Three Square Meals Ch. 051


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He looked a bit shifty, and replied, *I'm not sure I would have put it quite like that, but you do have a point.*

Her tone was soothing and non-judgemental as she replied, *Hey, I'm not complaining. You transformed mine and Dana's lives for the better in almost every way. We would never have met you if you hadn't come to Karron to make that deal.*

*You girls had the same effect on my life, so I guess we all have a lot to be grateful for with that Tyrenium deal,* he replied to her with a smile. *How's the course change coming anyway?*

*Almost done,* she thought to him. *I'll contact Port Megara, and let Dylan know we'll be arriving tomorrow morning.*

*Thanks, beautiful,* he replied to her, pleased at her initiative.

They chatted as a group in the Officer's Lounge for a little longer, then greeted Alyssa cheerfully when she rejoined them a short while later. She had been able to get through to Dylan, and he'd been delighted to hear they were on their way, and promised to meet them at whatever Docking Bay they were assigned. They all retired for bed a short while later, with everyone keen to get a good night's sleep before they arrived at the Terran Federation outpost the next day.


John woke the next morning to the delightful feeling of two velvety smooth tongues working in perfect synchronisation along his length. He sighed happily, and the movement of his chest woke up Calara and Alyssa, who were both hugging him tightly.

"Sorry to wake you both," he whispered to them, glancing at Jade to see if she was awake, having guessed the identities of the girls under the covers.

The Nymph had woken up too, and she smiled at him with a look of adoration on her cute, dark-green face. The three girls sat up, peeling back the covers to reveal Dana and Rachel bobbing energetically in his lap.

Alyssa grinned at him and said, "Have fun! Come and join us for some breakfast when you've worked up an appetite, and we'll make sure there's lots of food ready. We'll be arriving at Port Megara in nearly two hours."

The blonde, Latina, and the Nymph climbed out of bed, then sashayed elegantly into the shower waving at him cheerily before they disappeared out of sight. He turned his attention back to the girls who were lapping at his length, and smiled as he saw a pair of stormy grey, and sparkling sky blue eyes looking up at him with excitement.

He spread his arms wide, and said, "Come up here girls. I want a kiss from both of you to start the day."

They grinned, and crawled up the bed towards him, leaving his shaft to throb in the air, suddenly feeling neglected. Dana threw a lithe leg over his waist, and dropped herself down on him, and his cock was suddenly wrapped in a gorgeous, tight young teen.

"That's better," she purred. "I'll keep him nice and warm until you're ready to feed us your cum."

He watched her sit up, and ride him languidly, until Rachel leaned down to kiss him, partially obscuring his view. Her lips were flushed with arousal, having already been working intently on his length that morning, and they felt soft and full as they brushed against his own. Her tongue flickered playfully against his, and they enjoyed a passionate kiss until she eventually pulled back, her grey eyes glinting in the warm lighting of the room.

"Good morning," she said to him with a playful smile dancing on her lips.

He smiled back at her, and said, "Good morning to you, too."

Dana leaned down, resting her firm breasts against his chest, and she said eagerly, "I want my kiss!"

John grinned, then reached up with his hand to caress the side of her face, before moving his hand around behind the back of her head, and pulling her down for a kiss. She moaned into his mouth, and gyrated in his lap as he kissed her with growing passion. Rachel was watching them both from close by, and she alternated from one to the other, planting tender kisses on each of their cheeks. He reached up with his left hand to caress her face, then cupped her head in his hand too.

When Dana eventually pulled back from their kiss with a happy little sigh, he held both of their heads in his strong hands. "My beautiful little geniuses," he said in admiration.

Dana smiled at him in delight and said, "Have we been good girls for you?"

John nodded, his face sincere as he said, "Incredibly good girls. I've got two of the brightest minds in the galaxy cradled in my hands. It's quite intoxicating."

Rachel bit her lip, her pupils growing wide as she listened to his words, before saying, "We'll be excellent breeding stock for you. We'll give you wonderfully intelligent children."

Dana moaned as she writhed in his lap and said breathily, "Fuck, this is hot! We need to have a threesome like this more often!"

John had an eager grin on his face as he said, "I think you can count on that. Now, I want you both to kiss, and show me how much you care about each other."

The redhead and the brunette both flushed with excitement, as they looked at each other. John started to pull away his hands, but they both turned to him to object at the same time.

"Hold my head like this, it makes me feel so submissive!" Dana begged him.

Rachel nodded, equally as eager as she said, "It makes me feel like I'm performing for you. It's incredibly arousing."

They turned back to face one another, and closed their eyes as they leaned in to kiss. Dana suddenly paused an inch away from the other teenager, and looked at Rachel's face intently. Rachel opened her eyes a moment later when she sensed the redhead hesitate, and she looked at her quizzically.

"What's wrong?" she asked Dana gently.

Dana's answering smile was radiant as she said, "Nothing. I just wanted to tell you that I love you."

Rachel sucked in her breath, her eyes growing wide, and she said in a rush, "Oh Dana! I feel the same way too. I never thought I could feel this strongly about another girl before."

They both leaned forward, kissing each other tenderly as they stared into one another's eyes. John felt quite moved by the heartfelt, intimate moment between the two wonderful young women. He brushed his fingers through their hair as they continued to kiss each other lovingly. They eventually parted, sighing identical rapturous sighs, before they turned to look at him once more.

He smiled at them both fondly, and said, "That sounded like the first time you've said that to one another."

They both nodded at the same time, and Dana said earnestly, "Thank you so much for bringing her to me. Life feels so much brighter having someone so amazing to share it with."

Rachel looked overcome with emotion, and she just nodded mutely, unable to speak.

*She says she feels the exact same way about Dana,* Alyssa told him, her telepathic voice full of emotion. *Calara and I feel like that too, so if it was you that set this up, pairing us off like this. Thank you. From all of us.*

He looked back at the brunette and redhead lying in bed with him, and they both leaned in to hug him tightly. They lay like that for a while, as the two girls whispered how much they loved him. His cock flexed inside Dana, growing more aroused as he heard the fervent devotion in their voices. Dana grinned at him when she felt his shaft twitch, and she gripped him tightly with a squeeze of her pussy.

"We're neglecting you here. We were supposed to be emptying your balls, and now you've got us declaring our undying love for each other," she said playfully, with no hint of reproach in her tone.

Rachel kissed him on the cheek, and stared into his eyes from only an inch away as she asked, "So how can we reward you for bringing us together? You've got two girls willing to do anything you want."

John paused to ponder it for a moment, and Dana and Rachel planted loving kisses on his face while they waited for him to make a decision. Finally he nodded decisively and said, "I know what I want to do."

Their beautiful young faces looked at him with eager anticipation, listening attentively to find out what he desired.

His smile was bright as he said, "I'd like to show you how I plan to impregnate you both."

They sighed with delight, and stared at him with doe-like eyes. Dana said hesitantly, "That would be the best thing ever, but I thought this was about what you wanted, not us!"

He stroked their hair as he caressed their heads, and said honestly, "I'd get you both pregnant right now, if I wasn't so worried about this conflict with the Progenitor."

He was instantly buried under a pair of exuberant teens as they showered him with loving kisses. They eventually let him up for air, as they panted with excitement, and Rachel gasped, "I don't think I can wait much longer. How do you want us?"

Releasing her head from his hand, he said, "Lie on your back in the middle of the bed."

She nodded obediently, and John sat up, as Dana reluctantly dismounted him. Rachel lay down as he had instructed, and she had a lovely inviting smile on her face as she spread her athletic thighs for him. John crawled into position, and when he had the head of his cock at the entrance to her soaking wet pussy, he pushed inside slowly, sinking right the way in up to the balls.

"Oh God!" Rachel groaned with relief, "I needed that so badly!"

John kissed her passionately and she wrapped her arms and legs around him tightly, as though unwilling to ever let him go. He began to slowly move his hips, and she moaned with pleasure as she gazed up at him. He leaned back a bit, sitting up on his haunches, and glanced to his side at Dana. Who was watching them with a fervent, aroused look.

"Dana, come over here and straddle her," John ordered the redhead in a firm tone.

She moved lithely into position, swiftly moving her limber body to follow his instructions. "Like this?" she asked him, her eyes wide with excitement as she looked back over her shoulder.

"That's right," he praised her. "Good girl."

She bit her lip and moaned, the golden coronas around her pupils flaring as she got even more turned on, staring back at him lustily.

John smiled at her confidently, and said, "Now I want you two to kiss, and stare into each other's eyes when I fill you with cum. When we do this for real, you can both watch the moment when I put a baby in your lover's belly."

The two girls just whimpered, unable to respond they were so aroused. John pushed down on Dana's toned back, and she responded to his silent command, lowering her tummy so that it was flat against Rachel's. He then leaned forward, and began to fuck the brunette beneath him with long insistent strokes, while resting his stomach against the redhead's pert cheeks.

Dana gasped and quickly looked over her shoulder at him as she said in wonder, "I can feel your cock where you're fucking her!"

Sure enough, the bulge in Rachel's abdomen was brushing back and forth against Dana's firm tummy, letting her experience every powerful thrust. He heard them start kissing like the good, obedient girls he knew they both were, and after a couple of minutes of stroking inside the brunette, he pulled out, and then drove into the redhead. Rachel's mournful cry was joined by Dana's sob of relief when he thrust all the way up to the quad inside her again. She arched her back, and made sure her tummy was flat against Rachel's so that her lover could feel John shafting her.

Back and forth he went from one compliant young woman to the other, until he shoved his full length into Rachel, and exploded inside her, filling her womb to the brim. She joined him in climax, her pussy gripping him tightly as her body urged him to impregnate her. He pulled out between spurts, and buried his length inside Dana, ramming his way deep into her body in a single thrust. She cried out as she came, and bucked fiercely as he packed her belly full of sperm. He held still, buried inside her as his cock lurched, unloading the last of his heavy cum into her pliant young womb.

When he was finally spent, he pulled back, his cock slipping from her tight embrace. Collapsing on the bed, the two girls quickly flanked him, staring at him in awe as they hugged him tightly. He could feel their rounded stomachs against him, and it made him smile with a sense of deep satisfaction.

"That was just the most awesome sex, ever," Dana said reverently.

Rachel nodded, and said, "I came so hard imagining it. We talk about you impregnating us all the time, but recreating what it will be like was breathtaking!"

They placed their hands together over his heart, interlacing their fingers, and then rested their heads against him. John kissed them both tenderly, one after the other, and then they all snuggled together enjoying the intimate moment.

Calara and Alyssa came into the bedroom a few minutes later, and climbed on the bed behind them. Alyssa cuddled up with Dana and gently stroked her full tummy, while Calara did the same for Rachel.

The Latina's voice was full of emotion as she said, "That was beautiful. Alyssa shared all your thoughts and feelings with me, and I'm so happy for you girls."

Alyssa smiled affectionately at both the girls, before she glanced over at Calara and said, "Looks like the rookies are setting us a challenge right out of the gate!"

Calara giggled and nodded, her fingers moving in long, soothing motions over Rachel's rounded belly. "We'll really have to raise our game to compete with these two!"

John sighed the blissful sigh of contentment, that only a man with two pairs of girls competing to give him the best threesome can know. Jade walked in with a tray full of delicious smelling food a moment later, and smiled as she asked, "Who's hungry?"

Laughing, John realised he must now be dead, and had in fact gone to heaven.


After breakfast, Dana and Rachel decided to have a lie in, and urged Jade to come and join them, so that they could snuggle up with the lovely Nymph. She stepped out of her dress, and was nude in moments, then eagerly climbed over Rachel to lie between them.

John, Alyssa and Calara left them to it, going to get a shower together, so they'd be ready when they arrived at Port Megara. The girls were unusually attentive, and for them, that meant the blonde and brunette were hanging off him, moulding their gorgeous figures around him.

He eventually laughed, and asked, "What is it?"

The two girls darted glances at each other and then Alyssa asked in a small voice, "We just wondered if you're going to make us pregnant the same way?"

They stared up at him, holding their breath as they waited for an answer, and considering how long they could do that, he wasn't worried for their safety. Eventually he smiled at them, and shook his head, as he replied, "No, I have something else in mind for you two, but it can stay a secret until our next threesome."

He was careful not to think about what he had planned, so that Alyssa wouldn't be able to snoop through his thoughts, which was exactly what she was doing just then. She narrowed her eyes, and he laughed, then started tickling her for her impatience. He eventually let her go, and she giggled at him, while Calara laughed along too.

They decided to get dressed in business attire, to look smart and hopefully blend in on the base, and not cause any embarrassment for Calara's brother. The Latina had joined them in their walk-in wardrobe, and Alyssa picked out a cream coloured pencil-skirt suit for her to wear. John and Alyssa got dressed in their charcoal suits, and when he finished tying the Windsor knot in his tie, he watched the blond and brunette putting the finishing touches on their outfits in the mirror.

He was sure they had finished, when they turned and posed for him, and he grinned happily as he walked over to join them. They both looked gorgeous; elegant, confident, poised, and he was open with his admiration for their incredible beauty as he walked around them.

Eventually stopping behind them, he ran a hand over their firm round cheeks, before slipping around to gently stroke their tummies suggestively. "Wear these same outfits next time we're together," he said firmly.

"Yes, Commodore," Calara said respectfully, immediately responding to his commanding tone.

Alyssa nodded, and said obediently, "Of course, Commodore," with none of the usual disrespect for his rank he had come to expect from her.

John grinned at them, and they turned to kiss him on opposing cheeks, then darted flirtatious glances at him as they sauntered out of the room together. He followed after them, and into the bedroom, where he found Jade watching them intently. She was wrapped in a tangle of lithe limbs and pert breasts, and she stroked Rachel and Dana's hair, while they slept serenely.

"I'll look after these sleepy little kittens," she whispered with a playful smile. Then added more seriously, "When they wake up, they can join me running a security watch on the Bridge, and we'll keep an eye on Irillith too. Have a nice time catching up with Dylan, and tell him I said hello!"

They waved the Nymph goodbye, and then headed to the Bridge, to dock at Port Megara.


A couple of levels below them, Irillith lay on the bed brooding. The confrontation with John had left her more conflicted that ever, and she felt a riot of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. Anger and lust warred in her mind, the feelings just as intense as ever, but now she had to contend with even more added to the volatile mix. She flushed with shame at striking John, feeling a searing sense of regret that her actions had caused him to look at her with such pity. That look filled with sad compassion had wounded her to the core, and even now it stung her more than a thousand barbed lashes with a neural whip.

Sleep had eluded her until the early hours that morning, her mind constantly tormented by thoughts of John. After watching so much footage of him over the last few weeks, she knew just how graphic her dreams would be. Although she craved their fervent embrace, she felt dreadfully afraid at the same time, terrified that lustful thoughts would consume her completely. Sure enough, when she had fallen into a restless slumber, her dreams had immediately taken a thrilling erotic turn, which had her heart racing in her sleep.

When Irillith woke up with a start later that morning, she found herself drenched with sweat. The frustration from her lack of sexual release, combined with her exhaustion after such a troubled sleep, left her in a truly foul mood. She had learnt John's routine by heart now, and knew full well that around this time, one of his harem would be gleefully sucking out every last drop of cum from his four balls. That train of thought started to make her feel hungry, and she spontaneously decided to get up, so that she could make herself a filling breakfast. Abruptly realising what had made her feel so famished did nothing to soothe her temper, and she stopped herself, half-risen from the bed, then flopped back down on it again.

Her fingers drifted up to the metal collar around her neck, and her jaw clenched with barely controlled anger, as she felt the cold metal beneath her fingertips. Being collared was just the latest of a host of indignities she had been forced to endure. Those responsible were going to suffer the worst torments she could imagine, and as she lay alone in her room, she took comfort in those dark and terrible thoughts.

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VadarVadar4 months ago

previously alluded her


No mate... You mean 'eluded'.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

Oh, and now that they've take that 'hacking deck' and vambrace away from Irillith, they need to safely secure it well away from any harm, a non-homicidal AI is a treasure to cherish, ,,,, ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

*** Spoiler material alert *** (the future / new Galactic League):

The Maliri military and computer tech is the top in our little corner of the galaxy (TSM 28th century), and if John passes on a boat-load of the best stuff to the Ashanath and the Trankarans, and then most of the same goodies to the T-Fed's, really big tech upgrades like 12x power cores, 3x FTL, 3x sensors, 2x to 3x sub-light engines and thrusters, better Air Purifiers, power couplings, and capacitors, and maybe a zero-point regulator too, also shorter barrel length on more powerful beam lasers, and (OMG) Nova Lances for the battleships, and definitely some stronger shields, and very much better heat sinks (Maliri crystal improves them a lot) ... and stronger building materials based on Maliri crystal tech, just to name a few things from the Maliri's current tech archive, as well as from the Trankaran's and Ashanath's, ... but the Terran portion would come only be after or while John/Dana upgrades the Maliri to a higher tech level with Progenitor tech, just to give the other species a six month to a one year head start before upgrading those aggressive Terrans, (got to clean house in High Command firstly) ... all of this will make our whole corner of the galaxy a little bit better able to defend itself, ... the Maliri, the T-Fed's and the Trankarans could practice / train by taking out the Kirrix, (those Bugs are toast) ... then for safety's sake, the Ashanath might set up a few hundred or more automated cattle ranches, on a terrestrial type of world, to use in feeding those always hungry Drakkar (full bellies to keep them happy, ... burp, ... pass the toothpicks), ... ;-) ttfn

Demented917Demented9177 months ago

Irillith going to get it from John and the girls…

Does she join the crew afterword….

skippersdadskippersdad7 months ago

Here I am Again.

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