Three Square Meals Ch. 024


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"He's going to fill you full of spunk now." Dana moaned excitedly.

"Be a good girl for him and milk his cock with your pussy!" she coaxed Calara, rubbing the girl's clit furiously.

"Ahhhh!!" Calara shrieked and her body writhed in response to Dana's words and fingers as well as John's unrelenting cock.

She began another intense orgasm, that had her tight young pussy massaging John's cock just as the redhead had requested.

John buried himself up to the balls and looked down at the coffee coloured girl who was so desperate for him to cum in her. Her look of absolute devotion and need tipped him over the edge and he groaned as his four balls began to pump a big load into the beautiful girl he had wrapped around him. His orgasm seemed to go on forever, he was on such a high plateau of lust, having been so turned on by all four young women in their own wanton ways.

His balls eventually flexed one last time, shooting the last of his cum into the completely stuffed girl beneath him. He sighed contentedly as he sat up, taking in Calara's enormously swollen stomach with a proud smile. Calara was panting for breath, her big breasts heaving as she sucked air into her lungs. Her eyes flickered open weakly and she looked up at him in wonder.

"So good..." she sighed contentedly.

John eased back, gently and slowly pulling his cock out of the wasted young woman. He lay down beside her and relaxed on the bed, cuddling with Calara as she rested contentedly in his arms.

"That was amazing." the brunette said, sighing happily.

She ran her hands over the bump in her belly where she carried his cum in her womb and John rested his heavy hand on the taut sphere, feeling where her olive skin had been stretched to home such a vast quantity of his sperm.

Alyssa came over to join them, her own tummy rounded out with all the cum she had greedily swallowed down from Jade's breasts. She lay on her side by Calara, leaning over to kiss the brunette sensually and the two girls' cum laden stomach's brushed together, pressing into his hand from either side. Jade followed behind her, cuddling up against the blonde girl's back.

"Does it make you feel virile?" Alyssa asked John when she pulled back from her loving kiss with Calara.

"What honey?" John asked absentmindedly, brushing his hand against both of the girl's stomachs gently.

"Having two teenagers carry your cum in their stomachs?" she said provocatively.

John felt Dana move to snuggle against his back, her gently rounded stomach pressing up against him. She had fed from Jade hungrily and her stomach was stuffed full of his spunk.

"Three of us." Dana said shamelessly.

"I'm not going to lie. I love it!" John said with a self satisfied smile on his face, feeling potent and loving the attention from all the girls.

"I think Jade needs some cum in her stomach too." Calara said lovingly. "What do you think kitty cat?" she said to Jade affectionately.

"I think you are a kind and generous girl, who I love very much." Jade said with a smile, as she gracefully moved between Calara's coffee coloured legs and the Latina spread her thighs for the Nymph welcomingly.

They all watched the erotic scene as Jade proceeded to suck all of John's cum out of Calara's enormously stretched womb. Calara moaned and thrashed, holding Jade's head to her pussy as her hips rocked in time with the tongue fucking she was receiving. They watched the Latina cum hard, as the hungry Nymph savoured her lovely gift, swallowing rapidly as she lapped away sensually.

Giving Calara a last lick, Jade raised herself up and moved over the brunette, kissing the groaning Latina and transferring the cum she held in her mouth back to the girl below her. They could see Calara's throat move repeatedly, as she swallowed down the cum that Jade was sharing with her so benevolently. Eventually Jade lay down at Calara's side, ethereal viridian rings beginning to pulse out from her full belly and spreading around her body.

John looked around him, seeing and feeling all the girls with rounded tummies, every single one of them carrying his spunk in their stomachs.

"Just think how you're going to feel when you make us all pregnant." Alyssa said tantalisingly, reading his thoughts. "We should definitely go out on the town when we're all knocked up." she said, her cerulean eyes flashing with arousal.

"All those envious looks you'd receive from every man, as you flaunt how you've used your harem." she said excitedly. The other girl's all chorused their enthusiastic approval of the plan.

"It would be great advertising to get some fresh girls for you too." Alyssa gushed animatedly. "A handsome, powerful man, flaunting his virility!"

"You'd really want me to add more women to our little group?" John asked the aroused girls, not believing his own ears.

"I'd love it!" Alyssa gasped with excitement. The others chimed in with their own emphatic endorsement.

"We could staff the Invictus full of hot young women! Just imagine being able to wander the decks, emptying your quad into whichever beautiful girl took your fancy!" Alyssa's eyes were hooded with lust and she was panting with desire.

John laughed happily. "Ok that does sound like fun." he grinned. "But I love you four girls and you're more than enough to keep me satisfied." he said, looking at each of them lovingly.

"Fortunately the XO is in charge of recruitment." Alyssa said rebelliously. "I'll keep my eyes open for hot young girls for you to try out." she promised him lustily.

"I think I might need your help to keep my XO in line after all!" John said to Jade, flashing her a grin.

"Of course I will follow your orders master." Jade said with a grin. "but I must admit the idea of dozens of women at your beck and call is very arousing."

John grinned at them both, shaking his head in amazement. "You girls are going to be the death of me!" he laughed good naturedly.

"You'll be fine." Dana said. "You have excellent stamina!" she said, grinning at him impishly.

They settled into bed, rearranging themselves so that John had two girls on each side of him. He felt gloriously decadent as he lounged in bed, surrounded by a bevy of beautiful women.

"So what's our plan next John?" Alyssa asked him curiously.

"We should be arriving at Ashana soon." John mused. "We might as well save the clean up until then. Who knows, the Greys might help." he said with a smile.

"I've got a new project for you to think about Dana." He said, looking over at the redhead, who looked up at him eagerly.

"Go ahead John, I'm all ears!" she said happily.

"We need to improve our defences against Interdictions and boarding. We can't allow ourselves to get in such a dangerous situation again, it puts you all at far too great a risk!" he said passionately.

"Ok, I'll have a good think about ways of beefing up internal security." Dana promised, looking thoughtful.

"Good girl." he said approvingly. "We'll need the armour frames set up first though. Those things were amazing and saved both my life and Alyssa's without any doubt. If we'd had to spend a few minutes getting geared up by hand, we would have been doomed." he said with certainty.

"Oh and we'll need some kind of weapon locker in the debriefing room too. Running around looking for our guns was a nightmare!" he said, chuckling at how badly they had been caught unprepared.

"Sure, no problem." Dana said confidently.

He stopped to think for a moment. "We still have the two Drakkar dropships attached to the Invictus. I might sell one to the Ashanath and then we can keep the other in the storage bay for our illustrious chief engineer to study. I wouldn't be surprised if they have the same energy reflecting armour too." he said looking hopeful.

"I'll add it to the 'To do' list." Dana said, laughing happily.

"Sorry to give you so much to do." John apologised.

"No, need to apologise, I love these kind of challenges!" The redhead said animatedly.

"I've got something for you to do too John." Alyssa said firmly.

"Oh really?" John replied with a smile. "Go ahead, I'm intrigued."

"I'd like you to spend some time centring yourself and then work on harnessing your superhuman strength. Take one of us first, so you're nice and relaxed." she requested with a sly smile.

John laughed good spiritedly. "Are you sure this isn't your way of giving me an excuse for more sex?" he said with a grin.

"You never need an excuse." Alyssa said with a seductive smile. "You know you have my permission to take me whenever you want." she continued, her eyes sparkling.

The other girls all chorused their eager willingness for more spontaneous ambush sex.

"Ok you don't have to tell me twice!" John laughed.

"All joking aside, I think you being calm and ordered is the key to unlocking your potential." Alyssa said, feeling strangely convinced her theory was right.

"We can't realistically trigger you by putting ourselves in danger, so you're going to have to try and draw it out by self control rather than wild instinct." she said perceptively.

John stroked his chin thoughtfully. "It's worth a try and I'm willing to give it a shot." he said nodding at her in agreement.

"Good boy." She said with a wry smile.

They all laughed at her gentle twisting of one of his catchphrases. "Ok I get it, I must sound pretty condescending." John acknowledged. "I'll try to nip that in the bud." he said abashed.

"Don't you dare!" Alyssa said. "I like it a lot."

"It's very appropriate master." Jade said, agreeing with the beautiful blonde.

"I like it too." Calara said. "You're genuinely appreciative when you say it."

"Yeah I love it!" Dana said with a grin. "When you tell me I'm a good girl, It makes me want to try that bit harder to make you happy."

"You ladies are incorrigible." John laughed. "Ok rampant chauvinism it is then." he said, with a smile.

"Good boy." His women all chorused at the same time and then fell about laughing.

They all relaxed in bed together, just chatting and feeling relieved that they had got out of such a close scrape. A few hours passed in no time, before John's rumbling stomach finally convinced them they needed to get out of bed.

"We girls had our victory feast." Alyssa grinned. "We need to make sure you stay in tip-top shape too!" she said with a fond smile.

They got up and started to get dressed, so that they could go and have dinner before they arrived at Ashana. John glanced at Alyssa's back as she was slipping on her trousers, admiring her beautiful toned figure and the perfect unblemished skin.

"You're back! It's completely healed!" John said amazed.

He stood at her side and ran his hand over the area that had been badly burned by the heavy laser impact.

"Any pain?" he asked with concern.

"I feel as good as new." Alyssa said confidently, stretching her athletic body gracefully. "I feel like I could ride you for hours." she said happily.

John smiled at the insatiable girl and then turned his attention over to Dana.

"Let me take a look at your head wound please Dana." he requested politely.

She moved over to stand in front of him, tilting her head to the side obediently. John brushed her lustrous auburn hair to the side, so that he could take a close look at the gunshot wound to her head.

"Amazing. All I can see is perfect, unscarred skin." he said with relief. "Any headaches or pain?" he asked Dana just to be sure.

"I feel good as new too." Dana said with a smile, as she looked up at him with a twinkle in her sky blue eyes.

John laughed and then leaned in to kiss her.

"You did an amazing job Doctor Jade." John said to the Nymph with a warm smile, holding out his arms for a hug.

"The girls' healing was down to you John, not me." Jade said firmly as she moved into his embrace. "I was merely your vessel."

"Well a very fine vessel you made." he grinned appreciatively, gently stroking her pert breasts that had returned to normal; a more modest but still impressive size.

She sighed happily in his arms, enjoying his touch.

"Come on." Calara said with a smile. "We need to get some dinner inside you John. No more distractions!" she laughed.

"Sounds good to me, I'm famished!" John agreed enthusiastically.

They strolled down to the officer's lounge and all entered the kitchen. The big kitchen was just large enough for the entire crew and with four eager assistants, John prepared dinner in record time. They set up the table and John tucked in ravenously, his body desperately craving food after all the action that day, both in and out of the bedroom. The girls were hungry too, but they had enjoyed a filling meal earlier, so they watched John wolf down his food with some amusement. Finally they were done and John relaxed back in his chair, feeling pleasantly stuffed.

"Oh god, that feels good." he said relieved. "I didn't realise how hungry I was!"

"I think we'll have to remember to keep you better fed", Alyssa said, looking at him appraisingly. "You're burning through a lot of energy." she said with a smile. "Go and sit on one of the sofa's, we'll tidy up and bring you a drink." she said indulgently.

"That sounds amazing." John said with a contented sigh.

He rose and then strolled over to the sofas at the other end of the lounge, easing into one of the plush, ludicrously comfortable chairs. He watched the girls working industriously to get dinner cleared away and after only a minute, Jade walked over to him after taking a small detour to prepare him a glass of whiskey at the bar.

"Oh my goodness, life doesn't get much better than this." John said, as she offered him the drink, the ice cubes clinking merrily.

He gladly accepted the drink and took a sip before closing his eyes contentedly. He could hear Jade walking quietly around behind him and she leaned over to whisper breathily in his ear.

"I believe I can make you feel even better John." she murmured confidently.

Her hands moved over his shoulders and then began to massage him gently, her skilful fingers teasing and relaxing his muscles at the same time.

"Oh god..." John sighed. "You were right!" he groaned contentedly.

The other girls gathered around him on the sofas and he opened his eyes languidly to gaze over them. "I don't know what I did to deserve this, but thank you." he smiled happily.

"Just a little way to show our appreciation." Alyssa said with a lovely smile. "You thanked all of us earlier, but we wanted to say our thanks too."

"Unfortunately we're out of time now." Calara said, glancing at her watch. "But tonight should be fun." she said with a grin.

John groaned regretfully as Jade reluctantly stopped her massage. She leaned in to his ear again. "Don't worry, I'll teach them my secrets." she said with a carefree laugh.

John placed his drink on the table and then grabbed Jade, lifting her over the back of the chair and into his arms as she laughed delightedly.

"That was amazing, thanks beautiful!" he said appreciatively, before giving the Nymph a big kiss.

She returned his kisses until he released her, as the other girls looked on in amusement. Then they all stood and left the Officer's lounge, heading up to the bridge to get ready for their visit to Ashana, the homeworld of the Greys.

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laughdruidlaughdruid3 months ago

I think the girls kiss John ass to much.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith3 months ago

repeat from last year: .... this chapter was a post Drakkar debrief, .... mostly, ... as they were towed to Ashana, in hyperspace, with two Drakkar drop ships on their hull, ... I guess being towed by two Ashanth ships makes it A-Okay, ... but I had thought that hyperspace travel with an attached dropship was a no-no, ... Did the two Ashanath ships need to travel slower due to the tow?... Tef never did explain this hyper-space / drop ship problem, ... ;-) TTFN

skippersdadskippersdad8 months ago

Every time I Read about the Ashana, I expect them to have a ship named The Oneel.

ranec1ranec111 months ago

patiently waiting for the yellow N

ranec1ranec1about 1 year ago
Mean As!!


"Pause it Dana!"

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