Those Days of...Ch. 01-05


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Then in a hoarsely rasping voice that rose in both volume and pitch, she cried. 'Oh God! Roger, that's marvellous! Don't stop, for God's sake don't stop. I'm, I'm coming, ooh - I'm coming!'

And suddenly she threw back her head, her eyes shut tight, her teeth clenched, the pinkness that had suffused her skin turned a vivid crimson and, as she let out a guttural cry I felt the contractions begin. I drove harder down into her and felt her pussy gripping my cock as it tried to hold me inside her, triggering even more fantastic thrills, which of course only sped up the approach of my own orgasm.

Helen must have the felt the change as that forced me to drive into her even harder, deeper, and, pushing her hands down underneath her buttocks she used them to raise herself even higher. My cock plunged into her, right up to the hilt, I felt and heard my tightly constricted balls slapping against the soft flesh of her uplifted bottom and her cries of increasing pleasure growing even louder.

Then it seemed that my body became a single, contracting muscle, focusing its entire strength and force behind my pounding cock and, as I heard myself cry out at the gut-wrenching power of it, my semen pumped up through me to explode in a series of shuddering eruptions, deep into her spasming body.

Again and again I slammed down into her, my pistoning shaft impelled by the sheer force and intensity of the climax, and I felt Helen convulsing below me as the power of mine prolonged her own and we each gave ourselves up to the mind-numbing sensations that ripped through us.

Then, while I was still pumping into her, my thrills were heightened still more as she lifted her long, gorgeous legs, wrapped them around me and, as they flexed rhythmically in time with her own continuing contractions, urged me even harder down into herself. Finally feeling her nylon clad legs like that, just as I had so often imagined them in my fantasies boosted my orgasm to a still higher plateau. I felt yet another series of jolts of indescribable pleasure as, from somewhere, yet another load of the hot, sticky fluid began erupting up through me, adding to the flood already inside her that was being whipped to a creamy froth by my still pounding cock.

But of course at last it slowed, and we lay, still locked tightly in each other's arms, our hearts pounding in unison, my chest crushing her breasts beneath it as slowly our breathing began to gradually return to normal. Helen was the first to get her breath back and whispered just how marvellous it had been for her and, she hoped, for me too. The very fact that I couldn't even find the strength to answer her was, I thought, answer enough at that stage.

Chapter 5

Barbara's Offer

But when we were both sufficiently recovered she reminded me of her need to get back to the hospital, for Barbara, but that she would definitely need a shower before she could go anywhere, and the rush of fluid that poured from her as I eased away and let my rapidly shrinking cock slip from her was proof of what she meant. While she showered, I cleaned up the kitchen and went round the place, to make sure we hadn't left any incriminating signs of what had happened for Julia to find. Then I cleaned myself up and, when Helen was ready we set off for the hospital.

The way we were feeling must have been reflected in the expressions on our faces, I certainly felt a new spring in my step and must say that Helen looked positively radiant, literally looking like a 'cat that has swallowed the cream'! We had been walking hand in hand, like teenagers in love and were taken by surprise when we found Barbara, sitting in the main reception area just inside the hospital's entrance.

It took her only a quick glance at us, our hands still linked and the silly grins on our faces, to realise that something had happened in the last couple of hours and before either of us had had a chance to say anything she looked challengingly at Helen and simply said. 'You didn't?'

I felt Helen's fingers grip mine more tightly and she glanced up at me quickly before replying, confidently. 'We did!'

'So, while I've been stuck in here, you've been stuck into each other!'

'That's not a very nice way of putting it Barbara. But I suppose, essentially true. And though I'm sorry you have been left waiting here, they did tell us it would take them more that two hours to attend to you. Anyway, there's no need for you to be so snooty, from what you've told me before, if it had been the other way around, you would have done exactly the same thing, if you had been given the chance!'

'That's not the point Mother.'

'I think that's exactly the point. But let's stop bickering. Tell me what's happened, what they said about your foot.'

'It's no big deal, just a rather bad sprain. I've pulled a ligament or something. I have to keep this pressure bandage on and keep it elevated for a few days. Did you manage to find time to ring work for me, or were you just too busy with other things?' she added sarcastically.

'Don't be silly, of course I rang. So, you'll be off work for a few days.'

'Yes, I don't really mind that, but I'll go mad at home, with nothing to do.' she paused and then turned to look at me for the first time, continuing in a lower, more seductive tone of voice. 'Unless you could pop round from time to time Roger, to attend to my needs...'

I had tried to follow the underlying, unspoken content of the word play between the two women, remembering that Helen had said that Barbara had originally said to her that she found me attractive. Obviously Barbara had in fact said rather more than that, and I admit that even though I couldn't imagine being physically capable of performing again so soon after my totally draining experiences with Helen, I found myself being excited by the concept of the young girl being jealous of my making love to her mother. The images of Barbara flashed through my brain, those from my many memories of seeing her walking towards me through the park, from the mental bank of my fantasies of us, and more especially of that morning, with her firm, tender breast exposed by the torn blouse, and to my astonishment, I felt myself becoming aroused!

I heard Helen's voice. '- so don't be silly, Roger only had today off anyway. But, if we ask him nicely he might at least be prepared to help me get you home.'

She had kept a tight grip of my hand all this time and she turned to me, smiling affectionately and continued. 'In spite of everything else, it has been worrying me, that call to my office I mean, I should have gone in. I'm still not sure the girl will get that stuff right for my boss. What you did to me just overwhelmed everything and I couldn't say 'no', but I should have.' her eyes silently pleaded as she continued. 'I know it's a lot to ask, but would you, would you mind helping Barbara home for me, I'll just make sure everything is all right at the office and then get back there myself.'

'Of course I don't mind, a very small service for the pleasure we've shared.' Adding in a much more intimate voice. 'And which I hope we can share again, soon.'

'I'd like that too Roger.' she replied and, as she lifted herself to give me quick kiss, whisperingly added, 'You'll find my phone numbers, work and home on a piece of paper in your pocket'

'The easiest thing would be for me to nip back home, get my car then drop you off at your office then take Barbara home. So you two stay here for a few minutes while I go and get it, then I'll come in and help Barbara out.'

That's just what we did, putting Barbara in the back, with her injured foot up along the seat. Both of them were strangely silent during the short drive to Helen's office, from my occasional, sidelong glances at Helen I could see that she was deep in thought and whenever I took a quick look at Barbara, through the rear mirror, I found her flashing blue eyes smiling disconcertingly straight back into mine!

After we had dropped Helen off Barbara became animated, she seemed determined to find out as much as she could about me in the time available; my work, my wife, my interests, everything but any reference to the events of that morning, and I was glad that the drive was so short that there was very little time for too much of her probing questioning.

Their apartment block had a basement garage and having found a spot close to the lifts I went round the car to help Barbara out.

'This is where things get interesting!' she said as I opened the back door and she slid herself along the seat towards me. As she did that, her skirt caught up beneath her and as she continued to move it rode up further, exposing more of her legs. Though they weren't as finely shaped as Helen's, they were still well worth looking at, and by the time she had reached the end of the seat, she had exposed almost all of them for me, I could see just about everything but whatever underwear she had on.

When I managed to drag my eyes away from the feast she offered, I looked up to find her grinning at me.

'I hope you like what you see. But let's not do it in the car park. Help me get out and upstairs first.'

As we made our way from the car up to their flat she took advantage of every opportunity her awkwardness created, making sure that my hands experienced the full variety of her body's curves, and by the time we were inside their apartment I found that I was lightly sweating, more from the heat of my unwanted arousal than from the actual effort required to get her there.

'Just plonk me on the sofa there please Roger.' she said and, as I eased her down and lifted her foot up on to it, 'Aah, that's better! Now we can make ourselves comfortable, can't we!

Did you two have time for coffee or something, in between your other activities?' she asked.

'Yes, yes we did.'

'Well that's nice. I've had nothing, nothing since breakfast. Would you be a sweetie and make me some?'

'Sure, and would you like a sandwich or something else too?'

'That would be nice, especially the 'something else'!'

As she spoke she let her undamaged leg slip sideways, off the sofa so that from where I stood I had a clear view all the way up along the inside of one thigh and although it was nowhere near as revealing as what she had displayed for me in the car park, because we were now in the privacy of their flat it was even more arousing. Watching my reactions carefully, she rested one hand on her thigh then trailed her fingers slowly across the whiteness of her skin, and I felt the tension between us steadily mounting. I tore my eyes away, smiled down at her and said.

'I'll see about that coffee and a sandwich for you.'

While I busied myself in the unfamiliar kitchen I found I just couldn't get rid of the pictures of her, her breast, earlier that morning, her legs and the vee of her panties, on the back seat of the car, her thigh and lightly caressing fingers, just next door, and found that, even while I was making the coffee and her sandwiches, her very obvious availability was bringing new life back to my cock.

I must have been quicker than she expected, because when I carried in the snack I had prepared, I found her slumped lower on the sofa, with one hand high up underneath her skirt, and from the movements I could see going on, she was playing with herself.

Though I stopped and quickly tried to retreat, she must have heard me, she opened her eyes and while I stood there, mesmerised, she continued doing what she was for a few seconds longer, her eyes locked on mine.

I felt my cock surge at the sight of her and the thoughts that raced through my head. Thoughts of her pussy and having my cock buried inside it, thoughts of what her youthfully exciting curves would feel like beneath my hands, thoughts of her what her responses might be to what I desperately wanted to do to her. But then, much to my own surprise I also found my brain recalling the pleasures of Helen's love-making, and in the same moment realised that her emotional maturity more than made up for any purely visual excitement her body might have lost from the passage of time.

The situation was crazy, when I woke that morning I had no more thought of being 'unfaithful' to Julia than of flying to the moon. Now here I was, by lunch-time, deciding whether or not to be 'unfaithful' to a woman I had only really met since then!

I was still grappling with my whirling thoughts when Barbara broke the silence.

'Did you like what you saw Roger?'

My mouth was dry, my throat constricted and I had to clear it before I could answer.

'Of course. You're a very exciting woman Barbara, beautiful and very, very sexy, any man would get turned-on, seeing you like that.'

'I didn't mean for you to see me, I thought you would be in the kitchen longer. But ever since I saw you this morning, dressed differently, looking even more attractive than you usually do, I've had this growing need. Then, when it was obvious what you and Mum had been up to, just the thought of you making it with her, I got so jealous, but so turned-on too. And of course after all the thoughts I've had about you during the recent weeks, well, you know...'

'It sounds like some of our thoughts have been similar. I've been imagining doing things with you for a long time too. But of course those things are only just that, thoughts, fantasies.'

'Why do you say that?'

'For one thing I'm literally old enough to be your father.'

'That doesn't matter.' she responded quickly. 'Age doesn't come into it at all.'

'It does you know, but anyway, I'm married.'

'That didn't seem to worry you earlier this morning, with Mum!'

'That's a problem I have to sort out myself. But that's just it, now there's Helen, your mother.'

'All's fair in love and war remember!'

'Maybe Barbara, maybe, but I'm not starting a 'war' between you and your mother.'

'But how can you say what you just did, about thinking about me, fantasising about me, and now that I'm telling you I want you to do some of those things, you simply refuse?'

I didn't really know the answer myself. Every single fibre of my body was screaming 'YES!' - only something in my head was quietly whispering 'no'. It didn't make sense, but the small, quiet 'no' won out over the loudly screaming 'YES!'



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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

soo hot

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
I Loved that story

I loved the story Toni Its a battle between the sexes like mother and daughter i would love to read more of your story lets see more chapters please.

Pat Murray


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Very good

This is the first series I've read of yours..Very well written, very good storyline, I'm looking forward to many

more chapters and to reading your other works..!!!

Don from the Southern Tier of New York State

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well Done!

Every author has a different style and every reader has a different preference. The style of this submission happens to match my preferences. As an example, I usually hit "previous page" when I detect something written along the lines of "I looked into your eyes, undid your blouse, bra and skirt and then ..." (you get the picture, first person singular recital of events). This submission tells a story, and tells it well.

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