Three Sisters of Delta Gamma Ch. 04


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"Wow, you smell sweet, young lady."

"Thank you. Mommy let me use a drop of her fragrance."

A smiling Layla walked into the foyer. "Hi Eric." They kissed as Amy wrapped her free arm around Layla's shoulder. A tight three-way hug followed.

"We saw horses and I got to pet one. I had soft ice cream and we bought jelly and jam and cookies and rode in a buggy and I saw Noah's Ark and Terry, a big horse that smelled and Josh was very nice and I had fish sticks."

"That sounds like fun."

"It was. Mommy and I had fun."

"How was your day?" Layla asked.

"We had a rough one. I'll tell you about it later."

"You want something to drink or just go straight to the shower?"

"Let me get a shower and change for dinner. Amy, are you going to be hungry in about an hour?"

"I'll try."

Layla and Eric laughed. "I'll try too, sweetheart," Layla whispered.

After Eric went upstairs, Layla and Amy watched three Mickey Mouse cartoons on the big TV and sipped lemonade. Susanna and Julia arrived just as the third one was ending. Both walked into the family room, straight to Amy and picked her up for big hugs and kisses.

"Amy, you look wonderful. I love that outfit," Susanna said.

"She's such a big girl, going to dinner with daddy and Layla," added Julia.

"Are you going with us?" asked Amy.

"No, we have dinner dates with two nice guys a little later tonight."

"I got to pet a horse today but mommy said he smelled. I had ice cream with sprinkles."

"That was fun, I'll bet."

"Yes. Daddy is taking a shower."

"We also need to take showers and get dressed. We will see you tomorrow morning for breakfast."




The drive to Wilmington took about 30 minutes. The Union City Grille is on the corner of 8th and Union. Parking is always a challenge in this part of town and it was again this Saturday evening. This section is known as "Little Italy" due to the large concentration of Italian families who chose to live there. The restaurants here are some of the best in town. Eric found a spot on the corner of 6th and Union after several minutes of searching.

As the three walked hand-in-hand down Union Street, Layla glanced into a car parked along the curb and was shocked that she recognized a man looking back at her. She quickly looked away and down the street, praying that Eric hadn't noticed her fleeting surprise. The man was Mario, one of Leonardo's men. The only reason he would be in Wilmington was to fulfill an order. Something was going to happen and it could be dangerous. Tingles of fear raced through her.

Layla walked quickly ahead, pulling Amy's hand a little too hard.

"Mommy, slow down."

"Layla, what's wrong? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I'm sorry. Just hungry, I suppose."

"Honey, they have plenty of food, I'll bet. No reason to hurry."

Layla looked over her shoulder at Eric who instantly recognized fear in her eyes. Because of Amy, he didn't say anything before picking her up and walking quickly with Layla down the sidewalk. He knew something was wrong but he'd have to find out later.

Layla asked the hostess for a table near the back of the restaurant rather than the one reserved for them near the street. Eric again sensed her fear and didn't object. His gut told him to do everything she said. Even he was getting scared at that point.

Although Layla and Eric were tense, the dinner was excellent and all three had great meals with efficient and friendly service. They shared a delicious chocolate lava cake with chocolate ice cream for dessert. Layla was very quiet during the meal and Eric had to do his best to entertain Amy.

Layla helped Amy with the trip to the ladies room. While they were away, Eric noticed the flashing lights of a police cruiser go by. After leaving the tip that was not covered by the gift certificate, Eric said it was time to leave.

As they turned to go up the street, they could see police cars' flashing blue lights a block ahead and people gathered on the street and sidewalk. Telling her to wait, Eric quickly ran to the scene and offered to assist until the city's paramedics arrived. Layla stopped and picked up Amy, not allowing her to go closer to the scene. Amy began crying, afraid for her daddy. In about five minutes, Eric returned and said he was too late. An elderly man and two younger ones had been shot.

"Let's get Amy home, now," he said. They crossed the street and walked to where their car was parked. Sirens blared as the emergency response teams arrived. Eric strapped Amy in and drove rapidly away. He and Layla glanced at each other and he realized that she knew before dinner that there was going to be a hit. His heart sank and fear coursed through him.

They were back at the house just as Cliff and Charles arrived. All greeted each other and shook hands outside on the driveway. Charles was very tall, at least 6'4" and very muscular from playing football.

Amy ran ahead and rang the doorbell. Julia opened the door and seemed surprised by five people standing there when only two were expected.

Susanna entered the foyer and stopped in her tracks. "OH MY GOD! Charles Zachery!"

"Susanna Reeves! My goodness. I had no idea you were here."

They briefly hugged and kissed each other's cheeks. Susanna explained, "Charles and I went to the same high school in Raleigh. He was a year behind me, played football, and was so shy that he would never ask me out. I thought he was the cutest guy in the school."

"The reason I was so shy is that Susanna's date calendar was full. She was the most popular girl there and a guy had to almost win the lottery to get a date. I had no idea you even noticed me?"

"How could I not notice you, Charles? You were head and shoulders above every other guy and you took care to always look your best. I don't ever remember seeing you in jeans. Where did you go after graduation?"

"I didn't get a scholarship offer so I went to a junior college to work on my skills. Delaware gave me a scholarship just recently to play linebacker. I transferred here."

Julia said, "Come in and visit. You met Eric, Layla and Amy, I see."

Cliff responded, "We all arrived together and I introduced Charles to everyone."

Susanna took Charles' arm as everyone walked to the family room. Amy surprised everyone by running upstairs and returning with her Jenga game.

"Amy, your daddy and I will play with you after the others leave for dinner."

"I want everyone to play."

Julia replied, "We will, sweetheart. Tomorrow after breakfast, we will have a Jenga tournament and you will probably beat all of us. But we have to leave for dinner now."

Amy was sad but replied, "Okay."

Susanna added, "Amy, I promise you we'll have a great time playing tomorrow. Please don't be sad, honey. We love you."

"Okay, I love you too." She walked over to Layla, who picked her up and kissed her.

After the four left, Eric set up the Jenga blocks and the three of them played for about an hour. Amy was good and won several times.

She was getting very tired as 8pm approached and Layla carried her to bed. She waited while Amy put on her pajamas and brushed her teeth before choosing one of the five books she'd packed.

The title was "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and it was a hoot to read. Amy obviously had heard it read often; she had memorized the words and repeated them along with Layla. At one point, Layla just stopped reading and Amy continued on to the end of the chapter, as if she were actually reading. Layla was shocked, as these were not easy words that a child her age would know.

When Amy dozed off and was properly tucked into the queen size bed, Layla returned to the family room and sat beside Eric. She knew what was coming and it didn't take long to get there.

"Please tell me what happened tonight," Eric politely demanded.

Layla sat there, not knowing what to say but knowing silence wasn't an option. "I saw something in a car parked along the curb that scared me. There was a gun lying on a guy's lap."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was none of our business. If you butt into things around town that are none of your business, it will get nasty in a hurry."

"Layla, three guys were killed tonight. It was clearly a well-planned hit. You must go to the police and tell them what you saw."

"No I won't. Those guys probably had it coming."

"Honey, just listen to you. We can't just decide to not get involved and let these murderers go free."

"Oh yes we can. Eric, I'm not going to the police. All I saw was a pistol lying in a guy's lap. You can see that everyday in South Philly."

"Amy was in danger, Layla."

"That's why I insisted we sit in the rear of the restaurant. I had a feeling that something was going down and I wanted us away from any stray bullets."

"Why didn't we just keep on walking and work our way back to the car?"

"How would I explain that in front of Amy? And if we did, we could have been shot on a side street. Honey, listen. I just had a feeling, that's all. It scared me and I did what I could to protect us. We had a great meal and nothing happened to us."

"Layla, I also have a feeling. I think you're not telling me everything you know."

Layla was afraid to look at him. He could probably tell she was lying if he saw her eyes. Instead, she stood and walked to the fridge for two beers. She plopped down on the sofa next to him and handed him a beer before saying, "If you grew up in the part of town I did, you would recognize when something is not right and danger is close. I can't explain it but I just know. When I saw that car with four guys and a gun, I knew something was about to happen. That was a classic hit between two organized crime families, just like has been going on for generations."

He replied, "You may be right. Let's listen to the news late tonight and see what's said. Is there anyway you could identify the men you saw?"

"No. Even if I could, I wouldn't."

Eric didn't like the way she looked down when she said that; but he couldn't force her to tell the authorities. His biggest concern was the safety of Amy. At least if Layla stayed quiet on what she saw, Amy would be safer with her. If Layla became a target, they would all be in danger.

"Eric, let's talk about something else. You said you had a rough day. What happened?"

"We responded to a hit and run. A woman and a five-year old girl were struck in a crosswalk. The little girl died in my arms. I knew she was dying and the only thing I could do was hold her close to me as she passed. She was no bigger than Amy. I sat there and cried like a baby as I held her little body."

"Oh Jeez. That's awful."

"Her mom was killed instantly. The father came while we were still there and it was just pitiful. That was the most emotionally involved I think I've ever been with victims. I imagined that being you and Amy."

They sat side by side for many minutes, holding hands with tears flowing, not saying a word. How could the world be so good one moment and so evil the next?

"Amy told me today that she saw a picture of her first mom at mom-mom and pop-pop's house. Who are they?"

"They're Melissa's parents, Silvia and Bernie Thompson. Layla, I need to own up to something I've been keeping from you. I've been sitting here demanding that you tell me the truth but I haven't been totally honest with you about Melissa.

"She was not killed in a car accident like I told you. She was in the car accident and had been cheating on me, like I said. The guy driving was killed but Melissa survived. She was high on drugs and alcohol when it happened. When I arrived home on emergency leave, she was still in the hospital and was badly addicted to cocaine. Her boyfriend was a dealer and he gave her drugs as long as she turned tricks for him. She was working as a prostitute and he was her pimp.

"When she got out of the hospital, I tried my best to help her beat the habit and rehabilitate her but she would have nothing to do with treatment or with me. She disappeared one day while I was grocery shopping and I haven't seen her since. The police and a private investigator looked for her for a long time but she was gone.

"Amy was with my parents the entire time. Melissa never wanted to see her, however. It was like Melissa just gave up on life and everyone who meant anything to her. Then, suddenly she was gone and I never saw her again.

"After two years, I was able to get a divorce decree and took full custody of Amy when I was discharged. Even today, I have no idea what happened to Melissa."

"Did you tell Amy that she died?"

"Yes. That was the easiest way to explain it to her when she got old enough to understand. My parents and I have always told her that. Melissa's parents have never heard from her and agreed with me that Amy will always be told that her mother died. And, in a way, that is true. She's dead to all of us.

"After she left, the relationship I had with her parents sort of died. It wasn't their fault but I had too many terrible memories every time I saw them. After this went on for a while, Bernie called and asked if they could keep Amy occasionally just so they could watch her grow up. That made me realize they loved her just like my parents and I did. I take Amy to see them one weekend every six weeks or so. Melissa was their only child so Amy is the only progeny they have left. They live in Philly and he's a federal judge."

"She also said that you don't have any pictures of Melissa. Did you destroy all of them?"

"No. They're in storage and I'll give them to Amy some day in the future. Melissa cheated on me but she was still Amy's mom and when she's old enough, I'll tell her all about the love I had for her mom before she died. She should know all the good things about Melissa but that's down the road a few years."

Layla reclined on the sofa and placed her head in his lap. He stroked her hair and gazed into her eyes, thankful that she was there with him.

End of Chapter 4. Please leave comments and vote.

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arrowglassarrowglassalmost 10 years ago
A touching many things right with story!

I am enjoying the drama this story has focused on...the interplay and exploration! Looking for more!

Cherokee16Cherokee16almost 10 years ago

Boring? Not in my opinion. Let's see, we have had great comedy, hot sex scenes throughout, wonderful dialog, five bad guys whacked, three parallel stories evolving and a 4 year old girl that looks like she is going to steal the show. You don't have any pictures so maybe Mr. Anonymous is really into comic books. Oh well. it takes all kinds.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Can't get into it

You are a talented writer but I just haven't been able to get into this. I guess you are trying to set up a number of things as you responded to another's comment but this story for me has been rather boring the last three chapters. I won't continue on but Best of luck on the rest of it.

BigJohn601BigJohn601almost 10 years ago
Well you have set the hook deep.....

As always, you have given us so many possible scenarios that can morph in multiple endings. I think you have a super talent for dialogue and timing. I hope you take your talents into published e novel or paperback. I know you will be successful.

You are right...Amy is a hear stealer.

memorable_eventmemorable_eventalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Thanks Sid

I appreciate your kind comments. This is a critical set-up chapter for the rest of the story so I hope everyone reads it carefully.

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