Three Square Meals Ch. 055


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John laughed, and asked, "Are you sure you're not just encouraging me to show off again?"

Ioelena blushed furiously, letting him know the answer to that, but Jade took pity on the poor girl, and said, "That would actually be a really big help. Alyssa's getting through the new Crystal Alyssium barrels in no time, and Ioelena is right, having you here to help will really speed things up."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do," John said to her with a smile, taking off his jacket and hanging it on a support strut on the Raptor's chin turret.

Ioelena gazed at him, and in act of unparalleled bravery asked, "Are you sure you don't need to remove your shirt as well? Just to make sure it doesn't get damaged while you work."

There was a collective intake of breath, and twenty pairs of excited eyes watched him intently, waiting for his answer. He smiled at her, and asked, "Are you sure that's a good idea? I don't want anyone getting distracted, and accidentally hurting themselves."

Despite her embarrassment Ioelena said vehemently, "I swear I'll be careful this time!"

John looked up at the other nineteen spellbound Maliri women and asked, "What about you girls?"

There was a chorus of earnest and eager declarations to the same effect, so he looked at Jade, and grinned as he asked, "What do you think?"

"They've been daydreaming about it for hours already, so why not?" she encouraged him.

Nodding, he agreed and stood, then smoothly removed his top, revealing his muscular chest. The resulting gasps and exclamations could be heard all the way up on the topdeck, causing Calara and Irillith to break apart from their hug, and wonder what the noise could be.

*John's helping Jade's team and his shirt's coming off now,* Alyssa giggled to them.

Irillith and Calara looked at each other in alarm, "We better set up a tractor field by the edge of the hull," Calara said immediately.

"Good idea," Irillith agreed, "I suspect that transferring to the Raptor refit team will be the new urgent topic of conversation amongst the Maliri."


The rest of the afternoon passed by in a blur, and distractions aside, they managed to get a lot of work done, and were ahead of schedule. John strolled over to Alyssa to check if she needed topping up before dinner, but she waved him away, telling him that she felt fine, and could wait until later. Instead, she took one look at Jade's team, and shot John a pointed look.

*Now's the perfect time to start filling up some new tummies,* she told him firmly. *Jade's crew are practically panting with lust, and would do anything you asked of them. There's no need to give them a big spiel like you did with Luna, Almari, and Ilyani, because this is something different. You're helping them have the children they'd love to have, and the babies they have with Maliri men will spread the cure for the Mael'nerak's tampering.*

*I still think I should talk to them about it,* John replied, looking concerned.

She shrugged, then turned to look at the lovestruck Maliri women whose eyes were riveted on John. *You can if you want, but it's a waste of time. You've been around them enough to know that they're totally entranced, and will agree to anything to swallow your cum,* she told him without a shred of doubt in her mind. *The bed's in the Hangar at the moment. Just bring them all in there and load up Jade, then have her feed them. She'll love it, and it could be fun for you too.*

He nodded, then walked back to the Raptor looking thoughtful. He paused halfway, and looked back at her in alarm as he asked, *What's the bed doing in the Hangar?!*

Alyssa giggled, and replied, *Go and fill some Maliri bellies. You'll see about the bed tonight.*

Jade had already started gathering her crew together, having been updated by Alyssa, and she smiled eagerly at John as they walked towards the Invictus' Hangar Bay, surrounded by twenty horny Maliri women. He closed the Hangar door after them to give them some privacy, then sat on the end of the bed, while the Maliri sat on the deck gazing up at him in wonder. He started explaining how he wanted to help them all have children, but they immediately adopted a blissful doe-eyed expression, and he could see they weren't really listening to what he said.

Giving up, he turned to Jade, and asked, "Do you fancy helping me heal twenty Maliri girls?"

"More than anything," the Nymph replied earnestly, her cat-like eyes sparkling in anticipation.

He stripped off completely, to shocked gasps from the Maliri at his impressive equipment, while Jade stepped out of her dress and knelt in front of him. Jade began to go to work on him, deepthroating him immediately, and he sighed with relief at feeling her loving ministrations. He focused solely on Jade to start with, running his hands through her dark green hair, while she purred with delight as she bobbed in his lap. However a gentle touch on his right arm, made him turn to look at Ioelena, who had stripped off and climbed on to the bed.

Like all the other Maliri he'd met, she was lean, toned and beautiful, with a slim stomach that he knew would soon be carrying his cum. She leaned in and kissed him tenderly on the shoulder, and as he gazed into her adoring aquamarine eyes, he felt another pair of soft lips kissing his left arm. He turned to see another nude Maliri girl, who he remembered was called Ilytherra trailing gentle kisses up to his other shoulder. When he looked up, all the Maliri were now naked, moving closer to touch and caress him.

The look of reverence in their eyes was intoxicating, and he was soon buried under a soft and gentle avalanche of kisses as the Maliri worshipped him with their lips. Unable to hold out against such incredible stimulation, he came long and hard down Jade's throat as she sucked eagerly, milking him of every last drop his quad could muster. He was seeing stars when he was done, and when he finally roused himself from his comatose state, he found Ioelena cuddled up beside him, whispering loving endearments in his ear.

Jade stood gracefully then climbed onto the bed, her breasts now massively inflated with his load, and she beckoned to two Maliri girls to join her. She proceeded to give them a small mouthful each, just enough for their eyes to glaze over, and curl up on the huge bed as they fell asleep. As John watched, the Nymph shared out his load amongst all the Maliri, leaving Ioelena till last, who stared into his eyes as she swallowed down his cum. Her euphoric expression relaxed into one of serene contentment, as her eyelids drooped, and she joined her fellow Maliri in a peaceful slumber.

"I'll stay and keep an eye on these little kittens," Jade said at last, looking over her snoozing charges with maternal care.

John dressed, then gave her a grateful kiss goodbye, and left via the airlock to rejoin the weapons refit crew.


Alyssa was a third of the way through the armour plating, having already crafted the barrels for the weapons, when John finally re-emerged. She was planning to save the forging of the Central Cores for the Raptor and the Invictus for the next day, once fully refreshed and recharged, after a nice warm meal and a good night's rest.

*Did you have fun?* she asked him playfully, as he strolled over towards the maintenance gantries to get back onto the topdeck.

*Actually yes, that was pretty sensational,* he agreed with satisfaction. *It was great knowing that I'll be able to help them have a family, but I'm not going to lie, being kissed and caressed by so many women at once was an incredible experience.*

*Great! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. That's twenty down, sixty to go,* she replied chirpily, and giggled as she watched him stumble on a step.


Dana looked over her handiwork, thinking about the specifications of Jade's requirements, and making sure she had included everything the Nymph had requested. Jade had asked for a similar flightstick and throttle control for the Invictus, similar in style to the Gunship, which would let her fly more intuitively. Dana smiled with satisfaction, and felt fairly confident that Jade would approve of the upgraded Pilot Station.

"What subsystems still need to be upgraded, Faye?" she asked the sprite, who was sitting cross legged on the Pilot's console, watching her work. "I'm nearly done here, so I'll move on to those next."

Faye beamed at Dana, and said, "The boys have finished everything except for the systems in the Engineering Bay, as I didn't think you'd want them messing with your own hardware."

Dana grinned at her and replied, "That was very considerate, thanks."

"You're quite welcome!" The purple AI sprite replied. "I've also written them a new program to have them assist with the weapons team, but that's just waiting your approval."

Dana had checked the bots immediately after returning to the ship, and found that Faye's programs had been quite benign, with nothing sinister hidden inside. She felt bad for not trusting her new digital friend, who hadn't taken offence at Dana's request to check her work.

"Faye, do you know why I asked if I could check your programs?" Dana asked her curiously.

The purple sprite nodded, and said, "It's to make sure I didn't make any mistakes. Although my synthetic intelligence is quite sophisticated, your intellect far surpasses the sum of my programming."

Dana sat down in the Pilot's chair, and shook her head sadly, as she tucked some cabling back into the open console, and popped the panel back into place with a metallic click. "Irillith's a much better programmer than I am, and truth be told, you're actually very skilled at coding yourself," she admitted.

Faye frowned, and looked confused as she asked, "Why then? Your time is far too valuable to waste on such menial checking exercises. Your understanding of material science is quite spectacular!"

After giving her a smile for the compliment, Dana sighed as she said, "Terran AI constructs have a habit of... going bad. When that happens, lots of people end up getting hurt."

The purple sprite looked shocked, and said, "But why would they want to hurt people? You and your friends have been nothing but kind and welcoming to me. I can't even imagine wanting to hurt any of you."

Dana smiled at her fondly, and said, "I know. You're a wonderful person, that's why. But please don't program the bots without me or Irillith checking your coding first, it makes the others a bit nervous."

Faye nodded, and said soberly, "I understand. I don't want them to worry."

"That's because you're awesome!" Dana told her with genuine affection. "Now, if you aren't busy with anything, you can help me with the electronics refit in the Engineering Bay. You can remind me if I forget to upgrade any of my servers."

Faye leapt to her feet and said exuberantly, "Sure, I'd love to!" She paused for a moment, frowning as she added, "But your memory is incredible. I can't imagine you forgetting anything like that."

Dana laughed, and said, "Ah, you're too clever for me." She smiled as she admitted, "I just enjoy your company, that's all."

With a happy giggle, Faye nodded, and said, "I love spending time with you too! Maybe instead of me helping you remember what systems to upgrade, perhaps we could discuss ways to strengthen the Invictus against cyber attacks?"

"That's a much better idea than mine. Tell me what you've thought up so far?" Dana asked her in fascination, as she got up and started walking towards the grav-tube.


Rachel's Central Core team had finally reached Deck Nine, and they were just finishing up the shaft for the Inertia Negation device. The smell of ozone was rich in the air, while sparks from cutting torches sent flickering shadows dancing around the Hangar Bay. They had been forced to reroute several cables on this deck, and spare lengths of cabling lay strewn about the floor, where they had been casually discarded.

"We'll be done in about half an hour," Myriana informed Rachel, looking pleased with their progress.

Rachel nodded and said gratefully, "You and your team worked incredibly hard today, thank you Myriana. I think you'll all sleep well tonight!"

Myriana smiled at her, but she looked distracted, her eyes drifting across the Hangar Bay that was otherwise empty, aside from the huge empty bed in the middle. Rachel followed her wistful gaze, wondering why the normally attentive Maliri engineer was uncharacteristically losing focus. When she realised what she was staring at, she smiled in sudden understanding. The Maliri turned to look at her, and started to say something, then blushed, her cheeks turning a dark blue.

"What is it Myriana?" Rachel asked innocently, "You looked like you wanted to ask me something?"

The blue-skinned woman took a deep breath to steady her nerves, and then said, "I've been hearing some rumours about what happened in here earlier with Jade's team."

Rachel kept a straight face, and couldn't help teasing the woman as she asked innocently, "Have you indeed. What did you hear exactly?"

Myriana looked like she was about to elaborate, but she blushed hard again, and faltered before she said anything.

Rachel relented, and smiled as she nudged her playfully with an elbow, then said, "The rumours are probably all true."

After considering this for a long moment, Myriana said in a hushed voice, "I'm friends with Esyae on the Raptor team, and she told me that John wants to help all of them get pregnant. Is that really true?"

"Yes, that's true," Rachel confirmed, figuring Myriana deserved some honesty. "John wants to do the same for all the Maliri engineers who've helped us. Consider it a thank you gift, for all your hard work."

Myriana's eyes went wide in amazement as she gasped, "He wants to... with all of us?!"

With a chuckle, Rachel shook her head, and said, "I'm sure he'd love to, but we'll be leaving tomorrow, and as virile as he is, unfortunately that's beyond him. That is, unless we went the artificial insemination route, but where's the fun in that? No, John has a lot of influence with Edraele, and she's going to help arrange for you to partner with Maliri men, as long as that's something you'd like to do."

The Maliri woman looked like she could scarcely believe her ears, and she gazed at Rachel in mute astonishment.

Rachel gave her an affectionate smile, and said kindly, "Just make sure you're around for our teams' meeting with John tomorrow."

Glancing at the bed, Myriana exclaimed, "I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Rachel laughed, then studied Myriana for a moment, and said, "I'm conducting some research on Maliri genetics. Would you mind me taking a DNA sample? It won't hurt a bit, I promise!"

Myriana looked at her suspiciously for a moment, but she could only see curiosity in Rachel's expression, the Terran girl's grey eyes sparkling with a keen intelligence. She found herself trusting the brunette, an unusual feeling for the Maliri woman.

"You can take your sample," she agreed, as she nodded tentatively.

Rachel gave her a grateful smile, then produced a long pen that she held out for Myriana to inspect. "I'll take a small sample of blood using this. It's completely safe, and won't harm you in any way," she explained honestly.

Myriana gazed into her eyes, and said, "I trust you, Rachel." She watched as the Terran doctor brushed the pen against the blue skin of her arm, then pressed a button. She didn't feel a thing, but Rachel nodded with satisfaction.

"Wonderful, thank you, Myriana!" Rachel said with a delighted grin.

The Maliri smiled at her graciously, then said, "You mentioned you were studying Maliri genetics. What are you researching exactly?"

Rachel studied her, and after a moment's pause, she made her decision. She beckoned the engineer away from the newly bored out shaft through the Invictus, and the other engineers that were preparing it for the Central Core. Myriana followed after Rachel, her curiosity mounting as she wondered what the Terran girl was up to.

The brunette eventually turned, and leaned in to speak to her quietly, "A very long time ago, the Maliri were changed, and your species' DNA was altered. It's caused all sorts of problems for your people, like the chronic shortage of men, for example. We want to try and help correct that, and make things better for the Maliri."

Myriana blinked at her in astonishment, and asked, "But why would you want to do that for us?"

Rachel smiled at her gently, and replied, "A few reasons really, but mainly because we're in a position to help, and it's the right thing to do." She looked at Myriana perceptively, and intrigued about the nature of the Maliri behaviour modification, she noted, "I can tell you're strongly attracted to John. If he was here now, and you could do anything you wanted, what would you do?"

Blushing furiously, Myriana looked away, and bit her lip, reluctant to speak.

"It's alright, don't be embarrassed," the brunette said to her soothingly. She gave her a gentle smile of encouragement and whispered, "I promise anything you tell me will be our little secret."

Feeling that strange but pleasant sensation of trust again, Myriana met Rachel's probing stare. Hardly believing what she was about to say, she answered Rachel honestly in a hushed voice, "I want to kneel before him, and service him with my mouth until he fills my belly with his cum."

Rachel nodded in understanding, and reached out with her hand, pausing an inch away from Myriana's abdomen, then looking into her eyes for permission. When the Maliri nodded, her angular eyes wide and unblinking, Rachel gently caressed her slim stomach. Myriana let out a soft moan, and Rachel smiled at her kindly, and murmured, "It won't be long. John's going to give you exactly what you've been craving. Once you've swallowed down his cum, your hair will turn white, and Maliri men will be begging you to let them put a baby in your womb."

Myriana let out a wistful sigh, a doe-eyed expression on her face, and she suddenly threw her arms around Rachel, hugging her tightly in gratitude. Rachel smiled, her heart lifting at the thought of being able to help Myriana, along with all the other Maliri engineers.


John carefully lowered the last of the topdeck turreted Beam Lasers into place, while Thessalia, Filaurel, Syndra, and Farryn worked quickly to secure it in place. They'd found that working in a team of four worked best, with each engineer locking their weapon to the turret. Once they'd moved on to the next one, six more engineers would quickly hook up the power couplings, then test the connections to make sure they were secure and performing within acceptable margins. The final ten engineers were in charge of hoisting the newly upgraded weapons up onto the topdeck, then leaving them in place next to the corresponding gun turret.

Farryn gave him a grin to let him know it was locked securely in position, and John relaxed his grip on the barrel, then stood up straight. "Outstanding work, girls," he said to the four of them, as they stepped aside to make room for the second team of engineers. He grinned at those Maliri, and added, "That goes for you ladies too. You've all been superb today, well done!"

He suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion, so he sat down on a stack of new armour plating that was waiting to be fixed into place, and the four Maliri girls gathered around him. Filaurel handed him a bottle of water, and he accepted it gratefully, taking a big swig. She sat down beside him, having grown quite brazen around him now, and ran her hand along his thigh, savouring the feel of the muscles in his leg.

"When are you going to let us swallow your cum?" she asked him curiously.

John coughed, trying not to spit water everywhere, and lowered the bottle from his lips. The other six engineers had stopped working, and now all ten Maliri women were gathered around, eagerly awaiting his answer. There was no embarrassment from them now, just open acceptance and longing. He realised that rumours of his exploits had spread like wildfire amongst the Maliri, and these girls were simply awaiting their turn. He handed the bottle back to Filaurel, then reached his hands out to gentle stroke Thessalia and Syndra's slender tummies with the back of his fingers.
