Thorne Ch. 07


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"Did you get my meaning?" Leon asked his eyes not leaving Thorne's.

"I got it," Thorne replied leaning forward. "As you said, whatever happens between your sister and me is none of your concern unless there is abuse of some kind taking place and there isn't. While I appreciate the concern that you have for my child, no one will be raising him except Barb and me or if she chooses to leave, then I will raise him or her myself. If that were to happen, I wouldn't deny any of you access to the baby. As Ethan reminded me, we are now tied for all eternity because of the child."

"What's your deal?" Leon asked. "I know that Barb's fucked up, but what about you? What happened to you that made you such a bastard? I think I know what Barb's problem is, but you... you grew up with everything she thinks that she's ever wanted, but you aren't any happier than she is."

Thorne waited several minutes before replying.

"Money isn't everything," he said. "You may have grown up poor, but did you ever question the love of your parents? Did you have to compete with parties and other people for the love and attention of your mother? Did your mother marry your father because she loved him or because of what she thought he could give her? Did she leave you in the care of others while she took lavish trips and then brought back trinkets to make up for a missed school program or birthday?"

You've got to be fucking kidding me," Leon said. "Don't tell me that you're going to say that you were abused."

"No, not abused- unloved," Thorne said. "Your sister is like my mother. I knew what she was when she showed up at my club that night. All she cares about is finding a rich man to take care of her. That was the original reason that I chose her. Throwing the Sinclaire name in my face only sweetened the pot."

"Wait... this started because you hate your mother? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Leon asked angrily. "Why the not just swear off women or find a woman who really is a whore?"

"You have no idea of how much I regret the choices I made that night," Thorne said. "I should have let her go with your family when they came for her. I allowed my hatred of women like her and my hatred of the Sinclaires to cloud my judgment. But I can't change that now can I? All I can do is try to make the situation more tolerable. I plan to sit down with Barb after the meeting and talk with her. I have options that she can either take or leave. The bottom line is this, I don't love her and while she may have my protection; I will never love her as you love Nadine or any of the others love their mates. However, I am willing to work at an agreement that will be beneficial for both of us and our child."

"I don't believe this," Leon muttered shaking his head. "No matter what you do, you're together. What would your options change?"

"I won't go into that with you," Thorne said. "If Barb chooses to tell you, then that's up to her- but, as you know, she has a tendency to make everything the fault of others. I urge you to think about what she tells you. You are empathic- you'll know the truth when you hear it just as you know that I haven't lied to you now."

"That's true," Leon said after a few minutes, "But that doesn't change anything that I've told you. I will say that I appreciate the fact that you didn't try to lie or make excuses about what you did."

"Leon, I may be a lot of things, but I believe in taking responsibility for my actions no matter what they are. I also believe in calling things as I see them. You are an honorable man and your family is lucky to have you. Not many would face a vampire centuries older than he is and make threats-"

"They weren't threats," Leon said.

"Promises then," Thorne amended. "I wish that we had met under different circumstances. I will give you my word on something, no matter what Barb and I decide to do, she will never want for anything and our child will be cared for and loved even without her."

"I'm going to hold you to that," Leon said as he stood to leave.

"I expect you to," Thorne replied. "But let me clarify something, your sister will be cared for as long as she does nothing to harm our child."

"She wouldn't-"

Leon stopped himself because suddenly, he wasn't so sure about his sister.


Barb got up to get ready for the meeting although she really didn't feel like going. If she didn't, she would never hear the end of it and all she would do was lie in bed thinking about everything that she had been told.

"You don't have to go to the meeting," Adrianna said from the doorway. "I cleared it with Thorne."

"How'd you manage that?" Barb asked instead of saying thank you.

"I told him that you had a rough few hours," Adrianna replied. "I'm going to sit in and tell you what happened later."

"Oh... okay," Barb said sitting back down on the bed.

"You know, when someone does something for you, it's customary to thank them."

"What? Oh thanks," Barb said distractedly.

Adrianna looked at her, shook her head and walked away. She didn't wish Barb on anyone.

Barb lay back on the bed, picked up her laptop and began 'shopping'. Like it or not, she needed maternity clothes. She scowled when she remembered how happy Juliette had been when she found out that she was pregnant. Juliette had glowed with happiness with that and each successive pregnancy. Louise had that same glow about her. Nathan waited on her hand and foot to the point where Louise was annoyed, but tried not to show it. Barb knew that when and if Kevyn and Nadine got pregnant, they would have that same glow and would be treated just as well.

The difference was she realized; was that they loved the men that they were with. She on the other hand was physically attracted to Thorne and wanted his money; but didn't love him any more than he loved her. She didn't think that it would have been any different with Hans although his having money would have helped. If she knew then what she knew now; she would have chosen Hans over Thorne.

"He would have been easier to deal with," she murmured under her breath.

After thinking about it, she knew that it wouldn't have been the case. He had quickly tired of her attitude and treatment of his staff and had called her on it. He would have been as difficult to live with as Thorne was. The question that she didn't ask herself was why it was so hard with Thorne and why it would have been so hard with Hans.

At the last minute, Barb decided to go to the meeting. In her mind, if she stayed away, it would convey a message that she didn't want sent. One that she was wrong and two, she was ashamed of her behavior. If there was one reason that she wouldn't go, it was Celeste. The little girl scared her. She didn't like knowing that someone as young as Celeste could read her.

She changed her clothes, fixed her hair and makeup and went down the stairs prepared to be gushed over. When she got to the living room, people looked at her and spoke to her, but no one rushed over to her with open arms. She looked around the room for Celeste and was relieved when she didn't see her.

Barb turned around and saw Thorne watching her. He acknowledged her with a nod of his head, but didn't smile at her.

"I'm glad that you came," Nadine said from behind her.

"Yes well, it's required isn't it?" Barb retorted.

"I suppose it is," Nadine conceded, "but still, I'm glad that you came."

"Was Leon serious when he said that you and he would take the baby if I didn't want it?"

"I believe he said that if you and Thorne didn't want him, but yes he was serious. Why are you asking?"

"Let's just say that I'm exploring my options," Barb replied and walked away.

The meeting was short and to the point. Ethan and Thorne mapped out the plans and once again emphasized safety.

"Rufus Saunders is here," Ethan said. "He arrived a few hours ago. So far a few of our people have died because they didn't heed the warnings to stay off the streets. I know that we've been over this, but please keep your cellphones on and no one except for those of us who can vanish leaves this house."

Barb barely heard what was said. She was looking around the room wondering where the kids were. Victor was the only one that she hadn't talked to about regarding his feelings toward her but she suspected that he felt the same as the others. She could have cared less about Victoria; she couldn't stand the little girl who was Wanda's and now Celeste's best friend. Thinking about Celeste gave her the willies, but she did owe her an apology for scaring her.

After the meeting, she went up to Louise.

"Where are the kids?" she asked not looking at her.

"Noel set up some paints and canvases in the basement. They're down there-Barb-"

"Thanks," Barb said and walked away.

Thorne stopped her as she headed to the basement.

"We need to talk. Meet me in my office in ten minutes and it isn't a request."

Barb looked up at him and continued on her way telling herself that he could damn well wait. She found Celeste at a table sitting with Wanda and Victoria engrossed in her painting. Victoria noticed Barb first. It was only because she was taught to respect her elders that she held her tongue. She nudged Wanda who was as engrossed in her painting as Celeste was.

"Hey guys," Barb said ignoring Victoria.

"Hi," Wanda said as she put her brush down and out an arm protectively around Celeste.

"Celeste, I'm sorry that I scared you and I'll try not to do it again."

"Do you like your baby now?" Celeste asked.

Barb started to lie, but knew that Celeste would know.

"That's not a topic for little girls," she said with a forced smile. "I've got to go, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry."

The girls watched Barb leave and without comment went back to their painting.


Thorne waited for Barb in his office knowing that she was going to be late. He looked at the stack of papers in front of him wondering which option she would choose. It was a talk that was long overdue, but circumstances had delayed it.

"Let's get this over with," Barb said as she walked in without knocking and sat down.

Thorne looked at Barb admiring her outer beauty and his cock hardened. He pushed the thought aside. He had already decided that he wouldn't touch her until their business was concluded and maybe not even then.

"As you know," Thorne said, "We're in a very uncomfortable position. Part of the reason for that discomfort is my fault and I accept that. I let emotion color my thinking. I wish to god that I had let you go with your family that night, but I didn't. As a result, we find ourselves mated and having a child together."

"Is this an apology for using me like a whore?" Barb asked.

"This is me acknowledging that I made a mistake," Thorne replied. "I am just as responsible for what happened as you are. You came with me willingly- you willingly spread your legs for me and if it hadn't been me, it would have been someone else. Do you deny that?"

Barb's face burned. He had just told the truth.

"Even so, I could have backed out, but I thought that it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. You were another gold digging bitch and one that was related to the Sinclaires if only by marriage. At any rate, it seems that we both have our own set of issues-"

"What issues could you possibly have?" Barb asked. "You can have anything that money can buy. You had the best of everything!"

"You had something that me, Noel and my brothers wanted and didn't have. I had something that you wanted and didn't have," Thorne said as he stood up. "You had parents who loved and sacrificed for you. They didn't have money, but they would have died for you. My mother pawned us off on caretakers. It was caretakers that attended any sports events or any extracurricular activities that we participated in. My mother was more interested in her parties and social standing than she was in her husband and children. When I look at you, it's her that I see. When I hear you talking about hiring nannies and sitters, it's her voice that I hear. When I see you shopping online and none of it is for the baby-all I can think of is her. When I see how your family loves and tries to reach out to you and you insult them- look, I'm a bastard and I accept that. I also accept that while I will never love you, you and that baby are my responsibility."

"You hate your mother?" Barb asked mildly surprised. She may have been angry at her parents, but she did love them as much as she was capable of loving anyone.

"Hate is too strong of a word, let's just say that I didn't and don't like her," Thorne said.

Something about Thorne's words struck Barb. It was exactly how her nieces and nephew felt about her. She added her family as an afterthought. Suddenly, it wasn't a comfortable feeling.

"Be that as it may, I've drawn up several options for you to think about. One is that once you have the baby, you're free to leave, but the baby stays with me. You will be cared for in the lifestyle that you seem to crave so much. The second option is that after you have the baby you leave; I'll work on releasing you from our-union. You will give up all parental rights to the baby. Again, you will be taken care of financially. The third option is that you stay with me as my for lack of a better term-mate. You will be expected to function as my mate in every way and that includes being a mother to our child. I will concede on a couple of points. You will be allowed to hire someone to help you care for the baby so that you can have time to yourself. When I say that, I'm not talking about overnight getaways nor am I talking about daily shopping trips."

Barb listened in shock. Thorne sounded as if he was making a business deal. In a way she supposed that he was.

"Regarding the third option, let me make something clear," Thorne said. "I don't love you and it isn't going to happen. We are not going to be the loving couple that your family is with their mates or the Sinclaires' are with theirs. There will never be a kiss on the temple; but you will receive the kiss on the cheek so that everyone knows that you are under my protection."

"What if I want to give it to Leon or one of the others to raise?" Barb asked thinking that she already knew the answer.

Thorne smiled at her with a smile that didn't reach his green eyes.

"You could do that, but then your ass would be out of the door as soon as the baby is born. Your little condo is still available- I've been paying the rent. You would also lose any financial support that you would have otherwise had. But here's the thing, you would lose either way. Knowing your family as I do, I seriously doubt that they would deny a child the right to know his father. So go ahead and give the baby away... it only gets you permanently out of my life and I get to keep my money."

"You wouldn't get another mate," Barb countered.

"So what? I never wanted one to begin with," Thorne replied. "I see that you still haven't learned that you cannot threaten me and win. While we're at it, if anything happens to that child; any agreement that we make is null and void."

"You fucking bastard!" Barb hissed.

"Yes I know and as I said, I accept it; but when will you accept what you are? When will you accept your part in this? Make your choice carefully because once you sign on the dotted line, there's no going back. Are there any questions? I wouldn't want you to go to your family and tell them that I lied to you."

"You talked to Leon?" Barb asked.

"Yes and he made a very valid point," Thorne replied. "We both need to grow up and do what's right for this baby whether we do it separately or together. I'm willing to work with you, but the choice of what happens is up to you. Here are the papers, take your time and read them carefully. Hire an attorney at my expense to look them over if you want. In fact, I recommend it."

"I suppose that it's someone you'll recommend?" Barb asked snidely.

"I don't care who you hire and I don't need to know who it is, but I assure you there are no loopholes in those papers. I think that you'll agree that I never lied to you about anything."

"No, but you didn't tell me everything either!" Barb snapped.

"Would you have believed me if I told you that I was only fucking you for two reasons or would you have only seen the dollar signs? You were so caught up with who I was and what I had that you didn't even listen to your own damned instincts! You chose me, a man that you didn't know over your family who loves you! You sucked the cock of another man because you thought that it would put you in my favor! You didn't want to know the truth then and you don't want to hear it now! If you had wanted to leave that night I wouldn't have stopped you. The bottom line is that you were going to go with me no matter the cost. When it didn't work out the way that you wanted, you placed all the blame at my feet. So I leave you with this question, who really lied to you? Me or are you still lying to yourself?"

"I know what I am!" Barb snapped.

"Really?" Thorne asked amused. "Do tell."

Instead of answering, Barb stood up and snatched the papers from the desk. She gave them a brief glance and walked out. Thorne watched her leave and then returned to the business at hand. The only thing that he truly cared about was that his child was safe. He hoped that Barb chose the option of taking the money and giving up all parental rights. He didn't mention the small paragraph that said that he wouldn't deny her access to the child if she wished to see him or her. He wanted to see how carefully she read the documents. If she was smart, she would take the documents to an attorney of her choosing-but- she was impulsive. If she came back and said that she didn't know what she was signing, he would remind her that he did encourage her to have the papers checked out.


Barb stomped off to her room not speaking to anyone that she passed along the way. The way she saw it, she was in a damned if she did and damned if she didn't situation. Once in her room, she flung the papers onto the bed and paced until she was exhausted. She lay on the bed and tried to calm down.

Finally, she sat up and picked up the packet of papers closest to her. It was the one that gave her the option of terminating her parental rights. She read through the paper line by line. When she got to the part about being able to see the baby if she wanted to, she hesitated and wondered how she could make that work for her. She read further down and got her answer.

"If said party, Barbara Yancy Simpson attempts to renege on this agreement without first discussing it with Thorne Blackwell, all financial benefits will immediately be terminated."

She tossed the paper packet aside and picked up the next one and read through it just as carefully as she had the first. It was the packet that said that she would leave the baby with Thorne. It ended as the last one she read did.

The third and final option was the one where she stayed as Thorne's mate.

"By signing this document you are agreeing to perform any and all responsibilities as a mate and mother. Failure to do so..."

Barb jumped when she heard someone at the door. When she looked, there was an envelope lying on the floor. She laid the papers down and went to get the envelope. It was from Thorne.


This last packet is in regards to our discussion about the child and his/her wellbeing. You are not required to sign it now, but it will be an addendum to the other forms. Please read it carefully and have your attorney read over it as well.


Barb threw Thorne's note to the floor and turned to the rest of the papers.

"Addendum to forms numbered 0022, 0023 and 0024: If anything should happen that results in the demise of the child, all financial benefits will immediately cease once it is determined that the mother Barbara Yancy Simpson is at fault. The incident will be investigated by three independent parties unknown to either Mr. Thorne Blackwell or Ms. Barbara Yancy Simpson. If it is deemed that the demise was at no fault of Ms. Simpson; financial support will continue as agreed upon."