The Wolf and the Lamb

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Two young ladies. One assertive, one extremely shy.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE AND A WARNING TO READERS: An assertive girl that knows what she wants pursues an innocent and shy classmate. Please check the tags and make sure that you are comfortable with them. The reluctance aspect is light, but still worth mentioning. The story is quite graphic, so be prepared for that in advance if you decide to proceed.

All of the characters in the story are eighteen or older.

All of my stories are copyrighted, including this one.


Under the shadow of the enormous bookshelves, perched upon the floor with a pencil in her hand - the back of it grotesquely chewed, as usual - Calista let out an exasperated groan, which immediately drew an aggressive shushing from the librarian's lips, scowling at her from behind her desk. The young student, with hair like a blackbird's plumage, stuck out her tongue at the old woman the moment she looked away. Childish for a woman almost in her 20's. She knew that, but some bad habits die hard.

Around her, in a semi-circle, various books lay open - on ancient folklore and traditions from all over Europe, from trolls to faeries, the celebration of Beltane from early Gaelic records, and an illustrated page about the goddess Ostara on her right. Why she insisted on studying bundled up on the floor, when there were perfectly comfortable seats not ten feet away was a mystery even to Calista herself. But it felt more efficient somehow! Maybe comfort birthed indolence?

Outside of the wide windows, the sun hinted at the time, warming everything inside its radiant embrace. It must be early evening, Calista thought, for the sun was in the west - and with the beginning of summer only a few weeks away, the weather outside had been surprisingly pleasant as of late. She'd have much rather been out there, instead of stuck between dusty tomes and a librarian staring daggers at her, if given the choice. But this was one assignment that was not to be avoided. Because she had to hold a presentation, in front of the entire class. And Evelina would be watching.

Sweet, innocent, adorable Evelina. A shy and delicate flower, with freckled cheeks and hair like a fire serpent. Not conventionally attractive, perhaps - her button nose tilted upwards a smidgen too far, and her cheeks looking round like a greedy hamster - but Calista was smitten. Something about the way the young student seemed so frightened by the world around her made Calista want to wrap her arms around the petite little bundle and protect her from all harm. Whisper that she was safe now. And the red-haired cutie's constant blushes and her quickening heartbeats whenever she had to speak to other people only stoked the embers in Calista's heart. Timid girls were her weakness.

She sighed out loud, a warm smile spreading across her features upon the library floor, thinking of the other woman. But it was a challenge to get close to someone so easily intimidated. The petite little thing had a clear and vested interest in mythology, however - especially the more esoteric aspects of it. So the plan was simple; impress the young lady with a presentation that showed Calista had clearly devoted a lot of time to her research, and then attempt to get close enough to Evelina to pounce like a hungry she-wolf.

Calista popped the gum out of her mouth and stuck it underneath one of the shelves - a premeditated attack on the librarian's sacred grounds. She knew the old woman would find it one day, and she smiled to herself at the thought of the tantrum that would follow. But she would be long gone by then, of course. And although the librarian would know it was her that had done the deed, she would never be able to prove it! With that amusing image in mind, she returned to her studies, feeling much more content.

--- 2 ---

Evelina wore the branding of 'nerd' like a badge of honour. She was a social outcast, and she was absolutely fine with that - in fact, she wished people would just leave her alone entirely. Every encounter with another human being was mildly painful, and excessively awkward. It's why she preferred staying inside to going out, listening to talking, video games to parties. Her mother had always said that nerds are happiest alone - but she'd meant it affectionately.

Often found buried in her books - always on the pursuit of answers as to who we really were as a species and our origins. She loved folklore for that reason - it gave a unique insight into the beliefs and cultures that preceded our own, and how those cultures developed from what came before. But Evelina liked reading about other things too. All manner of monsters and mythical beasts. She didn't study because she had to, but because she wanted to.

But now she had to brave the outdoors. Her fridge gaped empty like a hungry maw demanding sacrifice, and her cupboards weren't looking much better stocked. Unless she wanted to eat dry cereal and canned white beans in tomato sauce for dinner, a trip to the grocery store was necessary. She pushed the glasses back up the bridge of her nose for the 10th time in the past hour, and took a deep breath, before grasping the door handle and stepping over the threshold, leaving the comfort of her safe space. The dangerous world full of strange people and potential awkwardness lurking around every corner. A little too dramatic perhaps, but still..

She walked out of the little flat she rented just off campus, located in a brick building severely lacking personality. The two potted plants near the front door had been dead since before she even moved in, yet they remained there nonetheless. As her Converse shoes touched the street outside, the cold wind hit her like an invisible fist, making her shiver immediately and regret her choice of attire - dungarees and a thin blouse, although long-sleeved and buttoned all the way up. Evelina didn't like showing off any skin. Short and curvy, she didn't love the shape of her body. But she enjoyed exercise even less. Birdsong could be heard from the nearby treetops, and the pollen in the air made her nose itch. Summer was not far around the corner and yet the gusts still brought a chill along with them, reminding her with an unwelcomed sincerity that spring was not yet fully over.

A sophomore at the university, she still had not managed to truly find her bearings. Despite the months passing by, she couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't quite belong. But at least there were no noisy neighbours next door - thankfully - or rattling, busted air conditioning vents. Those had drove her to madness when she still lived back at home. Not to mention all the traffic outside back in Boston. The university town of Marbella Springs was old-fashioned. That meant twisting and winding cobblestone roads near the town centre, many of them only suitable for one-way traffic and full of pedestrians. Traversing by car was often slower than simply walking. But everything was just a stone's throw away - most of the shops and cafeterias all located along the main street, with the campus in between and all around, merged into one entity. It was easy to tell the place had been built by British immigrants, and that the city planner had been left back in Europe.

Walking into Trader Joe's, everything felt just a few shades too bright. The fluorescent lights reflected on the tiled floors, making the whole store feel as if it was clinically clean - even though Evelina could spot at least two minor stains on the floor not twenty steps away from her. But various fragrances tickled her nostrils. Breads, mostly. And cardamom? She wasn't sure. But the place looked busy and the redhead instantly regretted that she had not come here earlier in the daytime before it got so crowded. She let out a little noise of dismay, but then grabbed a plastic basket and began walking up and down the aisles.

From her front pocket, she retrieved her shopping list. Getting groceries without a properly planned list of necessary items was unthinkable. Evelina liked structure. Liked knowing what to expect, where to walk, and what to buy. It made life predictable, and predictable felt safe. So she walked the most optimal route through the store, loading her basket with fruits and vegetables, eggs and milk. A piece of chicken with a short expiration date was drastically reduced in price so she grabbed that too, despite deviating from her original plans. She felt proud of herself for that. However, that feeling of satisfaction faded quickly as she grabbed several cups of instant ramen, grimacing in the process. They were not her favourite but the food budget of a student was limited at best and certain sacrifices had to be made. Then she headed towards the snack aisle for some peanuts, and maybe a bar of chocolate - but as she got there, her feet involuntarily halted, making a squeaking noise with the rubber of her soles.

The girl was there. The one that always stared at her. Calista. With the ebony hair and the ivory skin, dressed in an airy tank top showing a moderate amount of cleavage, and a cobalt blue skirt at least a few inches too short for Evelina to ever consider wearing it herself. 'Oh fuck,' she thought to herself as the two of them locked eyes - and Evelina felt her cheeks turn warm with rapid urgency as the ethereal visage of beauty in front of her gave her that silky, subtle smile.

"Hey there!" the dark-haired woman called out. Her voice was like that of an alluring siren's - smooth, but it seemed a little dangerous.

Evelina stood there, frozen, just watching the other lady for several second without speaking a word or taking a single step. She swallowed audibly, and moved forward, pretending to be confident. But the dark-haired lady, with her hair falling down in graceful waves, was standing right by the peanuts she liked. Damnit. So she hovered a little bit, waiting for her turn, and it was only then that she realized that she had not said hello back - scatterbrained in social situations. But just as she opened her mouth, the other woman spoke again.

"You're in Mrs. Gallvanti's class. Evelina, right? How's your presentation coming along?" Calista moved aside, a bag of candied mixed nuts clutched in her hands. She had painted fingernails - blood red, just like a vampire's, and something in her eyes only added to that 'creature of the night' image. A thirst, perhaps, but for what? Evelina didn't know. Not yet, anyway.

'Fuck. Small talk. What do I say? That it's already finished? That I'm doing great? No. She'll think I'm bragging.' Evelina's face displayed her nerves. "Fine", she uttered simply, keeping her head low.

"Just fine? Isn't this sort of your area of expertise?" Calista asked with a bemused expression - almost a little mischievous. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you a bit obsessed with old mythology? Deities, monsters, old traditions and all that?"

It was true, and everyone in the class knew about it since Evelina had been acing every assignment in her 'Myth and Literature' classes, and the number of students who had enrolled in that class could be counted on fingers and toes. That meant it was difficult to hide, and nowhere to blend in. "Yes," she mumbled. Of course the raven-haired girl would know that. She always stared at the redhead, and Evelina had noticed it, though she couldn't understand why. "It's.. Fascinating."

Calista leaned forward, and the scent of vanilla was immediately apparent, but the girl's fragrance also had undertones of warm sunlight. Summer nights by the lake. Maybe it was just the soap she used, but it was enchanting nonetheless, sending a pleasant chill down Evelina's spine. Calista seemed to have a knack for doing just that. "Could I get your number?" The smile upon Calista's face was a little frightening. As if famished. Evelina swallowed nervously.

'Why the heck would she want my number!?' she thought to herself. 'Is she into girls? Oh fuck..' Her cheeks grew pink with alarm - or at least that's how she interpreted it - and her heart sped up. Was she being hit on? She couldn't tell. Out of her element, she froze, the answer stuck in her throat.

"... In case I have questions about my project?" Calista added, when Evelina didn't speak. "I would be extremely thankful."

The redhead nodded weakly, exhaling a breath she had been holding without realizing it. 'Oh, she just want's the class nerd to help her get an A..' Evelina thought to herself, and pushed her glasses back on the bridge of her nose as they had once again slipped down. But she wasn't sure if she felt disappointed or relieved. She was sure, however, that she felt confused by how her body reacted to the other girl's fragrance. To the shimmering look in her viridian green eyes. To that smile, brimming with a subtle confidence - her lips pillowy, covered in lip gloss. What did they taste like..?

The black-haired beauty handed her phone to Evelina, a decorative fob in the shape of a crescent moon attached to the case, while Evelina awkwardly put her shopping basket on the ground and then typed in her number with unsteady hands. As she returned the device, she gave a weak smile, but said nothing. There was tension between them. Maybe because Calista stared at her too much. It made her uneasy.

"I'll call you!" Calista said, as she got the phone handed back to her. The grin on her face was radiant. And then she left the aisle, her hips swaying seductively as she went along. Evelina could feel her heart beating wildly, her mind swimming, and she couldn't help but to stare at the tushie of the other woman for a little too long - because Calista cast a look backwards and..

'Did she notice?', the redhead thought to herself, growing more and more panicked as she watched Calista giggle to herself before she moved out of view. 'Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! She must think I'm some sort of pervert!' Frazzled and anxious, Evelina turned around and grabbed her basket. What had happened? Was she going to get teased about this in class later on? Would Calista think she was a lesbian now?... Was she? Evelina didn't know the answer. Wasn't sure if she wanted to know. She just wanted to go home, hide from the world, calm down from her panicked state, and masturbate furiously.

--- 3 ---

It was impossible for Calista to stop smiling. She couldn't believe her luck. The cute redhead had bumped right into her. Those freckles, the soft pink blush on her cheeks. Evelina had looked delicious in her white blouse and classic denim dungarees, matching those sky-blue eyes of hers. But she would look even tastier without the clothes on. That much was certain. And Calista would do whatever she could to have the opportunity to sample that 'delicacy'. She imagined Evelina might be a virgin. How adorable! Maybe she had never even kissed anyone? But that would soon change.

Calista walked under the cherry trees, whose flowers would blossom any moment now, painting the whole area in pink. It felt as if the campus was ready to greet summer, and frankly, it wasn't just the students that looked forward to it. Many of the professors and other faculty members seemed like they could use a bit of a break as well. The dark-haired young vixen wondered if Evelina would remain in Marbella Springs over summer break. She had to find out. Playing with that hopelessly shy little morsel all summer long was.. Oh dear.. Calista was gushing just daydreaming about it.

Now that she had her phone number, and a good excuse for calling her, it felt like the young lady was within Calista's grasp. Like a trap had been set - quite unintentionally. But she was happy to just roll with the punches and see how things went from here. Nevertheless, the challenges ahead were far from over. Getting the poor girl to allow Calista to come over would likely be difficult. She had to really make the other girl feel her plight, and pepper the conversation with relevant questions about her assignment, drawing Evelina in with her mythological quest. Otherwise, she couldn't imagine she'd allow Calista to just march in to her flat. Did the petite redhead ever have guests at all? Calista didn't know, but she suspected that it could not be a common occurrence.

She popped some of her candied nuts into her mouth as she walked back towards the dorms. Her room was in the Blackadder Halls, not far from the seaside; and although small, it was an individual room. No roommate meant plenty of freedom to do what she wanted - which not seldom involved playing with herself - but the walls were thin, so she had found herself with her mouth stuffed more than once just to keep the noises down. Calista had figured out her sexual preferences early, and was what sometimes was referred to as a "gold star" lesbian, though she hated that term. It made those who came to the same understanding of themselves later in life seem less valued somehow. That went strongly against her beliefs; everyone should be accepted for their unique differences, and whether you discovered early or late in life what truly got your feelings all fuzzy didn't matter.

As the air began to smell of sea-salt and wrack weed, Calista stopped for a moment to enjoy the gorgeous view. The lull of the waves against the sandy shoreline always soothed her - and the constant crash of the waters combined with the whisper of the wind felt wild and untamed. That's how she saw herself; a feral creature on the hunt for the petite girl's plump booty. A smile crept its way upon her lips, and she took out her cell phone, staring at Evelina's number. It was far too early to call. She knew that. It had been twenty minutes since they parted ways. Twenty minutes! And Calista needed time to plan what to say; figure out how to sway the redhead - before making any hasty decisions.

Yet only a few hours later, when Calista was cooped up in the nook that her bed was placed in, covered in blankets and with her laptop in her hands, she was thinking about how she could invite herself over to Evelina's apartment. Something that made the shy little thing think there were no ulterior motives behind it, while at the same time getting them closer together. "What do I dooo," Calista mumbled under her breath as she hit her forehead against her palms. The girl was driving her insane. Was it lust? Lust or love? She wasn't sure which, but she needed to find out. However, to make her way over there this late in the evening.. It seemed risky. Hurried. Something that might scare the adorable little thing away. But somehow, she couldn't resist.

With a deep breath, she hit the call button. Calling someone, instead of texting, felt like some sort of prehistoric deed - but she knew that she could be much more convincing when speaking, than with words typed on a screen. After three rings, she heard the click of a line being picked up. "Evelina?"

"... Yes?" Evelina replied. She sounded wary, and Calista bounced out of bed, starting to pace back and forth across the tiny room. So adorable. That trepidation, that nervousness - it was like candy to the dark-haired beauty.

"It's Calista. I'm in my room, losing my mind over these pagan equinox rituals and traditions that I'm studying." That was untrue, of course - though she was losing her mind thinking about the cute redhead. "My presentation is on the concept of fertility, if you remember? I just wanted to know if you could explain to me the difference between what the Celtic druids did, compared to the Germanic people for instance?"

There was silence on the other end of the line for several moments. It dragged out agonizingly long, and then Evelina's quiet voice finally answered. "Uhm, well.. It's complicated."

Complicated was good. Complicated meant opportunities. "Oh, I was afraid you'd say that," Calista feigned dismay, "If you have the time, would you mind if I came over? I could bring my notes and you could see if-"