Three Square Meals Ch. 069


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"Wait!" Mateo blurted out, a second before John touched the panel.

John turned around in surprise, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Walking up to him then, Mateo extended his hand, and said, "Thank you, John, for what you did for me. I'll never forget it."

John shook his hand in a firm handshake, and replied, "I didn't just rescue you for Calara. You're a good man, Mateo, I'd never have left you to rot in a Kintark prison."

Mateo pulled him in for a hug, having difficulty finding the right words to say. He coughed when he stepped back, brushing his hands across his eyes. "Must be the after effects of that Dragon's mind control pheromones," he chuckled with a self-conscious grin.

"Yeah, Rachel said that could be a problem," John agreed, smiling at the man indulgently.

They waited for a moment to let Mateo compose himself, and when he'd settled down again, he smiled at John and gave him a nod. John placed his hand on the DNA reader, which swiped across with a green light, then gave a soft beep as it recognised his genetic code. The airlock door slid open, and John looked through to see the familiar face of Jack Fernandez, who was waiting for them a few metres down the corridor.

Mateo had stepped back out of line of sight, so Jack only saw John and Calara when the airlock door opened. He looked delighted to see his daughter, and she ran into his open arms with a huge beaming smile on her face.

"Calara! It's so wonderful to see you!" he exclaimed, lifting her off the deck and hugging her tightly. He smiled at her as he added, "I hoped you were coming too, but I wasn't sure if you were."

She hugged him back just as hard and grinned as she said, "Oh, Dad! I'm not going to miss a chance to see you."

He frowned then, and replied, "You shot off from Delta-Draconis without so much as a hello."

Calara's face fell, and she gave him an apologetic smile as she said, "I'm really sorry about that, Dad. I'd just heard about Mateo, and was having trouble keeping it together. I knew if I spoke to you, I'd have fallen apart."

"I understand, Callie. It's alright," Jack murmured, his happy expression plunging into one of despair for his lost son.

She glanced up at his grief-stricken face and then said brightly, "So John and I went to rescue Mateo instead!"

Mateo stepped through the airlock, striding down the corridor to wrap his astonished father in a hug.

"My boy!" Jack croaked, overcome with emotion as he hugged the son he'd given up for dead.

John smiled as he watched the touching reunion, Jack fiercely hugging his eldest son and only daughter to him as though never wanting to let them go. In a whimsical moment, he wondered if there was actually something to Mateo's pheromone after-effects story, as he blinked his eyes and mused that perhaps he was suffering from mild exposure too.

*You old softie,* Alyssa thought to him, her words playful, but the undercurrent of emotion in her voice throbbing with heartfelt affection. *Calara's thoughts and feelings are so lovely, I wish you could hear them too.*

Calara broke away from the hug with her father and brother, then walked up to John, and pressed her lips to his cheek in a tender kiss. "Thank you, for everything," she murmured, her dark-brown eyes big and round as she gazed up at him.

"Any time, honey," he said, giving her a loving smile as he put his arm around her shoulders.

Jack and Mateo pulled apart from their hug, and Jack's eyes shifted to John. His eyes widened for a moment, having forgotten all about him being there he'd been so distracted by seeing Calara and then by the return of Mateo. He stepped over to John with his hand outstretched, which John clasped with his right hand, shaking it in a firm grip.

"I don't know how you did it!" Jack exclaimed, a joyful yet disbelieving smile on his face.

John smiled at him, and said, "Let's go grab that beer, and we'll fill you in on the details."


Rachel ran her medi-scanner over her current patient, nodding with satisfaction as she studied the results. "You're responding well to the treatment, Antony," she said to the lean, dark haired young man standing before her. She smiled at him as she continued, "You'll find your breathing will get easier over the next week or so, and by the end of the month, you'll feel as good as new."

"You're a miracle worker, Doctor!" he replied brightly, then let loose a hacking cough.

When he'd recovered, Dana glided over and handed him a dark-red lozenge as she purred, "This'll sooth your throat, and make it all better."

Lieutenant Antony Rossi gazed at her in awe, nodding slightly as he popped the medication into his mouth. Dana helped lead him away to his cot, making way for the next person in line, who stepped forward to be examined. Just like all the other patients she'd treated, Rachel recognised the woman immediately, recalling her complete medical history in an abrupt burst of knowledge. Lieutenant Commander Anna Kuznetzov was one of the personnel suffering the most trauma to her lungs, having been captured by the Kintark nearly two months prior to her rescue.

Giving the woman a reassuring smile, Rachel said, "Hello again, Anna. You probably don't remember me treating you before, do you?"

The brunette shook her head, and between rattling breaths, she replied in a raspy voice, "Sorry Doctor... I've been... pretty groggy... for weeks."

Rachel nodded, and said in a calm, reassuring voice, "Don't worry, that was only temporary. Now you're away from the Consort on Xen-Nuchek, you'll be fine." She raised her medi-scanner and added, "This won't hurt a bit, I promise."

As Rachel continued her scans, the tall, middle-aged man standing beside her shook his head, as he leaned over to glance at the results. Like other serving Terran medical personnel, he had the Caduceus on his jacket, the twin snakes coiled around a winged staff signifying he was from the Medical corps.

"This is incredible!" he balked, staring at her in amazement. "Where did you find this treatment? Is it from one of the alien races? I've never seen anything like it!"

"No, Commander Larson," Rachel replied, as she examined her patient's lungs, studying the damage the woman had received from extended sulphur dioxide exposure. "As I explained before, it's a stem-cell therapy I developed, which I tailored as an inhalant to improve its efficacy."

"But you're just a young girl!" the medical officer protested, his mind refusing to believe what she was telling him. "You must be fresh out of medical college!"

Rachel glanced his way, and smiled wryly as she said, "Yes, I graduated just a few months ago. I've been quite busy since then." Turning to her patient, she continued, "Results are very promising, Anna. At this rate of cellular regeneration, your voice should be back to normal in a couple of weeks, and your breathing will get much easier too. I estimate you'll see a full recovery in a little over five weeks time."

Anna stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Rachel, hugging her as she trembled with relief. Between ragged breaths, she gasped, "Thank you... so... much!"

Stroking her back soothingly, Rachel replied, "You're quite welcome."

Anna collected herself and gave the young doctor a look of profound gratitude, before Nurse Dana gave her a throat lozenge and guided her away. Rachel watched them leave for a second, then she turned to a muscular, dark-skinned man who was next in line, and smiled at him as she beckoned him forwards.

"I'm sure you know the drill, Hiran," she said to her next patient, recognising him from the group of most severely injured prisoners she'd treated. "I'm just checking to see how well your lungs are recovering."

"Go ahead... Doctor..." he wheezed, returning her smile.

Commander Larson leaned forward and whispered to Rachel, "I was only on that godforsaken planet for a few hours, but your last patient must have been there for at least a month! After that level of sulphur dioxide exposure, she should only have a few weeks to live at most!"

Rachel glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, and nodded as she said, "Yes, I'm delighted with the results. Recovery rates are nearly three percent better than my most optimistic projections."

"Projections?" he asked her with a puzzled frown. "How effective were the clinical trials?"

She smiled as she replied, "I only came up with the idea yesterday. Trials weren't necessary though, as the science behind this was fairly elementary. Besides, it was important to start healing these people immediately."

"B-b-but, you can't do that!" Commander Larson stammered. "Radical new treatments like this need to be validated by the appropriate Clinical Advisory Board! Once they've passed that, then they have to be cleared for general application by the Terran Federation Medical Oversight Committee!"

Dana sauntered up to them, getting ready to lead the next patient away once Rachel had given him the all clear. She'd overheard the tail-end of the conversation, and the redhead grinned at the stunned Doctor, as she said, "Rachel's really fucking smart! If she knew it would work, then it would. Anyway, all that bullshit doesn't apply to her, she's one of the Lionesses."

Rachel looked up from the medi-scanner, and she smiled at her patient as she said, "Another four weeks and you'll be able to hit the gym again, Hiran. Give your lungs the time they need to recover first though, please?"

"You got it... Doc!" he replied between deep breaths, giving her a huge grin.

As Dana led him away, Rachel turned to look at Commander Larson with a disapproving frown, and said, "I'm fully conversant with how the Terran Federation bureaucracy operates, Doctor. Unfortunately, some of these people didn't have six months to wait for the requisite clearances, so I chose to let them live instead."

"You can't just circumvent processes like that!" Doctor Larson protested indignantly. "I understand you wanted to help these people, but arbitrary life and death decisions aren't yours to make. You're not God!"

Rachel looked away into the distance, lost in thought as she murmured, "No, he hasn't been around for over ten thousand years. I'd be fascinated to know how he did it though..."

"Did what?!" Doctor Larson asked her, completely bemused.

"Created life," Rachel replied distractedly.


John did his best to relax, as he sat on one of the comfortable sofas in the Captain's Ready Room aboard the Damocles. He took a sip from the chilled bottle of beer clutched in his right hand, and listened to Calara's dulcet tones as she walked her audience through the battle in the Regulus system. She had just finished explaining how she'd taken command of the remnants of Santini's and Lynton's battle groups, then unleashed them on the pursuing Kintark fleet.

"Those orders came from you?!" Jack asked her in bewilderment. He glanced at John, and said, "I thought you were the one pulling the strings in that battle!"

Calara gave him a shy smile as she nodded in confirmation.

"Well I'll be damned!" Jack exclaimed, shaking his head in amazement.

John smiled at her affectionately, and said, "Your daughter's a gifted tactician, Jack. Far better than me in fact, and I'm a strong believer in using the best man for the job. Or woman in this case."

Mateo laughed as he shook his head, and said, "All those Captains and Commodores taking fleet orders from a first Lieutenant. I'm sure they'd have a fit if they found out!"

John chuckled as he said, "Actually, Calara isn't a First Lieutenant any more, are you honey?"

Calara blushed, and replied, "I've been promoted to Commander."

"You outrank me now!" Mateo gasped in shock.

She smiled at him, and replied, "Don't worry Lieutenant Commander, I won't pull rank too often."

This came as no surprise to Jack, who'd found out about her promotion during the battle itself. He smiled at his daughter, his brown eyes full of fatherly pride as he said, "Congratulations, Callie. From everything I've seen on TFNN and in that battle, you definitely earned it."

She turned his way, and when they made eye contact she could see the strength of his feelings written as plain as day across his face. Her answering smile was gloriously happy, and John was delighted for the young woman, knowing full well how much her father's approval meant to her.

A polite knock on the door drew their attention that way, and Jack said in a loud voice, "Come in, Lieutenant."

The door swished open, and an attractive blonde in her early twenties glided through the door. She saluted Jack respectfully, and said, "You requested I escort one of your guests to Medical, Sir?"

Jack smiled at her, and said, "That's right Lieutenant Campbell, thank you." He rose from his chair, and gesturing to Mateo, he continued, "Please can you take my son, Mateo, to meet with Doctor Leandros. I'd like her to give him a full check-up."

Mateo looked like he was about to protest, but a glance from Jack silenced any objections. He rose to his feet, and smiled flirtatiously at the blonde medical intern as he said, "Mateo Fernandez at your service, Lieutenant Campbell."

She returned his smile, and after studying the handsome Latino with an appraising eye, she replied, "Follow me please, Mateo, and you can call me Emily."

The young woman turned to lead Mateo from the room, but as she did so, her eyes were drawn to the well-built man in the white uniform still seated in the room. She gasped when she saw the golden lion on his chest, then snapped sharply to attention, and said, "It's an honour to meet you, Sir!"

John had been watching the two with amusement, and had come to the conclusion that it wasn't just Calara that had inherited Jack's penchant for blondes. He put down his drink, then smiled at the young woman as he rose to his feet, and said, "Nice to meet you too, Emily." Turning to Calara next, he felt a twinge of guilt as he added, "Would you like to keep Mateo company? We'll have to leave fairly shortly, so it might be the last chance you two get to chat for a while."

Calara nodded, realising John wanted to speak to her father alone about something, so she grinned at Mateo, and said, "Come on, big brother, let's make sure you get a clean bill of health."

*I know you need Calara out of the way, but cockblocking Mateo? John, that's harsh,* Alyssa teased him playfully.

He managed to stifle his laughter as the three young officers walked out of the room, and John overhead Lieutenant Campbell say to Mateo and Calara in a hushed voice, "How do you two know the Lion?!"

Mateo laughed, and said, "He's dating my sister!"

The door slid closed, cutting off further conversation even from John's enhanced hearing. He turned to look at Jack, who was standing there in silence, studying him appraisingly. The look was a familiar one, and reminded him of the look Calara's father had given him after their sparring match at the Fernandez family home on Jericho.

He gave Jack a nervous smile, and said, "I'm glad we got a chance to talk alone."

Jack's mouth twitched into the hint of a smile, and he asked, "Care for another drink? You looked like you were nursing that beer a bit. Something stronger perhaps?"

As much as John would have enjoyed downing a whiskey right now, or several in fact, he shook his head, wanting to keep himself focused. "I'm fine thanks, Jack. I'll need to keep a clear head until we're on our way," he replied politely.

Jack watched him for a long moment, before saying, "You look like you've got something on your mind, John. In my experience, it's better to just come right out and say whatever it is."

John fought down the butterflies in his stomach, and he met Jack's probing gaze as he said, "There is actually, something very important." He took a deep breath, then continued, "I know I haven't known Calara for all that long, and that there's quite an age gap between us, but I'm deeply in love with her. So much so in fact, that I'd like her to be part of my life forever. I plan to propose to her, and it would mean a great deal to me if you were to give us your blessing."

He braced himself for an outraged reaction, just in case her protective father decided to launch himself on the attack.

Jack had been listening attentively, and the hint of a smile playing on his lips broke into a wide grin as he said, "Of course, John. I'd be delighted!"

The two men shook hands, and John blew out his breath in a relieved sigh, then grinned and said, "I wasn't sure which way that was going to go. I'm so happy you agreed!"

Laughing now, Jack said, "Maria warned me months ago that you two would end up together. I've had quite a bit of time to get used to the idea."

John chuckled and said, "You're wife's incredibly perceptive. I was actually going to give her a call after this, and ask her the same question."

"She'd love that, and would really appreciate the gesture," Jack said with a fond smile as he thought about his wife. He looked at John questioningly, and added, "Are you sure about that drink? Something to celebrate?"

Nodding this time, John said, "A whiskey would be great if you've got one."

Jack strolled over to his desk and opened the bottom drawer, before lifting out a square bottle of a rich amber looking liquid, along with a couple of tumblers. He poured some of the whiskey into each glass, then handed one over to John.

"I suspected that's why you wanted to speak to me today," Jack said, after taking a sip. "It came as a hell of shock when Mateo suddenly appeared with you too. A wonderful one of course, but still."

"Sorry about that," John apologised. "Everything was so hectic in the lead up to the battle, I didn't really have much of a chance to inform you beforehand."

Still hardly daring to believe it was true, Jack replied soberly, "I knew he'd never betray the Terran Federation, but I thought he'd either been murdered by traitors, or handed over to the Kintark. That would have been a death sentence too, as no one comes back from their prisons." He let out a troubled sigh as he said, "I thought I'd lost him, John. I pray you never have to experience that kind of pain."

Giving him a reassuring smile, John said, "My doctor's superb, and she already checked Mateo over. He'll be absolutely fine now."

"Thanks to you," Jack said, the raw earnest gratitude on his face offering a rare insight into the man's private emotions.

John gave him a nod of acknowledgement, then smiled as he said, "We'll probably have a big wedding, so I knew we'd need Mateo as the third groomsman."

Jack laughed and shook his head in amusement as he said, "I know you said Calara's the real tactician, but you're not shy of stacking the odds in your favour when you can. Asking a father for his daughter's hand in marriage is nerve racking stuff, but you didn't need to save Mateo's life and my own to convince me to say yes!"

"I didn't want to take any chances," John said with a smile, taking another sip from his drink.

Chuckling to himself, Jack sipped his own whiskey, then glanced out of the long window that ran the length of his Ready Room, and asked, "What are your plans now?"

John followed the other man's gaze, then stood there for a moment, staring out at the battlefield as he watched the ships drift by. A Terran Search and Rescue corvette was gliding through the charred remnants of Terran and Kintark vessels looking for survivors. The small vessel came to a halt with the orange flare of retrothrusters, then began to use its tractor beam to snare an escape pod. It drew the tiny, grey, egg-shaped craft through an open hatchway on the starboard side of its hull, where John knew recovery crews would be there waiting to free the inhabitant.

Scores of Federation cruisers had docked with Kintark vessels, each Terran ship's complement of marines taking the Lizardmen prisoner, while small prize crews seized control of the alien vessels. The scale of the cleanup operation was vast, and he knew they'd be able to do some good if he asked the girls to assist. Thoughts of his ship and crew drew his eyes to the Invictus, standing out amongst the hundreds of matte coloured spacecraft like a shimmering beacon with its glossy white hull. Both Terran and Kintark ships were giving the assault cruiser a wide berth, out of reverence and fear respectively.
