Three is a Prime Number


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"Great old movie," I said. "Don't think I need to hear anything right now."

"Okay, but can I say 'thank you?'"

I turned and took Phoebe in my arms. "I love you, Phoebes. I don't think that you need to say 'thank you.'"

"Not many guys would feel the same," she said.

"I'm not 'many guys'," paraphrasing the line Abby gave me yesterday. I now understood its meaning. "I can't control you. Hell, I don't want to control you."

"Still, I love you and love that you were so understanding," Phoebe said as she moved her groin against mine.

"Better chill the rubbing, babe, or there will be more than the sun rising this morning."

"You mean like what Abby saw last night?"

I laughed. "Yeah, exactly like that. I hope it didn't gross her out and put a damper on her libido."

Phoebe slipped her hand inside my boxers. "To the contrary, she liked what she saw. Abby is just like me in that we appreciate what both men and women have to offer."

As Phoebe's fingers embraced me through the fly of my shorts, I kissed her hard. Feeling the blood rushing in, I pulled away. "Need to stop now. Really."

"Okay," Phoebe said. She pulled her hand out and we kissed again. "Watcha' makin'?"

"Pancakes, eggs and sausage. She's not vegan or anything."

Phoebe smiled and pulled my dick from my boxer briefs. "Oh, no, she'd love a good sausage." She bent quickly and took me in her mouth. I had to push her away immediately or I would have lost the will to do so.

"I'll go tell her breakfast is almost ready," Phoebe said.

As I was putting the food on the table, Phoebe and Abby walked in.

Like Phoebe, Abby was wearing a long tee-shirt. I wondered if she were also naked underneath.

Abby looked me up and down standing in just my underwear.

"You didn't have to get all dressed up on my account," she said.

"After last night, this is considered dressed up. And, did you ever hear about waiting to be invited in a room before opening the door?"

"Of course, I've heard about that. But, then I might miss out on all the good stuff." She looked at my crotch and said, "The really good stuff."

I laughed and told them to sit. I was right. Her intrusion last night did break the ice and we all seemed comfortable with each other. Although I was still stunned by Phoebe's actions, I could see that Abby was a good match for her as well. I felt that Abby was a strong person and could be a safe harbor for Phoebe and her insecurities. Trying to push all those thoughts aside, I joined them at the table. We ate and discussed plans for the day.

"The weather is so nice, I'd like to go to Jenness Beach," said Phoebe. "We could hang out on the beach, take a walk and maybe go down to the Plum for lobster rolls."

Abby said she was all for that. "Will you join us?" she asked.

"Thought this was ladies day out," I answered.

"We'll have tonight for ladies," Abby said with a smile. "We'd like you to be with us today. That is if this is all right with you."

I smiled back, but was thinking that Abby could be a bitch when she wanted. I began to think that I was in a serious competition with her for Phoebe. "Well, then, I guess I'd better get my time in when I have the chance." I tried to keep the sarcasm out of my voice, but I noticed Phoebe wince. I smiled at both of them and stood.

We planned to leave in an hour. The women said they would clean up and I could take my shower. Abby started to clear the table. She dropped a fork and bent to pick it up. Her tee shirt rode up her back, exposing her naked butt. It was an exquisite sight. Firm, round and white, contrasting nicely with her tan legs.

Phoebe saw me looking and cleared her throat.

Abby raised her head and Phoebe rolled her eyes in my direction. Abby moved her head to look back at me. I was still fixated on her naked ass.

"Well, that makes us even," she said.

"Hardly," I answered. I stood to go to the bathroom. My underwear was fully tented.

"I suggest cold water," said Abby straightening up.

"Oh yeah," I replied. "Lots of it, thank you." I said 'Bitch' under my breath. Not only was she sleeping with my girl, she was turning me on. I wanted to hate her, but lacked the ability. I was actually enjoying her.

After walking to Phoebe's car at her office, we headed south. We pulled into the small parking lot by 10:30 and snagged the last spot. I fed the meter while Phoebe and Abby pulled our gear from the back. We walked north a few hundred yards and staked out our spot. After spreading a blanket, setting up our chairs and kicking off our sandals we decided to go for a walk. The women shed their cover-ups and we headed to the north end of the beach.

Phoebe wore her purple two-piece, which I loved. Although brunette, she never tanned much. Her light skin made the purple pop on her body. Phoebe was several inches shorter than either Abby or me. She worked to keep in shape and her suit was full in all the right places. Although far from busty, Phoebe's figure was so well put together that I lusted after her even after being together for a while.

Abby wore a tank suit that was like a second skin. It was black with a purple lightning bolt running from her shoulder, across her left breast and wrapping around her hip. The suit was cut high on the hips to emphasize her long legs. Her breasts were somewhat flattened against her chest, but I could easily detect where her nipples pushed against the fabric. The back scooped low and accentuated the shape of her round firm butt. She wore sports shades and pink lipstick to protect her lips from the sun.

Walking between these two beauties made me feel like I'd just won the hot girl lottery. We traveled the length of the beach to the north and then back-tracked until we reached the south end. We made it back to our blankets. Phoebe wanted to nap and Abby suggested we go in the water.

"It's probably cold," I warned her.

"I didn't travel over a thousand miles to just look at the ocean," she said and pulled me by the hand toward the breaking waves. She didn't slow as she approached the water and dragged me along until we had no choice but to get all wet.

In icy wave rolled in and hi

t us hard. We both jumped back up.

"Jesus, you weren't kidding," she said. Her nipples were about to split her bathing suit.

"Told you it was cold," I said and let my eyes travel down her chest while she watched me.

"God, guys are all alike," she said and laughed.

"God gave you nipples for men's entertainment," I said.

"Funny," she replied. "Phoebe seems to get a kick out of them, too."

As soon as the words left her mouth, I could see the regret on her face.

"Sorry, Jamie, that was a rotten thing to say."

"No problem. At least I'm gaining an appreciation for why she thinks you're, and I quote, 'so fucking hot.'"

Abby grinned. "She really said that?"

"Yeah, and that she couldn't keep her hands off you."

This time she laughed. "Well, that's the truth. But, Jamie, I am not trying to rub it in your face."

I looked at her hard nipples again and said, "Why not? That could be fun."

She splashed me as she called me a "male chauvinistic dork."

I retaliated by grabbing her waist and tossing her into a wave. The battle was on. Abby's strength took me by surprise and she knocked me over. I recovered and grabbed a leg tilting her back into the sea. She jumped on my back and tried to make me fall. I did, but only backwards and taking her with me. We were in water up to our middles. Abby splashed the salt water in my eyes. As I used my hands to clear them, she grabbed my bathing suit and jerked it to my ankles.

Just then the wave crested over us and left me standing in knee deep water as it passed.

Fortunately I was facing away from the shore. Unfortunately there were two girls five feet away and looking right at me.

Abby was laughing. When she saw the girls with their hands covering their mouths, she said, "Sorry, thought there was a shark in his trunks."

One of the girls giggled and said, "Looks more like a snail." Admittedly my manhood conformed to the dictum that freezing water makes some things shrink.

As the three women laughed, I ducked back down and managed to pull my suit back up.

The girls gave Abby fist bumps as they made their way to shore.

"Jesus, Abby, you could get me into trouble. This is a family beach, not a nude one."

"They didn't complain and I suspect they were old enough not to be shocked. And, don't worry, Jamie, from what I saw last night, he's not anything like a snail."

"Let's get out," I said.

As luck would have it, or maybe wouldn't have it, we returned to our blankets to find Phoebe still napping and the two girls from the water parked next to us.

We grabbed towels and dried off.

I wanted to be sure that they weren't offended.

"Ladies, I apologize about before. My friend was kidding around, and, well, you weren't supposed to see what you saw."

"Chill," the dark-haired one said. "It was funny. We didn't think you were some flasher perv. We just saw your girlfriend punk you."

"Uh, she's not my girlfriend." I had no idea why I needed to point that out.

"Oh," said the blond, "we just assumed that it had to be like that, because, you know, she, uh... Well, we thought you guys were a couple."

"So, who's that?" the brunette asked, pointed to Phoebe stretched out on the blanket with her floppy hat covering her head.

"That's my girlfriend," I replied.

"Who are you, then?" put in the blond, as she looked at Abby.

"I'm her girlfriend." Abby grinned as she pointed at Phoebe and winked at me.

"That's wicked hot," said the blond. "Are you guys like one of those ménage things?"

"Not exactly," I said.

"Well, what are you guys?" she asked.

I chuckled and said, "I have no fucking clue."

We all laughed and Phoebe began to stir.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Just talking with our new friends," Abby answered. "This is..."

"Angie," piped in the brunette.

"Regan," added the blond.

Abby completed the introductions. "I'm Abby. Snail-man is Jamie. And, Sleeping Beauty is Phoebe."

Phoebe stared at her friend. "Snail-man?"

"Long story," said Abby.

Angie snorted and said, "Not very long."

The girls and Abby cracked up.

Catching her breath, Abby said, "Ladies, believe me. When it's not half-frozen by the sea, it is awe-inspiring."

Their eyes drifted to my crotch. "Wow," said Regan. "The things you learn."

"Are you talking about what I think you're talking about?" asked Phoebe.

"If you mean Jamie's dick," said Abby, "then the answer is yes. I'll fill you in later, Phoebes."

While talking with the girls, we learned they just finished their junior year at the University of New Hampshire. They stayed in Durham for the summer to take a required course that wouldn't be offered next year. They both were waitressing in Hampton and today they didn't start until 5:30.

After the initial embarrassment passed, I enjoyed visiting with them. They each had a good sense of humor and the five of us shared college adventure stories. The young girls were similarly dressed in small bikinis. Angie more than filled out her top. Her breasts were squeezed tightly in her top and the cleavage was impressive. As she shifted, small views of white flesh became exposed. The contrast to her bronze skin served to call attention to her impressive chest.

Regan was more modestly endowed, and showed a gap between her breasts. Her light skin was slightly pink from the sun and her nipples pushed against the material of her bikini bra. She had long, shapely legs that left a gap at the top of her thighs.

Together they formed a balanced vision of young beauty and sexuality. To think they saw me naked sent a perverted thrill through my body.

Phoebe and Abby said they were getting hungry. We told the girls that we were going to the Plum for their famous lobster salad rolls and asked them to join us.

"God, they are so good," said Regan. "We can't afford them is the only problem."

I told them if they came it would be my treat.

"I wasn't hinting," said Regan. "You don't have to do that."

"Don't be silly," I said. "It'll be fun."

We lucked out in finding a couple parking spots at North Hampton beach and crossed Rt. 1A to the lobster shack. We got our sandwiches and went back to sit on the beach to eat them. In spite of fending off the aggressive sea gulls, we savored the huge treats. We finished and the girls said they had to get back to their apartment to shower and change since they were working the dinner shift. We exchanged contact info and said that maybe we could get together for drinks in Portsmouth at some point.

Watching them walk toward their car as their tight butts bounced in their bikini bottoms, I somewhat wistfully recalled my own college days. I often admired the girls but never had the courage to do anything. Now, I was confident and experienced. I wondered if young women such as Angie and Regan would ever be interested in an older man. I figured it was just idle thinking. I had enough to handle trying to figure out what was occurring with Phoebe, Abby and me—if there was anything happening.

After Angie and Regan left, I asked Phoebe and Abby, "More beach or something else?"

"I think I'd like to go home. I could use another nap and then we can decide where to go for supper," said Phoebe.

As we entered the apartment, Phoebe headed to the bathroom. I told Abby she could have her shower next, but she declined.

"You can go," she said. "I think Phoebe needs some cuddle time with you."

"Are you sure? I sorta had more in mind than cuddling."

"Yeah, I can read her pretty well. And, cuddling can mean different things to different people. So, you shower, cuddle and then we can plan our evening."

"Well, I had an idea about going up to the York Inn. It's got a great restaurant overlooking the harbor. I even thought maybe we could stay over and then you two would be there for some more beach time tomorrow. It's close enough that I can come back early in the morning for work."

I could see Abby evaluating the offer and calculating the arrangements.

"Abby, I meant that we could have two rooms. I'll take one. I have a ton of work I can do and could use all the space to spread out my papers."

Abby stood and hugged me. "She's a lucky woman, Jamie."

Feeling the toned body covered only by a thin bathing suit pressed against me, I couldn't argue the point. Phoebe was also lucky to have Abby as her lover.

Phoebe came out wrapped in a towel. Abby told her I'd go next and then join Phoebe in the bedroom.

"What about you?" asked Phoebe.

"Beauty rest time for me," said Abby with a broad smile.

"Go on, Jamie," Abby said. "I'll fill Phoebe in on our tentative plans."

I used the toilet and stripped and got in the shower. I was rinsing my hair, when the curtain moved back.

Abby stood looking me up and down. "I was right. Things are back to normal," she said. "If that hunk of meat can be called normal."

"I'm hurt," I said, not feeling awkward being naked in front of her. "You've totally objectified me and reduced me to one part of my anatomy."

"So I did," she said. "Good thing you didn't have your back toward me."

It took me a second and then I got it. "Yeah, you probably know too many assholes already."

Laughing along with me, she agreed. "Way too many. And, Jamie, I'm not implying that you're a prick. I'm simply saying you have a nice body—for a guy."

"Is there any particular reason you needed to come into the shower? Other than ogling my bod?"

"Technically," Abby said, "I'm not in the shower. And, since I am a lady, I can guarantee I am not ogling. At most, I think I'm beginning to enjoy looking at the aesthetics of your naked bod. But, yes, Phoebe agreed with our plan. She loves the Inn and thinks you are a freaking saint for what you're doing."

"Well, I hope to prove I'm a devil as soon as I finish here."

"Yes, I imagine you will," said Abby. "So, hurry up. Leave the water running and I'll jump in after you."

She let the shower curtain drop and the image of a naked Abby jumping in the shower completely erased any "snailness" left in me.

I washed, rinsed and called out I was getting out.

Abby told me it was about time.

She was standing in the bathroom holding a towel across her front. I saw her black bathing suit piled on the floor. She looked me over and nodded. Crossing in front of me, I looked at her nude back. The glimpse of her butt earlier was a poor prediction of how perfect she looked. With wide shoulders, toned and tapered back, tight round buns and long, tanned legs, it was a vision I would not soon forget. Hell, I would never forget it.

She reached in and tested the water with her hand. She handed me her towel without turning around and climbed into the shower.

I could hear her laughing. "You can close your mouth now, Jamie. Go find that hot babe and fuck her silly. I know I'll be doing that later."

I could hang the towel on my dick at this point. The glance I had of her body was amazing. The fact that we were so openly discussing having sex with the same woman was both oddly disturbing and exciting. I stood there wondering how we quickly arrived at this point. I was openly accepting that my girlfriend was having sex with a woman and doing it in our condo. At the same time, my male ego was taking a bit of a hit. Was I really open to this new dimension to my relationship with Phoebe or was I just having a bad case of no balls?

Adding to my confusion was that I was really enjoying Abby. I knew I should see her as a rival, but she was acting like a friend. The one thing I did resolve standing a few feet from Abby with an iron rod erection, I wasn't going to stay here and sort out all my feelings. To confirm that I should move along, Abby stuck her head out of the shower, but kept her body hidden.

"Jesus, Jamie, take that cock and let Abby enjoy it!"

I put her towel on a hook, dried off with my towel and let my erection lead me to our bedroom.

A naked Phoebe looked up as I entered.

"Well, hello to you, too," she said staring at my erection. "What's the occasion? No, wait, Abby came into the bathroom."

I nodded and moved to her. She was rubbing lotion into her legs. I took the plastic tube and tossed it aside. Pushing her back onto our bed, I crawled between her legs and kissed her slit.

"Honey, you know I love how you do me there," said a husky-voiced Phoebe. "But, right now I want your cock and I need to be fucked within an inch of my life."

Now, it's not often a guy gets that kind of request.

I pulled her legs up on my shoulders and entered her with one long push. Normally it takes a bit of foreplay to get Phoebe ready. I assumed she had done some preparation on her own since she was so wet.

"God, yes," Phoebe said.

She grabbed my ass and we began moving fast, no slow build-up this time. Normally, Phoebe likes a long, slow build-up. She never wants me to go straight to her clit, but likes when I work all parts of her body to get her motor running. But my earlier thinking that she was anticipating our union seemed to be right on the mark since she was acting like a hard fuck was the only thing she wanted.

I thought I might not be able to hold out after being so stimulated all day. Somehow, I was able to hold back and as the sounds of our love-making bounced off the walls, I felt Phoebe come twice. I pulled out, spun her around and rammed her from behind. Phoebe grunted and pushed back hard. With my hands on her hips, I growled and pumped. Phoebe was shouting for me to fuck her hard as her own fingers played between her legs. I held on as long as I could until I gave in to my orgasm. She might have cum with me, but at that point all I was really aware of was the sweet release I was enjoying.