Three Sisters of Delta Gamma Ch. 09


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"We've met several times with Mr. Kaufman and have hired the services of a lawyer who specializes in representing artists and musicians. Mr. Kaufman has right of first refusal on any painting I do. He will help me price it and determine if there's a commercial market for it as posters, billboards, advertising and such. He will also help with limited edition prints and host artist events for me to meet and greet at his galleries. I didn't realize it but he owns galleries in New York, Denver and San Francisco as well as the one in Philly."

"It sounds like you're going to be very busy."

"Very. I'm working on another pack of timber wolves now. He wants to sell it as a fan poster in the Minnesota Timberwolves market. The grizzly has been shipped to Italy and there will be 250 giclée prints made. I'll sign and number each one when they return to his gallery. He says he has buyers for most of them."

"Sounds exciting," said Layla.

"Yeah, it's kind of crazy the way it happened. Just out of the blue, my life changed."

"What does Cliff think about all of this?"

"He's excited I think. Sometimes he seems a little down or disengaged. Maybe it's all the time commitment I've made. We're not together near as much as we were. I'm a little worried about it."

Layla advised, "Just be careful and tell him every day how important he is to you. Men must feel their partners depend on them, at least to some degree. It's just part of their mental makeup."

Susanna glanced back at the boys talking to Dennis. They were all staring at her and her sisters. She needed to walk by them to visit the ladies room.

"Girls, I'll be right back." She stood and walked toward the back and passed the bar. As she approached Dennis, she smiled and continued walking.

"Excuse me, beautiful," one of the guys said. She stopped. He looked back at his friends for their supporting smiles. "Dennis says that you're willing to have sex with us." He again looked around for support.

Sensing an opportunity for some fun, she replied, "Dennis! I told you my friends and I wanted to fuck your brains out. We never said anything about your friends."

Dennis smiled and replied, "I'm sorry. I didn't tell them any such thing."

"Why is he good enough for you and we aren't?" The speaker again glanced around for support that seemed to be diminishing. Susanna's withering glare had its effect.

"I'm sure you're very nice but Dennis is a dreamboat. Just look at him," she squealed. They all did and then looked away. "When I rubbed his cock a few minutes ago, I knew he was a very special young man."

Dennis beamed and played along. "Her inner thighs are very soft and smooth," he added. Susanna grinned and winked at him.

"Well guys, it's good to see you. Get out there and find some fun ladies. I've got to go pee. Dennis has got me all excited and wet again."

She walked away and the guys all stared at her butt. They turned back to Dennis with a new admiration wrapped in jealousy. He grinned. That was much better than an autograph.


Eric called as usual late one evening in early April.

"Hi sweetheart."

Hey there, I've been thinking all evening about you. Are you at work?"

"Yeah, I just got here. I went by the townhouse and picked up the mail. I've got some good news for us?"

Layla sat up in bed and asked, "What is it?"

"I've been accepted at Penn's Medical School."

Layla screamed. "OH MY GOD! That's wonderful news!" Susanna and Julia came running when they heard the scream and joined her on the bed.

"Eric, let me put you on speaker. Susanna and Julia are here."

"Hi Eric."

"Hey ladies."

"Eric has been accepted at Penn's Medical School." The two sisters screamed and hugged Layla while trying to talk all at the same time.

Eric added,"By the strangest coincidence, I also received an acceptance notice to Duke's Medical School today."

Susanna replied, "Those are two of the best. Congratulations! That is fantastic. They obviously recognized how great you are."

"Thanks Susanna. I'm very excited."

Julia responded, "I'll bet you are, and so are we."

Layla asked, "Have you called your parents yet?"

"No, you're the first to know. I'll let them know when I call Amy tomorrow morning."

"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. I'm sitting here with tears dripping all over the place."

"Us too," added Julia. "We'll go back to bed now and leave you to talk with Layla."

Susanna added, "Eric, we all love you very much and are proud of you and what you do every day. Layla is very lucky to have your love."

"Thanks Susanna. All of you ladies are special."

After the sisters walked out and closed the door, Layla and Eric talked for another few minutes until an alarm sounded."Got to go. I'll come for breakfast."

"Be safe sweetheart. I love you."

"Love you too."

They now knew where he would go to medical school and they could make plans for after the wedding. Layla would have to move the business to the Philadelphia area and needed to decide where.

They would need a townhouse or condo. Layla wanted her own place, with Amy and Eric so they could be a family. Medical school would be very expensive and she expected that they would have to take out student loans. She knew that money would be tight but her video business was profitable and growing rapidly.


Eric arrived on time the next morning and they met at the door. Layla threw herself into his arms for one of the most passionate kisses she'd shared with him.

"I am so proud of you, Eric. To be admitted to two prestigious medical schools is hard but you did it."

Eric grinned. "There was a handwritten note from the director of admissions at Penn. You want to see it?"

"Of course I do."

Layla read,"Dear Eric, I am very pleased that our admissions committee has selected you and I truly hope you agree to study here. Your experience both in the military and with emergency services in Delaware is exemplary and I look forward to personally welcoming you to the Perelman School of Medicine."

"Eric, this is a great. He took the time to actually write you a note, not just have his assistant print one out. This is special."

"I think I have a chance now to reach my goal. With you beside me, supporting me and loving me, I can't fail. I won't fail."

"I know you won't. Let's have breakfast and then call your parents and Amy."

Julia was up early for a class and joined them for oatmeal and fruit. As they were sipping the last of the coffee, Erik called with the speaker on for Layla and Julia to hear.

Kathy answered,"Hi Eric,"

"Hi mom."

"Hold on and let me get Amy."

He could hear in the background Amy running down the stairs and to the phone.

"Hi daddy!"

"Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. I slept with Miss Emily and she was quiet all night."The girls smiled.

"That's good. Are you dressed for school?"

"Not yet."

"Can you hand the phone to grandma for a moment?"


"I'm back,"said Kathy.

"I've got some good news for you and Amy. Can you turn on the speaker?"

"Okay, we're ready. Amy, your daddy's got some good news."

"I already know. The Easter bunny is coming in three days!"she screamed.

They all laughed.

"That's important, I know, but I have some other good news."


"I got notices yesterday that I've been admitted to both Penn and Duke medical schools."

Kathy exclaimed,"Wonderful! Amy, your daddy is going to be a doctor."

"I don't like doctors."

"Amy, he's going to help people who are sick to get well," Kathy explained.


"Eric, I am very proud of you. You've worked so hard for this and you did it."

Layla interrupted, "Mom, this is Layla."

"Hi mommy!"Amy yelled over Kathy's greeting.

"Hi sweetheart. I am so happy for your daddy. Doctors are good and work hard to help people. Why don't you like them?"

"They stick needles in my bottom. They hurt."

The adults smiled and stifled their laughs.

"Amy, those are medicines to keep you well. They may hurt for a few seconds but they keep you from getting really sick."

"They still hurt."

"So we have one vote in favor of daddy becoming a doctor and one vote against it," replied Layla.

Amy responded,"If daddy put the needle in my bottom, it might not hurt."

Kathy replied,"I think that's right, Amy. Your daddy is very gentle."

"Okay. He can be a doctor."

Julia and Layla exclaimed, "Yea!"

Eric added, "Thank you Amy. I need your support."


"Mom, I'll call dad as soon as he gets to work."

"He'll burst the buttons off his shirt. I pity anyone around him today as that's all he'll talk about."

Eric said, "Amy, you have a great day in school. I love you."

"I love you daddy. I love you mommy."

"I love you too, Amy. See you this weekend."

"Okay. Bring your Easter basket."

"I will."

End of Chapter 9. There is only one more chapter. I appreciate you staying with the story and I hope you found it fun and interesting.

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memorable_eventmemorable_eventalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Thank You Arrowglass

You've been wonderful to comment on my stories and I appreciate it. My next full novel-length story will be later this fall. I'm taking some time off with my family to travel the world for a while and work on two new novels.

If you remember my story "A Miracle at the Cabin," I have re-written major parts of that story and added two chapters that deal with Pam's long-lost sister Janie, the adult movie star and studio owner. I will post that revised story under the name "Lydia's Dream" for anyone who would like to read "the rest of the story" as Paul Harvey always said. Again, thanks for your words of encouragement.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 10 years ago
Another piece of special prose...!

Just keep enjoying what you write...sorry to hear this one is coming to a close. I anxiously await no. 10 and am looking forward to your next series.

memorable_eventmemorable_eventalmost 10 years agoAuthor

I guess that means there's hope for all of us Big John. Your observation is correct. What started as a story about three very tough and conniving women evolved into one that shows their humanity and genuine love for others. While I always planned for the story to revolve around Amy and how she brought happiness and love to everyone around her, the backstories showed how people evolve and become much more than they seemed. Thanks for your great interest in my writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I have read the whole story so far in 2 days and im quite disappointed that it will finish soon...I'll move onto your others after.

BigJohn601BigJohn601almost 10 years ago
This chapter fleshed out the other sisters and made them less bitchy...

I guess sluts can grow up and become better people. Looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks.

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