There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 12


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"Okay, but I know this is too much of an imposition for you this late in the day. You must be absolutely exhausted."

"Dycke, you are no longer walking on thin ice, you are trying to walk on water, and only God can do that. What is going on?"

"Doctor Luck's wife just went into labor, and he needs an airplane to get him home as quickly as possible. We have several available, and I should have called one of our crew's first. I don't know why I called you."


"Are you sure dear, I really don't want to put you out on such short notice."

"Dycke do you have your phone on speaker?"

"Why would I do something as evil as that to my wife?"

"In other words the answer is yes. When I return, I will get even with you Mister Schneider, and you will not enjoy the way I do it. Gentlemen and ladies, Mister Schneider may not be available for quite a long time. It all depends on how long it takes for his bones to knit."

I said to Payne, "I will talk to you later Mrs. Schneider, but will you please get to the airport, I want to be home to witness the birth of my son."

"I'm on my way Doctor Luck, meet me there. We will be in the air in one hour."

"I'm on my way."


As she promised, Payne had the aircraft in the air almost one hour after her call ended. It was 4:20 PM, E.S.T, when the nose gear left the ground in Charleston South Carolina, and it was 5:58 PM, M.S.T. when he touched the ground in Denver Colorado.

She shut down the number one engine, so I could exit the aircraft. Payne kissed me goodbye, wished both Jennifer and I the best of luck. As soon as I was in the truck with Jayden, the stairway retracted, the number one engine started, and she began taxiing towards the runway.

I thought to myself, "A new life is about to be born, but when she gets home, Dycke's life may disappear."

I was so use to the long drive from the airport to Idaho Springs, I was shocked when Jayden stopped the car, and this huge woman opened the door for me. I didn't move. I looked at Jayden and his smile could not get any wider without tearing his skin.

Without looking at me, he said, "Doctor Luck say hello to Montgomarie; she is Gordon's protector."

"Hello Montgomarie, I am glad to have you with us. Take good care of my little boy."

"Hello, Doctor Luck, that is what I was trained to do, and I will do it to the best of my ability."

"I know you will. Is my wife still here or did they take her to the hospital?"

"She is still upstairs sir."

"Very good." I started to move, when she put her hand on my chest to stop me. Jayden was not back from parking the car.

"I thought I was not supposed to wait in the open."

"You are correct sir that was my fault. Let's stand inside."

I walked into the apartment, and my sweet, loving wife said to me, "You took your sweet ass time getting here. Where the hell have you been?"

"Charleston South Carolina. The only way I could have arrived here earlier is if our spacecraft was ready to fly. Payne Schneider flew me here personally, and she didn't spare the engines doing it. She told the air traffic controllers that she had an expectant father on board, who needed to get home before his wife delivered their baby, or he may not live to see the next day."

"I was just kidding with you Even. You know how much I miss you when you leave me alone."

"I didn't leave you alone. I left you with Delicious, Gray, and Gordon."

"Which one of those was going to fuck me when I needed it?"

"If I were to take a guess, I would say Gordon."

"I would agree with you, except he's my son. Gray wouldn't touch me, because Delicious would kill him, and it would also work the other way around. O'oooooo shittt. I just made a mess. My water broke. It's time to go to the hospital."

"Come on babe, let's stand you up. DELICIOUS, Jennifer's water just broke, call Doctor, and the hospital, tell them were on our way."

"Jennifer, do you want to do anything before we leave?"

"Yes, let me use the bathroom, and get me a new pair of underwear and a fresh gown please."

"Both phone calls are made dad. Jayden is getting the car, mighty moose is by the door, with Jennifer's bag, and I'm going to call Logan in a moment, to tell them were going to the hospital. Is there anything else you want done?"

"We are going to need both cars, make sure you take the spare set."

"No problem dad."


When she was safely tucked into her bed, everyone visibly relaxed. She was where she needed to be. If the baby decided to come now, it was fine. The nurse came in, attached a fetal heartbeat monitor to her stomach. Everyone could hear the baby's heartbeat clearly.

The Doctor walked into the room and asked everyone, except me to leave so she could examine Jen to see how far along she was.

"Mrs. Luck, are you in a lot of pain?"

"Not really Doctor, I would say more uncomfortable than anything."

"That's amazing, because you're already 7 cm dilated. If you need anything push the button, I'll leave orders at desk. It shouldn't be too long now."

Both Jennifer and I were thrilled. She was not suffering, and after nearly 9 long months of gestation, our baby was going to be born, without causing his mother too much pain. How considerate of him. I leaned back in the chair and rested my head and shoulders against the wall, while Jennifer held court.

We were talking and laughing when suddenly the fetal heartbeat monitor 'screamed.'

Nurses came from everywhere screaming at everyone to get out of the room. Jennifer was unconscious and I was calling to her wildly. I asked a nurse, "What the hell is going on?"

She looked at me and said, "I don't know."

She got on her cell phone, called in a code 'Red.' All hell broke loose.

I was pushed to the wall as machines were dragged into the room. Her obstetrician came running in.

"How long?"

"90 seconds Doctor."

"She's not breathing. She has no pulse, get her to the O.R. now!"

I screamed at him, "What the hell happened?"

"I have no fucking idea."

He ran to the pre-op area to scrub in, while the surgical suite was readied for an emergency Cesarean Section. A nurse came to me and asked if I wanted to be in the room with my wife.

I said, "Yes."

She pulled me into a room poured some orange liquid on my hands and told me to scrub up quickly. As I was doing this she was pulling off my shoes and putting one leg at a time into green scrubs. As I flushed my hands under the clean running water she said don't touch anything. She draped towels over my hands, told me to push them through the armholes of the shirt, and then put the shirt over my head and down my back.

"Dry your hands and stick them out towards me."

I did as directed, and she pulled plastic gloves over each hand. She repeated, "Don't touch anything."

She put a cap on my head, a mask over my face, and banged a metal plate on the wall that opened the doors to the surgical area. She pushed me in, where another nurse took me to my wife. She had a tube down her throat that was breathing for her, and IV lines in both arms. Her stomach was painted with an orange substance and Doctor Ringley cut through it revealing my wife's insides. I thanked every medical class I had ever taken, otherwise everything I had ever eaten would've been on the floor. The Doctor made another incision reached in to Jennifer's abdomen and pulled out my son who was bathed in blood.

The Doctor yelled, "Get 10 units of blood up here now, stat. Suction, I can't see a thing, she is full of blood."

They didn't give me the opportunity to cut the umbilical cord, or hold my son, there were more important things to be done at this moment, but I did hear him crying behind me. It didn't matter to me that he was here, it didn't matter at all. I wanted my Jennifer. I waited nearly 18 years to find her, and we had only been together for less than one year. This could not be happening to me, I cannot lose the second woman in my life that I truly loved.

Divine said, "If you don't wake up you will lose Jennifer, just the way you are seeing it happen now. This is the way it was supposed to happen if she had not met you. You were not supposed to run away from our daughter, but when you did you changed everything. So are you going to let Jennifer die while you sleeping, or are you going to save her by telling the Doctor she has an aneurysm that is about to burst?"

"Why can't everyone see you?"

"Even, for the brightest person I have ever known, how could you be so stupid? I'm dead, remember. You put that lovely monument over my body. I knew you loved me, but if dad ever found out about us, he would have killed you. I didn't want to go to the hospital to see Julius, I wanted to throw a party instead. He demanded that I go with them, as a dutiful wife would. The rest is history. I'm watching over our baby girl, and I always will be. No one or anything will ever hurt her, as long as she follows your lead. She will reach the stars, every dream she dreams will come true. I will be watching over her shoulder every day of her long life. She is a hard nut to crack isn't she. You can tell her I said so. It's time for you to wake up now, because my time with you is up. Save your wife, she loves you as much as you love her. Move your ass Even, WAKE-UP!"

Everyone in the room was laughing at me, as Jennifer was throwing ice cubes at my head, and hitting me at a fairly regular rate.

As my eyes opened she laughed. "There he is, I told you he wasn't dead."

I jumped out of my chair, kissed her, and said, "I was dreaming about two of the most wonderful women in the world, and you weren't one of them."

Everyone screamed with laughter as Jennifer tried to pull my hair out, not that she had been doing a bad job of it already.

I said I would be right back, and left the room. I ran to the nurse's station and told them to get Doctor Ringley on the phone.

"Yes Mister Luck how can I help you?"

"Doctor do you believe in premonition?"

"Not really, I believe in science, and when I can see in front of me."

"I agree with you 99% of the time. However, there is that 1% of the time that we leave for the unexplainable, isn't that correct?"

"Yes, it is."

"I just had a dream, in which my sister came to me and told me my wife has an abdominal aneurysm that is getting ready to burst. What would you do if it was your wife on the table Doctor?"

"I would move heaven and earth to find out if it was true."

"What are you waiting for Doctor?"

"I'm not, I'm already on my way. Let me speak to the nurse."

The Doctor made it to the room first, and kicked everyone, including me, out. A portable x-ray machine, followed by an ultrasound machine came in a close second and third. The poor lab technician must have come from the other side of the hospital, because when she got here she was covered in perspiration. She opened the door, carrying her kit in her hand. She almost got run over by the x-ray machine being pushed out of the room.

The ultrasound and lab technicians left the room, and finally the Doctor came out to speak with me.

"Mister Luck, whoever paid you a visit, thank them for me. She has an aneurysm the size of the quarter that wasn't there at her last ultrasound. If I had allowed her to continue with a natural birth, I believe she would have died."

"Doctor, according to what my dream showed me, she did. What are we going to do now?"

"They are preparing an operating room for her. I have called in a vascular surgeon, just to be on the safe side. I will do a C-section and remove your son, then she will take over and take care of the aneurysm, hopefully before it bursts. Everything should be ready in less than 20 minutes. Your wife should be down there in 10."

"How did she take the news?"

"She said something funny. ' My husband said he was with two beautiful women and one of them was not me. I didn't get angry at him because I know that he doesn't like most women. He had to be talking about his sister, and his daughter. Since his daughter is here at the hospital with us, he must've been dreaming about his sister. That must have been one heck of a conversation.'"

"There is no hiding anything from that woman. Can I speak to her before they take her downstairs?"

"Yes go right ahead, I'll see you in the O.R.."

I walked into the room, peeked around the wall, and an ice cube came flying by.

"Did you at least say hello to your sister for me?"

"She was lecturing me about the tramp I married. How can I possibly do that to her. How could I dishonor her memory like that?"

"Let me see your eyes. I want to make sure they're still blue, or if they do really pile shit that high."

"For some reason or another, my sister loves you for taking care of me and our daughter. Let me called Delicious in here so you can see her reaction to something her mother said.

Delicious stood at the end of Jennifer's bed, looked at both of us, and asked, "What did I do wrong this time?"

"Why do you think you did something wrong? Did you do something wrong?"

"I don't think so, but the way you two are looking at me, makes me think I did."

I said to her, "No, I brought you in here because I have a message for you."

She brightened up immediately. "From who, dad, I wasn't expecting any messages."

"Neither was I, especially from this person, but I got it anyhow, and I was told to relay it to you."

"Who is the message from dad, you're being very circumspect."

"Aren't you happy we sent her to college; circumspect, definitely a college word."

"Okay you two, are we finished having fun yet? Who is the message from, and what is the message?"

"I had a meeting this morning, and this person told me that if I did not get off my ass and do something Jennifer was going to die. She said specifically that Jennifer had aneurysm and if it's not taken care of before she goes into labor she will bleed to death. I believed this person, called the Doctor and it was true."

"Nice story dad, if it was true, why is Jenny still here? Why aren't their IV lines in her veins, and an oxygen mask on her face? Why isn't she on a gurney being rushed to the operating room?"

"Doctor Ringley is setting everything up. The OR is supposed to be ready in about 12 minutes. The gurney should be here any second. I suppose you wouldn't believe me if I told you I have an important message for you."

"Dad all you're trying to do is to get $10 out of me and into the pretzel jar. It's not going to happen. Try to get it out of Gray, because you're not getting any money out of me anymore."

"I'll bet you $100 for the pretzel jar I can get you to say a bad word."

"Forewarned is forearmed dad. Let me have it."

I was told to tell you, "You are a hard nut to crack."

"Holy shit, you talked to mom. Is she okay?"

"That will be $10 please."

"I don't give a flying fuck, and if you tell me it's $20, before you tell me what else mom had to say, you won't live to see your son born."

"Your daughter can be very feisty when she wants to be darling."

"I don't think I would use the word feisty in this instance Jen, I would call it murderous."

"Homicidal comes closer to how I'm feeling at this moment dad. What else did mom have to say?"

She said, and I quote, "I am always looking over our baby girl. No one, or anything will ever hurt her, as long as she follows your lead. She will reach the stars. Every dream she dreams will come true I will be watching over her shoulder all of her long life. She is a hard nut to crack isn't she. You can tell her I said so."

"Your mother said other things but they were meant for me and I will not share them with you. But she sounds like the girl I knew when I was 15. Those with the happiest days of our lives. Why she was allowed to speak to me today I don't know, but I will be forever grateful to her for saving Jennifer and our son."

"I know you spoke to her dad. No one ever used that phrase about me but her. She would tap me on the front of my head and say it all the time. "Delicious, you are a hard nut to crack." Then we would both laugh. We loved each other, and she was my best friend."

As they were taking Jennifer out of the room, I said to Delicious I was worried about one thing her mother said.

"What's that dad?"

Your mom said, "You would reach the stars, she didn't say WE!"

"It could've been the slip of the tongue."

"Why would she be right about Jennifer and you, and not about me. Apparently, I'm not going, or I am dying on the way. Either way I am going to work my ass off to get this project off the ground. We know it's going to work, because your mother said so."

Then to make an absolutely down moment worse, I received a short disturbing text from Shelby.


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JipsyJipsy7 months ago

If your characters are this much fun you must be pill!!!!!

If so, can I be your friend?

bigurnbigurn12 months ago

I do like the overall story. Having said that; Gray is a sexual predator of the worst kind. He is an abuser who enjoys beating upon a child. I am certain that their " playing around " is illegal in every state. They need to toss him out of the airlock, just as they begin to exit the stratosphere .I detest physical and sexual abuse of a child and 17 is still a child ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
"Good night my love. I will speak with will you in the morning."

and this mental midget cant figure out why no publisher will take this shit

This fucking story would have to be re; written from word one, paragraph one chapter one

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Love it

I totally love this story. The dialogue, the characters, the implied critique of our current modern world, the dirty game of politics that we have to live with etc et alia.

Please keep up the good work!?!?!c

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

keep those chapters coming loving this even more then ever

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