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A CFNM scene between friends, with a light D/s twist.
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There's a reason why your friends become your friends.

I enjoyed meeting each of the four women in this story, but generally our meetings faded into the patchwork of unremarkable encounters that made up my early twenties. I met Jules at a work party while desperately trying to avoid using up any more of my life in contact with my job. She was doing the same, so we did it together (so to speak); we knew each other for months before I found out what she did for the company. Half a year or so later, Sophia stood in line behind me for 2 hours outside a rock concert in the city. I chatted with her steadily for the last 45 minutes, and once we got inside she introduced me to Dani, who had shelled out for VIP entry. Lauren was a mostly-unsuccessful blind date who bonded with me by complaining about the mutual acquaintance who had arm-twisted us together. Small stuff, standard stuff, the usual stuff.

No indications that they would be the primary players in the most intense evenings of my life.

But there's a reason why your friends become your friends. Gradually, over about a year, the small stuff became big, and the standard stuff became dynamic as we encountered together a common streak of personality that never made an appearance at any of our initial meetings.

Jules was the first one to show it. That girl doesn't have many boundaries, at least not with her friends. One time about a month after we met, I picked her up at her house so we could go get sandwiches, and when she saw me coming, she whipped off her shirt and bra, snuck up to the door, and threw it open a split second before I knocked, just for the reaction. I swear I stood there for ten full seconds, staring like I was trying to make sense of an obscure Picasso. She didn't stop laughing until we got to the restaurant. I used the tease her about that incident, but it was obvious she wasn't bothered—if I made a crack about seeing her topless, even in front of our other friends, she'd just smile and bat her eyelashes, and launch into her exaggerated impression of my reaction, and the conversation would roll right along. Soon enough, the incident became common knowledge, and our friends would laugh about it with us. So, it wasn't the least bit strange when Dani began needling Jules the Flasher over a delivered pizza one night. As I recall, Jules was complaining about the inadequate air-conditioning in Dani's apartment:

"Dani, could you get me some ice water? It is unbelievably hot in this place." Jules has a trademark way of pronouncing words like "unbelievable", as though the first syllable is twice as important as the rest of the word.

"Geez, I know, it's not my fault! Take off a layer!"

"All I'm wearing is a tank top and a bra!"

"Well, take them off and show off for Eddie, like you do!"

Laughter. "Hey, I would, but he still hasn't recovered from last time."

Dani returned with the ice water, still smiling. "I was about to say, he's already seen them at least once anyway...". Then she suddenly squinted at Jules. "I will never understand why you aren't more embarrassed by that."

Jules shrugged and leaned back in her chair. "Honestly, I couldn't care less. It was fun. If I thought I could get him again like I did the first time, I'd totally do it." Her frankness gave the statement an odd feeling of finality. "I love being naked, anyway."

I'm not quite sure why I spoke up at this moment. It would've been so easy to keep the conversation light, keep teasing Jules about her love of nudity, or just shrug it off altogether. But something about the statement—combined, I suppose, with the intruding visual memory of my friend's bare breasts—touched a nerve in me, such that I brought forth with awkward sincerity: "Hey, being naked is amazing."

All the attention in the room immediately turned toward me. "Oh really? This is new information, Eddie", Lauren said playfully, "tell us more."

Sophia and Dani immediately piled on. "Yes, would you care to elaborate?" "Please tell us about how you wish you could be naked all the time."

I laughed loudly, and a little defensively. "Hey, am I wrong, though? Tell me I'm wrong, any of you."

"I understand, Eddie", Lauren pressed. "But I just didn't know that you felt that way. We all know about Lady Godiva over there, but sounds like you've been holding something out on us?" She asked the question with a you-can-tell-me-anything smile, but her eyes were dancing mischievously. In hindsight, she knew she had me right where she wanted me, and I should've just given in and let my friends make fun of me. As it was, though, I decided to wriggle a little more.

Much more weakly than I intended, I sputtered, "I was just agreeing with Jules. She's the exhibitionist here."

All of them broke out laughing at that, but Lauren again spoke up to finish me off. "We already know about Jules though! She's shown off her boobs to me too! But you haven't shown off anything! Does this mean you're going to start?"

"No, I just—" but my red face was already speaking far too eloquently. It was time to fess up.

I suppose it's time to fess up here as well, and explain clearly what I've been hinting at. Here goes: I am an exhibitionist, and as of recently, a CFNM enthusiast. I love being naked, and being seen naked, and the sexual rush I get from having a fully-clothed woman demand my clothes from me, leaving me exposed and helpless before her, is incredible. Furthermore, in case it wasn't obvious, Jules, Sophia, Dani, and Lauren are my partners in this particular crime. They are the CFs to my NM. They're all sweet, sexy, hilarious women, and as strange as it sounds, the anticipation of spending an evening in one of their homes naked, exposed, and embarrassed, while the four of them gently torment me, is sometimes what gets me through the week. I didn't get naked for them after that first conversation, but my confession instigates a weeks-long investigation of kinks that eventually made its way through the entire group, and it always circled back to the idea of nakedness. Finally, after a lot of tentative, awkward, exciting discussion, we agreed to try having a CFNM get-together, and we were immediately hooked.

The rules we settled on are extremely loose. I stay naked at all times, and they stay clothed; I have my boundaries, and we all abide by a standing safe-word code. Everything after that, though, is up to them. Sometimes our "scenes" are highly planned, and sometimes things change spontaneously; sometimes their instructions are highly sexual, and sometimes I only have to, say, cook and serve dinner without my clothes. The unpredictability is half the fun.

At this point, I should offer some actual introductions of my friends themselves. I'll try to characterize them quickly, in the order I mentioned them before:

Jules is bold, friendly, and guileless. She's an infusion of energy into any room she enters. An insufferable male acquaintance once tried to bro-bond with me by speculating about how exciting she must be in bed. I ignored him. He was right.

Sophia is a quiet, nervous person with an incongruous love of punk rock music. Even more incongruous, though, is her massive voyeurism kink. It took her weeks to admit this, even after she had seen me naked multiple times, but the look on her face the first time she watched my clothes hit the floor of her apartment is something I daydream about to this day. We swap nude pictures on the regular now, and hers are exceptional.

Dani is kind, empathetic, and thoughtful, but extremely mischievous. During one of our early CFNM nights, she got Sophia and Jules to hold my arms and legs, and she tickled me ferociously until full tears streamed down my face. On seeing this, she immediately stopped and began massaging my aching sides and abdomen, and helping me to my feet. Once I was standing solidly, she leaned in and, in one smooth motion, kissed me tenderly on the cheek and poked my naked ribs so that my whole left side crumpled. Brutal and hilarious.

Lauren is smart and composed in a way that belies her sexy side. She graduated summa with a degree in sociology, but got shut out of grad school for reasons I cannot comprehend. During our play, she's a devastating wicked witch with a core of steel. Usually she doesn't push it all that hard, but when she insists on her way, I get full-body chills. Never takes any clothes off, because she doesn't need to. Our blind date was a bust primarily because we both hate blind dates.

And then of course, there is myself, Eddie, the center of attention, who loves his friends and loves being naked, and goes absolutely crazy when the two are put together. That's all the scene-setting you need to understand what happened next, as I tell you what I did over the weekend, or rather what was done to me. Anyway, here's the story:

I had to laugh as I got changed after work on Friday night. The girls had instructed me that there would be a dress code at Lauren's place that night, and I was to arrive promptly at 6:30 dressed at least business casual. I wanted to play by the spirit of the instructions, so I showered, shaved, and threw on a dress shirt and blazer, as if I were going on a date. I checked myself over in the mirror, and then, on second thought, added a tie. Maybe that will give them some ammunition, I thought. I hadn't been tied up before, but I was betting Lauren would try it given half a chance. I rolled up outside the apartment at 6:33 with a bottle of wine in hand. Sophia greeted me at the door, hugged me, and took the wine into the kitchen. Everybody else had already arrived—par for the course on these occasions—but the moment I stepped into the living room to greet them, the energy in the apartment shifted. They were polite, and we said our hellos, but otherwise they sat back eyeing me, mutely, but with obvious excitement.

The beginning of our scenes is almost a ritual by now, but that didn't stop the jolt of adrenaline that hit me once I knew it was time. I steadied my breathing, stepped up into the middle of the living room like I always did, and extended my arms outwards, with my friends in front of me and the large, open windows behind me.

No more holding back now. Time to let everybody see me. I'm theirs.

Jules stepped forward, grinning salaciously from ear to ear. She played with the lapel of my coat for second, before unexpectedly backing off. "Nice suit."

I gulped. "Thank you."

"We wanted you nicely dressed tonight. Obviously it won't matter eventually, but we decided it would be fun to... test your submissiveness a little, before we strip you naked. But don't worry, we are going to strip you naked." She laughed, clearly enjoying my squirm at the word "naked". "Now come along."

She led me into the master bathroom, and wordlessly pushed me into the shower stall while the others filed in. When Lauren entered, Jules stepped back and let her move, very intentionally, to the front of the group.

"I want to make something clear to you", Lauren began, sounding like the stern professor she aspired to be. "What you are doing now is not a suggestion or a dare; there will be no rewards for doing it properly." This was starting to sound dangerous, but I was game as ever. She continued: "You will do as I say, only because I say so."

I fought down the instinct to escape. Okay, I'm theirs.

Then, suddenly, Lauren reached into the bathroom cabinet and brought out two small cooler bags. From one, she produced, of all things, a 2-liter of Pepsi, and handed it to me.

"Eddie, please shake the bottle for one minute."

I stared for a second, confused, but Professor Lauren gave me no clues, just a piercing look. I ignored the rising alarm signals in my brain and started shaking.

"Raise the bottle above your head."

I wanted to laugh hysterically with relief. That's where this was going?? My friends were in an odd mood. I was still game, though, and my instructor's gaze had not softened, so I did as I was told. Too bad about the suit.

Lauren suddenly assumed the position I had taken earlier, arms extended straight out from her sides.

"Open it up immediately, and pour the entire contents on your head."

It was way worse than I expected. First the soda erupted with dense foam that seeped into my collar and dissolved against my chest. Then the remaining liquid came down, running into my nose and mouth and soaking my shirt and coat before dribbling into my underwear and down my legs. When it was all gone, an unpleasant tacky sensation took over that covered me literally from head to toe.

I glance up at Lauren questioningly, but before I registered anything, the other three women moved in unison to remove Lauren's shirt. She stood proudly forward and smiled at my surprise, as the shirt fell away and revealed an elaborate bustier of black lace, lined with silver ribbons. It was deadly sexy.

"Any questions?" I was taken aback, but as she eyed me sternly, it became even clearer where my place was in this game. I shook my head.

She reached into the second cooler and pulled out another bottle with its contents obscured by condensation. She moved in close, put the bottle into my hands, and moved away, intentionally brushing her lace against my arm. I was thrown, but as soon as I made eye contact with her again it was back to business. "The water in that bottle has been chilled for the last four hours. Do the same with it, please."

I was far more intimidated now, but Lauren's chiseled face was uncompromising, and the silver-lined plunge between her breasts foiled any attempt I might have made at resistance. I opened fire on myself once again. The chilled water didn't freeze so much as it burned, like tiny needles all the way down my spine. I shivered all over, and resisted the urge to shake myself like a dog.

I looked up just in time to see Lauren's pants hit the floor.

I was genuinely shocked. The rest of my friends took clothes off from time to time, and I had seen some of them totally naked, but Lauren never so much as put on a bikini. Now she was standing firmly, smirking contemptuously at me, clad in devilish black lingerie while freezing water dribbled off my lapels.

"Like what you see?" she teased.

I couldn't answer for a long moment. Finally I just nodded.

"Good! Now..." She threw open both coolers, revealing two more bottles. "You will do the same with one more of each before I allow you to leave that tub."

I couldn't have resisted if I had wanted to. The soda and freezing water soaked my clothes without another word. I came up from the last one, gasping, and looked Lauren in the eyes.

She pushed back her shoulders, slowly hooked her thumbs into her black lace waistband, and cocked an eyebrow at me. We waited there for an excruciating moment.

She grabbed me by the tie, pulled me out of the shower, and led me back into the living room.

This time I walked to the center of the room without the slightest hesitation and held out my arms. I already felt cowed and exposed, and now I just wanted to be naked for these women as quickly as they would allow me to be. Jules gave me a winning smile, and gently shucked me out of my jacket and unwound my soaking tie. She bent down and removed my socks as well, but then she moved back so the others could begin to strip me.

Dani stepped up and placed her palm in the center of my chest. I stifled a moan. She heard it, of course, and proceeded to undo my shirt buttons with agonizing slowness, grinning wickedly at my distress. Once she had my torso bared, she pulled herself up, placed her chest against mine, and tickled me gently, reminded me what she knew how to do to me. An audible whimper escaped my mouth.

Sophia took her cue then, moved forward and slipped off my stained slacks with clinical efficiency. Her movements were ginger and a little uncertain, but she still wasn't going to leave without a little fun at my expense. As I stepped out of my pants, she ran her manicured nails up the inside of my exposed leg, lighting up every nerve from my ankle to my hip. The tip of her thumb softly, deliberately brushed the head of my penis, and I wanted to cry. Then, she did it again. And again. And again.

Holy hell I wanted to be naked at that moment. That was what I had come here for, but this was treatment I had never gotten from them. I had been stripped, humiliated, mocked and displayed, but never held in suspense, teased, and tormented like this. I wanted them to tear my underwear off and run their hands all over my body, scratch my face, tickle my sides, and bite my chest. I wanted to feel their skin against mine. Most of all, though, I wanted Lauren to drop her damn lingerie, kneel over me with her gorgeous nude body on display, and cradle and stroke my exposed penis until... I didn't even know when until. It was another level of maddening, but the worst had not yet come.

Sophia moved backwards, holding eye contact all the way back to her seat.

Lauren stepped forward imperiously, and surveyed my tense, skinny body. After another long moment, she spoke.

"You're dying to be naked for us right now, aren't you."

My skin prickled. Another shiver ran through me from head to toe. "Yes. Please."

She reached out with both hands and gently, delicately, dropped my shorts to the floor. I moaned.

"But that's not the only think you want, right?"

I blinked. Could I even express what else I was wanting right then?

"You wanted to be naked for us, and now you are, but now that you are, we can all clearly see that that isn't all you're wanting."

I took a deep breath. "I want you to touch me."

With an inscrutable look, she moved around behind me. Suddenly, I felt her lay her fingers at the top of my spine and run them quickly all the way down to my tailbone. I moaned again, louder.

"Well, I touched you. Was that it?"

I couldn't answer. I just looked at her, pleadingly.

"Tell us exactly what you want. Tell them", she said, indicating our friends, "they want a show."

I steadied myself again, knowing what she wanted to hear. Another deep breath. "I want you to touch my penis. I want you to jerk me off."

I watched the knowing smiles appear on my friends faces. I was wondering what Lauren's reaction would be when, still behind me, she reached around as gently as ever and wrapped her hand around my shaft. With her other hand, she dug her fingernails into my shoulder, and I felt her lips against my ear as she (finally!) started to stroke.

It was far better than I imagined. My knees almost buckled, and I sagged against Lauren. She spoke again, still directly in my ear.

"Was this all you wanted?"

I was stunned, thrilled, elated, and I decided to go for it. "No."

"What else?"

"I want you to take off your lingerie and I want to see you naked as well."

I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth. Lauren abruptly stopped, seized the base of my penis, and squeezed until it hurt. The pain and shock pitched me forward and I almost doubled over. She stepped back.

I just stared. I was utterly lost, at sea, helpless and hopelessly aroused, waiting mutely for Lauren's next move without any idea what it would be. She gestured to the seated women, our audience watching raptly with obvious enjoyment. In the same soft voice as when she was speaking in my ear, she addressed them: "Jules, Dani, could you give me a hand please?"

I felt my escape instinct rising again. Jules and Dani both knew exactly how to drive me wild, and I knew it. Whatever Lauren had in mind, the three of them working together would be lethal. For the tenth time, I tried to steady myself.

"What do you need, Laur?"

Lauren looked at them slowly, and then looked back at me with the meanest, sexiest smile I have ever seen. "Eddie, arms out, legs spread, right now. If you ever want even a chance of seeing me naked, do it now and do not move." Then she turned back to Jules and Dani, who were already gleefully assessing my shaky spread-eagle. "I want you to... make him suffer."