The Writer's Sister

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Siblings discover they share the same hobby: erotic writing.
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All characters in this story are over the age of 18 and consenting, I in no way encourage or condone incest in real life and simply write this as fantasy and fiction. There are no parallels between any characters in this story and real individuals.

The writer's sister

And with that I was done, I had finished rewriting the last draft of my story, and with one final suggestion from the autocorrect, I could finally feel proud of my accomplishment. It wasn't the greatest story ever written, it wasn't going to win me any awards, but I enjoyed it enough to feel confident someone would get their rocks off reading it. I started writing erotic stories during the summer break and submitted them online to see what kind of reaction I would get.

There was no big moment of inspiration or any particular reason for me starting, just had the impulse one day to start, thinking nothing would come out of it. Fortunately, there was enough interest online for my work that I decided to keep writing, it was fun and more importantly, it was a chance for me to find an outlet for my fetishes and fantasies, a way for me to create my own world and characters who could carry out my deepest desires and see them finally act out the erotic scenes my mind concocted.

Incest was a particular obsession of mine for many years, after getting bored of the same porn featuring stepmothers and stepsisters getting plowed by their stepsons and stepbrothers, I began to peruse the erotic stories websites for any amateur narratives that could arouse my interest. Despite the severe lack of high-quality works, there were a few talented authors that could produce well-written and intriguing romances featuring siblings and parents fighting their forbidden desires before bedding their relatives in forbidden acts. And now, after years of being a doted reader, I finally started submitting my own stories to a satisfying response from the few readers kind enough to pay attention to me.

I went downstairs looking for lunch, my story safely in the hands of my volunteer editor whose guidance had saved my works from my own mistakes in the past. There I found my parents and sister, Millie, in the middle of some discussion, not usually something I meddle in unless I found myself too interested.

"Well look who's finally awake, ever consider doing something other than sleep around all day?" teased my father.

It was better, I thought, for them to believe I spent most of my time asleep and gaming instead of writing perverted stories about family orgies and taboo romances.

"Don't think so," I responded, "Bed's too cozy."

As I explored the kitchen for ingredients, I heard my family continue their talk.

"And how many people read those stories anyway?" asked my mom.

"A few, still not a huge audience but hopefully I'll get more attention soon," answered my sister to my confusion.

"And do you think you might pursue it more seriously later? Like, become an actual author?" my father asked her.

"I'm already an author dad, just because I'm not published..." she responded.

"What's going on?" I asked, my curiosity too much to bear anymore.

"Your sister writes dirty stories on the internet," said my mother in a conflicted manner, almost as if she didn't know how to say it.

"Does she now?" I tried to keep my discomfort hidden.

"Don't give me shit, it's something I've been doing for fun and I enjoy it. And no, it's not perverted," she said ready to defend herself expecting a condescending retort from me.

I simply stared at her, not knowing what to say or how to react, this was too surreal. Although, if she was so open about it then clearly it couldn't be something too taboo for the rest of my family.

The fact my sister had the same hobby as I did was... surprising, and weird, and... well I didn't know how to feel other than just pretend like I didn't care.

"Well, it's your deal, none of my business," I said to her.

Hopefully, she published on a different site from mine. Likely as it was the most popular website for those stories and my particular genre had the biggest traffic, while slightly afraid there was a part of me that found this whole thing just the tinny bit hilarious. If nothing else for the perverted coincidence, I was curious to find out what kind of stories she had made.

As I stepped behind Millie, I looked at her laptop. It was indeed the same website I use for my own stories and saw her profile name, it seemed familiar enough to make me worry and I kept it in my memory. With more curiosity than reason or morals, I went upstairs and began searching for her on the site.

Her library of works was varied, initially, I saw some pretty mild descriptions of stories, from wives cheating on their husbands to teachers and their students. As I continued the search, I found some examples of more extreme topics like non-consent (Obviously just pretend fantasies) BDSM, and some good old-fashioned gay porn. Regardless, nothing as forbidden as my own titles.

Still wondering about the extent of her interests on the site I looked at her list of favorite authors expecting to see the same kind of genres she wrote about. With a pit in my stomach and a hole in my chest, I saw many of my own favorites saved on her preferences, folks who had written narratives featuring perverted families engaging in taboo activities and the same forbidden romances I read to satisfy my horniness. Finally, I found my profile name on her list, with all of my online career details and information.

It was then that it came to me, her profile name, she was a regular fan of my stories, commenting often on their detailed sex scenes and family relationships. I remembered her mentioning before that she was looking to become a writer herself and that I gave her words of encouragement, how do I regret saying that now. My whirlwind mind was broken from its fugue and dizziness by a familiar voice.

"What are you doing?" I heard behind me.

"Shit," is all I could say under my breath as I lowered my head.

Standing up from my chair I looked at her solemnly.

"Listen, I need to tell you something," I told her.

My sister looked at me with visible confusion, she then stared at the screen and saw what I was doing.

"Kinda weird don't you think?" she asked me.

"Check my profile," is all I could say.

Unsure and intrigued, she began to look at the website, moving the mouse and clicking around, after a few seconds I could see the spectrum of emotions that ran across her mind as she slowly realized the truth, her favorite author, who she had closely followed for months now, was her own brother. All those stories featuring brothers and sisters falling in love with one another and failing to fight back against their deepest desires no doubt changing in meaning and significance for her.

"Oh no," she said slowly with a cold expression.

"Yeaaaaaah..." I responded similarly.

Raising her hands to cover her face she said nothing more as she stepped away from my room and closed the door behind her, statued and immobile I stood where I was, failing to react for a few minutes as I pondered the consequences of her finding out and how our relationship would change. With little else to do, I resigned myself to simply shut off the computer and go to bed, wallowing in my regrets and hoping the next day would never come.

Awkward and silent were the days that followed, at least between me and my sister. We did our best to ignore each other avoiding words and stares, almost as if we had already done something wrong.

"What's going on between you two? Are you fighting about something?" asked my mom once she trapped me in the kitchen.

"What are you talking about?" I answered feigning ignorance.

"Come on, you two have fought before but this is different, you're acting really weird around each other,"

I was hoping to end this conversation quickly and just go to my room, not that I could do anything there, ever since Millie discovered my internet hobby, I hadn't actually written anything. I was too uncomfortable to think about new stories.

"Is it because of her... hobby?" said my mom interrupting my conflicting thoughts.


"I know you might find it weird, but she enjoys doing it, plus it's her hobby and we can't judge her for it." she followed.

"You know what, you're right. I won't let it bother me anymore, it's her business and it shouldn't matter to me", I was hoping to get this conversation finished.

Fortunately, it was over, I could finally get upstairs and close myself off into the calmness of my own mind. But that hope was dashed when I found my sister in my bed waiting for me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I need to ask you something," she told me sternly, her eyes staring at the floor refusing to meet my own.

"About what?"

"Well... you know I've been reading your stories for a while now, and... I mean..."

My stomach was turning, nervous for what she was about to say to me.

"I need your help, like you said to me before," she finally told me.

"I said I would help you?" I retorted trying to remember.

"In your comments, you said you'd help me, right?"

Indeed, I had offered to help her with any stories she wanted me to edit, that was before I knew who she was though.

"Help you in what?" I asked her.

"I want to write a new story," she said standing up, "but it's... about a brother and sister."

"Oh," I followed "you haven't written any stories like that before."

"Well, no, because I wasn't sure how to write it, or more like, how to get two siblings to... you know," she said making me feel a little bit guilty.

"Right, I see what you mean. Well, if you want help, I can lend a hand."

"Really? You don't think that's too weird? Considering the subject."

"Come on," I said to her, "It's just a story, doesn't mean anything in real life. Just a fantasy for our readers, right?"

"Of course," she followed, "It's just to make our readers happy."

"And us too I guess," I followed.

We went over what she wanted to write, her subject, and her characters.

"Should I say they've had secret feelings for each other for many years, or how do I make them fall in love with each other?" she asked me.

"Usually I just imply that part, let the imagination of the reader take care of the rest without leaving anything important out," I told her.

"So just have them fuck each other without any explanation?" she asked me.

"No, take your time with their relationship. I don't think you need to over-describe the details. Just let the events occur naturally and we'll understand their feelings in the subtext." I was almost feeling like a professional saying this.

I continued, "Maybe they've had feelings for each other before, or maybe it's new, maybe they've tried to ignore those feelings and just pretended like everything was normal,"

My sister interjected, "Or they didn't realize they felt that way before, all their fights and discussions just hiding the truth from them,"

"Exactly," I responded.

My sister and I sat in silence staring intensely at each other as if I had touched a nerve or crossed a line I should have left alone.

"Ok, so be slow, let their feeling come across the narration without talking about directly, and give space for reader's imagination." She summarized.

"Yep," I cleared my throat awkwardly, "that sounds good, if you need any more help just ask."

She just nodded her head and quickly left my room, nearly closing the door before a quiet "Thank you," ran from her mouth. I stayed in my bed confused, something rolling in my stomach and having no more space in my thoughts to keep me awake.

It was a few nights later, I was in my room wasting my time enjoyably on the computer. My conversation with Millie now firmly in the back of my head and I was doing my best to keep it there and keep it quiet. Things were no longer as awkward, mostly because she spent most of her time in her room, not too different from my own behavior when I was writing.

The quietness was interrupted by a notification from my messages, it was my sister, sending me a document with a strange title:

"Summer break with my brother". Not something that would surprise me on the main page of the website we wrote on, but certainly not something most brothers would expect from their sisters.

"Hey," read the subtext under the file, "I know it might seem a bit weird but, do you think you could help me with this chapter? I just need some advice for revision, it would help me out a lot."

It was, indeed, weird. Giving her some tips over narrative structure was one thing, but reading my sister's smut, sibling smut mind you, was something else entirely. Wrong, disturbing, and immoral, which is why I shouldn't have clicked on the file and read it. I will admit, I felt just a tiny bit guilty and disgusted with myself as I did, though my morbid curiosity overpowered any reservations my moral compass had.

It was not the entirety of her writing so far, I hoped, it seemed to start in media res or maybe just a scene that would form part of the whole story. It was set in the brother's room as his sister entered apparently looking for something to do. Their parents had gone on vacation leaving them alone and to their own devices, now, with no friends to ale their solitude and all other outlets of fun expended, the siblings looked to each other for entertainment. Not a bad setup for a naughty kin tryst but certainly cliché, but that wouldn't deter some desperately horny reader looking for a quick release.

The scene took its time thank goodness; I never could stand the "rush to the fuck" kind of pieces. The siblings talked, discussing their feelings, soon enough the conversation turned in the direction of sex with the sister making an inappropriate confession to her brother about her long dry spell. The brother mustn't have been too perturbed though as he also confessed to his likewise pitiful situation.

Their conversation was intermittingly interrupted by their inner monologue, where each sibling would acknowledge the other's attractiveness and their secret desire to commit a taboo act while being too scared to try or do anything. I must say, the sexual tension was quite exquisite, and the dialogue wasn't too bad either, I was looking forward the both of them actually going for it and finally allowing their inner desires to take command.

As the paragraphs came and went the scene became steamier, the sibling becoming more and more daring with their confessions, talking about things that most people would avoid with their relatives but that in this case only made them hornier. As the scene finally came to the moment of truth, the sister closed the distance with her brother, their lips coming together and their hands across their bodies. To my shame, my penis was fully erect, erect to a story written by my sister, and any attempt to stroke it and pleasure myself would just make me feel even guiltier.

And that was it, the story ended right there. My disappointment half surprising me and half pissing me off, I wrote back to my sister hoping to see if she was still awake.

"That was it? what happens next? You can't end a story like that," I told her.

After a few seconds, she responded back to me.

"Well, I don't know where to go from there, think you can help me out?" she asked me over the computer.

There was a pit in my stomach, not from shame or guilt or a moral obligation to stop this, but from the excitement that my sister would write more porn for me. What a strange series of events this had turned out...

Fuck it, no use in making myself more miserable.

"Well," I answered back, "So far, the grammar and composition are pretty good, I like the dialogue and the sexual tension is amazing."

"Thanks," Is all she could say.

I couldn't believe I was writing this to her.

"I suppose you have to write the sex scene next right?"

"Yeah," she wrote back to me, "But I'm not sure how to write it..."

"You've written sex scenes before, haven't you?"

"Yes, but never with siblings, and I'm not sure how to make that work..." she said earnestly.

For reasons, I couldn't explain (Or didn't want to) I was getting even more aroused, and my boner was getting even harder.

"Well, guess you just have to write it like any other sex scene... with the added fact that they're siblings," I said like that was a small detail.

"It works for me," I continued, "Do more with less, don't overcomplicate it."

"Ok," she said, "How would you write it? describe a scene you would do."

This was definitely crossing a line; one siblings shouldn't cross. Though we might have gone a bit too far with our unusually mutual hobby so maybe this wasn't too much for us...

"Well," I wrote to her, "I would have them struggle internally for just a few seconds before surrendering fully, take your time describing what they are doing to each other and the joy of finally achieving what they wanted to do for so long."

I was writing to her as if possessed, getting more and more into the details of their sexual acts and the forbidden nature of it all, as if I was writing one of my own stories. I nearly forgot that I was writing this to my sister, and as I became more graphic with little censorship to the naughtiness these fictional siblings were getting into. Despite any initial reservations, I wanted to see how she would react, call it morbid curiosity or just the filthy perversion of a naughty brother.

Once I was done, I waited once again for my sister, anxious for her response. This time she took longer to respond making me worried that I had scared her, maybe I went too far, and she was grossed out by this whole interaction, that was the understandable thing to do of course. I was ready to turn off my computer and fall asleep knowing that I was the worst brother in the world when she responded back.

"Holy shit that made me so horny," is what she wrote to me.

Not the reply I expected but certainly one that made me happier than it should have.

"Seriously?" I said to her.

"Yeah, that's fucked up isn't it?"

"... I'm really horny too actually..." I followed.

"Really?" is all she could say.

"Yeah, actually I was hard from before when reading your story..." we were using a lot more ellipses now, probably too nervous to say too much.

"What are you going to do?" she asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, are going to..."

"Jack off?" I finished her sentence.


"Yes, I will probably do that," I told her.

"Me too actually,"

Shit, what was I supposed to say now? I had been the cause of her arousal just as she had been the cause of mine, should I just say good night and let it end there? That was the best idea I had all night probably. But of course, that wasn't what I wanted to do.

"Wanna do something stupid?" I asked her impulsively.

"Like what?" she responded very quickly.

"I don't know, just something stupid," neither of us wanted to say it out loud clearly.

"Something most brothers and sisters shouldn't do?" she asked me finally telling me that we were thinking the same thing.

What exactly were we going to do though? Sext each other? Would I go to her room and... that was a thought too disturbing to entertain. I was too fixated on my thoughts to notice Millie had left and disconnected from her computer bringing a disappointing end to the night.

Or so I thought until I saw my phone light up from a message, a simple "Hey," shined from the screen under Millie´s name. My fingers trembled as I unlocked my phone and quickly opened the messenger, my breathing became heavier, and my heart felt as if it was about to explode inside my chest.

"Hey," I responded back

"Are you hard right now?" asked my sister.

"Yes," I responded.