The Youth Chip Ch. 01

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Steve and Lisa journey to adulthood in a freeuse world.
11.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/24/2020
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Authors note:

All characters in this story are 18 or older.

This story(as most of the stories I have written so far are...) is a freeuse fetish piece. Freeuse for those who have never heard of it is the concept that anyone can have sex with anyone anytime. There are a lot of variations but the core concept is that constant sex is a casual and accepted part of soceity. This story in particular is sort of an exploration of how society might handle that on a worldwide scale. In particular this story explores how you protect children from freeuse and what happens when said children grow up (a whole lot more emphasis on the after they have grown up part this being porn and all.) This being porn and fantasy I am taking a lot of liberty with the concept of reality however so expect some science fiction etc.

Steve stared at the girl sitting down across from him and wondered about the future. Her name was Lisa McGregor and she was his roommate. The two of them were incoming Freshman of University of Massachusetts Amherst and they were both 18 years old. Tomorrow was the day their Youth Chips would come out, they would become adults, and then orientation week would begin.

Steve knew it was supposed to be a huge event. He was about to be an Adult. From the way his family talked about it adulthood would completely change his life. He was the youngest of three siblings and so he was the last to get his chip removed but he was not sure what to expect and no one would tell him.

Didn't it just mean that the censorship would go away? No more "Adults Only" holograms blurring his vision of websites and advertisements? So far as he could tell the only difference with his sisters was that they got a lot more social, more of their friends/neighbors came to visit them and they spent a lot more time with dad. They seemed to enjoy kneeling down in front of dad a whole lot which Steve never really got. It was one of mom's favorite activities too... which had confused him growing up. His mom used to spend every night under the table while they ate dinner between his dad's legs but he never got a clear answer as to why... or for that matter why his sisters started doing it once their chip was removed.

"So where do you live?" Steve finally asked, not able to bear the awkward atmosphere any longer. Since they had finished unpacking and their parents had left they had not said a word to each other. It seemed like Lisa was a pretty shy girl. This was not his first attempt to talk to her but she had yet to say a word.

She took a minute to respond but finally said "I live in Waltham Mass. What about you."

Steve was shocked that she finally responded and wondered if it had to do with the parental figures no longer being around. "Waltham Mass? Holy shit I come from Watertown. What are the chances of that huh? Literally the next town over."

Lisa looked down seemingly not able to bear actually looking at him while talking. "Actually pretty high. If you read the manual they say they like to pair up people who live nearby as roommates."

"Oh." There was another long pause before Steve asked. "Why?"

"It's censored"


They fell silent again and Steve gave up on the not quite a conversation. He pulled the guidebook off his desk and tried to read through it again. The book was huge, thicker than most of his textbooks but most of it had the familiar "Adult's Only" text replacing more than half of the content. Steve quickly ran out of patience with the legalize that filled the part of the book he could read and finally asked the question that had been burning in his mind all day.

"Do you know what will happen when they remove our chips? I mean other than de-censorship? No one will tell me anything and there is nothing in here either."

Lisa finally looked up from the floor and glanced at his guidebook resting half open in his hands. "They will lock us in this room for a week for orientation."

"Ok sure but why? What is orientation? Why do we have to be locked in here for it and why is my roommate a girl? That's weird right? They never allowed that in camp or anything."

Lisa did not reply for a moment and she looked back down at the floor. "I... I don't know." Then, to Steve's shock, she threw her own guidebook to the ground and yelled angrily "I can't find anything anywhere!"

Steve was surprised at her sudden outburst. He had not been sure she had emotions, or much of a personality at all till now. She had been quiet and reserved all day as they moved in.

She continued her outburst "I looked all over the net, in every book I could find and everything has the "Adult's" tag or doesn't exist. There is fucking nothing at all any-fucking-where about what happens when the damned chip is removed!. Fucking Why?! What is the goddamned big deal?!"

Steve was not sure how to respond to his roommate turned angry sailor and just sat there his jaw open at her sudden burst of emotion. Lisa let out a final big scream then picked up her book, hopped back onto her bed, and took a few deep breaths to calm down. "Look we will find out tomorrow either way when they are actually removed. I'm going to just go to sleep." Steve looked at the clock and saw the 7pm. "Isn't it kind of... early?"

Lisa ignored him and climbed underneath her bright floral comforter pulling it over her head. Steve sighed and pulled out his laptop. Video games it was.


The next morning came quickly. Steve stayed up late playing the few games he had that were offline, due to the campus being on a private network until orientation week was done, but that didn't stop him from waking up early with nervous energy. Lisa was also up early and reading what appeared to be one of her textbooks. Steve had gotten the impression she was a smart one but who read a textbook recreationally? They had not even had their first classes yet! Steve felt a vague sense of foreboding and was suddenly very worried about what this year might hold.

Soon enough 9 o'clock rolled around and the door opened. Their RA, a woman named Allison whom they had met when checking in, walked a cart into the center of the room. "Hey there guys! I brought you breakfast and of course the most important part of your day!" She held up a bracer like device, clearly some sort of medical technology made from clean white plastic. "The chip remover! I'm so excited for you guys, the first week is always a little challenging but that's the point of orientation after all. You guys will get up to speed in no time!." Allison was the most bubbly happy person Steve had ever met. His first impression of her was that she had the personality of a unicorn jumping over a rainbow.

She bounced over to him first and he held out his right arm where his chip was. The Youth Chip was actually a wristband that was embedded the day a child is born. It was designed to grow with the child and was not removable short of cutting off the hand, with the exception of the tightly regulated government device that Allison wrapped around his wrist. He had thought it would hurt but she pressed a few buttons and he felt a release around his wrist, like a watch he had worn all his life was suddenly removed. There was no pain at all.

Allison took the device off and walked over to Lisa repeating the steps. Steve stared down and rubbed at his now empty wrist trying to feel what might be different but he didn't feel different at all. In fact he didn't notice anything was different at all which left him rather confused. Everyone had talked about this like it would change everything.

Allison finished with Lisa and put the device and the now defunct Youth Chips in one of the compartments on her cart. "Allright guys! Orientation has officially begun. You guys were briefed on this already but you will be stuck in this room for the rest of the week while you go through orientation. I will be checking in on you a few times a day and bringing meals so feel free to ask me questions then but for now I have to run to the next room. Good luck guys!" Allsion placed the trays containing their breakfast down on their desks and started to wheel her cart out of the room.

"Wait!" Steve said. "What do we do now? Is something supposed to have changed? I don't feel different at all." Allison smiled at him over her shoulder but didn't stop walking. "Of course silly you just had the chip removed. Give it a few hours and you'll start to notice the difference. Good luck you two!" With a click Allison closed the door behind her and they were once again trapped in their dorm room.

Steve looked over at Lisa and found she was already buried in the guidebook. Steve started as he realized that all the content that had been labeled "Adult Only" should be uncensored now. Steve rushed over to his own guidebook leaving his breakfast alone on the desk and immediately noticed the difference. The cover of the book had a big picture of students gathered together on the campus common. but now Steve started to notice all the details he had missed before. For the first time Steve realized that the chip didn't just filter something behind the "adults only" label, some things he just couldn't register at all.

Steve had not noticed that every student in the photo was naked and interacting with each other's naked bodies. All the boys' penises were standing tall and erect. Many of the women were glazed in some sort of white icing. Before the chip had been removed he remembered the image just being a group of students standing in front of a pond in the middle of campus. Now suddenly he was seeing a hundred little details that he simply hadn't noticed before. Everyone in the photo appeared to be rubbing or having someone else rub their genitals. Suddenly Steve remembered his family life very very differently.

He realized that he had never noticed the fact that his father did stuff like this to his sisters and mother. When the women in his family kneeled in front of dad at dinner they must have been putting his hardened penis in their mouths like some of the girls in this photo. But why?

Steve didn't really get what they were doing. He opened up the book and saw that most of the pages he could not read before were photographic examples of various positions that a man could stick his penis inside of a woman. Steve looked down at his own penis and wondered how they did that. His penis had never been hard like that. All his life it had been small and shrunken. He had not even known it could change like that, despite now having clear memories of basically every adult male in his life having it in the hardened state at some point.

The guidebook was mostly devoted to pictures of the "Kama Sutra". There were descriptions for each of the photo's explaining the advantages of the various positions but Steve didn't really get it. What was an "orgasm"? They talked a lot about how a certain position would feel good for the woman or the man in the various positions but Steve again didn't understand. Isn't that where you peed from? Why would it feel good to rub it inside of another person?

Finally Steve looked over at Lisa, wondering if he was supposed to try this stuff with her, and saw her with the guidebook open across her lap as she stared forward into space. She noticed him looking at her and she glanced over at him. "Did you know about this? Sex and all that?" Steve couldn't help but feel like she was accusing him of something.

"Why would I have known anymore than you? It seems like the chips blocked this all off. He held up the book and pointed at a picture of a man sticking his penis into a woman from behind. I have seen mom and dad doing this a bunch of times but I only just now actually remembered it. It's like whenever they decided to rub their genitals together was just blanked from my mind until that chip was removed. Why did they bother?"

Lisa gave him a condescending look and sighed. Do you read anything? It's on page one. "The purpose of the Youth chip."

Steve grumbled, embarrassed that he had in fact not actually read anything in the book just yet, he was too busy flipping through the images to pay attention to the text. He flipped back to page one and read the short blurb.

The Purpose and a Brief History of the Youth Chip

In the year 2040 the Freeuse revolution began. Sex became the right of every citizen in Russia and by the year 2050 the entire world had adopted Freeuse policies. As the revolution began however and sex became a part of everyday life it became obvious that steps would have to be taken to protect those too young to engage in freeuse conscensually. To settle concerns over the subject of the underaged public the brilliant scientist Peter Slovisntsky invinted the Youth Chip, a combination of bioengineering and the latest in microcomputers resulted in a chip that when installed could censor the perception of sex entirely. Part of the first Freeuse Law in Russia was to implant the chips at birth and remove them at the age of consent. This would allow society to engage in the sexual revolution without harming minors. This clause has been copied by nearly every country in the world.

Steve looked up and asked "So what? The only difference is that we can percieve "sex" now? Why is that so important. Why is sex so important?"

"I don't fucking know!" Lisa shouted. Frustration written clear across her face. "Just let me read this stupid fucking book and then perhaps I can answer your godamned questions! Or better yet read the damned thing your fucking self." Lisa shifted so she was looking away from him and facing the wall next to her bed and buried her head back in her book clearly fuming. Steve didn't understand what he had done wrong. He was just as confused as her why the hell did she have to yell at him? Clearly his new roommate was a bit... volatile, switching from shy to furious at the drop of a dime.

Not wanting to poke the bear that was his small slim roommate he buried his own head into the guidebook. This time he ignored the curious images and searched for better information on what the hell was going on. It took him close to an hour of reading to get what he thought was the whole picture but he was more confused than ever by the time he did.

According to the book before the Freeuse revolution the world was a much more destructive place. War and conflict were a constant in at least some part of the world at almost any given time. Humanity was threatening to tear itself apart. By the time 2040 had rolled around the three great superpowers of the world , the US, China, and Russia were at each other's throats and ready to let War decide the future of the world.

Then freeuse began to pick up steam as a social movement in Russia. it was originally an obscure fetish but as it gained popularity it quickly became a norm and there was a sudden shift. Russia went from being an aggressive oligarchy to a democratic the center of biological technology in ten years. It changed from dystopia to utopia so quickly that the rest of the world almost missed it. Through a mixture of diplomacy and economic flexing Russia diffused the tensions between themselves, The US, and China and as the world saw their success freeuse began to spread.

It became clear that frequent sex seemed to drain the tension out of people. Once humanity no longer needed to spend their time pursuing sex they found that this energy could be put to grander purposes. Without the stress and anger of failing to achieve sexual release coming from large swaths of the population mankind found itself pursuing peace at unprecedented levels. Soon freeuse became the norm and while the world was not yet all rainbows and sunshine it was in a better state than it had ever been before. Humanity was beginning to advance into the stars and improve themselves and the world around them. According to the guidebook they owed it all to freeuse.

Freeuse according to the guidebook was a state of being in which no human would turn down another from sexual contact unless there was a medical reason to do so. If you were sick or injured you could say no but to otherwise do so was illegal. Sex was every man and woman's god given right apparently and should never be withheld.

Steve was honestly mostly just confused as he learned about the history of the world and the Youth Chip. He had read enough to know that sex was supposed to feel good but he didn't get how physical pleasure had supposedly changed the world. He had worn the Youth Chip all his life, like every minor in the current era, and he had never felt sexual desire or been able to see it in others. Well that last one was not exactly true but he had been unable to recognize it for what it was until now. It had been censored from his mind.

His head was starting to feel fuzzy from all the new information and Steve looked up and found Lisa had turned around again. She was looking at him with a serious expression on her face.

She quickly looked down again, assuming her mousy persona and said "I'm sorry about snapping at you earlier. I am a little stressed about all this..." She gestured at the guidebook. "This is not what I expected from orientation."

"You're telling me... I didn't know what to expect but now I kinda feel like a stranger in my own life! People have been having sex around me my whole life but I never noticed. Almost every memory I have has changed. I can see all the sex happening in the background now. It's really fucking strange."

"You forgive me then?"

"What? Oh. yeah sure it's ok I guess. I mean I get it. This is really weird. I knew life was going to be different but wow. It's like I was missing half of the world until just an hour or two ago. And worst yet I don't even know why!. Why is sex so important?"

Lisa kept staring at the floor, refusing to meet his eye. "Do you... want to try it?"



"How though. My penis has never done this." He picked up the guidebook and flipped to a large picture of an erection with all of the parts of the penis clearly diagramed.

"Look at page 14, it has tips for people who just had their youth chip removed, things like how to... how to get a penis hard."

Steve noticed she was blushing pretty hard after looking at the picture of an erection. "Wait do you already have this entire book memorized?! I knew you were smart but what the hell? We have only had our chips off for like an hour or two!"

"Not the whole thing" she said defensively. "Just the important bits."

Steve stared at her. Clearly he had underestimated her a tad, perhaps she was as smart as she looked. He cleared his throat and said "Umm... Can we have breakfast before we start trying to figure out what all the fuss is about? I'm kinda hungry..."

She paused but then nodded "That makes sense I guess." Despite agreeing she seemed dejected and continued to stare at the floor rather than going to her desk. Steve got up and brought her breakfast over to her.

"Here. Eat up." Steve then got his own breakfast and began to devour it. Suddenly he was feeling ravenous, like his body was trying to make up for lost time. He noticed too that his meal was a lot bigger than hers and wondered why that was.

They ate in silence and Steve pulled out his laptop again curious as to what he could find on the network now that the censorship was gone. He pulled up the campus homepage and noticed a wide section of it was devoted to orientation guides. Curious as to whether this was just the guidebook Steve clicked through and found himself with a list of videos to watch. They were labeled things like "Beginners guide to blowjobs.", "Learn how to become a cunning linguist" It seemed these were all tutorial video's but he didn't know what they were for.