the time.

I even started going to the Mormon Church with Cathy.

It was nothing like the Methodist church I went to back home.

The Mormons have elders. Older men guide younger men. Older women guide younger women. The Mormon elders did not tell me anything about sex, but I guess they would have if Cathy and I ever got engaged.

The Mormons push the idea of having a big family.

Instead of a preacher up front, different members of the Mormon church give talks about their jobs. Cathy gave one about working in the news business. I was surprised how well spoken and how smart and self-confident she was.

Cathy and I dated for 4-years. It was really about all I could do. She got jealous any time a female anchor or reporter even talked to me. I really thought she would harm anyone else if I tried to date them.

So I stuck with Cathy, and kept all my female co-workers alive. Kind of a joke, but not far from the truth.

Then it really got weird with Cathy.

Cathy starts telling people we work with that we are going to get married one day at the big Mormon Temple in Washington, D.C.

Her entire focus was on me, getting me to fall in love with her, and propose to her.

Then, she started to get way more sexual. Already a great kisser, she now wanted us to shower together nude, which we did.

It brought back fond memories of those soapy showers with Beth.

Of course all Cathy would really do is get behind me and press her soft, warm little body and big tits up against my back. I greatly enjoyed it.

Unless Cathy wore make-up, she was not that pretty. If she wore make-up, and had a nice sun dress on, she was hot as hell. Really attractive. Amazing how much clothing or lack of clothing makes a woman.

She got all fixed up the day she met my parents. Told them we planned to get married.

To be honest, she was serious about that. I was shocked when my parents told me what Cathy said. She told them while I was outside the car pumping gas.

On the surface, she seemed great to them. But I knew a greater truth. She was a dominant woman who loved to control men. Cathy was smooth, and clever, but a real cock-teaser from way back, it turns out.

One time she told me a good story about a co-worker of mine named Billy. It seemed Billy had the hots for Cathy, and made his move one night at the station.

Billy was a news photographer at the station before I came along, but still worked at the station, with Cathy and I.

Billy and Cathy always denied they were ever attracted to each other. Billy always denied he even kissed Cathy, let alone got her excited.

It was funny the way they now acted-- like they hated each other.

According to Cathy, Billy took her to the roof of the TV station, and kissed her so hard, she came all over her dress.

I loved that story. It rang true with Billy's nature. His motto was find 'em, fuck 'em, and forget 'em.

It also rang true with Cathy pushing sex to the edge, then having to stop herself because she feared losing control.

At this point, Cathy and I are kissing and hugging a lot. I rub on her tits through her protective garments. It turns her on like crazy.

The faith is strong, but the flesh is weak.

Even her soft pale Mormon flesh is weak.

Several times she loses control, and is about to have an orgasm when I kiss her and play with her good-sized tits through her top.

She says we must stop, she can't control herself. We took several breaks. I have no doubt Cathy would have had sex with me if I had not stopped. Her need for sex and her desire to find a good husband, would have overcome her Mormon vows to stay a virgin.

Cathy then reads up on Virginia common law marriage. She now tells people that I am her common law husband. People start to believe Cathy and Jess will soon tie the knot.

But I don't want to get married. She says I will have to convert to Mormonism, and raise our kids Mormon.

Kids? This is getting out-of-control. Even though I like Cathy, and love the tight little ass and pussy, I've never touched, marriage was not in the cards for me yet.

For one thing, we were poorer than Job's turkey, as we say back in West Virginia.

I had to tell her the truth, no matter what.

At this point--it is summer time. She wants to go on a trip to the western part of the state, to the Blacksburg area.

She wants us to go skinny-dipping in the New River.

So many people swim naked down there, a lot of the locals call it the nude river.

College kids from Radford University and Virginia Tech love to go swimming there. They enjoy laying out getting a good tan on the big rocks in the middle of the New River at one place, I remember well.

Then at dark, they like to park, walk into the woods and camp overnight.

They have sex in tents or inside their cars, or trucks.

Cathy tells me what she wants us to do in the New River.

We will go about sundown, park by the water, kiss each other all over, then strip naked.

We left our clothes in my car, out of easy reach. We wade into the river under the bright moonlight and kiss as long as we can.

No sex tonight, but everything short of it. I surely wanted to fuck the shit out of Cathy that night. It was so perfect.

I guess Cathy figured the Mormon rules could bend a little since I was her "common law" husband now.

So our great skinny-dipping adventure went well. I was a little shy compared to Cathy this time.

I was afraid we would get caught, and get fired back at the TV station in Richmond.

It seemed to me that Cathy wanted us to get caught. It turned her on tremendously that I was the "fraidy cat" now.

We both got so turned-on. We were hot for each other.

Then I got brave and suggested something pretty wild by our standards.

I decided that we ought to stay nude in my car and drive around. It was such a rush.

Both of us loved it. We drove through the town of Pembroke, then Pearisburg, we rode around nude all over Giles County that night. It was really absolutely incredible.

Our clothes were way out of reach in the back of the car. Made it super exciting.

Cathy was wild, horny, and cool with staying nude.

We finally headed back to the hotel in Blacksburg. We hated to get dressed. I was impressed she would do all this naked stuff.

Cathy was my kind of woman, even if she was a strict Mormon.

Shortly after the great skinny-dipping night, Cathy surprised me again. She proposed to me.

I gently said no, I had my religion and I did not want to be a Mormon, even though I cared deeply for her.

Finally, Cathy had played her last card for now. It was 1990. She soon left Richmond and took a new job in Florida.

We married other people. Cathy found a Mormon man, they got married, and had a son.

I married a Catholic girl, but had no kids. She did not force her religion on me. But we had other issues.

We got a divorce after almost 6-years of marriage because I refused to have a vasectomy.

I think back to my Mormon girlfriend now. What a life Cathy and I had. We loved to play with each other, we loved the kissing, the skinny-dipping, and taking showers together. But, we never had sex. It was against the rules.

Now we move forward to 2021. I spend a lot of my time these days up in West Virginia at the nudist resort.

Some nudists live in houses, condos, and in trailers at resorts.

There are about 50,000 nudists in the U.S. now, and about 200 AANR landed nudist clubs you can visit. Of course some nudists are travel club members, others are home nudists, etc.

I love the nudist life, driving nude, sleeping nude, tanning nude, you name it. You meet great people at the resorts. Being shaved from the neck down is so erotic.

In 2021 I get a text from Cathy. She has left the Mormon Church over their stand against gays and lesbians.

Cathy has divorced her husband, and is working at McDonalds to make ends meet. Her son is in the military now.

Cathy lives up north in Wisconsin. But she is fixing to visit the D.C. area for a wedding.

She wants to know if I would like to meet her in D.C. after all these years.

I assume the rules no longer applied. We could do whatever we wanted sexually. But I decide not to meet with her.

I have now been divorced for 20-years. I've gotten used to having my freedom.

I also knew a larger truth. Cathy loved me in 1986 and no doubt loves me in 2021. She is the type of person who never gives up on what she wants.

I figure if I slept with Cathy, I would have to marry her.

While you might say, come on Jess, why not, man? What is the problem, you gay, or bi-sexual?

You care about Cathy, you love her smooth pale skin, and you love her hot little body.

BTW, I am straight, but I decided I liked my life, as it is. I could date anyone, or no one. I liked not being tied down, and I would be ready if the right woman did come along. But the question was, had Cathy been the right woman that I let get away?

I know it is selfish, but ol' Jess enjoys the nudist lifestyle.

I even found a great girlfriend in 2006, who liked going to nudist resorts with me.

Judy and I had sex anytime we wanted. Probably not enough for her, to be honest. She moved in with me in Richmond. It was great. No pressure to get married, although we thought about it. Both of us were divorced. We knew better than to jump into the fire again.

Judy was fearless sexually. We dated, lived and slept together for 8-years.

She was a nympho, really, and I loved every minute of it. We never really broke up, just took new jobs in other parts of the state.

But I still think of Cathy some, how we wanted each other so much, but never did the deed, as they say.

I wish we had. In the grand scheme of things--Cathy--the Mormon, was something special, though I did not appreciate it at the time. I was too hung up on her Mormonism.

I miss Cathy. What fun adventures we had.

A while back I was cleaning out a file cabinet and found the little blue Book of Mormon Cathy gave me 35-years ago.

A co-worker once asked me if I was a Mormon. I said no---I just seemed to attract them. I guess the real truth was that I was attracted to them, too.

Years after Cathy moved away, young females on their Mormon missions showed up at my door in Richmond.

They were trying to convert me to their faith, like Cathy always did. I always let them in, they were friendly. Just doing their job, I figured.

Plus, they were so damned hot. I wanted to screw both of them. It seems to me the girls you know you can't have are always the sexiest.

They don't even mean to be sexy, but you want them like hell anyway.

They were really determined to convert me, but they stuck to the Mormon rules, big time.

A short story about that. We three went to supper with a Mormon family in Richmond once.

The girls would not ride with me, or let me ride with them. Those were the rules, and they followed them. Did not try to bend them like Cathy did.

Even though I told them I liked being a Methodist, they persisted. Mormons tend to think it is their way, or no way. I started to get upset with the mission girls. They kept pestering me.

So everytime they came to visit, I decided to wear fewer and fewer clothes. I finally stripped down to my short-shorts, and a tank top. No shoes.

Being barefoot is so hot, whether the man does it or the woman does it. I have a real serious foot fetish, and love ENF stories.

I also love the ladies who wear short skirts, cut-off jeans or even leggings that show off their bodies so well. I love bare legs above all. So hot.

It was fun to mess with the Mormon girls. I wanted to test how weak their flesh was. It was great fun teasing them. To their credit--they never gave in to the temptation.

I think men and women are different in regard to the flesh. Seeing a naked woman of any age never gets old for a man. Nudity is a powerful force, but does not seem as big a deal to women as it does to men.

I guess some women like to see male and even female strippers sometimes.

But nudity is a big deal for some girls, I do believe.

I remember going swimming to a lake with Cathy once. She actually wore a bikini. I had cut-off shorts for the beach that day. Cathy even let me unfasten her bikini top to get some sun on her back. She was starting to move in the right direction at last.

Just for fun, I acted like that pesky bikini top would not fasten back.

For once, Cathy was scared she was going to lose her top. Great ENF stuff. She was so terrified of being topless.

I went commando that day in cut-off shorts and loved the feeling.

At one point I moved quickly and a woman on the beach saw up my shorts. She saw my dick and just kind of froze. She was very surprised, but excited beyond belief. I am average in penis size, not exactly God's gift to women.

She loved it, and better yet, I loved it, even if it was an accident.

I could not believe the power my dick had over her. Women are all different, I guess. Some like to see skin, others look for other qualities in a male or a mate.

Maybe size matters. Always thought it did. But my surprise nudity worked out okay that day for me.

But I have learned something during my 60 years here--men and women love the opposite sex to be bold.

They love the brave ones.

Even a small thing like riding down the interstate with your shirt off has a hidden power for women riding beside you in their SUVs, or small cars.

Cathy and my next girlfriend Judy loved to ride around nude in my car. I think it is legal now, according to the Reader's Digest. The key is to strip down once inside your car.

So my advice to everyone is to be brave, show some skin. Go all out when you drive nude. Take off everything, even your shoes and socks.

There is so much porn now. Little things are a big deal to men watching porn. It bothers me when a woman pulls her top down to her mid-section, but keeps it on. I realize she has it at mid-section in case she needs to pull it up quickly, but I love the girls who drive totally nude.

I always like the brave female nude drivers who throw their clothes in the back seat, or in the trunk.

You even hear about some women who drive nude and leave all their clothes at home. I guess they have enclosed car garages near the house. Wow! Super hot. That would be the best to leave the garage nude, and return to your house nude.

Brave women like Cathy and Judy will always be much appreciated by me.

Cathy and Judy were incredible after all. I loved their passion, their nude bravery, and their overall sexy nature.

It never gets old for a woman to be sexual and go after the person she wants.

For Cathy and I--our time together was hot because our will power and control was always being tested. What a rush that was.

I hope you all meet someone like Cathy some day. A mate that excites you. If you find a good person that turns you on-- have the good sense to keep them in your life.

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