Third Party

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He wanted nothing but the best for his wife.
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All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts lesbian and anal sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Gregor looked over at his wife and once again wanted to pinch himself. He had married the petite blonde 3 years ago; her beautiful smile, her sparkly eyes and deep red lips had captivated him from the get-go. The way she would flick her curly long blonde hair left him speechless and when she undressed for him -- well, lets just say that she never failed to make him erect. She always dressed so delicate and beautifully, very ladylike in her mannerisms and everyone just melted when she turned attention to them. 'Could she be anymore the perfect wife?' he wondered.

'Well actually, yes she could' he debated. Edita, or more often Edi, had been very conservative when they first met. It had taken a lot of time and persuasion to get her to dress sexily for him and that was paying off for him now as she regularly wore lingerie for him and stockings were an everyday accessory for her now even when the weather turned colder. Sex itself had been very traditional but again with a lot of patience she had started to try different positions. The one thing she flatly refused to do though was anal sex, the subject was made perfectly clear was completely off limits. 'So be it. My wife has far more appealing characteristics' he mused to himself even if her butt was verging on spectacular, parking the idea firmly at the back of his mind as he still had a lot to be thankful for and a long journey of discovery with her.

The other topic off limits was involving another woman in the bedroom. Gregor had floated the idea a number of weeks ago while they were making love and Edi had shot him down instantly. And yet the way her delicate snug pussy had gripped him made Gregor wonder if maybe she were just saying what she thought she ought to without giving the idea due consideration.

The next time they made love, Gregor deliberately didn't mention the subject but the time after he did and again couldn't help but notice the difference in her participation during their lovemaking, she had been far more animated and easier to climax when he had mentioned it than not. Gregor held on to the possibility that his wife would accept another woman in the fullness of time. It could end disastrous and yet he found himself thinking about the topic every waking minute. All he could see in his mind's eye was his beautiful wife caressing or being caressed by another equally beautiful woman. He had watched hours of lesbian porn and read countless stories online which only fed his infatuation with the concept.

Gregor suspected that he could eventually persuade Edi but he had to come up with a plan to first of all find someone suitable and then introduce them to his wife. This is where the erotica stories came in as he specifically remembered one that had a plan he could replicate. The next few weeks were spent finding the right person. Yes, he could type it in a search engine online but he doubted that would produce a solution in their immediate vicinity plus how was he to know which profiles were genuine? Instead, he attended a series of bars in the area to eavesdrop on people's conversations in case anyone mentioned escort services. The first couple of weeks came up dry but mid-week the next week saw him in a fairly busy bar and he was stood near two women who appeared to be comparing this week's tricks.

When the brunette one stepped away to visit the toilet Gregor stepped up to the Redhead and introduced himself "Hello, my name is Gregor. Can I buy you and your friend a drink?"

The redhead looked him up and down and on seeing a fairly normal individual smiled and replied "Why, what a gentleman. I would like a Piña Colada; I'm sure my friend would appreciate another Bloody Mary." Gregor disappeared to procure the requested drink and on returning asked "Although I appreciate the company of pretty ladies, I do have an ulterior motive in coming to talk to you. I couldn't help overhearing your conversation and wondered if you were ladies who offered specialist services."

The redhead smiled back broadly and replied, "That's the first time I've heard it called that but to answer your question directly, yes we fuck men for money -- at the right price I might add." She looked him up and down again now that he was stood closer.

Gregor acknowledged her directness with his own smile and added as he held up his left hand to display his wedding ring "Good to know but what I'm actually trying to find is a beautiful woman..." at this point he gestured to the redhead "... who might like to hook up with my equally beautiful wife." He fished his phone out of his pocket and showed the woman the home screen display showing his wife in one of her finest smiley poses.

The redhead raised her eyebrows in surprise as she replied "Ooooh, she's a peach. If that is the lady concerned then I'm definitely up for the gig. I haven't had sex with many women but for that I will definitely make an exception -- assuming the price is right of course. Seeing as she is such a peach, I'll even throw in a discount for you."

Gregor shrugged and replied, "I have no idea what the going rate is but as this is probably slightly unorthodox, I'll just say name your price or do you have some kind of pimp I need to negotiate with?"

The red head replied "No me and my friend work freelance. Look over your shoulder, the ape stood near the door is my boyfriend who acts as muscle for the two of us; few want to take him on, plus we're very picky who we do business with." It was at this point that the brunette returned to her friend and the redhead handled the introductions "Rona, this kind gentleman has bought us a drink. Rona this is Gregor, Gregor this is Rona and I'm Scarlett." Scarlett showed the phone screen to her friend and added "We're plotting to get together with his lovely wife." Turning to Gregor she asked "I'm guessing this lovely lady has never been with another woman before? Will it just be the two of us or did you want to join in too?"

Gregor failed to hide his mischievous schoolboy grin as he replied "Yes it will be Edi's first time, in fact I'm hoping to use the occasion to get her to try it often. I would fully understand if you wanted to keep the arrangement simple and not insist on joining in."

"How long would you be looking at and when?" was her next question.

This was progressing better than he had expected. "Well, I had thought to introduce you as a colleague over dinner somewhere nice, maybe one day next week when you are free."

Scarlett took a sip of her drink as she evaluated him again "Mmmm, nice approach. I did say you would get a discount and for the entire evening/night if dinner is thrown in, I'll do it for 500.

[Put your own figure in here, I fully appreciate the value of such a transaction in different currencies/counties means different values.]

I'm free on Wednesday, sound fair?"

Gregor was momentarily silenced. The transaction had been so easy to arrange and at half the price he had in his mind. He played his best poker face and replied, "That would be very acceptable. Do we meet at the restaurant, do I pick you up or do you come to us? Do I need to book four for your boyfriend?"

Scarlett shook his hand saying "We have a deal then. I think we can meet at the restaurant and no, I get the impression that I'll be safe with you somehow so lumpy can just look after Rona that night. Open your phone for me and I'll enter my number. You can let me know where and when after you've booked somewhere." She then flashed her boyfriend a strange hand gesture and she saw Gregor's curious expression so she enlightened him "We have worked out a series of hand gestures to communicate whether Rona and I are fine" she repeated the gesture she had just performed "This is one when we need him to intervene" and different hand configuration was performed but away from Lumpy's direct sight "and we have a lot of others depending on when we are just about to move out or which of us he needs to be tasked with following if we're slightly dubious of the company."

Gregor was pleased that neither lady was in a rush, it seems mid-week tended to be quiet by all accounts and Gregor made his apologies for having to depart before the two ladies had to set off for their next appointments. Over the next few days Gregor and Scarlett exchanged messages where he confirmed there was a table booked for 3 people at The Priory for 6:30PM; Gregor was using it to celebrate the anniversary of he and Edita meeting. They also concocted a rough script of how they would steer the conversation, even going as far as to construct a back story of how Gregor knew Scarlett through his work.

He and Edita were walking in the main door just as Scarlett was walking away from the toilet/cloakroom area and Gregor raised his hand to attract the redhead's attention "Hello, what a pleasant surprise. Are you here with someone or dining alone?" he asked per the script.

Scarlett smiled broadly and altered her path to walk towards the couple "No I'm dining alone tonight. Is this your lovely wife that you always talk about?"

This was going so far to plan "Yes, let me introduce you to Edita, this is Scarlett who is working at my workplace for a few days. Scarlett this is Edi."

Edita held out her hand to shake the new woman as she blushed and said, "I hope it's all nice things that he has said about me?"

Scarlett purposely kept her grip on the other woman's hand "Absolutely, I think I know you so well the amount of time he talks about you and it is thankfully all positive. He's obviously ga-ga about you."

Gregor interjected "If you are dining alone, would you like to join us. I'm sure that these people can adapt the seating."

On cue Scarlett replied, "I wouldn't want to impose on such a lovely couple."

Gregor was prepared to take the next line but Edi interjected at the perfect time "Oh no. We can't have you dining on your own. I insist that you join us." Scarlett shrugged and followed the waiter escorting them to their table. It had been already set up for three but thankfully Edita didn't smell a rat. Gregor excused himself so he could visit the toilet and Edi took up the conversation "My husband has never mentioned he has such a glamourous colleague that he is working with. He works on various projects with different teams of people."

Scarlett reached over and placed her hand over Edi's "Don't worry about your husband. A lot of the men on the team do some light flirting with me but what they don't know is you have more chance of scoring with me than they do if you catch my drift?"

Edita sat back momentarily surprised as she faltered "Ohhh... Errrr... you mean you're a..."

Scarlett smiled and nodded "Yes, I'm a lesbian, well actually bi-sexual but I prefer women. Does that alter your opinion of me?"

Without a moment's hesitation Edi shot back her reply "No, not in the slightest. Each to their own but it makes me happier knowing my husband won't try and stray with such an obviously beautiful woman."

Scarlett had not removed her hand and replied "Ahhh, thank you. That's very nice of you to say that, especially coming from someone as beautiful as yourself but Gregor has never even tried anything thankfully. Tell me if it's not too personal, I've always wondered if the rumour is true. Do men fantasise about their wives hooking up with other women?" On cue Edita blushed deeply and looked down at the table. "Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you, you don't have to answer that" beamed Scarlett at the obviously flustered wife.

Edi looked back up and replied "No it's fine. For the record, yes Gregor has suggested such a thing on a couple of occasions. Does that answer your question?"

Her grip tightened as Scarlett asked "To continue on the current vein. I knew from a very early age that I preferred the company of my girlie friends than boys. Do straight girls have a similar fantasy of their husband about other women?" Edi blushed deeply again and so Scarlett thought to add "Don't worry, we'll probably never meet again and any of your secrets will be safe with me; I'm famous for my discretion."

"Well..." said Edita and halted. "What I mean is..." she blew her breath out and then back in quickly, "Yes, once Gregor had mentioned it, I have thought a few times about it, even going so far as to read some erotic literature online."

"And?" Scarlett asked beaming widely, "Did you like what you read?"

"Assuming it was written by an actual woman, then yes it did have an effect on me" replied Edi honestly.

The inquisitive tone remained in Scarlett's voice "Effect as in it pricked your curiosity or effect as in got your panties damp while you read?"

Edi looked down at the table as she blushed once more and mumbled "I got damp."

Scarlett patted the hand she was holding and took a grip of it once more and replied, the delight evident in her voice "Well done you. You know I wasn't being gracious earlier when I called you beautiful, you really are and if you ever wanted to explore what two women can do together then I would very much like to volunteer to help hold your hand through the exploration, especially as Gregor has already made his opinions known to you." Edita looked up at Scarlett with her mouth open in shock making Scarlett exclaim "What? I find it hard to believe that you've never been hit on by another woman before, you're scrumptious."

"It's just a bit of a shock. Maybe I have but didn't pick up their hints whereas you've been very blunt." Edita shrugged as she ended.

Scarlett took her hand off Edi's and delicately played her fingertips over the soft warm hand beneath hers "And? Have I said enough to tempt you. You've not jumped out of your seat in shock so I don't think you're offended." She paused for effect and then delivered the killer blow as she asked, "Or are your panties damp once more thinking of the things the two of us could be doing?"

The blush returned but this time Edi remained staring into the other woman's eyes as she firmly pursed her lips together so they formed the slightest of lines but it was the ever so slight nod that got Scarlett's hopes up. The nature of her chosen employment meant that she had no qualms about sleeping with Edi but having met her in a social environment, the other woman seemingly unaware of Scarlett's business transaction with Gregor, Scarlett was actually looking forward to Edi's seduction and if push came to shove would have done so free of charge. Now was make or break time to ask "Why don't we bug out and find somewhere we can talk freely? Did you want to do this away from Gregor as it's your first time or we can have him there to hold your hand; it is his fantasy after all. I'm happy with either option."

Gregor chose this moment to return to the table and saw the hand contact, the two women's expression making it plainly clear that they had been discussing something personal. He said nothing and just raised his eyebrows in a silent question. Scarlett caught the look and brazenly replied "I've just propositioned your wife. I think she is very beautiful and would like to be her first female lover."

"And your answer was?" Gregor asked his wife.

Scarlett had started to answer, "She hasn't decided yet..."

Just then Edita cut across her blurting out very quickly "Yes" and sat with her lips pursed once more, anxious as to what the reaction would be from them both.

Scarlett sat there grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat, forget the financial side of the transaction, Scarlett was looking forward to seducing the scrummy wife. Gregor was the first one to speak as he gasped "Really?"

Edi nodded nervously which prompted Scarlett to lean forward and put a protective arm around the other woman as she admonished the husband "That took a lot for her to admit. I'd expect you to be more supportive of your lovely wife."

Gregor held his hands up in surrender "I am fully supportive; I've made no secret of wanting her to explore lesbianism and I want to ensure that she has everything she wants. I just always expected it to remain a fantasy."

Scarlett stood up and held out her hand to Edita as she said in a mellow voice that was low and sultry "Lets get out of here and head back to yours. I'm suddenly only hungry for one thing." Edi looked at the hand then looked up at Scarlett's smiling face and took the offered hand, standing ever so slowly. "That's a good girl. I'm really going to enjoy seeing you naked, you really are stunningly beautiful" the redhead added.

The three caught a cab to the address that Gregor had messaged previously to Scarlett so that she would take a degree of comfort, safe in the knowledge that her boyfriend knew where she would be -- little did Gregor know it but Scarlett had an app installed on her phone so that lumpy could follow her remotely if needs be. Gregor ushered the two women upstairs and asked his wife "Did you want me to step out, with this being your first time?"

Edi shook her head and her curls jumped and shook in return "No, this is as much your fantasy as mine. I'd like you to stay and watch please." Turning to their new friend she asked "Is that okay with you Scarlett? It's not going to get weird at work for you, is it?"

The redhead smiled warmly and enveloped Edi in a hug as she replied "No, I don't have a problem having a voyeur, we might even teach him a few tricks to take care of you in the future." With that said Scarlett removed her outer clothing until she was down to a pretty lacy bra and panty set. As she stepped nearer to Edita she suggested "Why don't we take your clothes off too?" before Scarlett could make another move Edi reached up and started to undo her own dress. A quick shimmy of her hips and the garment was pooled at her feet so that she stood in the same state as her new friend. Even though her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest Edi was calmed by Scarlett's relaxed expression "My god I thought you looked hot when dressed but seeing you like that is making me damp. If I start getting too eager, please tell me, I don't want to put you off if I push too hard."

Edi gave a nervous chuckle but was frozen by indecision on what to do next, Scarlett however knew exactly what to do. She reached behind her own back and unclasped her bra, a quick tug on the front and the garment was pulled clear and discarded to her side. On seeing this Edi gasped in surprise making Scarlett smile, she reached for the blonde's hand and brought it up to cup the soft warm flesh. An impulsive reaction from Edi was to curl her palm and fingers around the flesh prompting Scarlett to mumble "Mmmmm, that's nice. Do you like it too?"

Edi's gazed was rivetted to the sight in front of her and without averting her gaze she slowly nodded and replied "Yes, it's very nice. I have touched my own from time to time but that's nothing compared to this. It's so warm and soft." Scarlett stayed where she stood and let the other woman fill her curiosity.

After a few minutes of Edi's tender caressing Scarlett asked, "Do you mind if I try that with you?", this seemed to snap Edita out of her revere as she shook her head. Scarlett took a half step nearer and reached behind the blonde to quickly dispense with the bra clasps, as the redhead tugged at the lacy garment Edi removed her hand from the other woman's tit just long enough to shake the bra from her arm but was instantly groping Scarlett's breast once more, still fascinated by the soft full boob.