The Wolf and The Moon Ch. 01


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"Just don't try to set up another parachute jump for me to stop Commander Troy from making." 'warned' Cindy Ross as she stood next to me.

The General chuckled, then said "Don't worry, all my strings to pull to make that happen have already been pulled." (Author's note: 'Jump!'.) Then he said "Those of you with Top Secret clearances, stay close to me. I'll tell you a few extra things the regular Public won't be hearing about."

He made a point to greet Laura and shake hands with her, and he congratulated her on her appointment to the State Medical College presidency. Laura was cordial but a bit cool towards the General. He also said he would tell military doctors that were leaving the Service to apply for Staff or Teaching positions.

We really didn't get to see too much of the facility. We saw a few rooms with stacks upon stacks of servers and what must've been miles of wiring. The guides gave the guests a bunch of numbers about the capacity and operational abilities of the Center, and Laura told me within General McFarland's hearing that those numbers were only a third of the facility's true capabilities. The General nodded.

"They always do that." I said. "I remember when I was in ROTC and we first learned about the M-1 Abrams tanks. Its true top speed was classified, and if one of the panels over the tracks fell off, we'd get debriefed to determined what we saw."

The highlight of the tour was rows and banks of computer equipment in a a sealed-off room with warning signs to not enter. The guide said "Okay, everyone, take a good look at this, because you are likely to never see anything like it again in your lifetimes. This is the Silver Star super-computer."

We filed in and stood along the wall as the guide said "The Silver Star machine is similar to the Aurora super-computer at the Argonne Laboratory in Illinois. At peak capacity, Silver Star will become an exascale level computer, meaning it can execute at least one quintillion instructions per second. A quintillion is a '1' followed by 18 zeros, a billion billion."

The guide continued "Silver Star is not fully operational yet. Right now it executes a million billion instructions per second, and will have to be brought up to full power slowly, over time, with a lot of checks to make sure it is operating correctly and safely. At the same time, we're increasing the HVAC capability of the room to keep the computer cool."

As we looked at the machines and all the blinkenlights, Carole raised her hand and said "I have a question." Laura was about to stop her, but I put my hand on my wife's shoulder to stop her, and Carole asked "Those lights can't possibly be blinking as fast as the computer is working. So why bother having them?"

"That's an excellent question." said the guide. "A lot of computers have lights just so people can see the computer is working. On the Silver Star, those lights are connected to sensors, some showing that electricity is flowing normally, some showing that the temperature is not too hot."

"What do you use the computer for?" asked Jim. "That you can tell us about, anyway." That drew laughter from the employees, Laura, and General McFarland.

The guide replied: "Yes, it's true that some of the things we use it for are classified. But I can tell you that in general, exascale computers operate at speeds close to the human brain. They can be used to simulate car crashes without having to actually crash cars. They can be used to simulate nuclear bombs going off, and that's certainly better than having to use real nuclear bombs, yes?"

There were murmurs of agreement, then the guide went on: "These computers can also be used to predict weather and study weather patterns. And the uses for emerging AI technologies is enormous. But the computer here will be used in part to analyze and study the data that comes in for possible terrorist attacks and other criminal activities---"

"Let's not go too far into that." General McFarland said quietly, but not quietly enough. Laura nodded vigorously in agreement. I happened to see Admiral Cordell's face as he and Sheriff Griswold stood together, and it was not a face of enthusiastic interest.

"In the wrong hands, Admiral." I whispered to him as the tour moved along. "In the wrong hands..."

"As you know, I put my career on the line fighting the CIA." whispered Cordell. "And now they go build something like this. Yeah, it may be for good, but like you said, Don: in the wrong hands..." He just shook his head, not completing the sentence. He didn't need to.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A new school complex had been built, south of the new businesses and north of the Old Town. Behind the high school, a football stadium had been built, and along with it a track and field complex. When we got back to BOW Enterprises, Todd had those of us from the Town & County as well as Clarissa and my mother board vans, and we were taken along the road behind the high school. There was activity at the complex.

"It's the Region Track & Field Championships." said Teddy Franklin's fiancée Maria Rose. "And they're waiting for us for a special event."

We got off the buses and were ushered into the complex. The high school principal came up and introduced himself, then said to Teresa: "You're Teresa Croyle? You lettered in Track when you were in high school here, did you not?"

"That was decades ago." Teresa said.

"Your name has become famous here, and revered." said the principal. "We'd be honored if you'd fire the starting gun for the women's 100-meter race." Teresa was stunned, and we all clapped to encourage her.

The 100-meter race had been delayed for a few minutes, so they were ready to go. The principal got onto the P.A. system and announced Teresa as a former Track letter-woman, and I think we were all surprised at the strength of the ovation she received. She held up the starting gun as the final eight women contenders got into position.

There were no false starts as Teresa fired the gun, and after a close race, the girl from Teresa's high school won! Teresa also was asked to present the medals for that race, and she graciously agreed to do it. After many photos were taken (a lot of high school athletes wanted pictures or selfies with Teresa), we boarded the buses for home.

"Surprised you, they did." Cindy said to Teresa as we came back into the town. "How did you feel about it? Memories? Bad? Good?"

"Yeah, some." Teresa said. "Mostly good. It's like those 'Batman Forever' movie... when I was running Track or Cross Country, the pain went away, if just for a little while. And running with Alexis was..." She paused, then caught herself and said determinedly: "Yes, those were good moments."

"Yeah." Cindy said encouragingly...

Part 4 - Star Sky

For dinner, Todd had arranged a cookout at a State Park northwest of the town and north of the military airfield. We could see it (the airfield) in the distance to our south. The Park itself had no lights, and Todd had procured four telescopes for Professor Stephanie Steele to lead everyone in some stargazing after sunset.

Several campfires were set up, and some of us volunteered to cook hamburgers and hotdogs, including me, Grillmaster Sheriff Griswold, and Tim Jenkins. We also had salads available, doled out by Cindy and Callie. If anyone did not eat well, it was their own fault.

Once it got dark, Professor Stephanie Steele set up three of the telescopes to see Jupiter, Saturn, and a galaxy in a star cluster. With almost no light from civilized places and the relatively arid air, the images were good. And to our naked eyes, the sky above was filled with the stars of the Milky Way.

Carole began playing a Celtic-sounding song on her iPhone. I asked her what that song was, and she said "It's called 'The Wolf and the Moon' by Brunuhville."

Laura said "Carole! T urn that off or put in earphones! You're bothering everyone."

As she turned it off, Carole said dispiritedly "I forgot my earphones."

"We can listen to it later." I said. "Why don't you go check out a planet in the telescope." Carole went to join Marie and the other kids.

Teresa came up to me. As we watched everyone stargazing or looking through the telescopes, I asked her where the telescopes came from.

"Todd bought them." Teresa said. "Teddy Franklin will donate them to the local high school and middle school next week. More goodwill publicity for BOW Enterprises."

"Not a bad idea." I said. "And speaking of the high school... they set you up pretty good with the track meet thingy." I said.

"Yeah, they got me on that one." Teresa said. "But that's okay. I realized for the first time that the memories of me and Alexis running cross-country don't have to be painful."

"And you've become famous around here." I said. "All those kids at the track meet knew who you are."

"And I don't even need a crowbar." she replied, then looked at me just a wee bit wickedly.

"Touché." I said with a grin...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We finally were taken back to the places we were staying. Clarissa was staying at the military facility, which had good handi-capable guest rooms in their BOQs. My mother Phyllis was staying there, also.

Once we were dropped off at The Gasthous, Laura began herding the kids towards bed, and rather authoritatively. No problem, I thought to myself; us big kids are about ready for bed, too.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The late-model blue Dodge Charger blew past the Nextdoor County Police squad car as it sped west on the City-University Highway. Rookie NCPD Officer Howard E. Neumann turned on his blue lights and pulled out onto the road in hot pursuit. He radioed in his report, saying that the vehicle was not stopping nor slowing down, and was even speeding up. He asked the dispatcher to contact the TCPD, as the speeding vehicle would likely make it over the County Line before he could catch up to it.

In the car, the passenger was stunned when the driver sped up. "Lawrence, what the hell are you doing?"

"We gotta get over the County Line." the driver replied, his speech slurring. "When we get over the line we can pull over, and the TCPD cops will take care of it."

"Dude, you're drunk as a skunk!" the passenger said.

"When I pull over, you're going to get out, run around, and get in the driver seat, while I climb over into the shotgun seat." the driver said. "They'll give you the breathalyzer, you'll be clean, and at worst you get a speeding ticket, which the coaches will take care of."

"I dunno, dude..." the passenger said.

"Trust me, dude." said the driver. "And you know I can't get a DUI, or our whole team's screwed."

The car flew past the sign that announced that they were in the Town & County. A TCPD vehicle with it's blue lights flashing was coming up to them. The driver turned hard onto Reservoir Road, almost losing control of the fast car. He sped on down and pulled into the parking lot of McGhillie's Golf Course.

The Police cruiser had passed the turn onto Reservoir Road, and had to double back. As they sped down the road, Officer Mullen Grant said "There it is."

"Yep. Just who I thought it was." said Officer Ron McElwane, who was driving. They pulled into parking lot behind the Charger, and affixed their floodlights onto it. They got out, and McElwane cautiously approached the vehicle. As the driver lowered the door window, McElwane was a bit surprised.

"May I see your drivers license and registration, please?" McElwane said. The driver, who looked young, nerdy, and scared, handed him the documents. "Noah Ruggs. You're the placekicker on the University football team, arentcha?"

"Yes sir. Backup, anyway." said Ruggs meekly. "I'm going to be the starting punter next year."

Meanwhile, Officer Mullen Grant moved up the passenger side of the car and tapped on the shotgun door window. "Why Lawrence Watson!" Grant said as the passenger was revealed. "Why are you the passenger in your own car---"

He stopped as the NCPD patrol car came roaring in, blue lights blazing. "Ah, crap." said McElwane. "Stay put. Let me take care of this."

As NCPD Officer Neumann got out of his car and came up, McElwane said "Out of jurisdiction, aren't you?"

"Hot pursuit." said Neumann. "I've got a radar lock. 108 mph in the 50 mph zone near the Lakeside Inn & Suites."

"We've got it covered." said McElwane. "You can go back to your jurisdiction."

"I've still gotta make a report." persisted Neumann. "I need their names, at the least. And it's SOP to make sure the driver is sober."

"Kid, I told you: we've got it handled." said McElwane, fronting the skinny, redheaded, pimply-faced young rookie in an attempt to intimidate him. "We'll tell our Commander and your Chief that you did a good job and did the right things. Now go home.

"I can't do that." Neumann said. "I called in the initial pursuit. I've gotta call it in and tell them you're taking it over."

McElwane was about to square up to Neumann, but Mullen Grant spoke up and said "Hold on, Ron. Let's give the driver a sobriety test, we'll send the NCPD a copy of our report by email, and Officer... Officer..."

"Neumann." said Howard E. Neumann.

"And Officer Neumann can go." Grant said.

Neumann was very unsure, and felt the pressure McElwane was putting on him. Still fresh out of the Police Academy, he did what he was trained to do: follow protocol to the letter. "I have to radio this in. I can't just walk away, not without these guys's IDs."

McElwane said no more, but went back to the Charger. "Step out of the car, please." he told the driver. Ruggs got out. McElwane went through the motions, moving his finger side to side, then having the slender young man walk on a straight line. Then he gave him a breathalyzer test.

"Point oh-two." said McElwane as he showed the other Officers. "You're okay... legally." He handed Neumann the driver's license. "Take a photo, if you like."

"What about the other guy, the passenger?" Neumann said as he photographed the DL. Then he photographed the car tag before McElwane could stop him.

"Don't worry about him. He's not driving, he's just a passenger." McElwane said.

"I still need his name---" started Neumann.

"NO YOU DON'T!" yelled McElwane into his face. His hand dropped to his holstered gun and unsnapped the strap, then gripped the service weapon but did not draw it. "Now I've given you far more courtesy than you deserve. Get back into your patrol car and go the fuck home!"

"What the hell? You're gonna shoot me?" Neumann gasped in shock.

"Easy Ron." said Mullen Grant, coming up to them. He said to Neumann "He's right, the passenger doesn't matter for your report. Go call in what you need to, but we're taking care of this, and you need to return to your jurisdiction."

Not knowing what to do, and realizing he was not in his own county, Officer Neumann got back in his vehicle, turned off the flashing lightbar, and pulled back on the road to home, but shaken and infuriated by what had happened. If the Nextdoor County Police Chief was at home, he'd call her now. But she was away overnight. He resolved to write a detailed Police report, and also a Memorandum For The Record of what had happened, and he would make sure to preserve his dashcam and Officer-cam recordings.

Meanwhile, Officer Ron McElwane had Lawrence Watson, the highly touted University Bulldogs football QB, get out of the car. Watson was unsteady on his feet, clearly intoxicated. McElwane spoke to him for a few minutes, then they wrapped it up and got into their Police cruiser and pulled out.

"What did you tell him?" Grant asked.

"I told him he needs to be careful." McElwane said. "I was barely able to cover for him at Christmas, and now we've got that punk rookie from another jurisdiction trying make trouble. And the punk's Police Chief is the mother of two of our Police Commander's children; Troy ain't gonna take our word over hers if she chooses to believe that little shit."

"Well, Commander Troy and Commander Croyle are out of Town tonight." Grant said. "Hopefully this will slip under the radar. But you're right: Lawrence Watson had better be careful. If he keeps drinking and driving, and Commander Troy or, worse, Commander Croyle catches him... his football career and the Bulldogs's hopes are o-vahhh..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Unaware of what was happening at home, we got the kids ready for bed, and eventually into their rooms and their beds. Herding cats, it was.

Some time later, after the kids were settled in, I went downstairs to get some chocolate milk that I'd bought and put in the kitchen refrigerator. As I was drinking a large glass of it and was about to go up the stairs, Laura came out of the den/sitting room. "Have you seen Carole?" she asked. "She's not in bed like she should be."

I 'listened harder' and thought I heard the sound of a song being played on the front porch. "I think I hear her." I said. "I'll go get her."

Making sure I had a keycard, I went out onto the front porch. In the strong light of the full moon, I saw Carole sitting in one of the rocking chairs. "Mind if I join you?" I asked as I sat down in the rocking chair next to hers.

"Sure, Daddy." Carole replied. "It's not the back deck, but it'll do!"

I chuckled, then said "Why are you out here at this time of night?"

Carole said: "I'm listening to this song. And I'm waiting for Mommy to go to sleep. She's really mad at me for asking that question about the super-'puter today. I don't know why she gets mad at me for things like that."

"Did she say something to you about it?" I asked, very surprised.

"Yes sir." Carole said, a bit forlornly "She said I should not have said anything."

"You asked a good question." I said. "As to your mother, she was raised to have certain manners, where kids don't ask questions in public settings like that.."

"She didn't get mad at Jim when he asked a question." Carole replied. That struck me a little bit... and it struck me harder as I thought about it.

"Maybe she'll say something to him later." I said, knowing that Carole's true complaint was the disparity of treatment. To prevent her from saying any more about it, I said "What song are you listening to?"

"It's called 'The Wolf and the Moon', by Brunuhville." Carole said. "It's a Celtic instra-men-tal. And it could be Aunt Treesa's theme song."

"Yes, it could be." I said as I listened to it with her. "So what's my theme song, if I were going to have one?"

"Probably 'Beethoven Virus'." Carole said simply. I chuckled at that, then we watched over the silent neighborhood in the stillness of the night. As usual, Carole was right: 'The Wolf and the Moon' seemed to be 'just right' for this moment in this place. And for the story of the Iron Wolf...

To be continued.

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chytownchytown4 months ago

*****Good read. Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum6 months ago

Very interesting chapter. I found that if Clarissa could afford a corporate jet, why is flying around on Todd’s plane? There has to be one hell of a backstory of Clarissa, Phyllis, Laura and “ old mother” Diane. What it is I haven’t a clue. As to the car chase, this is going to blowup in Pres Moore face with boosters. Time will tell.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchman6 months agoAuthor
Chapter 2 submitted

The second chapter is submitted and hopefully will be published soon.

By the way... did y'all catch the Easter egg I put in 'Teresa's Christmas Miracle', Ch. 02? Teresa's full name....

1thaiguy1thaiguy6 months ago

Can't wait for part2 thanks

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