The World's Best Diet Plan


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Kamila started to grind on me, moving her hips back and forth, rubbing my cock around inside of her. Her hips made a rolling motion and I felt something I had never felt before, it was like my dick was waking up for the first time and everything felt so new, the heat of Kamila's pussy around it, the liquid flowing from her pussy, soaking my balls and the trampoline, and the love I felt for her right now.

I slipped my hands down to her ass and caressed it, holding her steady while she pumped me in and out of her. "Oh my god!" I said as she started to pick up her pace, it was rubbing me so hard, but I was going in and out of her so easily. She raised herself off me until her pussy was just on the top of my dick and then pushed down with all her force, it wasn't fast but fast enough to make me want to cum.

"Oh just a minute!" I said as I gripped her shoulders and rolled over until she was on the bottom and I was on top of her. "Get ready for this." I said with a smile as I pushed her legs up into the air.

"Ooh yes, fuck me hard!" She groaned as I began to move inside of her. "Harder!" she shouted. I was more than happy to obey and began to move my ass as fast and as hard as I could. I was moving so much that I could feel my ass cheeks starting to cramp, but I didn't care, all that mattered now was fucking the hell out of Kamila. "Oh god, yes! Hard-d-der!" I don't know if you have ever had sex on a trampoline but I can tell you that there is almost no effort in it at all and if you are doing it right. You can last for hours because as soon as I would hit Kamila's pussy, she and I would bounce up on the trampoline pulling my dick out of her, and then land back down and it would plunge back in. "Oh my fucking god!" she shouted as she let her legs go limp and bounce with her body in the air as I fucked her.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh!" I said feeling like a porn star. After all how many women like hard rough sex? Not a lot, well, at least not all the time, but I was happy to see that Kamila loved it. "Fuck!" I gasped as I grabbed her breasts and squeezed them making Kamila moan.

"Oh god-d-d-d! I'm—." Kamila didn't have to finish the sentence because I already knew what she was going to say. I felt her pussy contract around my dick and pull it in tight, making me cum along with her.

"Oh Jesus!" I said loudly as I sat for a moment and felt it shoot out of me. It was more than enough for Kamila and I felt a little run out onto my nuts and soaking through the trampoline net and onto the ground below.

"" Kamila said as I fell against her quivering body, both of our chest heaving for air. My head rested on her chest and she stroked it with her hands, running her fingers through my hair. We lay for a minute or two, calming down and getting our breath back.

When Kamila sat up, and saw the pool, she smiled; nothing would be better to cool her off after having sex with me then the cold water. I put on my swim shorts again and fell forward, relaxing and soaking in the warm sunshine, letting my chin sit on my hands. Kamila put her underwear on and jumped in. She swam around and got her entire body wet, she would raise up out of the water sometimes and would look like one of those swimsuit models, you know, the ones with the water dripping off of their bodies and they would look at you seductively? That's exactly how she would look and I thought how lucky I was to have her, everything in the world was gone, it was just her and me in our backyard.

"Everything all right over there?" Kamila stopped swimming and put her hands over her breasts, it was our neighbor, Mr. Bowden. I looked up and saw him standing by the fence, he must've just gotten home from work and heard us. I nearly had a heart attack, what if he had heard everything and was going to tell our parents? I would be kicked out of the house for sure and I might never see Kamila again, much less my family. "I heard someone screaming." He said as he looked at me and then Kamila, who had swam over to the side of the pool wall towards me.

She turned her head and replied calmly, "We're fine...Jon just splashed me with some water." She reached into the water with one hand and splashed me with water.

"Hey, what—." I began to say as I jumped up.

"All right, just be careful...and no more fighting, or I'll tell your parents." He grinned and gave Kamila a long look and disappeared over the fence.

"Holy crap." I said as Kamila got out and put her shirt back on. I rolled over to her and jumped off the trampoline.

"We've got to be more careful next time...let's do it in the house next time." Kamila smiled and added, "Mr. Bowden sure does like looking at me."

"Yeah, he's probably some old pervert who just can't go without some young hot girl like you...I know I can't."

"What? Being an old pervert?" Kamila smiled as I slapped her on her ass as she walked inside, making her jump a little.


"Oooufff!" Kamila stopped me and said, "Slow down, I'm still kind of sore from yesterday." I nodded and tried to keep an even pace as I thrust in and out of her. I could barely contain my lust as I saw my cock come out of her wet pussy and then giving it all back to her...slowly, excruciating for me, but arousing for Kamila. She was on her back and had her legs hanging off the side of my bed, I would've used her's but the smell of sex would attract my parents questions, so we used mine since it smelled like food and anything else would be thought as coming from me.

I grabbed her by her waist and held her hands as I made slow love to her. She seemed to like this better than yesterday but maybe every once in a while we could do it like that. I kissed her hand and then pulled out of her and moved over and lay on the bed as she got onto my chest and faced me. "Ooh," She said as she sat down on my dick, the space between her legs emitted a slight squishing sound along with her moans. She raised herself up so that her knees were facing up instead of down and went up and down slowly again. "Mmmm...I love it like this." She whispered as she raised her head up and back and closed her eyes.

I had no problem with her speed because we had been at it for about 45 minutes and Kamila showed no signs of being tired as she rode my hard cock. It was almost like I was superman with the way my cock was still hard after all this time, and with Kamila doing all the work, I felt like I could go all day long if I wanted to. Kamila bent down, crushing her breasts into my chest and kissed me softly on my mouth, her tongue playing with mine in a lover tangle, just as she pulled back and looked at me, I hit her with a hard thrust making her groan in surprise and pleasure. She smiled and started grinding harder, "Oh god! I'm gonna cum!" I said as I felt her start to go faster, all that soft love made my cock super sensitive.

"Oh god yessss! I feel it!" I pushed my hips up as far as I could, trying to get my cock all the way into her, Kamila rose into the air, still holding my hands and throwing her head back. Her breath hitched and her body stiffened as my cum shot into her in waves. "It's so hot!" She said as we let our bodies relax, slowly bringing us back to solid ground. She pulled her legs off of my body and my cock drooped from the lack of attention, but I could care less. I turned to her, smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "Mmmmmm," She said as she acknowledged my love for her.

"When are Mom and Dad coming home?" I asked as I put my arm around her.

"Mmmm, tomorrow I think." She replied as she snuggled close to me and lay her head on my chest, playing with my cock a little.

"We'll have to make it something special then, right?" I said as I kissed her on her head.

"What did you have in mind?" She asked curiously and sexily as she looked back at me.


"Not yet! The eggs will burn!" I hugged Kamila around my naked body and kissed her. "Just a few more minutes." She said as she broke away from me. I had to admit, she looked so sexy in just an apron, and it was hard for me to keep my hands off of her. I walked over and poured some orange juice into a glass and looked back at her, I could see a pinkish brown perky nipple pointing towards me, as if begging for me to lick and suck on it.

"Mmmm, breakfast!" I said as she walked over with four fried eggs. She set a plate in front of me and I quickly started to eat them. I paused and thought for a moment and said, "Do these eggs taste funny to you?" I put a bit on a fork and let Kamila taste them.

"They taste fine." She replied as she ate them, one of her hands down below, playing with her pussy lightly.

"No, no, it's something different." I replied and put some more on my fork and offered it to her, only this time I 'accidentally' missed and got egg yolk all over her mouth and cheeks. "Oh, sorry about that." I said as sexily as I could as I got up, walked over to her, bent down and licked it from her face.

"Mmmm, that's something different." She said with a smile and laughed. I couldn't help laugh too as she put her hand over her mouth and almost fell back out of her chair from laughing so hard. She leaned back so far that I could see her glistening pussy, strangely already quite wet, I could see it from four feet away, the drop of sweet salty pussy juice was running down her thigh and then down to the seat below. I couldn't wait anymore and walked over, picked her up gently and set her down on top of the table, I pushed the dishes of eggs to the floor and they landed with a CRASH! Kamila didn't care though.

She cooed as I rubbed my cock up and down her wet pussy and then I slowly thrust into her as far as I could go. "Ooohhhhuuuuffff!" Kamila said as I withdrew my cock all the way out and then dipped it back in like a dog would drink from a water bowl.

"Uh...uh...huh...huh." Were all the sounds I could make. Sure, I had fucked her plenty of times before this but she seemed to hold her tightness like it was her first time. I held her legs up against my shoulders and then rammed my hips against hers, not fast yet, but enough to feel her pussy juice running down my nuts, dripping off of them like sweat on a hot day.

"Ah, yes! Fuck me faster!" I held her legs tightly and hit her light and fast, making Kamila slide across the laminated wooden tabletop. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ooooohhh!"

"God! I'm going to cum!" I announced as my body stiffened, I quickly pulled my dick from her and nailed her left breast with one of my shots of warm cum and the others pooled on the sides of her pussy and in her pubic hair. I was a little surprised that I had came so early but who wouldn't, I had had plenty of stimulation before seeing her cook in that small little apron. My two biggest fantasies fulfilled at once, seeing a girl cooking naked, and food.

"Oh...god!" Kamila panted as she reached down to her pussy, scooped up a handful of my cum, brought it to her mouth and tongued it while she looked me in the eyes and smiled. Then she stuck her tongue out and I could see the sperm in a pool in the middle and then she closed her mouth and swallowed it. She was just so sexy, I had to kiss her, even though she had just swallowed my cum, I didn't care. Our tongues played together for a couple of minutes and then I helped her off the end of the table, carried to her bed and fell asleep next to her, naked.


"What is your biggest fantasy right now?" Kamila asked as she put her head on my stomach and smiled as I breathed, making her head rise and fall with each breath I took.

"Biggest fantasy? Let me see." I thought for a moment and then asked, "Is it the place or what is sexual?"

"Uh, let's try place first." Kamila replied as she turned to look at me.

"All right, we'd both be there, on a deserted island, naked all the time." Kamila smiled and I knew that she wasn't afraid of being in the nude all the time. "We could have sex anytime we want, no one around for miles, just us, the sea, and a couple of dirty little monkeys."

"Dirty little monkeys?" Kamila laughed a little and clapped her hands.

"Yeah, we'll do it in front of them, I'm sure they'd enjoy the the one we just had." I reached down and stroked her hair slowly, letting each strand fall lightly onto my stomach, and then picking it back up again and doing the same thing over.

"It sure was a show." She said dreamily as she turned back and looked up towards the ceiling.

"What about you? Place?" I asked. She replied without any hesitation as if she had considered frequently.

"School." She said firmly. "The janitor's closet maybe...or an old classroom."

I laughed a little and said, "Ooh, kinky, I wish we could've done that, I've thought about doing it in school too."

"Yeah, we should've...if I had only known."

"Yeah...sure would've been hot." I replied as I heard a knock on the door. "That must be the pizza." I got up and then looked at Kamila and said, "You should get it, maybe then we wouldn't have to leave a tip!" Kamila threw one of her pink frilly pillows at me and I closed the door with a smile.


The pizza guy, which was one of the jocks from school on an afternoon job didn't say much and left without his tip, I was surprised because seeing a fat guy answering the door for a pizza, naked at that, would scare away any sane person. But he smiled at me, winked and then kept looking back as he walked. I didn't realize at the time, but then I realized that he was probably gay, I shivered and when Kamila asked me why I had just shivered, I just said it was nothing. It's strange though that jocks could be gay and geeks, fat guys, and nerds were probably straighter than any jock ever could be, and yet, girls went with jocks, not the other way around.

I played with Kamila while she ate and even fingered her a little, running my finger up and down her pussy, hearing her moan and smile. She made me stop though so she could eat because she was so starved from having so much sex and not much breakfast other then a half of an egg and my cum. But I wasn't that hungry from the time between sex and the time the pizza had arrived, maybe it was her cum that made the perfect diet controller.


"Oh Jesus! Lick it!" Kamila shouted as she bucked her hips up so that the top of her pussy rubbed against my nose. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Ooooohhhhh! Yessss!" She moaned as I licked and slurped up her cum. I held her pussy open with one of my hands and was busily rubbing her little brown hole that had been neglected all through our love making. Her cum lubricated my fingers and I felt especially daring as Kamila's head rocked back and forth as I licked her delicate and smooth pussy.

Suddenly, Kamila rocked her hips hard and my finger, which I was using to play with her ass hole, was thrust inside. I didn't realize it had happened at first until Kamila's ass hole tightened around the intruding finger. It was so tight; I couldn't even move my finger up and down like I could inside her pussy. "Ffffffuuuuuucccccckkkkkk!" She moaned as her thighs lunged up to meet my probing fingers and tongue, which were now vigorously thrusting in and out of her ass and pussy. "GOD!" She shouted loudly as she came all over my face. I licked up all I could but there was just too much and it got all over her ass and the couch on which I was holding her on. She looked exhausted but quickly reached down, pulled my face to hers and kissed me excitedly.

I kissed back and then with her face close to mine I said, "I-I think this may be the last time we get to do this before Mom and Dad get home."

"Oh, I don't care it was all worth it!" She smiled and leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Could-could we try something new?" I asked nervously and cautiously. I didn't want her to reject me with my request, because if she did I would be stuck with my raging throbbing hard dick.

"Oh, anything after what you did just now, just fuck me!" She reached down and held my hard throbbing dick in her hands and rubbed it gently. "Anywhere, you choose it." She smiled sexily and licked her lips.

"I want to try it in your butt." I replied stupidly. Sure, I know it sounded kind of idiotic to say it like that but Kamila shrugged, turned around so that her ass was facing towards me and then got onto her knees so that it elevated it at just the right height. I was about to go forward but she stopped me, told me to go get the petroleum jelly from the bathroom and 'lube her up like she was a part on a motor.' Of course, I had never worked on a vehicle before but I knew what she meant, I had seen commercials for lubricants on TV but I never really knew where they would use it because pussies could get so wet, but now I knew.

I hurried back with the entire tub, rubbed a lot (probably too much now that I think of it because most of it dropped off and landed with a weak 'Plop!' on the floor below) on my dick, and her ass, then got ready to insert my throbbing dick into her. "Go slow." She warned as I eased it inside. It was like it didn't want me to be inside but I pushed a little harder and suddenly, the force that was stopping me was gone. I pushed it further in and could hear the light squishing sound, as it was all the way in. "Uhhhhh!" I said as soon as I hit the bottom.

I wanted to start fucking her but she stopped me as I started to pull my dick out. She wanted to get more comfortable with it and I was fine with that. Soon, she started to go back on it and I was pushed backwards and then she pulled herself forwards slowly, working my dick out and then settled back against me. "Oh..." I moaned as soon as I felt it settle back on me. I started getting in rhythm with her and soon we were fucking a little harder but still slow. Kamila would go forwards off my dick and then push back and I would push back along with her, both of us moaning in unison as we felt each other's warmth.

I was so wrapped up in fucking Kamila's ass that I didn't hear the phone ring. She reached back tapped my hand to get my attention and then climbed over to get the phone. I followed her, never pulling from her ass, she got on her hands and knees and I got behind her doing her doggy-style...quietly. "Hello?" She answered. She looked back at me and signaled for me to be quiet, I grinded slowly, almost not moving at all wondering who was on the phone. "Hey Mom and Dad." She said enthusiastically. I almost freaked out but I kept going, Kamila smiled when I kept going, as if we were doing it in front of our very own parents. "What's that squishing sound and grunting?" She looked back and me and I smiled. "Oh, I have Jon cleaning the counter top with a sponge." She said looking back at me. I rocked her body and there was no doubt that my parents could hear her body rubbing against the couch cushions.

"Damn, dirty soap scum!" I shouted and grunted again as I gave her a deep and fast thrust. Kamila muffled a delighted scream and pushed her hair from in front of her face. "No, we didn't have a party." She said, still trying not to laugh. "We just wanted it to be clean before you got back."

"Hey, I can't get this cheese off the floor!" I shouted away from us, trying to make it sound like I wasn't right behind her, fucking her brains out.

"Yeah...yeah...uh huh...all right, bye." She quickly hung up the phone and grunted. "They said they'll be home in about two hours." She replied.

"Ah, plenty of time, I'm...just...about...finished."

"Oh, take your time, we can still take a shower together." Kamila said as she squeezed her ass muscles tight and flexed her sexy juicy ass back at me. I lasted a couple of more minutes, savoring and going as slow as I could, enjoying her tight ass and her moans of pleasure, delight, and musical grunts we made together. After I came in her ass, I helped her back onto her feet and we walked to the shower together.