Three, Please

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Jessica plus Me plus He equals Three.
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At the end of my Sophomore year of college, I found myself in the unlikely position of having a girlfriend. Sort-of. Jessica and I would get ready at the same time for dates. With guys. But in the process of getting ready, we would often make out and fondle each other. And then then next morning, we would cuddle in her bed and talk about how the dates had gone. (Her bed, not mine, because she had a single dorm room.) We would kiss, and giggle, and graphically describe and sometimes act out what our male dates had done to us the night before. And we would sit by each other at meals, and in the few classes we had together, we would sit in the back and hold hands, or pass notes like school-kids. In retrospect, we were just school-kids.

But the semester and school year were quickly coming to an end, and we knew our fun was, too. I was going to move back in with my family, 4 hours to the North. She was going to move back to her hometown, 7 hours to the South. On our last night together, we cuddled and cried and giggled and kissed and promised each other we would talk All The Time.

And we did. This was before cell-phones, so we would have to leave honest-to-God messages for each other, and call each other back. She sent me a plane ticket for my birthday, so I could spend the weekend with her. I couldn't wait.

She picked me up from the airport, and we squealed and giggled and hugged and kissed right there outside baggage claim. As we drove to her apartment, she told me the plans for the weekend. Go to a movie, go clubbing, sleep, go to a party... she had a list of possibilities.

"But, it's really whatever you want," she said.

"I want to do everything!" I said, laughing.

"That's my girl," she replied, laughing.

As we drove to her apartment, she pointed out landmarks, and places we'd be going to later. She wanted to show me her new school (in the fall) and go to a movie showing at the student center. I didn't really care what we did. I was so happy to be with her. Traffic was a little heavier than she had expected, so we had precious little time at her apartment. We threw my bags in the corner while she changed out of her work clothes. As I watched her rifling through her dresser, looking for jeans, I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was, standing here, in just her undies. She caught me watching her, and smiled.

"I can't wait to see you naked again," she said, pulling a top over her head.

"But we gotta go, hun!"

I laughed as she wriggled into her jeans. I was secretly grateful to have a little time to re-connect before tumbling into bed. I was nervous all over again.

We ran out the door, jumped in her car, and drove to the University.

"I've heard this movie is really good. A little hard-core, but hot..." she told me.

Romper Stomper. I had no idea what I was in for when she took me to this movie. Russel Crow with a fake neck tattoo, cut as glass, hot as fuck... beating the ever-loving-shit out of everyone in his path. I was literally dripping wet when we left, and I'm sure she was, too. We left the movie and went to a club, about half-way between her apartment and the student center. She knew the bouncers, and knew we would get in, even without our fake id's.

Inside the club, we were fierce. Accepting drinks from lots of guys... drinking with them, and with each other. Dancing with them, and with each other. Laughing and grinding... looking for trouble. She tugged my hand and we tumbled into the bathroom.

"I think the blond is super-hot!" she told me.

"Yeah, but I think the black-haired guy who bought the shots will have, um, staying power." I said, laughing.

"Oh my God! I think you're right. Hot blondie might be a two-pump-chump! Let's go grab your guy and get out of here... I'm ready for some cock."

I had forgotten her charming way of saying exactly what was on her mind. I laughed.

"Okay, let's go..."

We returned to the dance floor, and found our victim. As I danced towards him, he smiled. Then Jess danced up next to him. He couldn't help but respond to her - she was beautiful, and sexy as hell. But I could tell he was conflicted about me versus her, so I solved his dilemma. I grabbed her hand as we both danced, and we both smiled at him at the same time. His eyes lit up like he'd just won the jackpot. And he had.

Jessica had long black hair that hung straight down to her waist, sparkling green eyes, slim hips and huge tits. And a wicked tongue - in every way imaginable. I had blue eyes, wavy honey colored hair that fell to my shoulders, and hourglass curves. A twelve inch difference between my waist and my hips, and my waist and my chest. We were each capable of turning heads, but together... undeniably magnetic.

Yelling over the music into his ear, I said, "I'm kind of hungry. Do you want to come with us to get something to eat?"

"Uh... yeah!" he said, a little too quick to be cool.

She laughed and grabbed his hand.

"Good," she said, "then let's go!"

Once outside the club, we could talk at a normal decibel level.

"So, do you live near here?" she asked him, with her trademark bluntness.

"Yeah, I have a place just off-campus, a few blocks that-a-way." He replied, pointing behind him. God, he really was hot. I was looking forward to playing with him.

"Well, do you have anything to eat at your place? I don't think there's anywhere to go nearby that's still open..."

"You want to come over? To my apartment?" he asked, looking at her, and then at me.

"Yessss" we said in unison. Like I said - jackpot.

"Here, jump in my car - we'll drive you," Jessica said.

We piled into her small car, and he gave her directions how to get to his place.

As we walked up the stairs to the second floor, he asked me, "What are you hungry for? I don't have a lot of food... but I think I have some chips. And beer. And pizza." What a walking cliché. But one with a nice ass.

I giggled. "Um, I was thinking more like... meat."

Jessica laughed. "Isn't she adorable?" she asked him, stroking my cheek.

He smiled and nodded. We were at the door. He let us into his surprisingly tidy apartment.

"Uh, so, there's the kitchen. Help yourself to whatever you want. The bathroom is just around the corner, and..." Jessica stopped him with her mouth. He was obviously surprised at first, but quickly warmed up to her amazing lips. I watched them, not at all jealous. I knew I'd have both of them soon enough.

"Where's the bedroom?" she asked huskily.

"Uh, this way..." he said, grabbing her hand, kicking off his shoes. She grabbed my hand and we walked around the corner.

He stood at the foot of his bed and looked at the two of us. She walked up to him and ran her hand down his chest. "Are you up for this?" she asked, as her hand continued downwards, crossing his waistline, and landing on fly. She pushed against him, feeling the bulge in his pants. She laughed, and turned towards me.

"Oh, babe, he's totally UP for this..."

She continued to stroke against him, as I kissed her. We both started to giggle when we heard him groan. One of his hands began grabbing Jessica's ass, while his other hand grabbed mine. Jessica was stroking his cock, while the other was cupping one of my breasts. I wasn't sure what to do with my hands, so I started to undress her. She had already kicked her shoes off, so I undid the button and fly on her jeans, and slid them to the floor. Then I undid the buttons on her top, and slid it off her shoulders. She stood there in her green satin bra and panties - green to match her eyes. She was gorgeous.

Our male victim was overwhelmed - he obviously never expected this specific fantasy to come true. Jess was so much more confident than I was... she stood there and basked in our combined admiration. "It's your turn, beautiful." She said, as she undressed me. She slid my skirt down to the ground, stopping to kiss my thighs as she stood up. She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and then peeled it up, off, over my head.

I stood there in my black bra and panties - they matched my clubbing outfit.

Jess smiled and said "You're beautiful."

I shook my head and said, "No, YOU'RE beautiful," stroking her cheek.

Our almost forgotten guy said, "You're BOTH gorgeous!" while grabbing at our breasts.

She and I laughed. And kissed. And then turned towards him.

She said, "You get his shirt, I'll get his pants..." And so I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and peeled it off his head. Then I kissed him, as she undid his belt, unzipped his fly, and slid his pants down to the floor.

His breath hitched in my mouth as her hands slid up his thighs.

"Come here," she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me down.

With a wicked gleam in her eye she asked, "Do you want to do the honors? "

I laughed and gabbed his briefs. Her skilled hands traveled up his torso as I removed his last piece of clothing. His cock bobbed in front of me. I stood up and looked at both of them.

"Now what?" I asked.

Jess laughed and turned to Mr. Hot. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Uh... Mike."

"Well, Uh Mike, what do you want to do?" she said, her hand slowly traveling down his chest.

"Uh... whatever you want?" he replied, his eyes darting from hers to mine.

He couldn't have made Jessica happier. She loved being in control.

"What I want, Uh Mike, is to kiss my girlfriend while you undress both of us. Then I want to watch you dive between her luscious thighs, and lick her delicious pussy until she cums. How does that sound to you?"

She didn't wait for his response. She knew he was putty in our hands. So she turned towards me, grabbed the back of my head, and pulled my face towards hers. I rested my hands on her hips, closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations. Her kisses were always amazing, but coupled with the feel of Mike's hands removing my bra, grazing across my breasts, and then sliding down my waist - I was in heaven. As his hands slid my panties down, Jess's soft hands cupped my breasts and gently rolled my nipples. I heard Mike groan, and Jess giggled.

He must have been removing her panties because I felt her weight shift as she stepped out of them. Then her arms brushed mine as he pulled her bra off her. I felt one of his hands on my breast - the other one must have been on hers because I felt her giggle again.

She pulled back from me and looked at Mike.

"You want to kiss her, don't you?" she asked.

"I want to kiss both you... all over."

Jess smiled, and pushed him towards me. His mouth was on mine in an instant, his tongue desperate to find mine. My hands were in his hair, and on his shoulders. I felt her hands back on my breasts - she was pressed up against me, and I could feel her hard nipples pressed into my back. Mike's hands were sliding up and down my side, and up and down hers.

Jessica nibbled my ear playfully, and I moaned a little. She laughed.

"Mike, do you think my beautiful girlfriend is ready for more?'

He reluctantly pulled his lips from mine to answer.

"I think she probably is..."

She laughed as she grabbed his hand.

"Well, why don't you check and make sure?"

With that, she slid his hand down my abdomen, pushing his fingers into the soft hair between my legs. He tentatively rubbed against me for a minute, and then pushed two of his fingers inside me. I moaned as he explored me. With his free hand, he grabbed my right knee and pulled it up to hitch around his hip. Then he pulled his occupied hand from between my legs, and grabbed my other knee, while scooping his other hand under my ass, effectively picking me up. Then he walked the three steps to the bed and threw me on it. I heard Jess laugh as I fell onto my back. Mike growled as his hands pushed open my thighs, and his mouth went straight to my core.

My back arched as his tongue explored me, and I shuddered as he sucked and licked my clit. I was panting as Jess leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"God, you're beautiful..." she said, as her hands kneaded my breasts. She tweaked at my nipples as Mike's tongue and mouth continued their assault on my twat. Jess kissed me, and continued to tease my nipples. Mike sucked and licked like his life depended on it, and it wasn't long before I started shaking and moaning.

"Oh my god...OH MY GOOOOODDDDDD, " and I came, with Mike's tongue in my pussy and Jess's tongue in my mouth.

"Come here," Jess said, pulling at Mike's hair.

She smiled as she said, "I want to taste her on you..." and with that she kissed him. Hard. Her hands were in his hair, her mouth locked with his as her tongue sought out every last bit of me in his mouth. She pulled her head away from his.

"Nice," she said, looking at Mike.

Then she turned towards me, and said "God, you're delicious!" And I giggled.

"You tasted great on him, but I want it straight," she said, her hand trailing up my thigh. I was sprawled on the bed, my legs splayed out lewdly. She pushed one knee up, and then the other, and then kneeled on the bed. She bent at the waist, burying her face between my thighs, leaving her beautiful ass up in the air. As her tongue gently licked my folds, I sighed and smiled and looked up at Mike.

His mouth had dropped open, and there might have been a little drool dripping out.

"You want to fuck her, don't you?" I asked, locking eyes with him.

I heard and felt Jess giggle.

Mike just nodded.

"Then do it," I urged.

As Jess teased me with her tongue, I watched Mike approach her from behind, his cock in his hand. He rubbed her cheeks while he played with her pussy with the tip of his cock. He pushed his head in a little, then withdrew. Again. And again. Then he grabbed her hips with both his hands, and pushed himself all the way inside her. He groaned as she moaned, her mouth on me. It was an amazing sensation.

His hands were firmly on her hips, and I watched him pull almost all the way out, and then push back into her. She clamped her mouth down on top my pussy, and as he pumped into her, her head pushed into me - it was like he was fucking her, and fucking me, using her face to do it. The three of us rocked in unison to his tempo. I could feel Jess moaning as Mike pumped into her.

I came first - not surprising, since I'd already cum. As my body stiffened up, I stopped the rocking of our bodies. Since Jessica couldn't rock forward, Mike slammed into the back of her, hard.

"Oh, god!" she moaned, laying her head on my stomach. I looked at Mike - locked eyes with him as he smashed into her - and waved my hand at him, moving my fingers one at a time. He knew exactly what I telling him. Leaving his left hand to grip her hip, he took his right hand and reached it around her, pressing his fingers against her clit as he pushed his cock deep inside her.

"Oh, ooohhhhh," she cried, grabbing onto my hips as he speared her.

I reached down and stroked her hair as I felt her begin to shudder. I watched her ass jiggle as she surrendered to a full body orgasm. Mike held her hip, as he pressed against her clit, and stopped pumping - I was sure her core had clamped down on his cock.

He closed his eyes and groaned, but I didn't see him spasm at all.

Jess was panting and mewing on my stomach.

I looked at Mike, and when he opened his eyes, I asked, "Did you cum?"

He shook his head.

"No, not yet. Almost... but no."

"Good," I said. "Because I want you to fuck me, too."

I heard Jess giggle, as she came back to earth. Mike pulled out of her and sat on the edge of the bed. Jessica crawled up me, kissing my torso, and my nipples, nibbling on my neck, caressing me.

"Um Mike?" she asked, turning her head back towards him. He turned and looked at her.

"That was good. Really, reeaaally good. Thank you," she said, smiling.

I'm pretty sure I knew what Mike was thinking right then.

"Thank you, to each and every god, EVER!" but he replied, "Ummm... you're welcome?"

Jess laughed, before saying, "Why don't you walk you sweet ass into your kitchen and get us some water?"

He nodded, and got up, his cock bobbing as he walked away.

I giggled and she giggled, as she stroked my face and kissed me. Our bodies were slick with sweat, and she glided over me, rubbing against me. Her knees were by my ribs, and she kneeled over me to kiss me. Our nipples rubbed against the others' as our chests smashed together. I stroked her back as she kissed me over and over. I loved kissing her.

We heard Mike whistle appreciatively as he came back in the room.

"Oh, good!" Jessica said, sitting up. "I'm dying of thirst!"

She sat down on one side of the bed, and helped me up to a sitting position. Mike handed us each a glass of water, and we gulped them down. Mike sat down next to Jessica and kissed her neck, while his hand snaked around her waist. She sighed a little as he sucked on her earlobe and started playing with her nipples.

I got up and went to the kitchen for some more water, which I drank on my way back to the bedroom. When I got there, Mike was laying down on the bed, with Jessica next to him. They were kissing, and she was stroking his cock. I sat on the bed next to Mike. I grabbed Jess's hand, and removed it from his cock, replacing it with my own. She continued to kiss him, as I moved my hand down to the base of his shaft, and placed my mouth on the head of his cock. He tasted just slightly like Jess.

I licked and sucked him for a minute or two, listening to him groan appreciatively.

Jess asked, "Do you think he's up for more?"

I laughed, and pushed his rock-hard dick out of my mouth.

"Yeah, I think he's ready..." I said, smiling.

Jess once again took the reins as circus master.

"Ok, hon, then mount him, facing me."

I obeyed her command immediately, much to the pleasure of Mike.

"Now Mike," she continued, "I'm going to sit on your face, so you can fuck my girlfriend, while you tongue-fuck me, and she and I make out. Are you cool with this?"

"Yeah, I'm into it." He answered.

Not exactly eloquent, but I was honestly impressed that he answered at all.

As I sat astride him, his cock stuffed up my muff, I watched Jessica lower herself down onto his face. His hands bolstered her delicious ass, so she wouldn't totally overwhelm him, but I could tell he was using his fingers to knead her ass cheeks as she lowered herself to a kneeling position over him. She sighed as she felt his tongue enter her. I was already happily rocking against his cock, so I reached out for her. My hands were on her shoulders, her hands were in my hair, as we kissed... as Mike fucked both of us. She hadn't had his tongue yet, and I hadn't experienced his cock, so we were both enjoying new sensations.

As I'm sure Mike was...

Most men haven't had the experience of pleasuring two women at the same time... and he was doing a damn good job.

Since all our bodies were sweaty from the hot summer air and our frenetic fucking, we easily slipped and sild against one another. My nipples constantly found contact with Jessica's, sending immediate electric shocks through me. Mike's cock rubbed up against my G-spot, as my swollen clit rocked against his pelvis. I knew Mike's fingers and tongue were obviously pleasing Jess, because I felt her moan repeatedly into my mouth.

And I don't think Mike could have handled more pleasure... one amazing woman riding his face, with another one bouncing on his cock, while they made out with each other? I bet the only thing missing for him was a video camera...

(Sorry, Mike. I know there wasn't one set-up, since I didn't see one, and this was before easily-hidden-nanny-cams, and you didn't seem the type to have in-apartment surveillance. I bet he wishes he had a copy of that night's activities... I know I wish I did.)