The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch. 03


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He stopped the cab, she paid him and went in the door, it was 8:50 and she walked up to the receptionist and said she was the model from the Woody Agency and was here to do a job she had been hired for. The receptionist told her to have a seat and she dialed the phone, then told her, “Mr. Lipton will be right with you, miss.”

“Thank you.”

A few minutes later, she looked up to see Art Lipton come into the room and she stood and he said, “Hello Janna, so nice to see you again, won’t you follow me?”

Janna went with him down the hall and he opened a door and let her in. The room they went in was a photographer’s studio, with a fireplace, bearskin rug, white leather couch, and a coffee table. In another part of the room, there was a bed with red satin sheets and large pillows. It looked like an old brass bed, that had been highly shined and red throw rugs around it. There was a chest that looked like an old Hope Chest, with the look of an antique about it. Art turned her around and bent down and kissed her, running his tongue into her mouth, she kissed him back and she felt his hand on her ass as she did. “I enjoyed that Janna. I haven’t heard from Gerald about the interview I inquired for him to ask you about.”

“Art, I forgot to call and tell him, but I’d like to talk about it.”

“When you get a break, call Gerald and let him know. He gets pissed if he’s not informed. I do want you to know, I am really looking forward to it. I think they will be through with you today by noon. Let Janet know. She’s the receptionist. She’ll get in touch with me. Melvin is busy today, so I’ll do the interview myself.”

Janna knew that her interview would consist of sex of some kind, but she did enjoy being fucked in the ass but Art the other night. His cock was slender, not like his brother’s and it had eased in without too much trouble.

“Great, Art, I’ll see you when I’m through.”

“Our photographer will be in soon, until then go to makeup through that door, and see Bill. He’ll get you ready. See you later.” He had pointed to a door near the bedroom scene and she walked over and entered the room. Inside, it was typical of the Roger’s room at the agency, except there was a table like you see in a doctor’s office, with stirrups for women to put their feet in when being examined. She saw a man standing near the counter, moving the items on it around. He looked up and said, “Why, hello, can I help you?”

“My name’s Janna, Art told me to come and see you. I am going to model this morning.”

“Hello, my name’s Bill, and I guess you are here to be made up.”

“Yes, Bill, I guess I am.”

“You’re very beautiful, very nice skin, very smooth. It’s going to be a pleasure Janna. Sit in the chair and we’ll get started.”

Janna scooted into the chair and Bill started to prepare her face, and when he ended after 25 minutes, she looked in the mirror he presented and couldn’t believe how sexy she looked. He had given her face a recently fucked look that she was sure the photographed would expand on.

“Do you like it?”

“I love it Bill, I wish you could do me every day.”

“We can work that out, Janna” he chuckled.

Bill was a man of his late 40’s early 50’s, tall and quite thin. He was a pleasant looking man, with deep blue eyes and blond hair. He wore tight chinos and a loose fitting shirt. She wondered if he might be gay, but didn’t bother to ask him.

“Get out of those clothes and get over on the exam table. We’ve found we can pretty much do the rest of your body on that and it’s more comfortable for the models.”

Janna stood up, removed her tank top, unbuttoned her skirt and folded it and put it next to her tank top. She slipped out of her sandals, and then she asked, “Do you want me to remove my thong?”

“Yes, please.”

Janna pulled her thong over her hips and stepped out of it, then went over to the table and lay down on it. Bill took his time, covering any places he thought would be a problem for the lights. When he was finished he looked at Janna’s pubic area, and asked her, “Would you like me to trim you, or do you want to shave your pubes?”

“Why don’t you go ahead and shave me. I want to surprise Mary.”

Bill pulled the stirrups out and told here to put her feet in them, he helped her put her legs up and into the stirrups. He told her to scoot down to the edge, and pushed the stirrups wide. Then he started the water running and heated a towel.

Janna watched him and she also knew that this man was looking directly into her cunt. She didn’t actually mind it, but at the same time, she could feel her clit getting hard and the lips of her pussy open wider.

Bill wrung out the towel and told her, “This is hot, Janna” then he lowered onto her pussy. It was very warm, and actually felt good she thought as she lay there.

“Does that feel okay, Janna?”

“Feels great, Bill.”

“I’m going to let it soften you up before I shave you. That way, the stubble won’t show for the camera and you won’t chafe as easily.”

Janna felt comfortable laying there with her body exposed to this man she had just met and knowing he was going to shave the most private part of her body in a minute or two. She thought to herself, “It feels strange to be this close to someone without having sex with them.”

Bill reached down and picked up the towel, and brushed his hand against her pubic hair. “Look’s like we’re ready. Now don’t move too quickly while I’m shaving you.” He picked up a can and pushed some preheated lather onto his fingertips, then applied it to Janna’s pussy, working it in to cover deep into her hair. Then he picked up a straight razor and pulled a strop that was attached to the wall so he could sharpen the razor. He stropped the leather a few times, then held it in his hand and started the task at hand. He moved quickly and each time he cleaned his razor on the towel around his neck. When he finished, he warmed a towel and cleaned the entire area he had shorn. Then he dried her and put on an astringent and then dusted her to make sure there wouldn’t be any glare, then he took a mirror and asked what Janna thought. She looked and said, “It looks very smooth to me, Bill”

Bill took her hand and said, “Feel” She ran her hand over her pussy and she giggled, “It is very smooth Bill.”

“I’ll bet you have never been shaved with a straight razor before have you, Janna?”

“I can definitely tell you, that was the first time.”

He helped her out of the stirrups and told her, “Grab a robe, and go into the studio, I think that Jennifer is doing your shoot today.”

She walked back into the studio after putting on a black satin robe that had been hanging in Bill’s office, and she saw a women with a camera checking the lights, she also noticed that there were six or eight different men working with the props, and positioning the lights as the woman was directing them. She walked over to the woman and said, “Jennifer?”

A woman of about thirty turned to look at her. “Yes? Oh, you must be Janna. Has Bill got you ready for the shoot, honey?”

Jennifer was tall, about 5’10” or 11”, red haired, large breasts, a small waist and a small ass. She was wearing jeans and a tee shirt with something printed on it. Her hair was pulled back and in a pony tail, and she wore no makeup. “I think he has, Jennifer.”

“I’m almost ready, just a couple more light checks and we’ll start.”

Janna sat in a chair, a bit nervous, wondering what this was going to be like. She remembered when she was first shot nude, but today some to the shots were going focus on her genitals. She was worried she would be sorry when she was finished, but she’d already signed the contract, and it had been explained to her, she also feared that she may relax and get too into it, and he pussy may start to get wet. She wondered if she did if the camera would pick that up.

“We’re ready Janna.” It was Jennifer that broke her thoughts.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Jeremy, give her the robe.”

Jeremy, a heavy set black man with a full beard walked over behind the lights and brought Janna a white see through robe or actually a short cover and held it up. Janna took off her robe, then put the one that Jeremy handed her on. “Thank you, brother.”

“S’all right baby. That looks great on you.”

“Now Janna sit next to the fireplace on the bearskin rug, your legs underneath you, the robe covering your breasts and strike some sultry poses. Stop each time until the lights go off, then on to a new pose.”

Janna sat on the rug, the robe covering her breasts although you could still see through it. She sat cross legged and began to pose for the camera. After a few shots, she moved her legs, sitting up a little and posed again in a number of different shots, looking wide eyed at the camera, licking her lips and letting her tongue brush along her teeth.

“Let your robe fall open, I am ready for your breasts.”

Janna worked the camera, looking seductively at the lens as she posed. Her hands began to run over her body, up her sides, cupping her breasts, allowing her legs to spread as she sat up. She was enjoying posing in front of all these people, and her nervousness had long left her.

“Okay, Janna, lose the robe.”

Janna slowly took the robe off and sat naked before the room. She went through practically the same poses, but near the end, she ran her hands along her inner thighs and brushed her pussy as the camera clicked away.

“Now lay back, thighs together, with your back toward me, I want to get pictures of your ass.”

Janna lay down on the rub, with her back to the camera, arched her back offering a good view of her buttocks, she looked over her shoulder and licked her lips as the camera clicked. She put her hands on her ass and pulled slightly on her cheeks, allowing them to spread a little and the camera clicked again. She got on her hands and knees, with her ass to the camera, again arching her back as the lights kept going off as the camera whirled away. She leaned down and let the camera get a better shot of her ass and she knew that her pussy lips were showing and the camera kept doing it’s job. She felt herself starting to get wet as she showed her body off.

“Okay, turn over and as I take the pic’s start to show me your pussy. If you want to masturbate, don’t let us stop you.”

Janna slowly turned over as the camera kept clicking. She posed in serveral positions and as the shoot kept going she ended up spreading her legs, pulled them up with her hands and showed her pussy and asshole to the camera, then she began to think of the men watching her and she began to masturbate, her fingers digging deep in her pussy, and rubbing her clit. She moaned and fucked herself as the lights kept flashing and she spread her thighs wide as she began to tremble and then the orgasm shot through her body, and she kept her hand in her pussy and held her legs together. A few more shots of her laying there, with her eyes closed.

“Take twenty minutes, then we set up the bedroom scene.”

Jeremy helped Janna up and handed her the robe she had worn into the studio. She thanked him and he took her hand and put it to his nose. “You were beautiful, baby. Looked as though you enjoyed yourself. We enjoyed you.”

Janna thanked him again and went to call Gerald, and tell him about the interview she was going to do with Art.

Mary relaxed in the chair as they went down the road. Bobby turned back to look at her. She stuck her tongue out at him and smiled. “You know I’m only playing with you Bobby”

Bobby smiled, “Okay Mary.”

Natalie continued to work on Mary, when she had finished her body, she said, “Take off you panties, lets see if you need to be smoothed up.”

Mary stood, looked at Bobby and slowly pulled her bikini panties down and tossed them to him. “Would you hold these for me, Bobby?”

Bobby enjoyed the warm feeling of her panties and if he was alone, he would put them to his nose, but he didn’t. “Damn you, Mary” Bobby laughed.

Mary sat down in the chair, letting her legs spread, allowing Bobby a clear view of her pussy. Natalie turned the chair and looked at Mary’s pubic area.

“A little stubble, I’ll have to wax it.”

She opened Mary’s legs wider and picked up the applicator stick, and covered the areas that needed work. She then applied wax to it, let it set and pulled it free. When she had finished, her hand felt over Mary’s shaven area, and it felt smooth. Looks like you’re ready, Mary.

“What do you think, Bobby?” Mary looked at Bobby and swung the chair around so he could look. “Go ahead, feel how smooth I am.”

Bobby moved his hand between Mary’s legs and felt the smooth area next to her pussy. “Nat’s right, Mary, smooth as hell.” Bobby laughed, handed Mary her panties and she slipped them on. When she had put them on, she kissed Bobby on the cheek and asked, “What am I modeling today” Bobby pulled out the boxes he had loaded in the motor home and showed her the numerous bikinis that she would be changing into that day. He again had them numbered so he knew the order she would be wearing them.

Bobby picked up a shirt and handed it to Mary, “You can wear this, Mary.” She took it and pulled it on and fastened a couple of buttons, letting it hang loose on her.

It was almost 9:30 by the time they arrived at the Atlantic Palace Suites where they would be doing some of their shoot. After they parked Bobby went to meet with Lloyd. When he came back Bobby said Lloyd was pissed because they were a little late. He told the driver to move to a place that they had arranged with the Palace Suites to use during the shoot. “Get changed, Mary, here’s the first suit.”

Mary quickly took off her clothes and put on the bikini that Bobby handed her. When she was finished he kneeled down and put his fingers under the suit and made sure that everything was smooth, nothing folded under. He stood and did the same with the bra. Then he walked her to where Lloyd was waiting. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, Lloyd.”

“Okay let’s get started.”

She posed for the typical shots, and then Lloyd told her to change. She went to the motor home and Bobby gave her the next out bikini and went through the same procedure making sure that the hems were all right. This went on until 1:00 when Lloyd let them break for lunch. She had changed 12 times so far and they still had quite a number of suits left.

She sat back in the chair in the motor home, in the skimpiest bikini that she’d been in that day. There couldn’t have been more than just enough material to cover her aureoles and her pussy. Her ass was uncovered and she had been getting stares all morning.

“Tired, darlin’?”

“A little bit Nat.”

“I just want to relax for a few minutes.”

“Nat, you and Mary want something to eat? I’ll go in the restaurant and get something to go.”

“That would be sweet Bobby.” Natalie and Mary told him what they would like and he went in to pick it up.

They ate lunch, then Natalie said, “Let’s freshen you up, Mary.”

She redid the makeup on Mary’s face and checked the rest of her. “Looks like you’re ready for the afternoon Mary.”

Mary made 11 more changes that afternoon, before Lloyd announced that they were finished. Mary went back to the motor home and sat down. Bobby had packed up and he pointed to the box next to him and said, “Those are yours, Mary. Plus the one you have on.” She had a copper colored sequin bikini on. It was probably her favorite, while not practical for swimming it looked great on her and she was sure it would look great on Janna with her darks skin. By the time they gathered everything and packed up, it was almost 7:00 and she took off her bikini and put on her panties and lay down on the small bed at the end of the motor home. Natalie went to sit next to her and she let her hand caress the model’s thigh. “Tired, Mary?”

“A little Nat, but at least now I know it’s done with for today.”

“I’m going to miss you, darlin’”

Natalie leaned over and kissed Mary on the cheek. Bobby watched, he had seen Natalie come on to a number of models at the end of a shoot. He didn’t really mind, because if they started he usually would get a blow job, because he would walk up while Nat was performing oral and offer his cock to the model, and he would really enjoy getting his cock sucked by this beauty.

“That feels good Nat.” Nat had moved her hand and was caressing Mary’s ass, and rubbing her back as she whispered to her how good she looked and how well she had done today.

“Turn over and lay on your belly, Mary.” Mary did just that, and Nat put both hands on her back and began to massage it. Mary moaned as she worked on her back. She worked her hands down, moving them over Mary’s ass, then down her thighs. She took each thigh in both hands and worked the muscle, as she did this, Mary naturally let her legs open to make room for Natalie’s hands. She worked her hands on Mary’s gluteus making Mary moan again. Her hand again went to Mary’s thighs but this time when she reached the top, her finger brushed Mary’s pussy and Mary moaned again.

“Why don’t you let me take your panties off, Mary.”

She slipped her fingers under the sides of Mary’s bikini panties and Mary lifted her body to allow Natalie to remove them. When she pushed on Mary’s thighs and Mary opened them further, and Natalie crawled between them, working on her back again, then on her ass, and finally she reached under the model and rubbed her pussy. Mary opened her legs even further, letting Natalie know that she was more than willing for this to go on. She leaned down and kissed Mary’s ass cheek, as she positioned herself between the open thighs. She lay down on her stomach, with her face at Mary’s butt. Her hands gently spread Mary’s ass cheeks and opened them to see the puckered hole of her ass. Natalie licked along Mary’s ass crack until it contacted her ass hole. Natalie pushed her tongue as deep as she could into the model’s ass, as she moved her hand and slipped a finger into her pussy. Mary made a loud noise and said, “That feels so good, Nat.”

Bobby was watching and he knew that Natalie was winning the battle. Mary was hers and next she would be his to share. His cock had already begun to harden. He moved over to watch what Natalie was doing. He knew by looking that her tongue must be burrowing into Mary’s ass. He had felt her tongue before, she enjoyed eating ass, and she had eaten his a couple of times while he was masturbating.

Natalie’s fingers were also pushing into Mary’s pussy, and her juices were already allowing her to put three fingers into her cunt. Natalie licked Mary’s ass, wetting it as her fingers worked the model’s pussy. She felt Mary begin to breathe quicker an moan loudly and her hand was covered with her juices. She pulled her hand free and wiped the wetness all over her face, putting each finger in her mouth as she finished. She buried her middle finger in Mary’s ass and nudged her to turn over. Mary turned over, letting her leg go over Natalie’s head. She lay with her legs wide open and a finger still buried in her ass and she looked up to see Bobby watching her. She smiled at him as she felt Natalie bury her face in her pussy.

Bobby walked over to the edge of the bed and Mary turned her head toward him, noticing he held his cock in his hand. It was large, with a well defined crown and she moved closer to him. He offered her his cock and she opened her mouth and as Natalie ate her pussy, Bobby’s meat entered her mouth. She was enjoying the feeling she was getting from Natalie, her ass felt good as Natalie fingered it, and her mouth was happy with the taste of cock Bobby was providing.

The heels of Mary’s feet were on Natalie’s back allowing her full access to Mary’s pussy. The cock in her mouth tasted so good and felt so good after a hard day. She enjoyed being finger fucked as Natalie ate her. Bobby was so nice, and he had a good sized cock on him. He was leaking precum almost continuously and she had to keep swallowing to keep her mouth clear. She moved her mouth on him and put her hands on his ass to try and pull him into her throat. Bobby took the hint and put his hands on Mary’s head and pushed his cock into her throat. She felt him enter her throat and fought the urge to gag, and he slid in until she felt his balls slap her cheek. Natalie was buried in her pussy, and she felt another orgasm building in her body, she also felt Bobby’s cock expanding, stretching her lips wider. She exploded in bliss and pulled her head free to yell and just at that time, Bobby shot the first stream of cum and it landed in her hair and across her cheek, the second spurt hit her eye and then she was able to get him back in her mouth and she let him finish cumming there. When he was done, she let him go.