Those Days of...Ch. 11-15


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All this went on over several days, but whether she wore me down, or whether I actually started to see things her way, I just don't know. Whichever it was, I began to be able to talk more sensibly about it, ask her how she thought it would actually work, where she thought it would end. She gets very enthusiastic about things.' Helen said a little more brightly, finally looking up at me again and I was relieved to see there was a slightly less tense look on her face.

'She had it all worked out, how the three of us could live happily together. We'd both share Luke, equally, sleeping together according to how any of us felt at the time. She didn't see any conflict arising between she and I, we all loved each other too much for that. If I wanted to be with him she would be happy knowing that I was being made happy, and felt sure I would feel the same when she was with him. But she really rocked me when she then added that she hoped there would be many times when all three of us would want to be together.

I hadn't even thought of the possibility of that scenario, as I said, I was from a different, more naive generation. But again, in time I began to see what she meant, the way she spoke about it, it made some sort of sense.

Through all this, neither of us had really talked to Luke. He and I had been sleeping together of course and we'd made love a couple of times, not very successfully though. I don't know if it was my fault, it probably was at first but later, once I began to understand Barbara's viewpoint, I was much more relaxed, actually wanting him, but he was still locked away with his guilt or self-pity, whatever it was.

We should have talked to him more, we really should have, I don't know why we didn't, maybe we somehow knew he would never be able to understand, but we should have tried harder.'

I could see the turmoil going on inside her as she spoke but, not knowing what was still to come, I couldn't understand the cause so couldn't help her, except by remaining silent. But, after a few seconds she seemed to regain control of herself and continued.

'But then I suppose that what was meant to be was meant to be, and if that hadn't happened I wouldn't have met you Roger. I just wished it had happened another way that's all. He killed himself you see, Luke committed suicide.'

That news I hadn't anticipated. I had imagined a whole range of events, but not that. I didn't know what to say, whether to comfort her or not, so again, said nothing. But obviously the worst part of her story was now over, the emotional strain that had been showing on her face visibly lessened and I sensed she was beginning to relax a little.

'It was classified as an accident, a car accident. The report said he lost control and it hit the pillar of a bridge over the expressway. They said he must have died instantly, the car was just an unrecognisable heap of metal. But Barbara and I were sure he just drove straight into it, he had no need to be on that road, he never came home that way. We thought he just couldn't cope with the guilt he felt.

If the previous shock had been difficult to handle, his death was appalling, for both of us of course. I really thought for a while that Barbara was going to have a total break-down, she was certainly on the verge of it, she had to take tranquillisers for a long time, just to cope with getting through the day.

I suppose in a way she's never fully recovered, I know there's a lot of guilt buried inside her, that in some ways she blames herself. Not knowing everything that happened between them I don't know how much of that might be justified. But, after about a year she began to handle it better, her results at college started to pick up and although she would have nothing to do with boys, at least she started going out with her girl-friends more frequently.

In the last year things began to get even better, she got herself the job at the fashion house, seemed to be doing really well there and enjoying it too. Then of course, after nearly two years of having nothing to do with men, she actually started to talk about one, this man she sometimes saw on her way to work.'

That was me of course, and now, knowing at least part of the back-ground, some of the things Barbara had said and done started to make a bit of sense. Her initial anger with her mother, that very first morning, when she discovered that while she was being treated at the hospital, we had been making love. I wondered if the thought crossed her mind that perhaps her mother was stealing 'her man', they way she, Barbara, had 'stolen' her mother's husband. If so, then that offered some explanation for the way she had tried to seduce me after Helen had returned to work.

Helen's story also gave me at least partial explanations for Barbara's affair with Julia. Barbara had talked of she, Luke and Helen forming a threesome, so it appeared that the thought of making love with a female was something she accepted. But more importantly I thought I could now understand something of Helen's eagerness to get us together as a threesome. It was a way of making up to Barbara for what had happened, a way of relieving some of the guilt, guilt that though created at different times and by different events, both of them felt.

'So, if I've got things right, the sexual frolic you been urging me to join in is really a way of rehabilitating Barbara, that and easing your conscious a bit. Am I right?'

'I'm not as cold blooded as that, and you know it Roger.'

'Maybe not, but that's about the truth of it, isn't it?'

'Put like that, and from where you see things, a bit like that, yes.'

'Don't you think Barbara will see straight through that too?'

'I don't think it will matter. It's what she wants, it's what we all want, you too remember.'

'If we're all being so damn honest, in my case it's nothing but simple, straightforward lust. It's you two that have got the complex and complicated reasons.'

'Not really, our reasons are all about sharing, sharing love. There's nothing really complicated about that, maybe the way we want to demonstrate it is a bit unusual.'

'I'd suggest it's more than just 'a bit'.'

'Only by other people's standards Roger. And it doesn't involve other people, just us, it isn't going to hurt or interfere with anyone except ourselves. So what's wrong with it?'

'In that sense, nothing. It's just that it seems, well if not exactly wrong, certainly very strange.'

'It may seem strange but you only have to remember how strongly you reacted to her just a couple of hours ago to know just how much you actually want to do it with her. Anyway, you gave me your word, you won't go back on that now will you?'

I remembered what I had seen when I looked up at Barbara as she stood on the landing, bent over the chest, exposing herself that way, and the way my cock had reacted, springing to almost instant attention. I couldn't deny I wanted her, had done so ever since the days we had passed each other on our way to work.

'No, I won't go back on what I said, I just wish that your reasons for wanting it were somehow less complicated.'

'But once we get together you'll forget all that, you'll simply enjoy the thrills of having us there with you, to do what you like with. Most men would give their right arm for that sort of offer.'

'O.K., O.K. so I admit I'm a lucky man and I'm grateful, what more do you want me to say?'

'Nothing darling, you don't have to say anything, just leave everything to me, to me and Barbara.' She said, finally grabbing my head, holding it steady and gluing her lips to mine. Then after several minutes of very passionate kissing she pulled herself away and literally dragged me to my feet. 'Come on, bed. I'm going to make love to you very, very slowly, and if you want to you can pretend it's Barbara, that you're doing to her at least some of the things you've wanted to.'

Chapter 15


Nothing more was said for a few days, we settled back into our routine, work during the day and home together most evenings. Neither of us had a large circle of friends and although we had each initially made an effort to introduce us as a pair to the other's closer friends most of the time we preferred our own company to any social whirl. Helen seemed just as satisfied as I was to spend our time doing simple things together, the occasional visit to a film or a show, dinner at one or other of a couple of small, local restaurants, a walk, and making love, lots of that!

But although she didn't again raise the subject with me, obviously Helen had been in touch with Barbara, either by phone or by meeting her at lunch time, because less than a week later, when we were walking home from having had dinner out, she said.

'Barbara's coming over next week-end, to stay with us for a couple of days.'

I stopped in my tracks, turned and saw her smiling at me.

'Just like that?'


'What about Julia?'

'Either she's going away on business or Barbara has found an excuse, I didn't ask.'

'So, what happens?'

'What do you mean?'

'What am I expected to do?'

'Just whatever you want to, whatever seems right at the time.'

I took her hand and we continued walking slowly home. 'I feel very strange about all this Helen.' I admitted.

'But you agreed. You know you want to be with her, with us together, you admitted it.'

'I know, I know. That doesn't stop me feeling it's all very odd.'

'Well you've got a couple of days to think about it, to get used to the idea. And to build up your strength.' she added with a giggle.

Later, after we had made love and Helen had fallen asleep beside me, I lay there, thinking, thinking of Barbara. Of finally having her in bed with me, and with Helen too. Of the three of us making love together. And I thought back over all the times I had seen her, had wanted her.

My mind went back over the months, to those very first times I had seen her when walking through the park on my way to work. It was Helen's legs that had first caught my eye, and in Barbara's case, her breasts, and each had separately featured in my fantasies quite frequently for several months.

Then even after that first morning of quite amazing sex with Helen, I had found the effect that Barbara had on me was impossible to ignore, and her offer almost impossible to refuse. I remembered the display she'd given me while getting herself out of the car, and the tone in her voice when she actually said - 'In fact, I've been wanting you to fuck me for weeks now.' I remembered that the next time I had seen her, that fateful day the rain brought my game of golf to an early finish.

I'd almost immediately become aroused by the sight of her bent low between Julia's legs, her tightly rounded arse pointing straight towards me, giving me a clear view of both the wrinkled hole between the curves of her buttocks and the thick blonde hairs covering her pussy. I'd felt an immediate rush of blood to both my head and my cock. And as it sprang to life I found that all I wanted to do was bury it in the pussy that was so invitingly exposed. In fact the sight of that hot, moist and undoubtedly tight slit, and the thought of plunging my cock into it had almost totally overwhelmed every other sense. But then, even as I ripped open my fly and hooked my fingers around the hard length, Helen's face had swum into my mind's eye. And it was only the thought of the hurt she would feel if she were to find out what I had done that enabled me to resist the sheer lust I felt as I'd stood there.

Later, when Julia and Barbara had finished with each other and they came through to the lounge-room and unexpectedly found me sitting there, I'd had my first proper look at her body. I remembered thinking her breasts were even more spectacular than I'd ever imagined them to be, that I had not only underestimated both their size and their shape, but also their amazingly mouth-watering firmness.

Then when I'd left them together and had returned to Helen, I remembered thinking, wondering to myself that perhaps after she came back from her week away with Julia, Barbara might decide to come back to live with her mother. And wondering that if so, and she was still as eager for me as she had been earlier, with her living under the same roof, sleeping only a short distance away, I remembered wondering if I would be able to resist her yet again.

And still more memories flowed, from more recent weeks, since Helen and I had been living together.

I remembered the times Barbara had come to visit, usually wearing nothing but a cotton top and a pair of shorts, but the way they moulded to her curves constantly reminded me of that one time I had seen her naked and even the limited glances I was able to sneak never failed to trigger my arousal.

Then, there had been that other, even more dramatic visit only a matter of days previously, when I'd come in to find her already there. The memory of what I'd seen above me as I climbed the stairs was still fresh and clear in my mind, the view up her nylon clad legs as she bent over to get something out of the chest. Then a few minutes later the equally disturbing view I'd had down the front of her blouse had only added even more fuel to the fire she'd already lit.

She had stood so near that I could almost feel her breath as she spoke. 'What Julia and I have together is good, really good Roger, but its nowhere near as good as what I think you and I could have. You know that don't you?' When I'd just nodded in reply she continued. 'You can't deny you want me too.' Then she'd reached forward and her hand covered the ridge my cock was making and I'd felt her fingers curl around the shaft, squeezing it rhythmically. Her eyes had seemed to bore right through me and that, plus what her fingers were doing below, was getting me dangerously close to making a fool of myself. And when I'd asked her. 'Why me?' I'd heard a catch in her voice as she'd answered. 'I can't explain it properly myself. I just know I want you.'

And even the memory of the evening Helen had taken me to see the film with Barbara's look-alike returned. How she'd kept me in an almost constant state of arousal by fondling me each time the girl did something sexy on screen. Then, towards the end, when she and the guy were finally making love, as I'd watched and Helen had taken me closer and closer to my climax, inside my head it had somehow seemed as though it was me actually fucking the real Barbara.

Naturally the recollection of those powerfully stimulating memories aroused me, and then as I also remembered some of the conversations with Helen that had led up to what was going to happen at the week-end, that arousal grew even stronger.

I remembered what we had said to each after we had come home from the film that had Barbara's look-alike in it. Apart from what she had done for me during the film and what I had then done for her in the restaurant's toilet, there had been my short by-play with the apparently more than willing waitress. And when, after I'd expressed my feeling of jealousy at how women were capable of multi-orgasms I remembered that Helen had countered by saying she thought it was nature's way of compensating women for men's roving eyes.

That had led to her trying to get me to admit that in different circumstances I might well have enjoyed a brief fling with the waitress, but that even then she linked that with my feelings for Barbara, by asking me. 'Honestly now, wouldn't you have liked to make love to that waitress? More to the point, having felt your reaction to her look-alike in the film, I think that even more than that, you'd like to make love to Barbara.'

I'd had thoughts as to whether or not she really wanted me to answer the question honestly and had tried to be tactful in my answers but had no option but to finally admit that, 'If I'd met her and not you, if she had wanted me, then like the waitress question, the answer is probably yes. But I didn't meet her first, I met you, and you're much too wonderful a lady, and lover, to risk losing you for what would probably be just a quick fling.'

But then I'd blown it, by unthinkingly adding. 'Don't forget that I resisted the temptation when I had the perfect chance.' When Helen had asked me what I'd meant I suddenly realised that she hadn't known what Barbara had said and done that very first day and as I had to explain myself somehow, I had told her what had happened and what Barbara had said, about wanting me to make love to her, to fuck her.

Helen had said that she wasn't really surprised, that she'd thought something had happened between us but then added. 'I still think you're not being completely honest, either with yourself, or with me. I still think that given the opportunity, you'd love to get Barbara into bed.'

Her insistence had made me wonder just what deeper implications there were in the conversation and when I had suggested that from what she was saying it was beginning to sound as though it she wanted me to take Barbara to bed almost as much as Barbara herself did, she'd floored me by saying - 'Maybe I would!'

But, given her answer, when she further pressed me, I'd had to finally give her the answer she'd known I would. 'Under very special circumstances - and then only if I was certain it was what you really, truly wanted me to do for you - maybe, well, probably yes.'

Which had in turn led to where I then was, lying beside her, thinking those thoughts, recalling the excitement Barbara had so often stirred in me, and aware that in just a couple of days she would be there with us, available, wanting me, perhaps demanding me.

All of which, quite understandably left me with yet another throbbing erection that insistently demanded attention, so, to Helen's amazement, but quite obvious delight, I woke her and I gave her another and, considering the relatively short time since our earlier love-making, surprisingly powerful fuck before we both finally fell asleep in each other's arms.



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bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
The get together

I really loved it with the Barbera and helen but i think i know where the conflict with Roger and barbera hes probably worried that he will end up like luke that barbera will try to steal Roger from Helen and push her away from him.



AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
awesome story

awesome story..nice emotional buildup..I'm looking forward to the sex scene w/Barbara & Helen

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good sex story, but...

While this is obviously a story to arouse first and foremost, it also has emotional depth, which is good. The more you care for the characters, the better the sex scenes. However, there is one very strange omission. The main character said he was mostly happily married, then wham, his wife shacks up with another woman and he with another woman and you hardly hear another word about their marriage. He would have to be feeling SOME emotion, but so far absolutely nothing. What of a divorce? Reconcilliation? Etc... I hope you explore the Julia character in the next part because it could make good drama AND good sex scenes. It would be great to ultimately end up with a foursome, but you need to prepare the way there. :)

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