Their Vampire Code Pt. 02

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More from the life of a Vampire with a code.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 03/11/2023
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Detective Webb stood just inside the man's garage, a cotton handkerchief in his hand covering his mouth. He'd seen some pretty horrible things in his many years working in the Sheriff's Office but this was pretty rough. He looked closer at the partially digested head among the other body parts and spotted something that he hoped nobody else saw. He stepped into the cool night air and made a brief call on his cell.

"I'm at a house on Old Hickory road, off old route 35. I need you to come and see me.... Yes I know but it's important. I'll text you the exact address," he said then hung up.

"Will they take my hides? You told me I could trust you, David, who did you call?" asked the man.

"You found something I'm sure wasn't meant to be found, Joe. The lady I called will set it right," replied David.

"She sounds like an awesome lady, why am I here, Detective?" said Cathy.

Both men jumped, they didn't hear or see any approaching cars.

"Fuck me, no matter how many times you've done that to me, I'll never get used to it. The head in there, I'm guessing someone who should have stayed missing?" said David

"What makes you think it was me?" replied Cathy.

"Take a closer look at his neck, or what's left of it."

"Ah, who else knows, was this called in?" said Cathy after looking.

"No, he called me directly, we help each other out, I get tips about people running and dealing drugs up and down the river, in return I turn a blind eye to the alligators Joe here takes without a permit. He's a good man, I've known him a long time."

Cathy looked at Joe then smiled at David.

"Well, I'm glad you called me. The bag of cash your friend found in the body of his latest kill doesn't need to be reported. Joe, please go inside and fetch me a garbage bag from your kitchen."

"Please tell me you're going to talk to me about who you're getting rid of this time," said David when Joe was out of earshot, a concerned look on his face.

"Yes, I'll take a ride back to town with you and tell you where to find the evidence and information to close your College Street killer case. Joe here will be asked to forget he found a body and instead remember finding a drug runners bundle of cash, about $25k and only called you to be sure it was okay to keep it," replied Cathy.

"You're cleaning up the river now too?"

"Just a few of them, you know my Code, Detective."

"Got it."

"Here you go, Ma'am," said Joe, handing Cathy the bag she wanted.

"I want you to look into my eyes, Joe. You're going to walk to the edge of your long driveway there and smoke one of those cigarettes you have in your shirt pocket. By the time you're done, you'll come back and David will have an answer as to whether it's okay to keep the money you found and you won't remember ever seeing me," she said, softly.

"It's a lot of money, I could help pay for my sister's surgery, I'll be smart though, I know how to not draw attention," said Joe. He walked away, lighting up as he did.

"I won't be long," said Cathy.

David was waiting at the entrance of Joe's garage when he returned, the body parts that were in the alligator's stomach replaced with bundles of cellophane wrapped cash, just over $25k she'd taken from a killer, a man who mercilessly gunned down a couple of boaters who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Cathy watched from the dark as the man hugged David then waved him off as he drove away. He stopped less than a mile up the road and opened his passenger door.

"Mmm, you cleaned it up since the last time, no week old junk food containers to make your car smell wonderful," she said as she sat down.

"I remembered your heightened sense of smell," he replied with a grin.

"Do you need to forget what you saw?"

"No, if it means closure to College Street, I'd see it again. Talk to me."

"He hadn't killed in a while, I was hunting him but he went dark for years and only resurfaced a few months ago. The 3 missing girls are gone, I'm sorry, I couldn't get to him in time but his laptop, heavily encrypted, will detail where he put the bodies. He mapped all of them, would drug, rape then kill them, stuff their bodies in oil drums and dump them in the deepest parts of the river. His laptop was in a room behind a bookshelf, I made him open it and tell me what he did. Tomorrow you're going to get a call from his cleaner, she'll tell you she saw a light that he left on and she accidentally opened his hidden room. She saw you on TV, pleading for the public's help finding the missing girls and thought you should be the first to know."

"You said encrypted, is there a cypher or something to help open it?"

"I have faith in your men, Detective, if I did any more, you'd have to start paying me," she said with a smile.

"Is this someone we could have caught without you?"

"He was very careful, covered his tracks extremely well but his fetish for trophies is something that will convince you. I can't bear to think of how many more he would have killed. Just, don't be the one to open the deep freeze in that room."

"Fuck. Is Joe ever going to remember?"

"He won't even realize the new alligator I left for him is a little bigger. I got sloppy, I'm sorry. I'll try not to leave puncture marks on any more I have to remove."

"You are quite the woman, Miss Catherine, I'm glad I'm on this side of you."

"It's Cathy, Detective, I haven't gone by Catherine since before you were born."

"I know, despite being acutely aware you could snap me like a twig, I can't help teasing at times."

"Stay safe, David, thank you for calling me. Despite my hatred for these little things, I'm glad you did. I'll get out here."

David stopped his car, letting Cathy out and she was gone before he closed her door.

She watched him on the news in the days that followed, detailing how an accidental find by a cleaner led to closure in cases of 19 missing women. The suspect having kept a detailed log in a computer deciphered by the Police Department's cyber team and the FBI. They would eventually get to the last 3 girls and evidence suggesting he fell into the water while dumping them and was killed. Alligators would be hailed as the final, fitting end to an evil man and Detective Webb the unrelenting seeker of justice to bring closure to the many families.

A week or so later, Cathy sat on the roof of the dockside warehouse, a boat passed by, 'The Grand Marie' painted on the bow. She smiled, remembering a Marie she knew a long time ago.

*     *     *

"We are at port, Mistress Victoria. My men are eager to fetch your luggage if you'd like to freshen up," said the Captain, waking Victoria and Catherine from their nap.

"Well, I'm sure they're hoping to get at least some of the money they lost to me playing poker last night as a tip but please give them this when we are gone. They are all wonderful, hard-working men and were of great company to my sister and I," replied Victoria, handing the Captain a bag with envelopes addressed to each of his men. The Captain laughed.

"You'd think with all the time between ports they'd learn to play a little better."

"Men have more tells than we do, Captain, once you know where to look, it's hard to hide them from me."

"Do we have time to make love again?" asked Catherine when the Captain left.

"You are insatiable young lady, we have all the time in the world so you can wait another few hours," replied Victoria.

"Are you going to tell him about the pirates?"

"Only if he asks."

The women showered then got dressed then made their way to the gangplank off the ship. The Captain was there waiting, their luggage already on the dock.

"I wish you a safe journey from here, Mistress Victoria. Thank you for keeping my ship and my men safe, that voyage has been known to be fraught with pirates every now and then but I know we had you as our guardian," he said, discreetly handing Victoria a small gold coin.

"Did you see anything Captain, you know you truly have nothing to fear from me," said Victoria, softly.

"Just a small trace of the aftermath, Mistress. My men and my ship are safe and that is all I care for."

"Thank you, Captain. I hope to see you again."

Catherine waited until they were alone on the dock before she spoke.

"Does he know what we are?" she asked.

"I think he had an idea we were not as frail as we often appear, my love but no. He'll soon be wondering how to buy his own ship from the company when he finds the gold I left him though."

Catherine gasped.

"You went to their ship?"

"Yes, all of them killers with dark hearts. They had so many treasures stolen from innocent travelers and sailors, I couldn't let them continue. The 2 you killed on deck were strong but the one piloting their small boat led me to their ship where they had so many monsters. The fish will enjoy their new home, I sank their ship and took their gold and treasures. I gave our Captain a good share and the extra money I gave him for his men will keep them happy but still loyal to him, he is a good man."

A few minutes later, a horse drawn carriage pulled up in front of them. A dark-haired woman in a green dress stepped out and greeted Victoria with a warm hug.

"It is wonderful to see you again, Victoria, I'm sorry I kept you waiting," she said with a warm smile.

Catherine looked at her, she was a little taller than Victoria but had piercing blue eyes and was very beautiful. Catherine felt herself blush at the thoughts she invoked in herself.

"I thought we'd arrived to port a little early but we weren't waiting long. Were the horses giving you trouble?"

"No, something else, I'll explain later."

"Oh. Well, let me introduce you to my Catherine, Catherine, this is a very old friend of mine, Louise."

"It's wonderful to meet you, Catherine," said Louise.

They all hugged and after loading their luggage into the carriage, got in and closed the door. Victoria and Louise kissed each other softly and gazed into each other's eyes.

"I have been so excited since I got your letter, did the hunters give you much trouble?" said Louise to Victoria.

"No, thanks to Catherine, she's taken to her new powers very quickly and dispatched 3 of them when they almost had me cornered. Their leader called himself a Paladin, I'll need to find out if he has any ties to the Church at all or just a mercenary like I suspected," replied Victoria.

"Well, that can wait, we have some catching up to do," said Louise.

"You know we can't stay for too long, Louise, we have a small window to get to Paris."

"You have three days until you have to leave, please just enjoy it."

Catherine listened to the women talking about their lives since they'd last been together, she was mesmerized by Louise's beauty, it was like she knew her thoughts though and would smile at her when Catherine let her mind go to lust. The carriage ride wasn't too long, the driver helped unload the luggage then left. They were all greeted at the door by a butler, he helped with the bags then waited for instructions.

"Edward, where are Marie and my husband?" said Louise to the butler.

"They, um, are indisposed, ma'am. Shall I inform them of your return?" he replied.

"No, I'll do that myself."

Louise had a look of anger on her face, she walked to the study and opened the double doors wide. A man was sitting on one of the chairs, his pants and underwear crumpled round his ankles and a younger woman was on top of him, naked, riding him with furious passion. Edward quickly left the hallway but Louise grabbed the woman by the back of the neck and threw her to the ground. The younger woman sprang to her feet, showing her sharp teeth and appeared ready to fight until she saw who had thrown her.

The man just sat in a daze on the chair, his hard cock still glistening from the young woman's juices. Louise looked closely at him then turned to the young woman again.

"You put him in a trance to use him, Marie? You know how many times I've told you about this, consider yourself lucky I have guests or you and I would be having a deeper conversation," said Louise.

"I asked him but he declined me. You said I am not allowed strangers and I needed release," replied Marie.

"I gave you release before I left, that was less than a hour ago!"

"I wanted more."

"You will go and bathe, you will dress and return, this is not over."

Marie started to say more but saw the look in Louise's eyes and just left quietly. Louise walked over to the man, looked in his eyes and just said 'release'.

"I... I tried to say no, Mistress, she must have glamoured me, I'm sorry," he said as he got his pants back on.

"I will punish her, Christopher. Do you wish to forget?"

"No, Mistress."

"Come with me, she can at least help your arousal subside. Forgive me, Victoria, I will be right back," said Louise.

Louise took the man away and came back a few minutes later.

"Let me take you to your room, I'm sorry you had to see that. My progeny has an appetite I can control during the day but at night she can get a little out of control. I should have worked harder with her in the beginning but I was too wrapped up with her," said Louise. Victoria held her arm.

"Is she becoming feral?" asked Victoria.

"No, I don't think so, I can control it."

"He is human isn't he, the butler and staff I understand but you called him your husband, you know the risks with that Louise, please tell me you don't have his mind shrouded all the time."

"No, we have an understanding, I saved his life and him being here helps with appearances."

Catherine could see pain in Louise's eyes, she waited until she was alone with Victoria before she said anything.

"Forgive me if I'm speaking out of place my Mistress but your friend has much pain in her eyes, she is deeply troubled," said Catherine.

"I saw it too, it concerns me. You must be careful my love, I just hope Louise will let me help her but unless I can perform a ritual on Marie to help calm her, she may turn dangerous."

"You said something earlier, feral? We can become that way?"

"Do you remember our first few weeks together, how much we made love with and without others? I know you remember almost sharing my mind, how we'd hold each other and just get lost in each other's eyes for hours at a time. Marie wasn't given that, they joined together in lust and passion which is not wrong, just needed to be balanced. I'm hoping her pride won't get in the way but I worry about her mortal too, getting attached to a human only ever leads to pain."

"Is there anything I can do, Mistress?"

"Just be careful for me, okay? I have to go and talk with a Priest tonight, see if there's more to this Paladin but I need to go alone."

"You know I can help you."

"You are strong and you are fast and I trust you with my life but showing up with me may alarm him and I just need information."


Victoria kissed Catherine softly on the lips then made her way to the Church less than a mile from Louise's home. As soon as she opened the doors, she felt uneasy and she could smell the silver. She looked around and saw nothing but shadows and made her way to the priest who busied himself with candles. By the time she saw them she was too late to react, they wore chainmail laced with silver and quickly wrapped a silver chain round her neck.

"Come to feast on the forbidden have you, Demon?" said one of the 3 men holding her.

"N... No. I came to talk, for information. I walk the path of the redeemers, I only take evil men or women, I have allies in the church!" said Victoria, struggling against the men.

"Ah, fight all you want, this silver cost us a small fortune but we know it makes your kind weaker than humans. How many are in your group, if you tell me I will make your death quick," said the same man.

"J... Just me," replied Victoria.

"You said you wouldn't torture her, Lucas, I cannot bear this," said the Priest.

"Do not forget your station, Father. We both work for Cardinal Landry and we are to rid our cities of their kind," said the man.

The two men holding Victoria never knew what hit them. As their heads fell forward, blood pouring and spraying from their necks, the man that was holding the chain tried to scream when he suddenly had his arms cut off at the elbow. Catherine held the sword at his neck.

"Should I finish this one or do you need to feed?" said Catherine.

Victoria took a dagger from her purse and cut the chainmail from the man.

"It didn't have to be this way, Paladin, we hunt the same evil," she said then bit into his neck.

Victoria let his lifeless body fall to the ground then turned to the priest.

"I am going to ask you some questions, Father. You are going to tell me everything I want to know about Cardinal Landry and why he wants us dead," she said, putting him in a trance.


"Can they see us up here?" asked Catherine as they sat watching the church a few hours later.

"No, humans don't often look to the rooftops, it's why I like sitting here," replied Victoria.

"I was puzzled at first as to why you had a very old sword in your belongings but now I understand."

"I despise using the sword but against such men it's a safe way to kill if they are armored in that way. Silver is harmful to us, it makes us weak if placed on our skin and wounds made with silver coated weapons can kill."

"Do you think the Police will question their local Priest suddenly going mad and stabbing one of his workers to death?"

"I may need to talk to a few of the Detectives if they don't, convince them to accept what I left for them to see is all that it is. Covering up so much blood isn't always easy. I am thankful you didn't listen to me though, I will need to teach you how to follow without being seen my love, I knew you were close."

"I didn't want to go against your wishes but I was afraid for you. Something told me to be near you."

Victoria stood up suddenly and grabbed her dagger again, Catherine spun round with her sword, ready to attack. When the man spoke, Victoria softened her stance and made Catherine lower the sword.

"It is good to see you again Gerald, I had no idea you had returned to London," replied Victoria to the man's Hello.

"I've been coming up here to watch the Paladins, I'm guessing by the commotion and the smell of blood on both of you there are less of them?" he said.

"Yes, is there somewhere safer for us to talk?"

"There is, the streets are busy though, stay close to me."

Victoria and Catherine followed Gerald over some rooftops then through some alleys and dimly lit streets to a small basement apartment not too far from the church. He gave the women a glass of wine each and poured one for himself.

"So, who is this beautiful young woman you have taken under your wing," said Gerald, smiling at Catherine.

"This is Catherine, a very intelligent and wonderful woman I saved from a killer in New York. She is learning the hunt with me and has taken to her powers quicker than anyone I've trained and loved," said Victoria, smiling at Catherine also.

"Well, it's wonderful to meet you, Catherine. Victoria and I have a friendship spanning 3 continents, we met in my homeland, deep in the Congo's jungles and we hunted evil together in Asia and Europe," said Gerald.

"How?" asked Catherine.

"When we are not hunting evil, we use our powers to heal the innocent. My Master, before he lost his way, took us to find a herb that helps reduce fevers. We found it but also came across my friend here, he was hunting a group of men that were travelling the river, killing women for fun. We helped him and became good friends," said Victoria.

"Can you believe it has been 86 years since that day?" laughed Gerald.

"I remember every moment. Talk to me about the Paladins, is it the only reason you're here?"

"For the most part, I've been hearing some uneasy talk about a coming war to end all wars, I decided to leave Germany where I was living."