Those Days of...Ch. 56-60


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Then again I was left alone as they went back out on to the front of the stand together. I found it hard to believe the morning's events, first Sheena, now Maureen - in the space of just a couple of hours I'd had two, blatant propositions. Rather than just sit there helplessly I got up and put my ear to the partitioning and found that by following them as they moved around on the other side I could hear most of what they said.

At first it was mainly about the general details of the house, the plans we had for it and then what kind of fabrics we would be using in various parts of it and it certainly sounded as though the advice Maureen was giving would be very helpful. After a while they began to talk more personally and as they spoke more softly and occasionally laughed and giggled about something their words became more indistinct - but from the scraps I did hear it was obvious that Maureen began by asking Barbara about her reactions to Charles and Steve. Then, a few minutes later I caught the sound of my name and pressed my ear closer to the partition so I could hear that part more clearly - and was amazed to hear Barbara giving Maureen a quick run down on what had happened at the dress shop, not leaving out either her interpretation of Sheena's reaction to me or the idea that she'd had, about getting me off while Sheena exhibited herself.

I heard Maureen say. 'I thought, well, he mentioned his relationship with your mother?' Then Barbara's reply.

'Yes, well Mum and I have this, I suppose you'd call it, a sort of arrangement.'

'How convenient for you both. But, that idea of yours, doing it for him, although it certainly sounds exciting, it would be a bit of a waste - I mean, it's getting difficult to find a good, hard cock these days Barbara.'

'Oh Roger's is very reliable.'

'How nice for you - and your mother, you're very lucky to have found him.'

'Yes we were actually - but that's rather a long story and we'd better not leave Roger stewing in there on his own all afternoon. We must get together some other time, so we can swap experiences.'

'That could be fun Barbara - but not as much fun as it sounds as though you have with Roger. Is he always so responsive?'

'Yes I'm glad to say he is - but then in addition to the bit of fun we had at the shop, it's obvious you made quite an impression yourself. You must have noticed the interesting bulge in the front of his trousers.'

'It was a bit hard to miss, or should I say, too hard to miss. Maureen answered with a quiet chuckle. 'Even before you told me all this, I was getting rather tempted about trying something on with him - but of course I didn't know how you'd react to coming in and finding me doing that.'

'I may not be as interested in it as Sheena apparently is but I can get a kick out of just watching.'

'I'm a bit the same Barbara - sometimes it can be even more exciting, more memorable, if you know what I mean.'

'A handy memory, to fall back on, another time, when you're on your own.'


'So, shall we?'

'Yes let's.'

Almost unable to believe what I was hearing, I quickly sat down again and when they reappeared they found me as they'd left me, nursing a half-empty cup.

'He still looks a bit over-heated Maureen.' Barbara said, taking the cup from my hand.

'Yes he certainly does.' Maureen replied as she moved around behind me.

'Is it just the usual problem Roger - or are you feeling sick?' Barbara asked as she squatted down in front of me, casually resting her hands on my knees. Then having taken a quick look down at my crotch she grinned up at Maureen and said. 'I think it's only what we suspected, nothing more serious.'

'That's good - so we'll be able to help him.'

'If he wants us to. Do you Roger? Do you want us to let off some of the pressure you seem to have built up?'

Her smile and the expression on her face were almost compassionate but there was a positively cheeky look in her eyes as she slid her hands up along the tops of my thighs and as there was really no need for me to answer I just nodded dumbly.

'Well, help me get these off, then you can just settle back and let Maureen and I supply the remedy.' she said as she began to undo my belt and zip and as I lifted myself up so she could pull my trousers and briefs down I glanced around behind me and saw Maureen undoing the buttons down the front of her blouse, then slipping off both it and her bra. Her breasts were almost as big as Barbara's - not as firm of course - but with much larger, very dark red nipples and aureoles, which I found very tempting.

Maureen gave me a brief smile when she saw the look in my eyes, then hers focussed on what Barbara was doing and I saw them widen appreciably as my almost fully erect cock was finally released.

'Ah yes, I see why you and your mother are prepared to share, it is rather magnificent isn't it.'

'And Roger uses it particularly well too.'

'That's even more important of course - I'm really quite envious. Perhaps... - but no, of course not, quite unfair.'


'Oh nothing really Barbara. I was just letting my imagination run away a bit - you know, about borrowing him some time.'

'I doubt Mum would be too keen about that Maureen.'

'Of course, of course - just a fleeting thought. But this will do quite nicely.' she added as she moved closer, to stand beside me - and, as she reached down with her hand, bringing one breast within reach of my mouth.

I shivered when I felt her fingers brush over the tip of the swollen head and then responded more strongly when they started to flutter around it and the upper half of the shaft. Her delicate touch was as soft and as light as a butterfly's wings and although they flittered up, down and over the entire surface, again and again they seemed to hover around the rim at the base of the still swelling head, flickering around and in and out of the sensitive groove below it.

It felt as though her fingers were connected to some kind of power source, their tips transmitting tiny electric shocks each time they made momentary contact with my skin and I felt sure that if we had been in the dark I would have been able to see tiny blue sparks running over the surface of the still engorging mass.

Even through the haze of pleasure she quickly produced I was conscious of the warm silkiness of her breast brushing against my cheek each time she moved slightly and turning my head I slipped my lips over the stiffened tip, teasing the almost leathery nipple with my tongue as I sucked in as much of her creamy flesh as I could get into my mouth.

Barbara had stayed squatting in front of me and as she saw how strongly I was responding to Maureen's touch she pushed my legs apart, moved forward between them, then slipped one hand underneath me, lifting me fractionally higher off the chair and then used her other to begin gently fondling my rapidly swelling balls.

I closed my eyes and drifted deeper into the pleasure-filled haze the combination of sensations produced - briefly recalling and comparing what I was feeling with the intense pleasure I had experienced in the dream I'd had that morning - but secure in the knowledge that this time I wouldn't be left hanging on the brink, certain that unlike that girl, Maureen and Barbara wouldn't be satisfied until they had taken me to a complete orgasm.

In spite of the growing intensity of feelings they were creating for me, as time went by I heard Maureen's gasps of her own pleasure getting deeper and louder, it sounded as though she was getting quite a bit more out of what was happening than I'd expected her to. Then faintly, as though from very far off I heard Barbara say something to her and then, as the hand that had been beneath me was pulled out, I felt each of them shift their position a little, moving slightly closer to each other. I opened my eyes just in time to see the hand pushing up Maureen's skirt, then slipping up underneath it, working its way high up between her legs and although I couldn't actually see what was going on it was obvious from Maureen's immediate response what Barbara's fingers were up to.

As Maureen reacted to that more direct stimulation of her pussy she closed her long fingers right around my cock and began to stroke it more purposefully. The slick film of pre-cum that covered them acting as a lubricant, making her soft skin feel like silk, triggering even stronger responses from deep inside me - and when Barbara saw my excited reactions she added to them by pushing one of my legs further aside, then lowering her head and beginning to lick and suck each of my balls in turn.

I heard my groans of pleasure blending with Maureen's as we both got steadily nearer to our separate peaks and as Barbara's busy fingers took her closer, Maureen's hand gripped me a little tighter, its stroke increasing in speed. The combined effect of what they were doing to me soon had me straining upwards as my body sought relief from the almost unbearable pressure inside it and I felt my cock distending even more as the semen in my overloaded balls churned and seethed.

Maureen was an undoubted expert when it came to a hand-job and having worked me up so efficiently, adjusting the speed of her strokes and the tightness of her grip to maximise my pleasure, during those final, critical seconds she also seemed able to judge the timing of my climax to the split-second.

'He's almost there!' I heard her gasp as she felt my cock suddenly become even more rigidly swollen.

'I'm ready for it.' Barbara replied after taking both my achingly swollen balls in her mouth at once and swirling her tongue around them before letting them slip from between her lips.

As I still had my mouth full of Maureen's succulent breast I could only look down out of the corner of my eye to see why Barbara had stopped and saw that she was staring intently at the glossy, purple mass of my cock-head - obviously waiting for it to erupt.

She didn't have long to wait - as Maureen felt the first surge rising up through me she paused, her fingers slipping tantalisingly up the length of my quivering shaft and on over the tautly swollen head, then, gauging the moment precisely, as my hips thrust upwards I heard myself give a muffled grunt at the effects of the sudden release of pressure as she closed her fingers tightly around it and jerked them down the full, throbbing length - forcing that first jet from me even more powerfully.

Barbara watched it erupt, letting the thick, creamy stuff splatter right across her face - then as Maureen's hand continued to pump more of it out, she plunged her lips down over the head, adding to the thrilling sensations I was experiencing and the explosive force of my climax by sucking it as hard as she could. The combination of Maureen's talented fingers and Barbara's eager mouth generated sensations of incredible intensity and in response I thrust my cock-head deeper into Barbara's vacuuming throat, pumping load after load of hot, sticky semen into her.

I didn't know whether it was from the feel of my cock discharging or the result of what Barbara was doing for her but right then I heard Maureen's excited whimpering turn to a series of deeper, moaning sighs and as I felt her body shuddering her hand gripped the shaft of my still spouting cock even harder as she also began to climax.

Barbara must have had to work over-time, one hand keeping pace with Maureen's needs, the other and her mouth helping to drain me - and if Maureen got only half as much pleasure and satisfaction as I did, she was still doing fine.

Chapter 59

Dinner for Two

Later, after we had calmed down, tidied ourselves up again and had said good-bye to Maureen, Barbara and I headed for the car and the drive back home. She sat beside me, grinning like a cat that had swallowed the cream - which she quite literally had done of course.

'I told you I would.' she suddenly said.

'Would what?'

'Oh come on, you remember - this morning, before we left home. I said how much I liked the idea of doing that to you, how I love being able to excite you that much, that it gives me a sense of, power - well I did - that is, between us Maureen and I did.'

'You certainly did.' I answered, chuckling at her enthusiastic reaction to what had happened, adding. 'And I think you may just have made Maureen's day for her too.'

'That was just a spur of the moment thing, she was obviously impressed by your cock, then I could see how worked-up she'd got from handling it and felt it was only fair to help her out.'

'She's certainly handled a few in her time.'

'It looked as though you were enjoying it - not to mention the meal you were making of her tit - I don't think I've seen you get so big quite as quickly as that before.'

'I don't know about that - but there's no doubt about the fact that she's an expert with her hands.'

'Maybe I should get her to give me a few lessons.'

'I wouldn't worry Barbara, you do just fine already - but the two of you together make a great team.' Then a thought struck me and I added. 'Maybe you should join forces with her another time, with Steve and his father for instance, something she said makes me think that she and Charles have already had a bit of a fling together.'

'Really! What did she say?'

'I can't remember exactly - and its not so much what she actually said. I was talking about why we were there at the exhibition, about the house and the architects' reaction to the ideas you've had, I mentioned Steve's name and she said she knew him - and his father, it was the expression on her face, something in her voice when she mentioned Charles's name.'

'That's not a bad idea Roger - apart from being fun I mean - if I'm going to be thinking about a career change the contacts could prove to be useful.'

'I thought the casting couch approach to business was a thing of the past.'

'Don't you believe it. I could tell you about things that go on right now in the fashion business, some of them would curl your hair.'

'Over dinner?'


'How about telling me a few of those stories later, perhaps over dinner?'

She laughed. 'You never get tired of hearing about sex do you?'


'O.K. - just a couple, the juicier ones.'

'I'll keep you to that.'

'I bet you will.'

Having got back home and made ourselves some late lunch I decided to have a bit of a nap, so I'd be fresh for the evening and left Barbara to sort out what she was going to wear, wash her hair and all the other thousand and one things a woman suddenly finds have to be done before she can properly enjoy going out.

As I lay there I couldn't help recalling the morning's events. The excited flush and the look of definite interest that I'd seen in Sheena's eyes when I'd said I'd enjoy watching her in one of the changing rooms - and the way I'd felt later, when Barbara told me what her reaction had been to the idea of Barbara getting me off as we watched her. The way Maureen had come on to me - other than Barbara herself, I couldn't remember any other woman who was so sexually assertive - but given the exciting events that had resulted I certainly wasn't complaining. Her hands - and what she did with them were quite phenomenal, both the sensations and the climax she'd produced had been fantastic, even without Barbara finally sucking me off so powerfully it would have been one to remember. I found myself wondering if there'd be a chance, perhaps sometime during the work on the house, to get her to do it again, more leisurely, so I could appreciate and enjoy it even more.

I must have drifted off into a dreamless sleep at that point because the next thing I knew I was being woken by Barbara, bringing me a cup of tea.

'Excuse the unglamorous look.' she said, apparently apologising for fact that she was wearing no make-up and still had her hair wrapped up in a towel.

'Beauty is more than skin deep.' I answered as I sat up. 'It's what you do, not what you look like, that really gets to a man - and when it comes to actions you're in a class of your own Barbara.'

'Thank you for the compliment - but I don't know about being the only one that believes in actions rather than words, from what you were telling me last night you've already met a few girls and women like that - and that's quite apart from both Mum and Maureen.'

'Ah but then I've only told you about the successes, not the failures. Anyway, what sort of food do you fancy tonight?'

'I don't mind Roger - but what I'd really like is to go somewhere where they have music, so I can have a chance of dancing with you, that's not something we've ever done together.'

I immediately thought of the place Helen and I had gone to - and remembered how the need for each other had got so strong that we'd had to cut our meal short - and decided Helen wouldn't be too thrilled to find out I'd taken Barbara there too.

'How about the place you went to with Luke, or would that bring back too many bad memories?' I asked.

'That was pretty expensive Roger - but there'd be no problems for me, I'm sure I've got all that business out of my system now.'

'Hang the expense, this is special, apart from anything else it's my thanks for all the work you've already done on the house.'

'O.K., that would be perfect then. I wonder if that perving waiter is still working there, the one Luke bawled out for staring down the front of my dress.' She added with a giggle. 'Anyway, you enjoy your tea, then you can watch a bit of TV while I finish what I have to do.'

'I'll phone the restaurant first, see if we can make a reservation, what was the name?'

'Valentino's.' she answered before heading back to the bath-room.

Having made the booking I did as she'd suggested and watched some TV - but my mind was too crowded with memories of what had already happened that day and thoughts of what was still to come that evening to be more than merely vaguely aware of what I was seeing.

Some time later Barbara called out that she was finished, that I could shower whenever I wanted to and it occurred to me I'd better find out what she was wearing, so I could dress appropriately.

'What I guess you'd call a little black dress Roger, with something similar to what I previewed for you last night underneath it.' she replied from her bed-room.

The picture of her standing in the hall-way immediately returned - and my heart began to race a little faster at just the thought of how she'd looked as she stood there waiting for me - and I knew that no matter what else she wore that's the way I'd be seeing her - and anticipated what effect that would have on me as the evening went by. But somehow managing to control the catch in my voice I answered. 'In that case I'd better wear a suit.'

'That would be nice, I always like you in that very dark blue one, you look very much the successful businessman in that.'

'O.K. - dark blue it is.' I answered as I closed the door behind me and began to get myself ready.

Barbara was still in her room when I'd finished dressing so I went through to the lounge-room, poured us a couple of drinks and resumed my half-hearted watch of the TV. But she didn't keep me waiting too much longer and when I heard her coming and caught sight of her as I got up to fetch her drink, she quite took my breath away.

It never ceased to amaze me how a woman could transform herself. You could see them all day long, in various stages of dress or undress, in all sorts of outfits, know every single part of their body intimately - yet, given that special occasion and a couple of hours, any one of them could change themself into an almost perfect stranger. Which is exactly what Barbara had done.

Her hair was totally different, swept back and then piled up on top of her head, completely changing the shape of her face. She'd altered her make-up to suit that change, making her eyes appear even larger than they naturally were, a different shade of lipstick making her lips fuller, her mouth larger. And though I'd felt sure that nothing she put on over the top of them could stop me from imagining the sexy underthings I'd seen the night before, I'd been wrong - the 'little black dress' she'd mentioned was itself incredibly sexy and somehow managed to give the impression she was totally naked beneath it.