This to Keep Me Quiet Ch. 01


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After starting off stiff and clumsy, Michelle found the rhythm and the steps and began to dance with John. She rested her head on his shoulder and he held her close as they shuffled around the room. Michelle felt so soft and dainty in his arms. John knew that Michelle's breasts were fake but they still felt nice pressing into his chest and the feel of the sleek satin gown was delightful as was the scent of her perfume.

Michelle felt safe and comfortable in John's arms, his hard body pressing against hers made her a feel comforted and relaxed, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of their swaying to the beat of the music, she smiled and sighed contentedly. If this was the favour her uncle John wanted, she was more than willing to offer it.

Michelle's eyes suddenly shot open. There was no doubt as to what she felt pressing into her belly through the satin cheongsam. Uncle John was hard. She tried to arch her back to prevent him from pressing his penis into her midriff but he pulled her hard against him.

"When I was in the navy I used to go to a couple of bars in Portsmouth where special girls like you hung out. On the odd weekend I'd take the train to London and go down to Soho and watch girls like you perform. After the show, if I was lucky, one of them might invite me home or we'd get a room," John whispered in Michelle's ear.

"But I'm not like that uncle John. I don't dress like this to do that," Michelle struggled a little but John held her tight.

The struggle was half-hearted but Michelle was not about to admit to herself that she liked the effect she was having on this older man; her father's brother.

"How do you know Michelle? You only ever come out at home in front of your mother and sister, you told me so yourself. This is the first time that you have presented yourself to a man," John countered.

"It's not right uncle John, for all sorts of reasons," she replied.

John lifted her head from his shoulders and studied her pretty face. Her green eyes, highlighted by the multi-hued eyeshadow, the black eyeliner and the mascara applied to her long eyelashes, her fine cheeks defined by the pink blush, and those full red lips with the red lipstick, just begged to be kissed.

So he did.

And at first Michelle was unresponsive. It felt so wrong to be kissed by a man... and then it felt so right. She opened her lips a little and returned the kiss and when John slipped his tongue into her mouth she let him. He tasted like whisky and cigarettes and she could smell his musky aftershave and underneath it his sweat. It wasn't a bad smell; it was a manly smell and the feel of his hard body, his virility, the graze of his stubble on her soft cheek, the pressure of his lips and yes... the heft of his penis pressing into her belly, made Michelle feel fully feminine. John made her feel desired and wanted and treasured.

But she knew it was wrong.

John broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes once again.

"I know what you're thinking. But it's this Michelle; this to keep me quiet. No one need ever know," he smiled at her.

Michelle knew that she was being blackmailed and deep down inside she was glad. She could justify her actions by pretending that she had been an unwilling accomplice, an innocent pawn, duped into allowing her uncle to molest her against her will.

Her thickening penis threatening to spring free from between her legs might signify otherwise however.

She closed her eyes and opened her lips in anticipation and was rewarded when John leaned down and kissed her. She let him use his tongue and she had to admit that it felt very sensual. Michael had kissed plenty of girls and Michelle had kissed Janet but this was different, she was the passive receptive participant and it felt so right.

Michelle baulked when John guided her hand between their bodies and put it on his penis but she didn't hesitate much before she gripped the appendage through her uncle's trousers. She imagined she could feel the heat radiating from the engorged flesh and she could certainly feel the tumescence as it pulsed and throbbed.

The song finished but John kept holding her close and guided her over to the couch. When the back of her knees came in contact with the cushions she dropped down on it and John followed her. They lay side by side smiling at each other.

"Was that nice?" John asked, his breathing was laboured with lust.

"I had no choice did I? But it wasn't exactly awful. If I forget that you are my uncle I think I can bear it," Michelle said, the lie on her lips was more than evident to John.

"Can you turn out the light?" Michelle asked.

Although he didn't want to move, John got up and turned out the overhead light and opened the curtains so that the room was lit only by the moonlight steaming through the windows. Michelle usually closed the curtains so she would not be seen but the house was surrounded by a large hedge and with the lights off she was not concerned about being seen from the street.

She used the opportunity to free the burgeoning erection that had become increasingly uncomfortable tucked between her legs and let her testes descend into her scrotum. She assured herself that she had done so only for own comfort.

But when John came back to the couch with refilled glasses she had no interest in the drink he had bought her. She swilled it down quickly to give her some fortitude and lay prone on the sofa when John settled himself on top of her, keeping his weight on his elbows.

"You're beautiful," he whispered as he lowered his face to hers and kissed her and she instinctively wrapped her arms around him.

When John began to free his penis from his trousers Michelle began to panic. The kissing and caressing were wonderful but she had no idea what John's intent was once he had his flesh out. She was not naïve, the romance of the kissing and cuddling might be delightful but she was horrified at the thought of John putting that thing anywhere near her mouth or her bum.

Her fears were unfounded. John was so excited that he had no intention of asking his niece for fellatio... at least not yet. He wanted to feel those firm silken-shrouded thighs on his flesh and when he opened the split in Michelle's cheongsam and put his cock between her legs Michelle actually felt relieved.

She'd heard of the Oxford Rub at college. It was joked about by the gays at college who were no longer repressed and openly expressed their homosexuality. There were still plenty of homophobes of course, but time was marching on and acceptance was more common than ridicule.

John kissed Michelle harder and more passionately and she assisted John by opening her legs a little and then clamping them around his cock. John groaned and Michelle had to admit that feel of the throbbing veiny hard appendage pressing against her flesh felt quite delightful.

When John began to grind against her she put her arms around him and raised her buttocks in time with his thrusts. Her own cock was fully tumescent and leaking pre-seminal fluid into her pantyhose and she reached between their bodies to move the fabric of the cheongsam away from her groin. She may have been in the throes of an illicit tryst, but this was the most expensive dress she owned and she had no intention of ruining it.

John smiled to himself when she did this. He could feel Michelle's cock hard and trapped inside her pantyhose. It lay flat against her belly shrouded in the gossamer fabric, leaking droplets of precum.

Michelle was a little disappointed when John stopped rubbing against her and lifted himself onto his elbows but he had only done so, so that he could unbuckle his trousers and pull them down to his knees. When he lowered himself back down on top of Michelle he directed his penis so that it pressed directly on hers.

Michelle struggled a little. This was a little further than she was willing to go but her struggles only enhanced the pleasure that John was feeling as his cock grazed and kneaded Michelle's erect member. The slinky hose felt delightful against John's sensitive phallus and Michelle began to experience the same wonderful sensations and when John kissed her and humped her she wrapped her legs around him to encourage him.

The two forbidden lovers kissed and caressed and ground against other, groaning and moaning with wantonness. Michelle could no longer pretend that she was anything other than a willing participant. The feel of her uncle's hard throbbing penis pressing on her own with only a scintilla of translucent fabric between their flesh felt both lecherous and divine. This was even better than the time Michelle had panty-popped her sister.

John drove his tongue deep into Michelle's mouth and he put his palms on her shoulders and drove her into the sofa as he wedged his cock against her and ground it hard, pressing the pulsing flesh onto Michelle's throbbing cock. The first hot, viscous gobbet of his spend splashed on her belly and soaked into her pantyhose, followed by spritzes of hot, milky, musky semen which Michelle felt spatter on her tender flesh.

Rather than being repulsed, Michelle felt excited, lustful and debauched. The improperness of the situation only heightened the intensity of the wondrous feelings that were surging though her body. She shuddered and writhed under her uncle as her own orgasm exploded and wracked her body. She kissed John passionately and pulled him harder against her with her legs which she had crossed behind his back. She raised her groin off the sofa and rubbed her ejaculating penis against her uncle's.

And that was how Lucy Tanner found her brother-in-law and her son.

Rutting on the sofa in her lounge room.

Lucy's date had turned sour and she had abandoned the man who was fully expecting to spend the night with her in his council flat. She had left him in the pub after they got into an argument and caught a taxi home, only to be confronted by the bewildering sight of Michelle and John rutting on the lounge.

The fallout was catastrophic. Lucy set about beating John with her fists as he valiantly attempted to pull up his trousers and flee. She followed him to the door and told him never to return and threatened to go to the police. Then she turned her anger on Michelle.

"You told me there was nothing sexual about your crossdressing! You lied to me Michael!" this was the first time Lucy had misgendered Michelle.

"I don't know what happened. Uncle John got me drunk and took advantage," Michelle cried, her back turned to her mother while she wiped at her crotch with a tea towel whilst holding the cheongsam out of the way.

She had never felt as undignified as she did then.

"I'll go back to see the phycologist, I promise never to do it again... mom... I promise," Michelle pleaded with her mother.

"I'm sorry I've had enough. I condoned your crossdressing and even put up with you spunking in my knickers and tights but this is just too much! We're finding you your own digs. You're an adult now. You're moving out!" Lucy stormed off to her bedroom.

Michael went to see the phycologist as promised and told her what had happened. He did not tell the physiologist that the man she had sex with was her uncle nor did he tell her about what happened with Janet in his bedroom. The psychologist once again questioned Michael as to how he felt about his gender. Was his intent to undergo transformation or to present as a woman full-time?

Michael repeated his stance that occasionally crossdressing made him feel content and that he had no intent to change his gender or present himself to the world as a woman.

As Michael was now an adult the physiologist requested that Michael permit her to share her findings with his mother in order to reassure her that what she had witnessed was most likely just a one off glitch. An experimentation that had gone horribly wrong and that Michael promised would never happen again. Michael agreed.

Lucy Tanner was comforted a little by what Michael's psychologist told her but she could no longer tolerate seeing her son dressed as a woman. If Michael wanted to pursue his transvestism, he would have to do it elsewhere.

Michael moved out one month later into a dormitory in the university where he was studying Economics and Business Administration. He was able to dress in his dormitory but it was infrequent and unsatisfying and when he graduated and took a position at Stills and Shipley Financial Services and got his own flat he was delighted.

After the debacle with his uncle, combined with the guilt he felt about having sex with his sister, he vowed that he would keep his sex life totally divorced from his penchant for crossdressing and he stuck to his druthers and never again engaged in sexual activity when he presented as Michelle.

As well as being able to present as Michelle in the privacy of his own flat Michael explored the London nightlife. Now that he had a steady if meagre income he could afford to pamper himself a little. He had a string of girlfriends but never had the courage to tell them about his alter ego Michelle. He preferred to have sex with them when they were clothed in sexy attire and wearing full makeup; for some girls that was a problem and some of them were willing to pamper to his fetish but none of his relationships lasted long.

What he did discover during his exploration of London nightlife was a thriving burlesque and drag scene. He visited the Royal Vauxhall Tavern and other venues, mainly in Soho, where drag queens performed. He was immediately taken with the queens and their performances although he preferred the realistic female impersonators who sang live compared to those distorted overly feminised drag queens who dressed in exaggerated costumes and mimed to pre-recorded music.

He became a regular at The Horseshoe Club, which whilst being a little seedy and not as opulent as some of the better venues, presented convincing female impersonators who sang live. Michael eventually convinced Barry Culpepper, the owner of The Horseshoe, to let him audition.

Michelle was an instant hit and Barry hired her to perform under the stage name Crystal Palace which Michelle thought was cliché and gauche but she put up with it because she loved presenting herself enfemme and it was a safe place to do so. She perfected the skills that she and Janet had worked hard at all those years ago and she became a popular and professional performer.

Most of the 'girls' who performed at The Horseshoe were gay and a couple were in various stages of transitioning, presenting themselves to the world as transgender women. Michelle had no compunction to do so and did not consider herself queer, despite the one indiscretion with her uncle John who was now banished from the Tanner household.

She also kept her female persona secret from her employers at Stills and Shipley Financial Services, knowing that she would likely be fired on the spot if they found out. In 1993 transgender and gays were not covered by the employment and equality laws and she still felt profound guilt about her crossdressing proclivities. She knew that she would be harassed and bullied if her secret was ever revealed.

However Michelle was comfortable presenting herself as Crystal Palace, when she looked in the mirror she didn't see any evidence of Michael, only a slight family resemblance to her sister and her mother.


The morning after her performance at The Horseshoe Michael awoke to the alarm clock. Working The Horseshoe four nights a week was tiring, especially Thursday nighs because he had to work his day job on Friday. Today he couldn't be late because he had an important meeting first thing. He left home in a hurry without breakfast.

Michael had just enough time to grab a cup of tea and a finger bun off the tea lady's trolley before he entered the conference room five minutes late.

Most of the others were seated at the conference table and Michael managed to squeeze himself between two other attendees, one of whom was reading the agenda and the other the morning newspaper. Michael took a bite of his bun and slurped his tea. He scanned the agenda and prepared himself for two hours of boredom whilst the managers reviewed the investment and fiduciary performance of their teams.

Putting down the agenda, Michael was suddenly aware that Alan Wright was sitting to his right. Alan looked a little haggard after a late night and Michael smiled inwardly knowing the reason why. Michael was also feeling tired and as the meeting began his mind drifted off and he began to think about what he would wear and what songs he would perform at The Horseshoe that night.

He began to doze and was rudely awakened when Alan Wright dug him in the ribs with his elbow.

"Wake up mate; at least pretend to be interested," Alan whispered.

Michael sat upright and tugged at his tie and undid the top button of his shirt to make himself more comfortable. An hour into the meeting they took a break and the tea lady wheeled in her trolley.

"Thanks for waking me up Alan, can I shout you a cup of tea to thank you?" Michael said as he stood up and pushed back his chair.

"Yes you can mate; a splash of milk and two sugars please," Alan said and then got into a conversation with the person on the other side of him about the performance of a certain investment fund.

Michael returned with two mugs of hot tea and offered one to Alan who took it dismissively without saying thank you. But then Alan suddenly did a double take and took notice of Michael Tanner.

Michael's shirt was open at the collar and in the hollow of his neck was a heart-shaped mole.

"So what do you think of the meeting so far?" Alan asked Michael, striking up a conversation so he could study him.

He noted Michael's diminutive stature and his mannerisms which were very delicate. Michael had long fingernails and the fingers gripping his mug of tea were long and slender. Alan noted what appeared to be the remnants of glue stuck to a couple of Michael's fingernails. He studied Michael's face as they spoke and noted the emerald green eyes. He was unsure but he thought there might be a skerrick of eyeliner on his right eyelid.

Alan tried to picture Michael with copper-blonde hair instead of the straight brown shoulder-length hairstyle that he sported. Some of the younger types liked to wear their hair long, there was nothing wrong with that but Alan wondered how Michael could change his hair colour and style. He knew it was possible, he'd seen plenty of drag shows.

But the women at The Horseshoe Club weren't really drag queens, they were female impersonators and almost passable as real women, that's why he had gone there last night.

This was interesting... very interesting and Alan decided it warranted further investigation.

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Lucky Michelle!

Oh, I am sooo jealous of her first experience with Uncle John!! I could only wish I had been that lucky when I was still a teen at home! Mind, that was the late sixties, so acceptance of transgenderism or cross-dressing was tantamount justification for sudden death. Still, the siren lure of a lace garter belt, black, full-fashioned, cuban-heeled, seamed stockings and 6-inch stiletto skyscraper patent heels was impossible to deny or refuse or ignore. Sigh, the glory days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very enticing

It was just enough to get me aroused and I was about to take care of it just like Michelle did

SissyCrissy6245SissyCrissy6245over 3 years ago
Another "Well Done"

Ms. MN, I get so "wrapped up" in your "threads" that I feel like Christine is watching a movie. Before I knew it, the ending smacked me back to the present. Your writing style, dialogue, pace and character development r top shelf...some of the best. I'm certainly going to have a fresh, dry, feminine lace Thong 👙💃💖.....available for the next chapter...... xoxoxo..... ;-) thx for sharing

BrendaNWBrendaNWover 3 years ago
lovely and exciting story

I was so wrapped up in the story that the end took me by surprise. I was quite enticed by Michelle when she was with others, even her sister. I felt myself drawn into Michelle's life as she found herself alone with a man and what followed. I love the name Michelle and will probably use it .. please continue her story and I have some feelings about where it may go, I hope it does. Thank you in advance . Tiffany Michelle Rose .

Danielle_CD58Danielle_CD58over 3 years ago

Michelle you are my favorite. As always.

Kisses love.

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