There Must Be a Mistake Ch. 05


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I used the antiseptic wipes to clean the blood off Michael. I cleaned off the blood that was on the rickshaw. I didn't want anything following us because of that smell.

The only plastic bag we had was where the trail mix was. I gladly made that exchange.

"Doc, we have to put some miles between us and this spot. Wolves, big cats, and bears can smell blood for miles. We shouldn't be anywhere around here when they arrive.

I didn't argue with him. I made sure we had everything we brought with us, checked my compass, and headed out on a southerly course again. My stomach hurt like hell. I couldn't get the death of the tiny deer out of my mind. I wanted to live. I wanted Michael to live. I wanted that deer to live.

The scientist in me told me that choices were not always easy. Medicine was the same way. Those who could afford care got it. Those who couldn't just suffered or died. Life was cruel that way.

I didn't stop after two hours because the terrain was exceptionally rough, and we did not put a lot of distance between where we were and where we had been. I continued on until I was exhausted and then stopped.

"Now you'll be happy you killed that dear Doctor. Its meat will give you enough energy to go on. I wish I could help you, but I'm stuck in this damn chair with my ass hurting like hell. I would do anything to lie down."

"You can lie down anytime you want Michael."

"Now you tell me you son of a bitch."

"The bark has dried sufficiently to hold your leg in place. As long as you don't put any pressure on it I can stand you up, move the rickshaw, and lie you down on a blanket."

"Remind me to kill you when this is over."

"Okay, but I won't be able to buy you a new airplane if you do."

"You are going to buy me a new airplane?"

"As long as you don't kill me I will."

"I will protect you with everything I have Doc."

"At this moment Michael, that is not a very comforting thought."


I made a small fire and roasted several pieces of deer meat. Venison has a taste all its own. If anyone ever tells you it tastes like chicken, hit them, because it is not true. It is very tender, with no fat at all. It is almost like veal, but has a gamy taste to it. I made a promise to the little girl who gave her life for me, not to eat venison when I was back in civilization.

I'm not sure why I did it, but that night I made several spears for us to use, just in case we had visitors, because of the smell of roasted meat. I also made a picket line of fireplaces. I could light them quickly to scare off any animal that approached us if necessary. It wasn't necessary. The night was peaceful and quiet. I slept for a full seven hours, and when I woke up, Michael was still fast asleep. I cooked meat for breakfast; and to chew on, while I was walking.

We started our second day under darkened conditions, knowing that above us somewhere that storm front was still causing havoc. The tops of the trees were not visible because of the clouds or fog, but at least it was not raining. The trees were blocking the fierce winds we could hear howling above us. Still, the footing was treacherous. The ground was wet, and the rickshaw was heavy. Going uphill was difficult. Going downhill was worse, because I could not control the speed.

Michael was hysterical. "Driver, oh driver, could you be more careful please. I spilled some tea on my dress. You are going to have to pay to get it dry cleaned."

As I struggled with the rickshaw I answered politely, "Fuck off Michael."

"May I quote you sir?"

"Eat my shorts Michael. Either that or you get up here and drive."

Every time we entered a relatively flat area of the forest, Michael seemed to become quiet. When I checked him his pulse was not as strong as it had been, but he was hanging in there. I hoped it was the effects of the pain pills. I was giving him one every six hours. He was not complaining about his leg as much. In medicine this was not always a good sign.

After my fourth two hour walking session, I settled us down for the evening. A persistent drizzle started earlier today but we made a decent amount of progress. I wished I had some visual cues to make reference to, but these trees blocked everything from site. I didn't dare try to climb one, because if I fell and hurt myself, both Michael and I would surely die out here in the wilderness.

I settled Michael underneath the bows of a huge spruce tree and the ground underneath it was nearly dry. I set up our campfire, made our dinner, and with very little talking, I fell asleep.

I dreamt of my daughter sitting at home worrying about me. I dreamt about what type of father I would have been for Delicious growing up. I was so driven during my 20s to prove to my father that I was someone to be proud of nothing else mattered. I worked tirelessly to gain recognition, power, and money to make him proud of me. I never succeeded, not even until the day he died.

He hated me for leaving Maine and not working with him at the paper mill. Would I have been that type of father? Would I have hated Delicious for succeeding where I had not dared to go because of my father? I hoped not. I wondered what was written in Divines diary. I had to live to see what she wrote about us, about me and about our baby. Our baby, how did that happen? I had to live to find out how that miracle of birth happened.


We now entered our fourth day. Michael wasn't well but he was still hang in with me. Our friendly banter had ceased, as weariness had taken hold of both of us. My two-hour shifts continued but I was not making as much distance each day as I made the day before. I was halfway through my third two-hour shift, and my legs were leaden. The forest was so dense we had yet to break out into a clearing to see the sky. We had not seen or heard an aircraft or helicopter looking for us. It would not have made a difference because we could not signal them if we wanted to.

I was working on math problems to take my mind off the pain of walking. I was thinking about a project I had in my mind for the near future and it was working out very nicely. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, and nearly crossed over a dirt road, without realizing the significance of it. It was not a paved road, but it was definitely a road. It headed southeast, and it was heavily forested on both sides. It could have been a firebreak, but I didn't care. It was a road, and I knew it would eventually lead us to civilization.

I yelled to Michael, "We are on a road. I can see the sky." It was gray and menacing. I began moving faster down this open corridor of life.

When something good happens to you, something bad is sure to come up and bite you in the ass. A few hours later, it started to rain. It was not a sprinkle, or a drizzle. It was a downpour. I went to cover Michael with the spare blanket, and wondered why he didn't wake up when the rain started to come down heavy. He was burning up with fever. I had to get him to a doctor or a hospital as quickly as possible or I was going to lose him. His leg must have become infected. He must be bleeding internally, and I did not know where. We had gone through too much together, and I did not want to lose him now. Please God don't let him die, I'll do anything you want just don't let him die. He saved me, please save him.

I pulled the hood of my parka over my head, grabbed the handles of the rickshaw, and began jogging down the muddy road.

I am a sedentary human being, a scientist. I sit in my laboratory and look to create new things. I use my head, not my body. I am already exhausted after nearly four days of walking in the wilderness. My mind does not believe my body can go on, but on this day, for some reason, it does. My body reacts like that of an athlete, with years of training. It does not tire as it normally would as I jogged and walked down this road for mile after mile, pulling the rickshaw with my dying friend in it. I will not let him die. I ask God with every step I take to let Michael live, and to let him fly again. I forgive him for cutting up the tiny deer that has kept up feed for the past four days, but it will mean nothing if you do not live Michael.

I keep looking for any sign of life. At times you cannot see 10 feet in front of your face. At other times the rain pauses, gives you a brief respite and you could see a few hundred yards ahead of you.

During one of those brief interludes I thought I saw something. Then I saw it again. Smoke, smoke was coming out of someone's chimney. It could not be too far away if I could see it in this weather. I continued jogging/running down the road, pulling Michael towards that promising sign.

Lights, I see lights in the windows of a huge two-story house up ahead. It could only be a quarter mile away, if I can see it in this rain.

There, I can see a car in the driveway! Someone is home. Thank you God, thank you so much for helping my friend.

Moments later, I run up the driveway towards the front door. I pull the rickshaw up under the portico to get Michael out of the rain. I opened the hood of my parka, and pounded on the front door calling out for help. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect this person to open the door.

She said, "Can I help you?"

I looked at her in total surprise, "Jennifer, it's me Even. The pilot of my aircraft needs a doctor desperately. Do you have a phone?"

She screamed with joy, and grabbed me. "Even, you're alive? Everyone thought you were dead. Come in, make your phone call. Bring your friend inside."

I made the call to emergency services. Jennifer had to tell them where we were, because I had no idea. They were dispatching a helicopter to get us, even though the weather was marginal at best.

While we waited for the helicopter, I tended to Michael. I removed his outer clothing, and used a knife, and scissors to cut away everything from his injured leg. He was soaked with sweat. I stripped him down to his bare skin. I asked Jennifer for a bucket of water, alcohol, and towels so I could try to cool him down.

She delivered everything to me with lightning speed.

Gordon came out to see what was happening.

Jennifer told him to go back to his room.

"No mommy, I want to watch.

I told him everything I was doing and why.

He nodded his head, and seemed to understand.

I worked on Michael as if this was an everyday occurrence in my life. I asked Jennifer if she had any news about our returning to Denver, to get the horror out of her eyes.

When she regained her equilibrium she said, "Even, you didn't have to get in an aircraft accident, and walk into my home like this to impress me. You could have called and asked me."

"I am anything but ordinary Jennifer. When we get married you will find that out very quickly. The only reason Michael and I are alive is because of your father's story. We did a maneuver at the last possible second before we crashed. We spun the aircraft around and crashed tail first into the trees. It saved me, and if we get Michael to the hospital in time, it will save him also."

"You are kidding with me Even. You didn't do that?"

"When Michael wakes up ask him if I am lying. I don't lie. Well that's not true. I lie to my niece just to drive her crazy. I will not lie to you Jennifer. I will never cheat on you or lie to you. I swear on my sister, who I loved, I will never do that to you."

"Even here is my local number. As soon as they finish checking you out at the hospital, you better call me. I don't think I have ever had a proposal quite as interesting or romantic as yours."

"When I introduce you to my friends Rod and Rosalynn, you will think my proposal is very ordinary. What he did to her was absolutely outlandish. How soon would you like to get married?"

"We haven't had that dinner yet?"

"That's true, and there's one more thing I have to tell you. I just found out that the young girl I thought was my niece is actually my daughter. I have no idea how that happened, but my sister left everything I need to know in her diary. I swear to you I never knowingly had sexual intercourse with my sister, and when I read her diary it will be the first time I will know how that happened."

"It's an 18 year old secret your sister left for you. She never hinted that her child was your child as well?"

"She never said one word. She told everyone that she lost her virginity at Cape Cod during spring break to Julius Mark, the man my parents forced her to marry. It was a terrible marriage from day one. I offered my sister everything to leave him, and come to live with me. She refused every offer I ever made. This must have been the reason why."

"I would think so Even. She was probably too embarrassed to tell you what she did."

"Are you coming back to Denver with me so we can get married?"

"Are you going to wine me, and dine me before hand?"

"Is there a diamond store here in Fairbanks?"

"Yes there are several of them. There is also a Wendy's, and a McDonald's."

"I'm sure Gordon would love either of those for his dinner. For you, I was thinking of something a little better, with cloth tablecloths and napkins that match."

"I love sushi."

"You are going to love Delicious."

"Who is Delicious?"

"Delicious is my new daughter."

Jennifer was about to ask another question when the roar of a helicopter cut her off. This time I would not be denied. I said to Jennifer, "I wanted to do this when we got off the airplane in Fairbanks, but I was too timid." I took her into his arms, and for the first time in my life I kissed a woman passionately.

When we came up for air, Jennifer said, "That's not fair Even, you can't leave me this way."

"If you think it's not fair to you, just think about what it feels like for me. I have never done that before. I'll stop by tomorrow. Make sure you are packed because you and Gordon are coming with me to Denver. If your lawyers don't know how to take care of your estate problems, I'll send Rod here. He will tell them how to do it. Are you on the pill?"

"No, I'm Catholic; I'm not allowed to use any method of birth control."

"Wonderful, just wonderful, I always wanted a big family, but I never thought I would have one. I will start building an extension on the house immediately. There is no sense waiting until the last minute."

There was a pounding on the front door. I let the EMS team in, and pointed to Michael. I told them about the multiple fractures to his leg, the two possible broken ribs, and a very high fever.

One of the team wanted to check me out, but I refused. I ordered him to take care of Michael, because I did not want to lose him.

They put Michael on IV fluids, transferred him onto a gurney, and loaded him onto the helicopter. They had to force me into the helicopter with him.

I waved goodbye to Jennifer as they were closing the door, and yelled that she better be ready to leave in the morning.

She closed the door to her home, and leaned back against it. Even Luck was a steamroller when he wanted to be she thought. He was fun, he was honest, and he was the smartest man she had ever met. He was not after her money, which most of the men she met were.

As she thought about her parents, she said, "I'm going back to Denver and getting married mom. Please be happy for me. He's not like dad. I know he made your life miserable at times with his philandering. He made both of us happy too, when he finally settled down and stayed with us. I don't think Even is that type of man. He waited a long time to find one woman, and that woman is me. I am really happy mom, really happy."

She went over to Gordon to tell him.

"Gordon, mommy is going to get married."

"I know you are going to marry the airplane man mommy."

"How did you know?"

"Mommy when they showed his picture on the television, and they said he was missing or dead in an airplane crash you cried and I had to hold you. Then he came here tonight, and he kissed you, you smiled. You don't let anybody kiss you, except me. So I know you will marry him. It was easy."

"Gordon, you are too smart for your own good. Your mommy loves you, and soon you going to have a daddy for the first time."

"What do I call him?"

"Why don't you talk it over with Even? You don't have to call him daddy if you don't want to. I'm sure that both of you can come up with a name you will both be happy with. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, I guess so. I hope he has a computer I can play with, mine is broken."

Jennifer laughed. "I'm sure he has a computer. Whether you can play with it or not will be up to him."



I was in the emergency room waiting to find out about Michael's condition. I asked if I could make a long-distance call to let my daughter know I was okay.

A man dressed in black tapped me on my shoulder. "Hello Even, fancy meeting you here."

I turned and immediately recognized a friendly face. "Hello Shelby, what did you do wrong that he sent you up here?"

"Even, sometimes the director can't take a joke. This is my punishment. Would you like to use a telephone?"

"Have you spoken to him already?"

"No, I'll let him wait a little while. When he lets me go back to civilization, I'll start acting like a human being again."

"Are you sure you guys are working for the same team?"

"We always work for the same team. However, when it comes to internal politics we don't always see eye to eye. Make your call Even; she is probably sitting at the computer working on bending your radio waves."

"Does everyone know about my project?"

"Not everyone Even, just a select few hundred within our family."

"A select few hundred; I'm going to learn sign language."

"It won't help you; we are experts at that too."


I dialed my home number and waited for an answer. It rang and rang and rang. I was about to hang up when she answered the phone.

"This better be important Rod, I was in the shower."

"Are you naked?"

"Yes, are you happy now?"

"Little girl, if that's going to be your attitude I'm going to hang up and not tell you I am alive."


"No Princess it's not me. It's a chimpanzee imitating my voice."

"It's you, you're looking for a beating already."

"Your mother gave me permission to call you before she beats the shit out of me. This is a very long distance call."

Delicious laughed. "I told you Uncle Even, if anyone could figure out a way to make a phone call that long distance, it would be you. Are you alright, is everything where it belongs?"

"I am at the hospital in Fairbanks. They just finished checking me over, and I am fine. I am waiting for the results of the tests on my pilot. He got banged up pretty severely in the accident. I was able to walk us out and got help. Baby girl how are you? You know you should put a towel or a robe on, because I can see you. I'm using one of their telephones, and the clarity of the cameras they put in our house is magnificent. Is that a birthmark on your butt cheek or dirt?"

Delicious screamed. "You pervert"; as she dashed back into the bathroom.

"Don't bend over like that, Delicious. It makes me want to give you more than an injection in your backside."

"They put cameras in here too? Wait until Stan comes here to remove them; I'm going to kill him."

I laughed, "Delicious, you are too easy."

"You bastard, did you just do it to me again?"

"Did I do what to you again, my dearest niece? I'm adjusting my hearing aids."

"I've been worried sick over you since we heard your plane was missing. Now you are going to wish you had never walked out of that forest. I am going to exfoliate you, hair by hair, until you are bald from head to toe."

"Can it wait until after my wedding?"
