The Wolf's Den


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Chapter 16 -- Expectations

Eva sat in the chair waiting patiently with her husband she wondered what was going on her golden eyes looked alert in case this was a trick of some sort she knew that the vampires would try to hunt her down along with those she infected. She knew the Lycans were infected too making it all the more harder she growled in discontent much had to be done for now she needed to stay in hiding yet concluded she would not grow hungry with this power like her ancestors did no she would take everything one step at a time to do what she intended.

"Eva, my mother just finished telling me everything she has influence over the city council things may not run as slowly as you thought," said Hunter entering the room.

She looked at him "So what is going to happen?" she asked her eyes looking sharply at him her aggression level had went up since she was pregnant.

"She has control over the top level of the city council, there is two councilors that have tie with the mayor," said Hunter

"Yet what of the others you know as well as I do that there are those who will not allow this,"

Hunter sighed and said "I know the Vampire Council is a problem, but I don't think they will be as much as a problem as those lycans will be,"

"Tell me about it," She snarled "With my blood in my veins they will be no doubt a problem,"

"What happened there Eva? How did they break from your control?" asked Hunter

"I wish I knew," She sighed "All I can guess is that there is something different I knew that really succubi only mated with humans and vampires, never with anything else I guess these are the effects,"

"It seems as though the lycanthropy reacted with your blood and instead of trying to destroy it, absorbed it instead," said Hunter

"Yes making this a larger problem then any other," she said.

Hunter sighed and said "What do you want to do about it?"

"What can we do?" She sighed "Nothing yet soon though very soon,"


Mike stood outside their den as the omegas cleaned away the vampire ash scattered in front of their den. "We can't deal with this right now, we need to wait until Alex gets back from the council meeting," said Mike.

"I know but this is urgent," said Matthew.

"I know it is, but we can't don anything about it we've already broken the laws tonight doing it again would be bad," said Mike.

Matthew sighed and said "I suppose your right,"


Alex yawned quite pleased with the packs expansion soon he would be able to fight off anything the Succubi will do. He put his arm around his new mate as she sat at their table. She gave a growl of aggression she had been in heat a lot since the transformation, "Hey it will settle down soon enough Demetria, I can help you with it when they break for recess," whispered Alex into her ear.

She groaned softly nodding as the council discussed among theirselves. "Alpha Rachi, since your pack has been through a moon phase with these new developments, could you enlighten us on any changes to expect?" asked the head councilor.

"Well, there will be a lot of arousal, so far there has been mainly physical changes," he explained.

"So how differently does it affect alphas and omegas?"

"Seems to effect them with darker marks and the desire to breed more,"

"So it will effect alphas more then omegas?" asked the councilor.

"I do not know about the omega perhaps," shrugged Alex.

"May I speak Alpha?" called Clarissa.

"Of course Clarissa," said Alex.

"Council I was an omega before I mated with Shawn, it does seem to attract omegas to the alphas. It seems to have the least effect on the beta wolves as they are in between," said Clarissa.

The council nodded "Is it dangerous?" one asked.

"Not that I've seen, it does seem to have a stronger force with the unmated wolves, it seems to try and pair up unmated wolves together," said Clarissa.

"What purpose do you intend on using it for?" one asked.

"We intend to use their own power against them, I've felt that that aura that alpha's give off has got something else added to it," said Alex.

They nodded "Then for the mean time we must prepare and keep the females protected seeing many of them are...well...pregnant or going to be,"

Alex bowed to the council and returned to his table.


"Sir, the team has yet to return and when we went to go investigate it seems as though the pack may have killed them they were acting a little oddly," said Marcus.

Richard sighed "Where were they last heard from?" he asked as he tried to relax.

"When they reported their findings from the den, it was empty,"

He nodded "Seems that she is on the move then hopefully she has yet to find a mate," he muttered.

"Succubus move fast when they are threatened," said Marcus.

Richard nodded "This is going to be much harder then I thought," he sighed trying to get his thoughts together.

Marcus remember who he used to be, one of the best vampire hunters around until he was taken by the head queen of the Blood Succubi and made one of her mates. He managed to escape her and help the Vampire Council destroy them. But the succubus blood still simmered in his veins like a sleeping dragon.

Richard looked at him "She could be making more as we speak,"

"I know but there doesn't seem to be anyway to track them, I'll try and use what we did last time to track them. I don't know if it will work this time however," said Marcus.

"Why do you say that," Richard asked his eyes seemed to get more intense.

"Their new queen knows what they knew, so she would know how we tracked them. Hopefully she hasn't come up with a solution yet," said Marcus.

Richard nodded "So she is in queen rank I was fearing that," he shook his head.

"She may not actually be queen in rank but since she's the only one we know of and only their females can lead she would be the most powerful of them," said Marcus.

Richard nodded "Still if she is we could be in trouble,"

"We're already in trouble," called a voice from the door. "I've just heard Richard that there have been several disappearances all over the country, she's building her Family faster then we could have imagined,"

He growled "Damn for a fledgling she works fast,"


Demetria sighed in Alex's arms as they laid sated and well worn in bed the bed was covered in sweat from their love making she laid on his chest happily satisfied. "That succubus is going to wish she never messed with me or my pack," said Alex as he wrapped his arms around her.

She smiled "Yet there are some bright sides,"

"Which are?" asked Alex as he kissed her.

"Well for one you have this new gift and also we met," she replied.

Alex grinned and said "Yeah, I thought I'd never find my mate,"

"Neither did I," she purred.

Alex growled and flipped them over, biting her neck. She moaned under him brushing his stiffening member.

Chapter 17 -- Betrayal

Demetria moaned feeling Alex lick her nipple, her body had become more sensitive since the transformation. She brushed her leg up his, brushing his groin softly, Alex groaned she pressed her thigh into his hard member. She gasped as her pheromones became stronger, this drove Alex mad as he ripped what was left of her night gown off. He leaned down over her taking in her scent as he nipped her womanhood with his teeth.

She gasped then growled as she bucked into his face. She pulled him up of her and flipped them over quickly sliding down his body to his throbbing manhood, he groaned as she nipped at him. She took in his musky male scent as she drew her tongue up his throbbing shaft.

Alex growled in pleasure as she did so her tongue teasing his sensitive flesh as she went up and down his shaft with her tongue. Alex growled again and pulled her up off him and flipped them over quickly before thrusting deep inside her. She cried out in pleasure feeling his large manhood shove deep inside her, she hooked her legs over his and dug her nails into his back while he thrust deeply inside of her. They grunted with the pleasure as they thrust against each other.

Alex never felt anything so good not even with that vampire did he feel this much pleasure he thrusted hard inside her. She drew her legs more tightly around his drawing him deeper into her. Alex dug his nails into her shoulders as she clamped around him. He roared out in pleasure as she forced his release.

She howled as she felt his seed and her own release. Alex laid panting on top of her as the sweat on their bodies cooled. "That was amazing," groaned Alex as he slowly slid off her.

"I know," she purred as she laid there her body covered in sweat.


"So what can you do Marcus? What happened last time?" asked Richard.

"I used the signs, and did what i could to catch their scents it wasn't easy, took a lot of work," he lied he knew if Richard found out he would be in danger. "The succubus have a different aura its hard to pick out if your not trained to do it,"

Richard nodded "Any luck so far?" his eyes intense.

"No, I am about to try again though," said Marcus.

He nodded "Well then get going there is no time to waste,"

"Yes Richard," said Marcus he bowed and left the room.

Richard smiled happy to know he had a trained official on his side soon he would ensure the Succubi were back where they belonged as an old legend.

Marcus sat down on his bed and closed his eyes and concentrated on finding that strand of energy flowing through his veins.

Eva groaned feeling her time growing close her children were going to be born soon. She felt a strange tingling at the back of her mind she reached towards it to inspect it. She slowly caught onto it and growled "How dare you come into my mind!"

Marcus felt a surge of raw power as he made contact with the Queen, her angry voice echoed in his head. He tried to sever the connection.

"You shall pay for this treachery Marcus!" she hissed getting a memory from the Queen who turned him "Soon your blood shall feed many of my children!" She surged forward through the connection and grabbed hold of his power and shredded the control he built around it. Marcus' eyes burst open as the golden fire flamed out of them, he struggled to keep the marks from appearing on his skin as the long buried lust and power of his bloodline came back to the surface.

"Now your master will know what you really are, and soon you will be burning in the pits of hell!" shouted Eva into his head. He cried out in pain as she increased her hold on him, the marks seared across his skin, appearing in flaming golden light that surrounded his body.

"Perhaps this is a better justice for you," she said with a smile.

Marcus laid shaking on his bed as he struggled to control the urges he had buried long ago. 'I will not be that person again,' thought Marcus determinedly.

"Soon you will be saying otherwise," she sneered.

'That is exactly the same thing the other Queen said,' thought Marcus. He pushed covertly back into her mind while she was occupied with taunting him. He reached out and found her mate and accessed his knowledge of the area.

She hissed pushing him back "I am not as foolish as you may think,"

Marcus groaned in pain as the links severed and he was thrown from her consciousness. He laid on the bed shaking from the confrontation after gathering enough strength he struggled weakly out of the room his markings visible on his neck.

Richard sat in the study area and looked up as Marcus stumbled weakly into the room he gasped as he saw the black mark on his neck.

"So you were working for them along," Richard hissed.

"No, I was the reason why you were able to track them so efficiently last time," groaned Marcus.

"Why help us we are trying to get your kind to extinction," he hissed.

"I want it as badly as you do, they are nasty bloody power mongering vampires, I was a hunter before I got taken by one of their Queens," groaned Marcus.

He nodded looking at him "Can we trust you?"

"I don't know, their new Queen did something to me. I did find her mate though she's pregnant with twins and has twenty fledglings right now. She is hiding out in a village just outside of Canterbury," said Marcus.

Richard stood up "We have no time to waste knowing what we do they could be on the run before sun up we must hurry!"

"I'm sorry Richard I thought I could handle her, she's too strong for me," groaned Marcus he pulled out a sword and shoved it through Richard as he approached. He gasped as the blade pushed through him. He stared at Marcus in shock as he continued battling with himself. Richard exploded into ashes and then Marcus dropped the sword and collapsed to the ground writhing in agony while Eva cackled in his head.

Eva smiled "Now Marcus you have the choice serve me and you shall get everything you ever imagined or I can find better uses for you,"

"Ok, You are certainly a lot stronger then those weak Queens long ago," said Marcus

"I could care less about them," she hissed "Unlike them I have other plans now decide I have better things to do then watch you look at the ashes of your master!"

"Yes I will," said Marcus.

"Good then, come to me. We have many things to plan," said Eva.

With that Markus disappeared into the night as the guards came in to see the ashes of what was left of Richard.


"What has happened?" asked the councilor.

"Our master Richard has been killed and our second Marcus has vanished," said Lewis

"So Marcus is a traitor then, find him as we find the Succubi though she and her group is top priority!" growled the councilor. "Gather your high ranking vampires from your family tomorrow and bring them here, I will chose your new Master if you haven't decided by then,"

"Yes sir," said Lewis he bowed and left the room.

Lewis knew with Richard gone he could be in charge finally, he could show himself as a leader.


"What is the latest news Shawn?" asked Alex

"There's been an increase in disappearances all across the country it looks like the succubus is speeding up her army building," said Shawn

Alex sighed "I suppose this is why the vampires wanted their kind wiped out,"

"Yeah they are spreading exceptionally fast, the female succubus give birth after two months, they have a very fast birth cycle," said Shawn.

"Yes more then likely many more are on the way," said Alex "How is the new strain progressing?"

"Seems though we know our females are pregnant the time and actions of the females seem the same, yet our strength continues to progress," said Shawn

"So has it spread all the way yet?" asked Alex.

"Yes it has, we should be ready for whatever they come up with," said Shawn.

Alex nodded "Good were going to have to be," he wondered what plans they had in store for them.


"Hey what's up?" asked Demetria wrapping her arms around Alex's waist.

"The transformation has officially spread to everyone," he said.

"That's great now we just have to wait for them to show themselves," said Demetria.


"So Marcus is this everything?" asked Eva.

"Yes everything I could find," said Marcus.

"Good, we'll see their end soon enough and then we can start work on controlling those lycans they have our blood there will be a way to control them," said Eva.

Chapter 18 -- Change of Heart

Eva growled as she laid there she knew any day her children were to be born "They threaten us," she hissed.

"Eva, calm down please baby, I will take care of this you just rest. You need all your energy to give birth to our children," said Hunter.

"Yet you know as well as I do those bastards will come for us!" shouted Eva.

Hunter pushed her back against the bed and kissed her forcefully, then said "I will take care of this Eva, don't worry about it ok,"

She moaned looking at him and nodded. Hunter left the room and thought 'I have to protect my mate, they don't need to come at us like this,'

Eva sat in thought she began to wonder if conquest was the answer and rather go somewhere to rebuild their kind.

Hunter glared at Marcus as he stood talking to a few of their males. He knew that he was dangerous having already betrayed them once before.

Marcus sighed knowing their queen could have done worse then this she was different from the past ones she seemed to understand the mistakes of her elders, this would make it harder for him.


"What do we have Shawn?" asked Alex as he strode into the large meeting chamber.

"The scouts have reported a build up of activity outside of Canterbury, We believe that this is where she's hidden herself," said Shawn.

Alex smiled "Good we could do a surprise attack, yet we need to do it soon,"


Marcus growled as he sensed something moving in the bushes close to the manor. When Marcus saw no one was paying attention he snuck away deciding he needed to help them despite the link. A man stepped out of the bushes and approached Marcus menacingly he snarled at him claws bursting out of his fingertips.

"I don't intend to harm but to help" Marcus said.

"Help?" growled the man. "You can help by dying,"

"No, you do not understand I can help you locate them," Marcus said.

"And why would we need to know that? We already know where you are. They're in that big manor," growled the man.

"No they plan to be on the move very soon," said Marcus.

"You're one of them we won't trust you, its time for you to die," growled the man as he approached him.

"I know where the queen is! Please without me you will not know how to beat her she isn't stupid she may know your here already!" pleaded Marcus.

"That would be useful information if we could trust you but we can't your one of them, you'd have to be more powerful then the Queen to be able to not be controlled by her," said the man.

"I was a hunter before I became an incubus I am not them nor will be I hunted them," growled Marcus.

"Tell me did you hunt werewolves?" asked the man.

"No, it was during the spread of the succubi, they spread like the plague and their queens were power hungry and savage. I had the misfortune of being taken by one of their Queens I broke from their grasp and I was able to alert the only beings that could have been able to help the Vampire Council," said Marcus.

"Yet what if she had control over you, the new queen that is," asked the man.

"She can't control anything right now, she's almost ready to give birth to the first succubus children in over three hundred years," said Marcus.

"That's even worse then turning someone!" said the man.

"I know, tell your alpha if he wants this done, he'd better do it now or it will take years to exterminate them like last time," growled Marcus.

"Alright," said the man "You just better be not be betraying us,"

"It took me eight years with the help of the council to track down and exterminate this threat last time, it could take even longer this time. Eva is a much smarter Queen then the others," said Marcus.


The scout ran into the meeting hall "Alpha we may have some help!"

"What sort of help Greg?" asked Alex.

"We may have a link on the inside of Eva's home," said Greg.

"Eva is our vampire?" asked Alex.

"Yes that is her name," Greg said.

"Ok, so who is our contact?" asked Alex.

"His name is Marcus, he says he was a hunter before he was taken by one of their Queens hundreds of years ago," said Greg.

Alex nodded "Do you think we can trust him?"

"Not really, he says that Eva is more powerful then the other Queens but he says that she is in that house we've been watching and she's about to give birth," said Greg.

"Then it should be the perfect time to strike she is weak!" cried Alex. "Shawn, we go now. Get everybody together we're going to put an end to her now, send the messengers to the other packs as well,"


Eva held Hunter's hand tightly as the contractions increased in strength. She cried out pushing Hunter looked at her with love and passion.
