Three is a Prime Number Ch. 02


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We all sipped our wine. I had a million questions, but let Abby continue.

"I thought that after a while of being apart, she would realize how we were meant for each other. My fantasy was that she'd move to Chicago and we'd live happily ever after. Then, you happened."

"I'm not going to feel guilty about that," I said.

"Nor should you. I was frightened I was losing Phoebe, but she sounded so happy when she talked about you that I began to think that she and I were not meant to be."

"And, that changed when?" I asked.

"A year ago," she said. "You and Phoebe were just about to move in together. Phoebe came out for a visit. At first she wanted to talk about nothing but you. I listened, but, honestly, Jamie, I wanted to try to get her back. I seduced her like it was the first time. Poor Phoebes, I'm sorry, but I didn't want to give up without a full effort to keep us together."

"I know, Abby," Phoebe said, reaching out for her hand. "I let you seduce me. I loved you. And, I loved Jamie. Inside I was a mess, but being with you made me feel so good."

I had an epiphany as I watched them talking. It was finally so clear how much they cared for each other. My stomach sank as I feared I could never occupy as much of Phoebe's heart and soul as Abby did.

"Phoebe was in turmoil," said Abby. "I told her to take a year and devote all her emotional energy to you. We made a pact to meet after the year and then see if there was anything left between us. This is that meeting."

I looked at them, both aglow with passion.

"I guess there was something left between you," I said.

Phoebe nodded and Abby said "Yes."

"Phoebe, just so you know," I said. "I love you more than anyone I've ever known. I would be happy if we were together for the rest of our lives."

Phoebe turned pale. "Is that like a proposal?"

I laughed. "If it is, it's about the worst in history. I could imagine being married to you, but I have no clue where we stand." I looked at Abby. "Where any of us stand."

"Do we have to decide everything right now?" asked Abby.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"I mean tonight or this week. Why don't we sorta leave the big questions unanswered and see what happens during the next couple days."

Phoebe looked at me, her eyes wide in expectation.

"Practically, what are you suggesting, Abby?" I asked.

"I'm saying that the three of us relax and have some fun. You said you cleared your calendar for the rest of the week. So, the three of us can just do some fun shit."

It sounded so simple. I was inclined to agree until I considered the sex part.

"What about sex?" I asked Abby.

"Hey, I'm all for it," she said with a grin.

"You know what I mean."

"Well, I guess we could share," she said and squeezed Phoebe's hand.

"How would that work?" I was having a hard time envisioning any scenario that wasn't fucked up.

"I did some web searching and found a really cool B&B in Provincetown. I haven't been to the Cape in a long time and thought that someplace like P'Town would sorta be like neutral territory. Jamie, if we stay here we'll be in your condo. I think that will result in an imbalance in our relationships."

"So, let's say we go to the Cape. What's the expected outcome?"

I knew I was sounding like a lawyer, but Abby was sounding like a consultant working to bring all parties to agreement.

"We see if there is any possibility that the three of us could form a relationship that meets all our needs." Abby looked at Phoebe and then at me. She added, "And all our desires."

"Desires," I repeated. "Is that another word for sex?"

"I hope so," she said and laughed. "It also goes deeper, though. I have a desire to make love to Phoebe. I assume you do, too. I also have a desire to see her happy. I have a desire to indulge in some voyeurism. I have a desire to get to know you more. There can be lots of desires, Jamie."

We all remained silent, considering the impact of what Abby just laid out. She was right in one way; I did want to make love to Phoebe. I needed to push her to see what the rest of her plan included.

"When you say voyeurism, do you mean you want to watch me and Phoebe have sex?"

Abby took a long, deep breath. She looked into Phoebe's eyes and then turned back to me.


That one simple word shot through my body like a bolt of lightning. I imagined Phoebe and me having a vigorous romp while Abby was in the room, or even in the bed. That thought stirred me and, of course, stirred something between my legs. I then realized that there was another side of this coin.

"And, you would want me to watch you and Phoebe have sex?'

Abby's gaze did not flicker. She said, "Yes, I would want that, Jamie."

So now it was all out on the table. Abby was trying to lead us to see if such an open relationship was possible. Could I handle watching the love of my life have sex with a woman? Could I overcome my natural jealousies and allow another person to be intimate with my lover? I had fantasized about this possibility since Abby arrived. Being faced with the reality of it, though, resulted in a small measure of cold dread seeping into my pores.

"What do you want, Phoebe?" I asked. She had been silent during this entire discussion.

Her eyes were tearing up and there was a blush spreading from her neck up to her ears. Knowing how she hated making anyone uncomfortable, I imagined her weighing every word.

"I love you so much, Jamie. I also love Abby. I can't possibly say if one love is greater than the other. I just know I want both of you. I get that I'm being totally unrealistic and, probably, super selfish. But, that's what I want. I want both of you. I want it all."

I finished my wine and set the glass on the table. I let my eyes travel from one beautiful face to the other.

"I guess that means we're going to Provincetown."


Phoebe slept in with Abby. I lay in my bed wondering what the next few days would have in store. As I drifted to sleep, I felt the emptiness of the bed. I desperately wanted something to fill this emptiness.

We took Phoebe's Audi A4. Not packing much meant we could stow our bags in the trunk without too much of a challenge. I offered to drive and the women agreed. When they both climbed into the back seat, I was a bit surprised.

"Hey, what am I, the chauffeur?"

"God, I hope you'll be more than that," said Phoebe and giggled.

Abby handed me her phone and I plugged it into the USB connection. She leaned forward and selected a playlist. Soon a mixture of mostly female singers filled the cabin. I noticed that the first song was Melissa Etheridge. I caught Abby's eye in the rear view and she flashed a big grin.

I drove along listening to the music and the soft chatter of the women. Occasionally they would try to include me in the conversation, but they were mostly talking about things that related to their college days. My ears did prick up when Abby mentioned a protest they participated in.

It was sort of a pre-cursor to "Free the Nipple". It seems that the women on campus went to a town lake beach to protest that only men could go topless. They all shed their tops and went swimming. Of course, the organizers had alerted the media and not only the local paper showed up but two Boston TV stations sent crews. The town cops were on hand to try to keep order. Wisely, the cops did not try to arrest them right away, but did tell them they needed to cover up or they would be arrested and booked. Other than one or two of the leaders, most of the girls did not want to push it too far and end up in jail. After a short stand-off, they put their tops back on. The TV crews filmed them before they covered up. The story ran with pixelated breasts, but you could sort of make out the naked ladies in the background.

Abby and Phoebe still laughed about it and how they all sat around their dorm room later and rehashed the day by voting on who had the best, the biggest, the whitest, etc. boobs.

"Bitch," said Phoebe, "you got the best boobs vote."

"Yeah, but yours were definitely the whitest. And, you tied me for longest nips."

The thoughts of these two women exposing their breasts made driving more enjoyable, although my erection made it a bit uncomfortable.

As we crossed over the Sagamore Bridge, Phoebe said she was getting hungry. I decided to keep on Rt. 6 and then cut over to Brewster for lunch. There was a neat little deli that had great sandwiches and soups. From there we would keep on Rt. 6a to Orleans. That route would take us by a lot of small shops and antique stores. Phoebe said she could wait the twenty minutes.

We pulled into the parking lot at the deli and went inside. We ordered and then went out back to the patio and sat at a table with an umbrella. Our waitress brought our food and drinks. We enjoyed the warm sun and picked up the conversation from the car.

"So, the two of you were campus radicals?" I teased.

"If you mean that flashing our boobs makes us radicals, then we plead guilty," said Abby.

"What's the big deal, anyway? God, it's not like no one has ever seen bare boobs," added Phoebe.

"I guess that thinking about bare boobs generically is different from seeing bare boobs on an attractive woman," I offered.

"So, let me ask you," said Abby. "When we were talking about this in the car, did it excite you? Were you imagining the scene?"

"Maybe," I said and tried to hide my grin as I drank my iced tea.

Phoebe poked me in the ribs. "I know that look. You got turned on, didn't you?"

"I might have enjoyed a pleasant thought," I admitted.

"Interesting," said Abby. "So, what turned you on the most? The general idea? The fact that Phoebe was doing it? That I was voted best boobs?"

"I think the answer is all of the above," I said trying to make a joke.

"So, you imagined what my boobs look like," Abby said as she finished her Rueben.

"Maybe I wondered what made them the best."

Abby nodded. She looked around the patio. Abby sat facing the rear fence of the patio and there was no one between us and the fence. Looking over her shoulder and seeing that no one was paying particular attention, she pulled up her shirt and bra on one side and flashed me her left boob.

"Jesus, Abby," whispered Phoebe. "We're in public."

Abby smiled and ran a finger over her already hard nipple. "I didn't want to strain Jamie's imagination trying to picture my boobs."

I nodded and said, "Technically, I'm only seeing one."

Phoebe gasped and Abby laughed. She pulled up the other side of her shirt, exposed both breasts.

I know it's impolite to stare, but she was offering them for view. So, I stared. They were as close to perfect a pair as I had ever seen. Although not huge, her breasts were a nice round shape with no visible sag. Her dark nipples and small, pink areolas contrasted with the white flesh. I love Phoebe's breasts, but these were just bigger enough to make a difference. I was mentally debating whether they looked more kissable or suckable, when our waitress appeared at our table.

Her mouth opened as she stared at Abby. Our waitress was a tall and skinny girl. Her shirt showed no major bumps where her breasts were.

"Sorry," said Abby. "I was trying to make a point for him."

"Well, they are wicked awesome," said the young girl. "If I had a pair like that I'd never wear a freakin shirt, that's for sure. With my chest, no one would give a rat's ass to see them. But, uh, my boss might not appreciate them like I am. I think you oughta cover up. But, wait, can I take a picture with my phone?"

Abby laughed and nodded. The girl fished her camera out of her pocket and took a picture. "I am like gonna look at this a lot. They're the best boobs I've ever seen. I guess you better cover up now."

Abby repositioned her bra and let her shirt drop down. "Thanks for the compliment. I'm sure you have lovely breasts."

The waitress snorted. She looked back at the door to the deli. Sensing the coast was clear, she bent over the table, resting her elbows on the surface. Her loose-necked shirt fell open and allowed us to see inside. She had two tiny breasts topped by pink, puffy nipples. Even bent over at this angle, her breasts hardly had any shape to them. Still, I found them arousing.

"See, absolutely nothing to brag about," she said. We continued to look and I could see her nipples harden.

"Joanie," I said, reading her name tag, "They're sexy as hell."

"Totally," said Phoebe.

"I could imagine the fun someone could have playing with them," chimed in Abby. "I bet they are really sensitive."

Joanie ran a hand up her shirt and let her finger briefly fondle her right breast. "Yeah, they are. I love having them played with."

Abby reached out and took Joanie's right breast in her hand. Although she was touching her over the cotton of her shirt, Joanie let out a soft moan. I could see Abby teasing the nipples and Joanie's mouth dropped open.

"These are so sweet," said Abby. "I can't imagine anyone not loving to play with them."

A noise from the deli made her straighten up. "Anything else I can get for you guys?" Her face was red and her breathing was constrained.

We all shook our heads. "Thank you, Joanie," said Abby. "That was the best treat. You should feel really good about how you look. We all loved seeing your breasts." Phoebe and I agreed and told Joanie that we thought her breasts were also "awesome."

Joanie cleared our table before heading back in.

"Not your everyday lunch," said Phoebe.

"I'm not complaining," I said.

"Why should you?" said Abby. "You had a double dose of boob. What did you really think of Joanie's?"

"Without seeming like a total male asshole," I said, "I like boobs. I like all shapes and sizes. If I had to pick, I would definitely go for ones like you two have. I would take Joanie's tiny tits over some big double D's, however..."

"You mean you wouldn't want like Kate Upton's boobs available to you."

"Well, there are exceptions to every rule," I said and grinned.

Abby paid our bill and we piled into the car. As we pulled out onto route 6a, Phoebe continued the conversation.

"I feel bad that someone as cute as Joanie has insecurities about her body. Just because the male-dominated media try to tell us that only big boobs are acceptable, she thinks she's not sexy. Hell, we can't all have Kardashian genes."

"I never thought about it before," I said, "But it must be hard on a woman. I mean her main sexual identifier is always on display. At least with a guy when he's dressed, you can't tell if he has a big dick. And, I'm not equating a big dick with sexiness."

"Oh, feeling inadequate," said Abby.

"I'll let others attest to its adequacy," I replied.

"I'd give it an A Plus," said Phoebe.

"Well, it looks good," said Abby. "That's for sure."

"Well, we've covered boobs and dicks," I said trying to look at the women through my mirror. "What's next?"

"I think we can leave the topic of pussies to another time," said Abby. We all laughed as I made a pout face.

I let the women set the pace for the rest of the ride. We stopped at several little craft stores and a couple antique shops. We made minor purchases and enjoyed the time to wander through each store. We rejoined Route 6 and headed out to P'Town.

It was getting on to five o'clock as we reached P'Town. Phoebe pulled up directions on her phone and guided me to our B&B. It turned out to be a small inn not far from the center of town. We parked in the gravel lot behind and entered the yellow clapboard building.

A young man greeted us. Abby gave her name for the reservation. He checked his computer and said we had a choice.

"I see you booked one room with a king-sized bed," he said and quickly glanced at the three of us.

"Is that a problem?" asked Abby showing a slight edge in her voice. I sensed she was gearing up for a fight.

"Oh, not at all. We have two options. There is one room on the second floor of this building. It faces the street. It's a lovely room and has a nice, little bath attached."

Abby picked up on his description. "How little?"

He smiled. "Just has a single stall shower. But, the room is very nice."

"And, the other option?" Abby asked. I was content to let her take the lead.

"Well, that would be in the carriage house out back. The room overlooks the patio and, weather permitting, that's where you'll have breakfast. The room is about the same size as what we have in this building, but it has a deluxe bath."

"Meaning?" asked Abby.

"Ah, a quite large shower and a separate soaking tub. The tub is in the bedroom and the shower in the separate bath."

"By large shower, you mean..."

He smiled and said, "Perfectly suited to one, or more, people."

"Can we see it?" asked Abby.

He led us back out and across the parking area. We entered through an opening in the dense shrubbery to a cobble stone patio next to four round tables featuring umbrellas. There was a set of French doors leading into the ground floor of the carriage house. The owners had turned this space into a comfy common room with large couches and a wall of bookshelves, and, thankfully, no TV. There was a self-service bar and a powder room along the back.

He led us to a set of spiral stairs that led to a landing on the second floor. There was only one room on this level. Opening the door, we entered into a large room. The back wall opposite where we entered had French doors that opened onto a small balcony overlooking the patio. From there you could look out over the rooftops of other houses and see the ocean in the distance.

In the center of the room was a king-sized bed fitted out with a colorful comforter and lots of pillows. To the right of the bed was a gas fireplace and flat screen TV above it. On the left stood the white soaker tub resting on claw feet. It was modern in function with an array of jets, but it looked old fashioned and fit the décor of the room. Next to the tub was a door that led to a short hallway with closets on either side. At the end, we came into a large bathroom. A tiled doubled-headed shower occupied most of one wall and was enclosed by a glass door and panels. A double vanity was on the other wall. There was both a toilet and bidet.

Phoebe spoke first. "We'll take it."

"I thought you'd like it," the man said. I asked him his name and he replied, "Arch."

We followed Arch back to the lobby in the main building and registered. He went over the times for breakfast, gave us our key cards and wished us a pleasant stay. We gathered our luggage from the car and headed to our room.

Phoebe dropped her bag and ran and leapt onto the bed.

"This is awesome," she said. In a second Abby and I bracketed her. There was plenty of room for the three of us. Of course, we were just lying in one place. I wondered if we would feel the same when two or more of us were rolling around in search of sexual release.

"I don't know about you guys," said Phoebe, "But I'd love a soak in that tub."

"Think it can hold two?" asked Abby.

Phoebe grinned and said it was worth a try. I sat there wondering if this was really going to happen. Would these two women strip and get in the tub while I was in the room?

"Uh, maybe I should go downstairs, or something," I offered.

"Why, do you have someplace you need to be?" asked Abby. I shook my head.

"Then, stay and relax."

I decided to stay but knew I would not be relaxed.

Phoebe started running water into the tub. She saw a supply of products on a small table and chose some salts and added them to the tub. The salts released their fragrance in the hot water and soon the room was full of a subtle lilac aroma.

Phoebe pulled her shirt off and undid her bra. As many times as I had seen her breasts, I still felt a rush as they came into view. She cast a glance at Abby. Abby smiled and soon was also topless. Seeing her a few feet away and naked from the waist up was far superior to the flash she had given me earlier. Her breasts, now in plain sight next to Phoebe's, were awesome. I have no idea about sizes, cups and those sorts of things, but Abby's were fuller and rounder. Phoebe had dark. brown nipples while Abby's were more pinkish-red. Both sets seemed to be hard.