The Wreck


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She sank into the covering suds quickly. "It was your fault!" she said. "I was hurrying so you wouldn't swat my butt again."

"Bullshit!" I said as she sank into the warm bath. "You were just in a hurry because you didn't want me looking at your skinny little naked body."

"Bite me," she said, but there was a grin on her face. I knelt on the bath mat and took up the washrag and soap. Charlie leaned back and closed her eyes. "This feels great! I was getting tired of smelling myself." I laughed and wondered where to start. Then I knew. I put the soap and washrag back on the edge of the tub.

I had her turn around so her back was toward the faucet. I lifted the shower hose from its bracket and turned on the water. After adjusting it, I told her to lean back on my arm. I got her hair wet and twisted the ring to close the shower without turning it off at the tap. I shampooed her hair and she groaned with enjoyment. It reminded me of the groan I'd heard when she and Jenny were talking. Under my jeans, I felt my dick begin to stir. While her eyes were still closed, I glanced at her young breasts. They were little hillocks on her chest, dusted now with suds. The nipples were bright pink and looked like they were hard. I had to wonder what thoughts were going through her mind. I took a good long time rinsing her hair. I was eager, yet reluctant to get on with the more important parts of her body.

I wrapped a towel around her head as best as I could. It looked sloppy, but it stayed in place and kept the water from dripping into her eyes. I took up the soap again and worked up a lather on the cloth. I gently washed her face and rinsed it. I turned her away from me and washed her shoulders, this time just using just my hands. Her arms were already raised to keep her cast and bandages dry, so I washed her under the arms. It caused the predictable giggles, but it got done. She leaned forward against the back wall of the shower so I could wash her back. I helped her get to her knees to bring more skin out of the water. Her butt was red from the hot water and sitting on the hard tub. I washed down her back and just kept going. When I slipped my hand between her ass cheeks, she gasped a little bit, but moved her legs apart to give me access. It had to be washed, and I had to do it. Besides, I had already wiped it, just minutes before. This time there was nothing between my fingers and her little ass hole. She mumbled a quiet, "Oh, God!" and I wondered if it was from embarrassment or some other feeling.

I turned her back to face me then. She was still on her knees. She held her arms up and I washed her front. She kept her eyes closed. I guessed she didn't want to look at me while I felt her naked body all over. That was fine with me, because it gave me the opportunity to ogle all her young charms. Then I glanced up to see Charlie grinning at me.

I realized then that I had been spending way too much time on washing her breasts. I was busted! My dick was like steel in my pants, but she couldn't know that. The position I was in kept it hidden from her view. It was my turn then and I felt my face get really hot. I used the washcloth to rinse her chest. I washed her belly and then hesitated. She leaned her elbows on the back edge of the tub and raised to a squatting posture, her knees spread wide. "Go ahead, Daddy. I need my pussy washed, too." I looked down to see it in all its glory. Wet and shiny, it seemed to wink at me from between the clusters of bubbles. Her lips were swollen, either from the heat or from my hands running over the rest of her body.

I soaped my hands and slid one down to cup her hairless mound. I rubbed it gently and Charlie pushed against my hand. She let her head hang back and she groaned openly. "That feels really, really good, Daddy," she whispered. Pretense was falling away on all sides. I licked my lips, imagining what she might taste like.

I slid my hand farther down so that my thumb was right on top of her clitoris. That placed my fingers at her asshole again. I washed her there some more and rubbed her little nub with my thumb. Her knees started to tremble and she lowered her arms to cross them under her breasts. I wondered how long it would take for her to have an orgasm if I kept it up. But I was sweating and I felt my cock oozing into my underwear. I pulled my hand away and splashed her crotch with sudsy water. She jerked and her eyes popped open. They looked surprised. She didn't say anything. She just sat back in the tub and I finished by washing her legs and feet. She giggled again when I tickled her feet.

I pulled the plug and helped her to her feet. Now there was no reluctance on her part. She kept glancing at the obvious bulge in my jeans. There was no way for me to hide it so I just pretended it wasn't there. I still had the shower hose hanging. I pushed the button and waited for it to warm up again. Then I carefully rinsed all the bubble bath off her as she turned around. She was facing me and she smiled as she spread her knees for me to rinse her crotch. Our eyes locked together as I directed the spray at her cunt. Her eyes squinted and she shivered a bit from the sensation but she didn't close them. We both knew for sure at that point that our relationship had changed.

I sat on the toilet lid as I dried her off. She rested her hands on my shoulders and put one foot on the tub edge so I could dry her crotch. I took my time. I could smell her female scent then. I wanted nothing so much as to pull her to my mouth and taste her juices. Still, I held back. When she turned her back to me I dried her from shoulder to waist. Then the little shit bent forward and leaned her weight on the laundry hamper, sticking her ass in my face for attention. I chuckled at her boldness, but obediently dried her off. Then I leaned forward and planted a kiss on each cheek before delivering another sharp swat to her butt. She jumped again and spun around. Then she stormed out of the bathroom, calling me names. I heard her stomp up the stairs. I laughed because I knew what she hadn't realized yet. She couldn't dress herself. I took my time rinsing the tub out and hanging wet towels.

When I got to her room, she was lying on the bed on her belly. I noticed the blankets were kind of bunched up under her hips. I got the distinct impression that she'd been humping herself against the wad of blankets. I also got the impression she hadn't finished.

I decided to be merciless. "What do you want to wear, Honey?" I asked her. "It would be nice if you went with me to see your mom before she gets her dinner." She directed me to the clothes she wanted. I helped her get into them and brushed her hair before we went back downstairs. Fortunately, Charlie's hair style was one that needed no more tending than my own. I would have made a mess of it, I'm sure.

At the hospital, Claire was much more herself that evening. Charlie finally got the chance to apologize to her for the accident, even though we all knew it hadn't been her fault. Claire teared up at the sight of Charlie's cast and bandaged hands. It took a few minutes before Claire realized the implications of the bandages.

"How do you go to the bathroom, Charlie?" she asked. Charlie grinned.

"Let's just say that Daddy is a big help, even if he is kind of clumsy." Claire looked surprised at first. Then she realized it was necessity and she laughed.

We played a game of cards, Claire holding Charlie's cards for her when it was her turn. Charlie indicated the cards she wanted to discard by their position from one end. Claire won, as usual. I put the cards away. Charlie was restless so I suggested that she go down to the gift shop and get a magazine or two. "If you see some you want just have the clerk set them out for you."

When she was gone, Claire looked at me, her eyes sparkling. "So, you've been feeling my daughter's nubile young pussy!" I told her not to talk so loud. She just laughed. "What about bathing?" she asked then.

"Actually, I just bathed her before we came down here. It was... interesting." She asked me to explain. I told her we were both awkward at first, but relaxed eventually.

"Be careful, Honey. You know she has a huge crush on you, don't you?"

"No she doesn't!" I protested. "She loves me, I know. But that's all it is."

"Huh-uh." Claire shook her head. "I can tell. She's loved you for years, and since her hormones started flowing that love has turned into something more along the lines of what a woman feels for a man. Those hormones are running strong now. She's been masturbating since she started her period. She has probably been screwing her brains out at school. I know I did when I first left home." I had to tell her what I had discovered when I went up to Charlie's room. We had a laugh over that. Then Claire got serious. She turned to look out the window for some seconds. When she turned back, she took a deep breath and started to speak.

"I never have told you - or anyone, for that matter - but my brother and I played at sex before he went into the army. We didn't fuck, but we played with each other sexually. I think most kids that close in age do some experimenting, even with their siblings. It was actually me who started it. I remember hearing some noises in his room one night. The door was closed, but there was light coming out under it, so I knew he was awake. I was a sneaky little shit back then.

I managed to open the door a crack without making any noise. He was sitting on the edge of his bed and jerking off. Somehow I knew it was taboo too watch and have the feelings I was having. I was still pretty ignorant about sex, and not experienced at all though. Anyway, I watched him until he came. I didn't bother trying to close the door then. I just ran like hell for my own room and jumped under the covers. I didn't think I'd made any noise, but he knew or sensed something. At the very least, he found the door open. A few minutes later he came into my room in the dark. All he had on were the boxers that I'd seen around his ankles a few minutes before. He didn't say anything at first, just sat on the bed and looked down at me.

"'You saw, ' he whispered. Mom and Dad were downstairs, but still awake. He didn't say it like a question. He didn't sound mad, either. That gave me the courage to admit I'd been spying on him. 'Do you know what I was doing?' he asked me. I shook my head. I thought I knew, but I was dying to learn about it. A warm feeling had started in my little pussy. That was the first time I got aroused about him, even if it was wrong. He explained masturbation to me.

"I feigned surprised when he told me girls could do it, too. Then he asked me if I wanted to feel his cock. Did I ever! I really wanted to touch it. He stood up and pushed his shorts down. His cock wasn't soft the way I remembered it from back when we used to bathe together. It was a lot bigger, and stiff again, too. It was pointing straight at me. I reached out and touched it. It was sticky at the end and he was still oozing semen. He had me take hold of it and stroke it. I did for a while, but stopped. He wanted me to keep on, but I wouldn't. I was too excited and embarrassed at the same time. Before he left he cautioned me not to say anything to our parents. He assured me that they would get mad. I believed him, especially now that he had made me a part of his secret.

"The next night, he came into my room after our parents had gone to bed. Our house was set up like ours is now. My parents slept downstairs and our rooms were upstairs. He woke me up and asked me if I wanted to masturbate him. He told me he would tell me how to do it for myself if I did. 'Then you can see how good it feels, too.' He lay on the bed next to me with his boxers half way down his thighs. I followed his directions and he spewed all over his belly. I was hooked then. It was like magic. I kept rubbing his cock after he came. With my other hand I felt my little pussy. It was leaking, too. I let him explain about my lubricating juices. Then he rubbed me a while. He did it more for himself than for me, but we both felt good. I didn't climax that night.

"We got into the habit of getting together at night, or even during the day when we were home and our parents were out. Eventually, he was able to make me come, too. I'm not sure why we never had intercourse, but we didn't. We kept playing until he went to the service. By then I knew all about the mechanics of sex. We knew, too, about incest. What we did was, I guess, at least technically, incest, but neither of us felt too guilty about it. We didn't do anything oral and we stopped short of fucking. He was the one who broke my hymen. He did it with a candle."

She stopped talking then and I could tell she was lost in her memories. I took her hand. She looked up at me. "Do you think I'm terrible now?" she asked.

"Hell, no, I don't!" My voice was harsh. Her story had excited me. I showed her how I felt by putting her hand on my erection. She giggled. It sounded remarkably like Charlie had the night before. The thought of Charlie and our current situation suddenly made me wonder why she had chosen now to tell me all this. I got an uncomfortable feeling.

She looked at me. I bent forward and kissed her deeply. She massaged my cock through my pants. I humped at her hand for a few seconds, enjoying her attention.

"Do you think there's room for me in there?" I asked, indicating the narrow bed.

"Hmm... maybe, but," her eyes looked past me, "I don't think it's exactly the right time." I turned to see that Charlie had returned. I wondered how long she had been there. I casually backed out of Claire's hand and tried to act as if nothing had happened.

We hung around a while longer, and then the dinner cart was in the hall. Claire asked me to stay a minute after Charlie went out of the room. She cupped my face in her hands and kissed me tenderly. She searched my face with her eyes. Then she said something I never thought I'd hear any woman say. "Take care of our daughter, Gary. I know this is hard for you, having to tend all of her bathroom needs and all. I was her age when Bobby and I started playing around. He told me back then that he'd been fucking his girlfriend for a couple of months. You're much more experienced, and a great lay, at that. Charlie isn't your blood daughter. It wouldn't be incest." She stopped, the unspoken message hanging clearly in the air. My throat had closed up. I couldn't even begin to formulate a response to that even if I could have spoken. She smiled at me and winked. She winked, for Christ's sake! Then she laughed at what my expression must have looked like. The nurse walked in to leave her dinner tray and leave. Claire shooed me out. Just as I was about to close the door, she called me back. "She's on birth control, you know."

I did know. Claire had handed me the B.S. about regulating her period two years before. I knew she had been worried about Charlie's hormones and her adventures with boys.

"You seem awful quiet, Daddy." We were driving down our darkening street. Lights were going on in all the houses we passed. People were sitting down to dinner, watching TV, surfing the internet. Charlie and I were on our way home. My mind was in a whirl. I was trying to absorb the fact that my wife had apparently just given me her permission to have sex with her daughter. Our daughter.

"Oh." I said. I cleared my throat. "Just thinking, Honey," I said. ("Yeah," I thought, "thinking about what it will feel like to bury myself between your legs!")

She reached over and rested her wrist on my shoulder. "She'll be okay. The doctor said so," She thought I was worried about Claire. It made me feel like a pervert. I pulled her across the seat to sit next to me. Her hand slid down to lay on my leg. I know it was just my imagination, but it felt like a little heater resting there. I pulled my pickup into the driveway and cut the engine. I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. We got out, Charlie scooting out my side so I didn't have to go around and open her door. I opened the front door and let her go in before me.

She sat on the couch while I turned on the TV. "Can you help me out of these pants, Daddy?" Charlie had kicked off her shoes at the door. I knelt down and unbuttoned the jeans and worked them off her hips. They were tight and her panties slipped down with them.

"Do you want these on or off?" I asked her, my hands on the elastic of her undies. She looked at me, and then shrugged.

"Off, I guess." She raised her hips and I slid them off and down her legs. She doubled her legs under her and sat with a mild expression, her gaze trained on the screen. I took her clothes to the stairs and dropped them on the bottom step. Then I went to the kitchen and fixed myself a stiff drink. My cock was hard in my pants. I briefly considered shedding my clothes as well, but that was just crazy. I went back in and sat beside Charlie, trying to hide my erection and to keep from staring at her naked crotch. The shirt she wore wasn't one of the long ones she slept in. It was normal length, stopping at her waist. It was disconcerting to be sitting there with an eighteen year old girl naked from the waist down sitting next to me.

I took her to pee once before bedtime. When I asked if she wanted to be in her bed or on the couch, she asked if she could sleep in my bed. "I want to be able to call you, but the couch made my back sore last night," she explained. I considered that, and then consented.

We went into the bedroom. She waited for me to turn the blankets down for her. When she climbed into bed, she stayed sitting up. She asked me to take her bra off for her. I lifted the shirt and unhooked the bra. She asked me to take her shirt off. "You've seen me naked anyway. It's no big deal any more." If she only knew how big a deal it was! But I tossed the shirt on the bedside table with her bra. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. It occurred to me that she hadn't brushed.

I went back and told her. She slipped out of bed and walked with me to the bathroom. She seemed to have become very much at ease being naked with me. Retrieving her toothbrush from the upstairs bathroom, I brushed her teeth for her, then my own. We went back to the bedroom together.

Out of some fading sense of propriety, I left my briefs on when I got into bed. She couldn't help but see my erection, but she pretended to ignore it. I kissed her cheek and rolled to my side, facing away from her. She asked if I would rub her back for a while. I turned toward her and rubbed her back. "You're going to owe me big time when this is all over, Charlie," I told her.

"I know," she said in a sleepy voice. "I'll give you a bath some time if you want." She pushed her butt back until she came into contact with my groin. "That might be kind of fun!" I backed off. She had me at a disadvantage. She was flirting outrageously, from having me strip her in the living room, to humping her ass into me. I knew secretly that whatever we did wouldn't upset her mother, though.

I finally came to a decision. I told her to roll onto her belly. While she did that, I quickly stripped off my underwear. I rose up and straddled her thighs, being careful not to let my cock run into her yet. I did allow my balls to rest on her thighs just at the bottom of her ass. I continued the massage. I moved my hands lower on her back. When I reached her waist, I moved back up. The next time I made my way down, I kneaded her butt, a cheek in each hand. I began to massage her the same way I do her mother. It became a kind of lovemaking, or at least a prelude to it. She gave out appreciative moans, especially when I was rubbing her ass.

"Are you still a virgin, Charlie?" I asked her. She hesitated before answering.

"Mostly," she said. My hands stopped, resting on her butt.