Third Year After Ch. 06


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Sandy blushed. "We needed some privacy. They... they're my lovers, Drew."

"Oh. Any reason why you're keeping that a secret from everyone?" I asked.

"Because I'm not sure how my Dad would react. He still thinks of me as his little girl."

"You turn 20 in two days, and I've never seen him treat you as a little girl, since I met you. That's not it, is it?" I had to be missing something.

"It's complicated," she answered. "Let's go inside, and I'll tell you the whole story."

We went inside, and sat on the couch, and Sandy took my right hand in hers, and began her story.

"Amanda was assigned as my new roommate, after Stacy quit school. We hit it off right away, but at the same time, she also hit it off with Aaron, who is a senior. One night, at the end of October, she forgot to hang up a sock on the doorknob to our room as a signal that she was having sex. I walked in on Aaron, naked on her bed, while he waited for her to get back from the dorm's bathroom. He was stroking his cock, and it was already hard. I couldn't move, just staring at him. He got up from the bed, walked over to me, and said, 'Like what you see, Amber?' I nodded, and he started undressing me, just like that, and I let him. He had my blouse and bra off, and was sucking on my tit, when Amanda came back into the room. Instead of yelling at either of us, she came around me and started sucking on my other breast. They both made love to me that night. She had been attracted to me since the first week and could tell I was attracted to her, but we hadn't made any move towards telling each other that because of how fast she was getting involved with Aaron, and she wasn't sure what he and I felt about each other. When she saw us together like that, it told her what she needed to know. We've been lovers together, ever since."

I said, "I sense a but coming, here."

She nodded, a single tear rolling down her face. "After we made love here today, on the couch, they revealed that he proposed to her last night. Not to both of us, just to her."

"Did you three break up?" I asked.

"We didn't discuss ending anything, but now I feel like I'm just a fuck buddy or something like that. Not an equal partner, by any means."

"I'm guessing your feelings towards them are stronger than that?"

She squeezed my hand, and said, "I... love them both. I feel love for Aaron more strongly than I've ever felt for any man, even you and Dad. And Amanda feels like the other half of my heart, that I didn't even know was missing until I met her. Do you know what that feels like?"

"I felt the same way about Patti almost as soon as I met her," I responded. "But I feel that way with all of my wives, even with you, just not to the same degree as with Patti. You all make me feel more complete, like we share a single soul that each of us have a piece of, or have known each other in past lives, or something. If it's possible to have more than one soulmate, I do. That's the best description I have. Have you told them both how you feel?"


I squeezed her hand and said, "Honey, you need to. If you expect Aaron or Amanda to read your mind, I can promise you they won't be able to or, if they try, they'll get it wrong. Either way, your expectations won't get met, except by accident. Either of them might be treating you as a casual fling because they think that's all you want. If you want more, you need to let them both know that directly. Anyway, I still don't understand why you're keeping the relationship a secret from your Dad and the rest of us."

She looked me in the eyes, before saying, "How do you tell a man you love that you love another man even more?"

"Didn't we cover this last Christmas?" I asked. "You underestimate how much your Dad loves you, sweetie, and why. First and foremost, he's your Dad, he wants you to be happy, even if that's with someone else. Or two someone elses. He's the least possessive men I know. When Amber was with Kenny, your Dad didn't complain once, because he wanted Amber to be happy more than anything else. All I could think was that I wanted her in my life instead of Kenny's, until I saw Henry letting her go. If you tell him that Aaron makes you happy, he'll react the same way."

"You think so?" she asked.

"I know so. Also, remember that just because you love Aaron, you're not prevented from loving your Dad, whether to a different degree, or in a different way, even if that means going back to being just father and daughter and not being intimate any more. I'm married to four women, but none of us expects that our level of feelings for each other are absolutely identical or exclusive. Our feelings for each other are just all strong enough that we want to be in each others' lives in this way. If I had to choose just one of them to spend my life with, it would be Patti, and we all know that. For your Dad, we all know it would be Amber, but that doesn't mean she's the only one he loves. The six of us have simply decided that making that choice isn't needed, that we want to express the love we feel for each other in an intimate way, even if we feel more for one than another. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Sandy answered, before sighing. "And then there's the issue of our incest. How do I tell Amanda and Aaron about that?"

I thought about that. "I think that depends on what you want to happen. If you're going to separate from us and no longer be intimate with your Dad, I'm not sure they really need to know you were intimate with him or Amber in the past, unless you're certain they can be trusted. But if you want them to ultimately join with us, even just once in a while, they would need to know, right? Ginger's going though the same dilemma with her kids right now. Which do you want?"

"I don't know. I feel so confused, right now."

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You need to tell everyone, and I mean everyone, exactly what you feel, and what you want, even that you're confused about it, without any expectations about how they are going to react. You might get better advice from one of the others than I'm able to give you. If you want to be with Aaron and Amanda, and don't tell them you love them, you'll regret it. But first, you need to decide what you want."


After walking her back to West House, Sandy spent about an hour talking to Henry, and when they came out of his bedroom, she looked to me, and mouthed, "Thank you." She had similar talks with Amber and the other wives over the next few hours, and got encouragement from each of them. She spent the night with Henry, just the two of them, while Toni and Amber chose to sleep together in the second West House bedroom, with all four of the babies in the nursery.

Mom, Patti and I went back to East House, where we discussed Sandy's revelations.

Patti said, "Sandy showed me a picture of Aaron. He's a handsome guy." Mom nodded in agreement.

I responded, "I didn't get a good look at him as the car was pulling away, but is he black?"

Mom said, "Yup. That's never seemed like a problem for you, Drew."

"It's not, I was just checking what I had seen, and didn't want to ask Sandy because she might jump to the wrong conclusion about my question. She didn't bring his race up one way or another."

Patti said, "Enough about them. Make love to me, husband."

Mom and I both started making love to Patti, double-teaming her breasts, then Mom kissed Patti while I moved down to eat Patti out, swirling my tongue through her folds, and bringing her to one orgasm when I finally pressed my tongue against her clit, and another by stimulating her g-spot and clit together, before I slipped my cock into her and started to thrust, while Mom rode Patti's face. I suckled Mom's breasts, pulling a little milk from her, and causing her to orgasm over Patti's mouth.

When Mom rolled off of her, I started thrusting harder and harder into Patti, and she squealed, "Fuck me, Drew, yes, right there!" I kept doing what I was doing for a couple of minutes as she shuddered beneath me, then quickened my pace, and felt my orgasm creeping along my spine, then I was spurting into her, my toes curling with the intensity.

As I collapsed between them, I heard Patti whisper, "I hope this one's a boy." I was out like a light before I could agree with her. I had told her months earlier that any time she was ready to conceive again, she didn't have to tell me ahead of time, so I guess she had stopped birth control again.


Nov 28, 2015

Because it was that time of the year, Sandy's flight back to school needed to be on Saturday. I drove Sandy back to the airport early the next morning, and gave her a big kiss and a hug at the curb. I never did get to have sex with her that week, but felt closer to her than ever. "You know what you're going to tell them, now?" I asked.

"I want them, all the way in. Thank you, Drew. See you at Christmas."


December 10, 2015

Ginger had been back from Denver for more than a week, but she was still working traded shifts, and this was the first Friday that she came to see us, after telling Henry she had both good and bad news.

We were all on pins and needles when she arrived.

"Okay," she said, once we were seated for dinner. "There is actually three pieces of news, two good, one not so good. The first is that my kids confessed to me that they have been lovers since shortly after they started sharing that apartment together."

Amber giggled. "I actually thought that might be the case."

"Well, that made my telling them that I was interested in joining in, much easier, and it was fantastic. I'm sure I'm not telling you something you don't know, but the energy was sweeter, somehow, when it starts from a place of deep love."

"So, what's the not-so-good news?" Mom asked.

"After I told them about this poly marriage, they're opposed to me joining it. Not because of the incest, but because they want me to be with them, in our own triad. They want me to move to Denver. Don't worry, Henry, I told them no. I made a commitment to be your medical partner, and I intend to keep it. They were okay with that, but one thing they were vehement about was they didn't want to move in here, and after college they want to live in Denver. Since they have the apartment, they don't even need to come home for the summer, although they've agreed to. But that means I still need my condo. What do I do?"

"First off," Henry said, "Do you want to marry us?"

"I think I still need to make love to Amber and Patti, and spend even more time with everyone here, but I think I do. But doing that's harder, if I can't move in here."

Henry took her hand, "That's my second point. Moving in here doesn't mean you have to give up the condo. We've already got three houses, and only live full-time in two of them. We have more than enough income for their expenses, and none of them have a mortgage. If you join the marriage, you also join the Family LLC that we have set up, and can sell your condo to the LLC, and the LLC can then rent it out via a service like AirBnB for the times when you and your kids aren't occupying it. If they choose to move back to Dallas, they can rent it, or buy it back. All three of these houses are owned like that, and we pay rent to the LLC equal to the expenses that it pays out for them. That allows us to easily gift shares in the LLC to each other to even out our ownership of its assets and deal with estate planning by gifting shares to the next generation. You can include your kids as non-voting shareholders of it, if they would like, so you can gift shares to them. Or you could set up a separate LLC for you and your kids, and gradually transfer ownership of it to them, within the IRS guidelines."

"Or there's another option," I said. "If you're going to publicly convert your triad into a quad, it actually makes some sense for you to use the double-queen to sleep, every night, rather than a King. If you move into Center, then Ginger's kids could move into West, so they could be close to their Mom, but not in the same houses with the rest of us."

"Except, Center has the least amount of closet space," Mom reminded me. "It's why the double-queen is there, in the first place. Plus, we're already using some of the Center closet space for overflow storage. I'm not sure we could add three more adults. Henry's idea makes more sense. Keep Ginger's house for her and her kids to use, when she needs to."

"Don't rush into rearranging everything," Ginger said. "I'm still just a strong maybe. I don't think I'll make my mind up this year, maybe after New Year's. Okay?"


Ginger spent the night with Patti and Amber in East, while Henry, Mom, Toni and I took the kids to Center, and made love there.


December 13, 2015

We threw one joint birthday party to celebrate the four kids' first birthdays, on the weekend between their births, and realized it would probably always be this way, just like my birthday and Sandy's usually got observed on Thanksgiving Day because the families were already getting together.

This was maybe the first time that my Barnes grandparents actually paid any attention to KJ and Gavin, and I was fairly certain that they noticed Gavin's eyes, but if they connected his to mine, they didn't say anything.

Aunt Maria whispered, "We're still on for Christmas Eve, right?" and I nodded.


December 19, 2015

Sandy flew home from school the morning after finals ended, arriving around noon on Saturday, so I was available to pick her up. We hugged before she got in the car, and she seemed pretty subdued. "Is everything okay, sweetie?" I asked.

"I have some news, but I want to tell everyone at once, Drew." She spent the rest of the ride texting.

When we walked into West House, all of my spouses were there, waiting. Henry said, "Okay, you texted that you had news for us, and wanted us all here."

"Ummm, nobody freak out, but... I'm pregnant, about 4 weeks," Sandy said. "And no, you're not the father, Drew."

I laughed, partly in relief. "Since you and I haven't had intercourse since August, that would be some trick."

"Sweetie, you're on the pill," Henry said. "Did you miss a dose?"

She answered, "No, I remembered how Tina wound up getting pregnant with Gavin, and I haven't missed one dose since you put me on them after taking out my IUD. However, I had a sinus infection in the first half of November, and the school clinic warned the antibiotics I was given might affect the pill's effectiveness, so I made Aaron wear a condom until Thanksgiving break and avoided sex with Drew while I was here. I was done with the antibiotics several days before Aaron came to visit the day after Thanksgiving, and I should have been in the clear, so I let him have sex with me without one. Obviously, I was fertile."

Mom asked, "How have Aaron and Amanda reacted to this?"

"He's completely thrilled. Even before we knew about the baby, I told them both that I love them, and want to be with them for the long term. Now that we know I'm pregnant, he wants us to form a triad, legally like you guys have done, so we can raise the baby together. I said I'd have to think about some of the ramifications of it. He's expecting an answer after the Christmas break."

"And Amanda?" Patti asked. "How does she feel about it?"

Sandy smiled. "We love each other as much as we each love Aaron. I think if Aaron weren't in the picture, I'd have asked to marry her myself. I still might, now that it's legal, and let her choose which side of the triad is the legal marriage."

"That doesn't answer how she feels about the baby, though," Patti said.

Sandy answered, "She's afraid of the impact having a baby will have on our relationships, and our educations. Aaron will be graduating this year, but she's just a freshman, and I've got not only two and a half more years of undergrad but medical school and residency after that."

"I won't ask how you're going to handle that," Henry said, "Because I hope I already know the answer. Let us take care of the baby while you're in school. We're already handling four, what's one more? Do you know where Aaron is headed after school? It sounded like he has family in this area."

She sighed, and said, "They actually both have family in the Dallas area, but Amanda lives with her mom in Minneapolis, and that's where they have been planning to settle after college. Aaron's already got his first job lined up there. If I do enter into a triad with them, that's probably where we'd be, and is the main reason I'm hesitant to say yes, being so far from all of you. Plus, he's hinted he wants the baby to be with him in Minneapolis while I'm still in school, instead of here, and how do I argue against that?"

"Any chance the two of them would consider moving here, instead?" Toni asked. "I know it would be tight, but you could always take over Center, and we'll re-purpose your room in East for storage."

"Maybe. Amanda seems firm on Minnesota, though. She keeps saying that she's really close to her Mom, but I get the feeling there's something else she's not saying, either about her relationship with her Dad, or with her Mom. She wants me to spend at least part of Spring Break there, to get to know her Mom, since she would be helping Aaron with the baby. She's not coming to Dallas for Christmas, or I'd get to meet her family here."

Everyone went quiet, digesting this news, when Patti chuckled, then started laughing. "What's so funny?" Mom asked.

Patti calmed down, then said, "I just realized I got beaten to the punch on a pregnancy announcement, again. It was either curse or laugh. If I'm not mistaken, we even conceived on the same day, the day after Thanksgiving, so the babies are going to be born close together again. You know how you were saying 'what's one more?' Henry? It would be two more. Six kids in cribs, unless some are ready for toddler beds by then."

After Patti and I got congratulated, Toni joked, "I'm going to need a daycare license pretty soon."

Henry said, "We actually don't have the space in any one of these houses to take care of six kids at once. You're having enough trouble with four, now that they're beginning to walk. Then if Ginger's kids change their mind and move in, we're seriously crunched for space. I think it's time we reconsider whether having three separate houses makes sense for this family any more, regardless of what Sandy decides to do. All in favor of starting a search for a bigger home for all of us after the new year, say 'Aye'!"

It was unanimous.

After the vote, Toni said, "Henry, I still want to experience nursing a baby. You said I needed to start hormone treatments six months before the baby's born, so February?"

"Sure, honey," he said. "Just be aware that the hormones are basically similar to the birth control you're already taking, so when you stop them, you need to take other precautions, unless you're ready to be a mom for real. I would recommend an IUD, in that case."


Sandy asked to spend her first night home with Patti and me, to make up for not having been able to be intimate with me over Thanksgiving. I was silently grateful for her caution then, because I wasn't sure I could handle not being sure whether I was her baby's father, the way I'd had to do with Amber right through Kyra and KJ's births. Nor was I sure I could handle having four kids by four different mothers. I already got negative comments from those who knew about Sharon and Kyra being from two moms, even when they didn't know that Amber was my step-sister. Add another mom or two publicly, and I'd really hear it.

After settling Sharon down in her crib, I came into the bedroom, and Patti and Sandy were already naked, kneeling on the bed face to face, just checking each other's breasts, and exchanging the occasional kiss.