Three Square Meals Ch. 108


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Jack looked on grimly as the nimble Kirrix strike craft swirled around the Terran forces, firing salvo after salvo at the light carriers. With no fighters left to beat them back, the Terran bombers were trapped inside their carriers, as launching would mean almost instant destruction. Meanwhile the drone carriers closed to neutron beam range and started exchange salvos with the defiant Terran capital ships. There were only two battleships and twenty cruisers, the bulk of Zelig's liberation fleet still several days away from the border.

Despite a valiant defence, the Kirrix began picking off one cruiser after another, working their way through the smaller ships before attempting to tackle the battleships. Jack tried to mask his horror as he watched the Damocles raked by neutron beams, the sickly-green columns of energy gouging deep furrows through grey titanium plating. A magazine explosion ripped the cruiser apart, signifying Jack's death and that of his son.

Calara never took her gaze from her father's troubled face. "The Kirrix will win that battle decisively, with only two drone carriers destroyed and 46% of their strike craft eliminated. As the Terran forces are unable to intercept the hive ships, the battle makes no difference to the fate of the colonists on Menganus IV. Have you seen enough, or do you want me to set up another simulation?"

Jack slumped back against his desk and shook his head. "That was a best-case scenario and we didn't even slow them down..."

She rose from her chair and stood beside him, gently rubbing his back. "This was a catastrophic failure at the strategic level. By the time you were ordered to retreat from the border, there was no course of action available to you that would avert this disaster."

"You sound so certain," he said, turning to look into her eyes, his voice taking on an almost pleading note as if he was seeking her absolution. "Are you really that sure?"

Calara sighed as she nodded. "Please don't blame yourself, Dad. There was nothing you could do. I can re-run the simulation as many times as you like, but the results will always be the same; you and Mateo would have been killed if you engaged the Kirrix. The only way to have prevented the invasion would have been if the entire Terran border fleet had remained and decisively eliminated their probing attacks. That would have dissuaded the Kirrix from invading long enough for Zelig's fleet to arrive as reinforcements."

Jack turned to look at the simulation which was still running. The Kirrix were now beginning their assault on the battleships, the beleaguered vessels massively outnumbered and attacked from all directions. "Part of me thinks that you're just trying to make me feel better... but an even bigger part of me can see that you're absolutely right."

"I wouldn't lie to you about this, Dad," Calara said sombrely. "I respect you too much to do that."

He pulled her into a hug, tears in his eyes. "I love you so much, Callie. Thank you..."

"I love you too," she said, hugging him back. "And you're still my hero..."


Lieutenant Emily Campbell walked down the corridor towards her boyfriend's quarters, feeling butterflies in her stomach. She hadn't meant to get so mad at Mateo, but he'd never even mentioned the Lionesses visiting his home, let alone admitted to spending several hours flirting with Alyssa.

Emily knew Mateo liked blondes; her own long golden tresses had been the source of many of his compliments... but how was she supposed to compete with a Lioness? They were all impossibly gorgeous, with figures to die for and exquisitely beautiful faces to match. Aside from being astonishingly attractive, they were also heroines in their own right, revered by millions throughout the Terran Federation. Emily had never been tempted to switch sides before, but if one of the Lionesses offered, she knew what her answer would be. If she was tempted, what must it be like for a man being in the presence of those visions of loveliness?

Emily nervously nibbled a nail as she arrived at his room, not sure how to handle this conversation. Part of her realised she was probably overreacting, but Mateo's sister was a Lioness herself, so Alyssa was not some impossibly unattainable fantasy woman. In fact, Alyssa was actually aboard the Damocles right this very minute, along with Calara and John Blake. The likelihood was that Mateo would see the statuesque blonde many more times in the future, and if there was a strong connection between them - as Eduardo had teasingly suggested - what chance did Emily have of holding onto her boyfriend? Realising she was just tying herself up in knots, she sighed and pressed the door chime.

Mateo answered almost immediately, the door sliding open to reveal his anxious face. "Em, thanks so much for coming... I'm really sorry my idiot brother upset you! There's nothing going on between me and Alyssa, I promise!"

He was so sincere, his soulful brown eyes melted her heart. She glanced either way down the corridor, then smiled as she whispered, "Maybe I should come in and we can talk?"

Laughing nervously, Mateo beckoned her into his quarters. "That would be great. Actually, there's someone I wanted you to meet..."

Emily followed him inside, then froze in horror when she saw the blonde goddess herself sitting on the end of his bed. Alyssa was wearing her white Lioness uniform, which showcased her spectacular body while still maintaining an air of military professionalism. It was also a stark reminder that this woman had helped save Terra from destruction on no less than two occasions; Emily had never felt so inadequate in all her life.

Alyssa's perfectly kissable lips lifted into an unbearably lovely smile. "Hello, Emily. It's wonderful to meet you at last."

Her heart broke as it seemed her worst fears had become a reality. She was about to burst into tears and flee from this nightmare, when a deep baritone voice stopped her in her tracks.

"It's good to see you again, Lieutenant Campbell."

Emily recognised that voice and whirled around to see the Lion leaning against Mateo's desk in the corner of the room.

"A-Admiral Blake!" she stammered, quickly snapping to attention and firing off a salute, her eyes widening as she stared at the most decorated hero in the Terran Federation. "It's an honour to see you again, Sir!"

He returned her salute, a friendly smile on his face. "Please, just call me John. You're dating my future brother-in-law so I'm hoping we'll get to see much more of you in the future."

She blushed and looked at him starry eyed. "You can call me Emily... if you want to... Sir."

"I'd like that, thank you," he replied, his smile broadening.

Alyssa rose from the bed with an effortless grace that Emily couldn't help envying. "It seems we have a little misunderstanding to clear up..."

Emily blushed bright red and darted a questioning glance at Mateo.

"Please just hear her out, Em," he said, stroking her shoulder.

Alyssa prowled closer to the smaller blonde, then gently caressed her cheek. "Please don't be embarrassed," she said, her voice calm and soothing. "It sounds like Eduardo was teasing his brother and this was all a misunderstanding."

Emily held her breath as those soft fingers brushed over her skin. Alyssa slowly pulled her hand back and the overhead lights glinted off the spectacular diamond adorning the ring finger on her left hand.

"You're engaged!" Emily blurted out, staring at the dazzling engagement ring in awe.

Alyssa's smile turned playful. "Yes, for several weeks. Mateo might be a handsome, charming devil, but I'm already spoken for." Gliding over to John, she slipped her arm around his waist. "I believe you've already met my fiancé?"

Eyes widening in shock, the young lieutenant stammered, "B-but I thought you were engaged to Calara?!"

John nodded. "I am."

Alyssa gave her a mischievous grin. "Calara's his official fiancée, but the three of us have been together for over six months."

Emily darted an accusatory glare at Mateo. "Why didn't you say anything?! I never would have reacted that way if you'd told me the truth!"

Mateo shrugged helplessly. "I honestly had no idea. I only found out that Calara was in a relationship with Alyssa about ten minutes ago."

Alyssa glanced at John, then gave Mateo a rueful smile. "We both love your sister very much. We were quite willing to be open about our relationship with her... but Calara was worried about how her family would react."

"So I'm the first one who knows?" Mateo asked in surprise. Before anyone could reply, he narrowed his eyes and continued, "Wait... Mom must have figured it out by now, there's no way you'd slip this past her."

John laughed and nodded. "Maria's incredibly perceptive; she realised we were together that first day I met her on Jericho." He frowned then and continued, "I'm really sorry we weren't completely honest with you, Mateo. I hope you understand that it wasn't personal, but Calara's happiness is our priority and we wanted to respect her wishes."

Mateo smiled and waved away his apology. "Don't worry, I don't mind. We only have ourselves to blame after the hard time we gave Calara's last boyfriend; it's no wonder she was reluctant to be completely honest with us."

Alyssa raised an eyebrow and asked coyly, "Now that Calara's admitted that we're a couple, does that mean I have to spar with the Fernandez men too? If you make me take on all four of you, I'm sure I'll be very sore afterwards..."

Emily giggled at the innuendo-laden comment and slipped her arm around her furiously blushing boyfriend. "Mateo, are you sure the Fernandez family tradition applies like that for girlfriends? If the men fight with prospective boyfriends, doesn't that mean I have to get physical with your sister and mother before I get their approval?"

There was a twinkle in Alyssa's blue eyes as she said, "Well, I've got very physical with Calara and I know she fully approves; that just leaves Maria..."

Mateo groaned and rubbed his hand across his face. "Are you two trying to make me die of embarrassment?"

John gave him a sympathetic smile. "Alyssa's been trying to finish me off like that for months."


Calara pulled away from the hug with her father and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that the tension had eased from his shoulders. He seemed relaxed now, lost in thought rather than plagued by guilt. She knew this was probably the perfect time to talk to him about her... unusual... relationships, but the fear of disappointing him was almost overwhelming.

*Irillith has swept the Damocles' Ready Room for listening device,* Alyssa informed her, her tone quiet and supportive. *You're safe to talk.*

"Daddy, could I talk to you about something else?" Calara asked in a barely audible whisper.

Her anxious tone roused Jack from his reverie and he blinked before looking at his daughter with concern. "Of course, Cal. What's bothering you?"

She nibbled her lower lip, while nervously fidgeting with the Lioness engagement ring on her finger. "I-I wanted to... to tell you..." Faltering, she gazed up at him with a pleading look in her warm brown eyes.

"Sweetheart, you know you can talk to me," he said, startled by how unsettled she seemed. "What's the matter?"

"I don't want to disappoint you..."

He laughed and smiled at her fondly. "Don't be ridiculous, Calara. You've already eclipsed my career and you're not even twenty yet! You're the recipient of the Stellar Cluster for goodness sake!"

Calara shook her head. "This isn't about my career..." She swallowed around the lump in her throat. "I wanted to tell you about... Alyssa."

Jack raised an eyebrow and gave her a knowing look. "Ah, now I see what's got you so rattled. I wondered if you'd ever tell me the truth about your relationship with her."

She gaped at him in shock. "You knew!"

"I suspected you two were much closer than you were willing to admit. The furtive glances and intimate smiles gave you away," he replied, trying not to look smug.

Calara frowned and said indignantly, "Why didn't you say anything?!"

He smiled and gathered her in his arms. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

She leaned into his broad chest and nodded. "You're right and I'm really sorry for not being up front with you about it. I just... I wasn't sure how you would react... and I was scared you wouldn't understand."

"I never wanted you to feel like you couldn't talk to me," Jack said, sounding hurt and more than a little disappointed as he gently brushed his fingers through her hair. "Did you really think I'd react that badly?"

Calara quickly looked up and shook her head. "No... it's just that..." She sighed and hugged him tight. "I was just frightened I'd disappoint you... but it looks like I have anyway, even though it's for a different reason."

"I love you, Callie. I just want you to be happy," he said, stroking her back. "Alyssa's an incredibly beautiful woman, I can't say I blame you."

She hesitated then decided to be completely up front with him. "Actually, Dad... Alyssa's my girlfriend, but I'm also close to the other Lionesses..."

Now Jack did look surprised and he pulled back to stare at her in astonishment. "All of them?!"

Calara bit her lip and nodded, big eyes watching his face and waiting for his reaction.

"You were such a shy girl growing up, I'd never have expected you to get quite so..." He paused as he searched for the right word. "...adventurous." He laughed and shook his head. "You're more like your mother than I realised... she has quite the wild side to her too. I'd be an unbelievable hypocrite to judge you on your relationships after everything Maria and I have done together."

She felt a huge surge of relief and beamed at him in delight. "You really don't mind?"

Jack tilted his head to one side as he thought about it. "I must admit, if you were seeing nine guys I'd struggle with it. I suppose it's just different with women... I don't know why."

Now it was Calara's turn to give him a knowing look. "Mom did say you liked blondes. From the things she's said, I think I know where your tolerant attitude towards female bisexuality comes from..."

He couldn't help blushing. "Now I think we're straying into territory I'd rather not get into."

"Fair enough, Dad," Calara said, with an indulgent smile.

Jack was quiet for a long moment, then looked his daughter in the eyes. "So if you're in a relationship with all those girls, does that mean that John is as well?"

She'd been bracing herself for this question, but this time there was no hesitation on her part, now that she'd made the decision to be completely honest with her father. "Yes, we all sleep together."

Jack's expression tightened with disapproval, his protective paternal instincts coming to the fore.

Before he could say anything, Calara placed her hand on his chest. "It's not just about sex, Dad. We all love each other very much and it's that connection between us that allows the Lionesses to do the things we can do."

He frowned and shook his head. "I know how amazing it feels to be in love, especially when you think you've met someone really special... but this isn't right, Calara. I could accept you being with Alyssa and even the other Lionesses, but you're having to share John with nearly a dozen women!" Holding her hand, he added pleadingly, "You're an incredible woman... you deserve so much more."

She watched him for a long moment, touched by his fatherly concern. "I love that you're still trying to protect me, but I'm not an immature little girl anymore." She smiled at him and gently squeezed his hands. "And I wasn't speaking metaphorically about the strength of our relationships. The love we share with John is a tangible thing... we're all more powerful because of it."

Jack shook his head, the frustration clear on his face. "It might feel like love conquers all and I can see how much you care about him... but please trust me, Calara, this isn't a healthy relationship."

Calara's eyes bored into his, showing that same perceptiveness she'd inherited from Maria. She sighed as she made a decision. "Just talking this through isn't going to work... I'm going to have to show you."

"Show me? What do you mean?" he asked in confusion.

She took off her peaked hat and put it on his desk, then began unbuttoning her white jacket. "I need to fight you, Dad. It's the only way you'll really understand what I can do... and why my relationship with John and the girls is so much more than you think."

Jack stared at her incredulously. "Fight me? Don't be ridiculous."

"Please just humour me," she said, a flicker of sadness crossed her face. "It won't take long."

Something about her tone made him pause and he looked at her with concern. "You're actually serious?"

Calara backed off several paces and squared off against him, moving fluidly into a guard stance. "If you love me, Dad, you'll trust me and do as I ask. I want you to attack and I don't want you to pull your punches."

"Callie... what's this about?" he asked, bewildered by his daughter's actions.

She looked him square in the eye. "Don't worry, I'll be perfectly safe."

He took a deep breath, then nodded when he saw she wasn't to be deterred. Unbuttoning his jacket, he placed it on his desk, then adopted a balanced stance of his own. Calara waited patiently for him to strike, but he froze, staring at her with a pained expression on his face. This was the first time they'd ever faced each other in a sparring match and that realisation hit him like a ton of bricks.

"I can't do it..." Jack said, his shoulders slumping. "You're my daughter. I love you, I don't want to fight you."

Calara's brown eyes flashed with anger and years of suppressed resentment. "No! You're not backing out of this! I had to sit back and watch on the sidelines for years as you bonded with the boys during the sparring matches! Do you have any idea how much it hurt that you wouldn't let me be a part of that too?! It felt like you loved them more than me!"

He looked at her in horror. "But you never said anything! I had no idea you felt that way!"

"How many times have I ever argued with you, Dad?" she replied, tears in her eyes. "When have I ever challenged you on anything?!"

"Oh, Callie, I'm so sorry," he said quietly, moving forward to embrace her. "I just didn't want you to get hurt."

She danced back several steps, her eyes hardening as she brushed away the tears. "No! We're doing this!"

Jack shook his head. "I'm not going to fight you, Calara. We need to talk about-"

"No, I'm done talking!" Calara snapped, cutting him off. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, centring herself. "If you can't attack me then prepare to defend yourself."

He had never seen her like this before. Shocked as Jack was, he realised that Calara was absolutely determined to prove whatever point she was trying to make. With a sigh of resignation, he dropped into a defensive stance, mentally preparing himself to get this fight over with as quickly as possible. He'd never realised that Calara had taken his refusal to let her spar as a rejection; the reality had simply been that she was a slender young woman and didn't have the physical strength to match the boys. Calara had astonished them all when she beat Mateo and Eduardo in the sparring matches on Jericho, but as good as her technique had been, she'd only been able to achieve a draw against Dylan. Jack knew she stood no chance against him.

Calara moved to attack, a steely gleam in her eyes that Jack found quite unnerving. She reached for his arm, moving with surprising quickness that caught him off guard. With reflexes honed from over 40 years of training, he effortlessly pushed aside her grab, but then his eyes widened as he realised it was a feint. She darted to his right and shoved him, which startled him again, as he was expecting some form of punch. Shifting his weight, he stepped back... then she dropped to deliver a spinning sweep.
