This Little Wife of Mine...

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How I, at last, got to hear about my wife's first lover.
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It took me some time to understand what I had gotten my hands on. I met my wife when I was 33. She was ten years my junior. We met at work, and I had my dick in her two weeks after. Two years after I got a divorce, and we made our relationship public.

What was so great with Julie was that she was always so happy. She was constantly laughing, smiling, and jumping around. And she loved to fuck. It didn't matter where. As long as she got my cock in her pussy, and my hands on her boobs - she was happy.

I know most people need to get the info on the looks of the woman in question. If you don't care, I ask you to skip the next two paragraphs.

Julie is a natural dark blonde girl. Hair halfway down to her ass. She keeps it in a low ponytail when it isn't hanging loose. She has bright blue and big eyes, full lips, strong jaw. She is 5'5 (167 cm) tall and was 147 pounds (67 kg) when I met her. Now, at 37, she is closer to 158 pounds (172 kg). Most of that is muscles, hidden under a perfect layer of fat. That means she has beautiful, strong legs ending in a very firm ass.

But what makes her stand out is her boobs. I know many readers won't accept this, but what I am telling you now is 100% true. These are for real: Julie was a 32DDD (US) when I met her. That is a 70F for Europeans. Now she is at 34I. I know. She is huge. And to add to that: her aureoles fit her boobs, 3 inches in diameter. Her nipples are fat and long. And they get rock hard. I have joined Julie hunting for bras a dozen times, and I have learned what she needs. If her bras are not lightly padded, her nipples will show. If they don't have the right cut, her boobs will spill.

Another thing that was great with Julie when we met was that she had no idea all men lusted after her as soon as they saw her. She prefers tight-fitting clothes, deep cleavages, heels. And with her body, that is flaunting what you have. The fact was that Julie didn't know she did.

But I knew. I saw how it affected other men. I saw how they undressed her with their eyes, and I knew they were fucking her in their head. In the beginning, it annoyed me. Then it made me proud. And then it started to make me horny.

But before it started to make me horny, we managed to move in together. I proposed, and we got married. Even at our wedding, I could see all these guys longing to bend her over a table, flip up her wedding dress, and go to town. She wore a "Billie" dress by Rebecca Ingram. It is a dress with a strapless sweetheart neckline. Google it. With that dress, June naturally didn't wear a bra. That feeble corset did its best during most of the party. But in the end, it gave up. Julie's dress started to sag. More and more cleavage was on display. I am not kidding when I say 90 per cent of the guests were waiting for her babies to jump out. But her maid of honour made sure her reputation was intact, pulling the dress up every five minutes.

Three years after our wedding, we still had a great life together. But guys looking at her, flirting with her, trying to get a glimpse of her. That started to make me want more. I wanted them to see her boobs, her body. I wanted them to feel how amazing it was to hold her boobs. I wanted them to see the heavenly sight it is to see her ride your dick while her huge boobs jump around.

In the beginning, I kept it to myself. I know a lot of guys say they slowly introduce that kind of fantasy into their lovemaking. Well, I couldn't find a way to do that. So I located my balls. I got brave. I sat her down in our living room and said I had to tell her something. I spilt all about my fantasy. About seeing her with another man. About how hot it got me.

I had never seen her so solemn before. She just sat there looking at me.

"Honey? Is this a fantasy, or something you want in real life?"

"I think it is a real-life thing."



"You know it won't happen?"

"Yeah... I guessed as much."

And that was it - for now. It did help me introduce my fantasy into our fucking, though. Soon I was talking about seeing her with other men while I pummelled my cock in and out of her pussy. The first weeks she didn't say anything about it. But then she seemed to start to become wilder in bed when I talked about it. And one night she was into it:

"Have I ever told you about the guy at work that fucked me at the last company party?"

To be honest: I simultaneously almost came and got a deep feeling of dread filling me. Was my Julie saying she was leaving me? I froze.

"What's wrong darling? What is the matter?"

I didn't answer. I looked at her, confused and worried.

"Is that not what you are fantasising about?"

"But you said it would never happen?"

"No, it hasn't either! I just thought I should take part in your fantasy..."

And with that, we both started laughing. I started fucking her again and told her I loved her.

"I love you too! If you want to dream about me fucking another man, that is what we'll pretend I do. "

And so she started talking and telling me all these made-up stories about her fucking other men - every time we had sex. And I came harder each time. It was great. We had the best sex life ever.


Another six months went by, and Julie came home from work one day and told me her department was having a seminar. Julie is a lawyer working for this big energy company. She is good at what she does. So good, she was on a path to success from the moment she set her foot in that office building.

They were to go to this place out by the sea. Hidden in the woods they have several small cabins, one for each person. A large barn was rebuilt to act as a conference hall.

"They even have two hot tubs down by the sea! I can't wait to sit there with a glass of cider and look at the stars..."

I do love my Julie. She has so many fantastic qualities. One of those is that she doesn't drink much. And if she drinks, she drinks very little. But at the same time, she always behaves more or less like the rest of the party. So if everyone gets wasted and behaves stupidly - so does she. Unless a crisis emerges. Then she reacts all level headed and intelligent.

So when she said she wanted to sit in the hot tub with a glass of cider, she meant that. Just the one glass. While other men might fear their wife will fool around while being drunk - I don't. Usually, that is a good thing. But not with me dreaming about her getting a proper fucking by another man.

"That sounds lovely, hon. I simply wish you would be willing to enjoy more than the one cider. Your job will pay for it all, after all."

She saw straight through my attempt at getting her drunk.

"You sneak!" she laughed. "You just want me to get drunk so that some guy at work can have his fun with me."

"Guilty as charged!" I laughed.

"It will never happen, you know. I have told you so."

"Yeah, I know. Only in our fantasies."

"Only in YOUR fantasies!"



The seminar was to be in two weeks. I have to admit I fantasised about her fucking in that hot tub every time we had sex. And most of the time we didn't have sex as well. My dick was semi-hard 24/7. Or so it seemed.

Julie didn't seem to think along those lines at all. She was her normal self. The night before she left, we sat talking. Julie isn't much of a TV person. And I have learned that there is more fun for me if Julie gets her two hours of chatting, compared to two hours of TV. So, we sat there talking. Julie had her cup of tea. English style with milk added. I had my glass of Jura whisky.

Her phone pinged, and she cast a look at the screen. But she didn't pick it up.

"Not going to answer that?"

"Nah. We're having our chat-time. It's work-related."

"Who is texting you now, this late?"

She put her cup of tea down on the table and picked up her phone.

"It's Steve. He wants to know if I have finished my presentation for tomorrow."

"Duh. Doesn't he know who he is talking to? I bet you had that finished three days ago."

"Four," Julie laughed. She is notoriously prepared for anything. I am sure Lord Baden Powell chose the scouts' "Always prepared" after Julie.

"I reckon he is just nervous. It is the first time he is in charge of the programme," she said while texting Steve back.

"Still. He should know."

Her phone pinged again. Julie looked at the message and smiled.

"What now?"

"He wants to know if I am packing a bikini. He doesn't want to be the only one in the tub."

I snickered. I had a feeling Steve was not at all interested in if Julie had done her homework. Julie looked at me, confused.

"What is so funny?"

"Julie, honey. I had a feeling that was the case. He doesn't care about your presentation. He just wants to know if he can plan on trying to seduce you while you both sit in the hot tub."

"Nonsense! He is my coworker, a professional, he's got a wife and a baby, and he has no interest, whatsoever, in me!"

Julie is like that. If someone is married, they don't stray. If they have a baby, they don't stray. If she admires their work, they don't stray. We all know none of it is true.

"Uhm, you forgot how we met, darling?"

"Yeah, but that was different."

"How so?"

"You are a male slut," she laughed.

"Well, I kinda hoped some of my sluttiness would rub off on you..."

"I know you did hon. I am sorry I am a disappointment to you," she said. Her big blue puppy eyes seemed almost sincere. But her cheeky smile gave her away.

I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek while carefully letting my right hand brush her boob.

"Well, I guess I can't divorce you based on you not fucking other men, can I?"

She smiled, shook her head, and took a sip of her tea.

"But you know, I wouldn't divorce you if you fucked another man either. No matter if I was there to see it or not. I want you to know I would let you fuck whoever you want. The only thing I ask is you tell me about it afterwards."

She chuckled and stuck her tongue out.

"Will. Never. Happen."

And that was that. She steered the conversation over to our planned extension of the house. An hour later, we went to bed, spooning, but no sex. I know she could feel my throbbing dick against her ass. But she was pretty clear she needed her sleep.


Being alone at home is no problem when you are not actually at home. As long as I am at work, things are normal. But when I come home, the house feels empty without Julie.

She often travels, often enough for me to have made some routines. I usually order unhealthy takeaway, open a beer and binge on some TV-show. This time was no different. I even opened another beer. And another. It was getting rather late when my phone rang. I looked at the time. 02:14 am. Caller: Julie.

Normally, when Julie wants to talk to me that late, she texts me first. Her calling me indicated something was very wrong.

"Yes? What is wrong hon?"

"Hi, darling. Nothing is wrong. I just..."

"You sure? It is not like you to call at this hour without texting first?"

"Yeah I know, but I may be in a hurry..."

"Maybe? What is going on?"

"You know, that hot tub?"


"I am sitting there with some of the guys..."


"No, I just left. Said I had to use the ladies room. That is why I may be in a hurry."

"I don't follow?"

"Well... Most of the guys have gone to bed. It's just me and one other in the tub."

I suddenly had a feeling this might be the night.

"And who is that?"

"Uhm... Steve..."

I chuckled.

"Shocking news!"

"Darling? You remember what we talked about last night?"

"Him wanting to seduce you?"


She stopped. The only thing I could hear was her breathing.


"No, just forget it! I love you! Gotta go! Bye!" Her voice was panicky

"Julie!" I used my stern voice to stop her.

"Stop that foolishness! Tell me what you planned on saying!"

Silence. Just her breathing. Then her voice. Uncertain. Afraid, even?

"All the others have gone to their cabins. We are the only ones in the tub. He has been giving me compliments non stop, talking about how he loves the way the bikini show off my ass and boobs. How he loves that I am so fit. And he wants to rub my feet. He is drunk. But not that drunk. I think he wants to fuck me. What should I do?"

My head spun. My cock filled with blood. Not from what she was telling me. But from the knowledge that any other day she would leave the hot tub as soon as Steve started to show he wanted her. But today she felt she needed to talk to me because she might be in a hurry to get back to the tub. Might...

"I have a feeling your biggest worry right now, is that he will leave before you come back?"

"No!" Silence again. "Maybe?"

That word was maybe the sexiest thing she had ever said to me. My cock twitched in my pants. I could imagine her standing there in the ladies room, wearing her small bikini. Horny and anxious at the same time.

"Oh, honey! Stop denying yourself what you want. As for me, you know I have been dreaming about something like this for years. As long as this is a sexual attraction, and not you being in love with him, I am fine with it. I beg you to run back to that hot tub and let him rub your feet. Let him caress your ass, boobs and pussy. Do whatever you want, hon!"

I didn't get a response — just silence. Then a deep sigh from Julie.

"This is nuts. I really should go to bed, shouldn't I? Sleep. Then come back home to you?"

"Is that what you want, hon?"


"I'll call you later."

And with that, she hung up.

I won't lie. I came two times while rubbing my cock that night. And between the masturbation, I stared at the ceiling. I was waiting for the call. When is "later"? How much later is it still "later"? When my alarm went off that morning, it felt as if I hadn't slept a second. I checked my phone — no lost calls. No texts. Stumbling to the bathroom and the shower, I wondered if I should call her. I closed my eyes, and behind my eyelids, I could see Julie ride Steve furiously. As I pumped out yet another load of cum, I knew I had to contact her. But not call her. That might ruin a good morning fuck. I texted her.

Good morning Princess. Is everything ok? Can't wait to hear all about last night. Love you!

My phone stayed frustrating quiet. I got dressed and had a quick breakfast. No call. No text.

I got my bag and coat. I got in my car. Still nothing.

Nothing on my way to work either. Two hours in, I got a text:

"Morning hon. Busy. Tell you all @ home. I love U 2."

Busy? Ok, she was on a job conference. But my impression had been that they were planning on having a slow day. Her boss knew most people were no good after a night of drinking. So why so busy? My dick was screaming: "She is banging Steve!" My head tried to stay calm. So I pretended I was focusing on work. But my dick stayed semi-ready the whole time. In the end, I had to give in. I left my job early. I was useless.

As I came home, my heart rate hit the roof when I noticed the front door was unlocked. She was at home! I dropped my bag in the hall and shouted out: "Honey, I am home!"

I never do that. I felt stupid. Stupid and nervous. As I hung my coat in the wardrobe, I heard the sound of her feet from the living room. I turned around, and there she was. She was standing in the doorway, only wearing a pair of pyjama pants and one of my t-shirts. Comfort clothes. Clothes she usually would use when she was down.

"All ok?" I asked, and started walking towards her.

She looked at me as if she was trying to read me. As I reached her, I let my hand stroke her hair, and I kissed her forehead. Then I looked into her eyes.

"Julie? Are you good?"

"Are we good?" she countered. Her gaze shifted between my eyes.

"Why should we not be? Have something happened that I wouldn't want to happen?"


"Come on, hon. Let's go sit down, and you'll tell me everything."

"Promise you won't get mad?"


"Promise you still love me?"

"I promise! And I always will!"

"We'll see..."

I sat down on our couch. She climbed on top of my lap, face towards me. She hid her face in my neck and hugged me hard. Then she started telling her story. With a low voice, mouth close to my ear, almost whispering.

"I can't believe you asked me to do whatever I wanted. I felt like you didn't care about me. "

"But I do!"

She shushed me. "Don't say anything until I say so."

I nodded. I felt her breath on my ear when she continued.

"I hadn't been drinking. You know I don't drink. But the others drink. And you know I follow the mood of the room. So when everyone had a good buzz and wanted to go sit in the tub - I followed."

"In the beginning, there were a lot of people there. Well, at least seven or eight. I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. I was having too much fun talking and joking."

"Steve was sitting directly opposite me, and he was giving me these looks the whole time. It was like he was looking at me until I noticed, and then he let his eyes wander down to my boobs. Or he would let them linger on my mouth as I had the neck of a bottle in it. Then he would look back up at me, and arch his brows as if we had this naughty and secret language. He did it over and over again."

I could picture it in my head. All her coworkers oblivious to the flirting going on.

"I have to admit it affected me. It made me feel naughty. So I started to give Steve something to enjoy. I let my tongue circle the opening of the bottleneck before putting the bottle down. I made sure my boobs jiggled when he looked at them. Or I let the bottle glide down my cleavage for a split second."

My dick was rock hard. It was pressing towards her pussy. It felt awkward, almost as if she wouldn't know I would get aroused by the story. But of course, she did. And she slowly gyrated her hips, rubbing my hard-on.

"I don't know how long time it took, but all of a sudden, Beth and Lena got up at stated it was time to go to bed. That would leave me alone with Steve. I saw in his eyes that he had dangerous plans. As they left, he said he would love to give me a foot rub. That was when I went to call you. Steve thought I was leaving too, but I said I just had to go to the toilet."

"And then you just blew me off on the phone."

"I did not," I started.

But Julie cut me off again.

"I know. But it felt like you weren't there for me when I needed you. I wanted your reasoning to avoid doing anything stupid."

I felt like I had let her down. But the prospect of what was to come made me happy about it - not bad.

"I hung up with you with a heavy heart, husband. I knew I would violate our wedding vows. But I have never been as turned on."

She was getting turned on now as well. Her hips were gyrating and pressing her pussy harder against my hard-on.

"So I went back to Steve, put on my party-face and climbed back in. I sat down in the same seat. Directly opposite him. You should have seen his face and his eyes. He was so turned on; I was afraid he would come just by seeing me returning."

"We started talking. But I can't remember what about. I don't think we knew. We were simply figuring out how to do this. But it didn't take long before we fell silent. We were apprehensive. I was, at least. That, mixed with horny as hell."

"I looked at him, and for the I-don't-know time that day, his eyes were glued to my tits. It surprised me that he hadn't tried anything yet. He had been so obvious before. Now he seemed unsure about what to do. So I decided to start things off. 'Is that offer for a foot rub still standing?' I asked Steve. He looked shocked. Then he grinned. 'Sure. Just follow my lead, and I'll give you the best night of your life.'"

"Steve moved forward in the tub and put my right foot in his lap. Slowly he started giving me a foot rub, but it was apparent he was more eager to rub higher up. So when he began to do my ankle and calf, I let him. My gaze was on him the entire time, not sure what would happen if I closed my eyes."