Three Square Meals Ch. 075


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John nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"Discounting those other outcomes, but allowing for the tides of war to go against us, we could potentially prevail with less than five-percent of our allied forces still intact," she explained, looking deeply worried.

"That would leave the Regency unable to defend itself from any external threats!" Irillith gasped, horrified by the thought. She looked at John, and added, "Even in the best case scenario, the Maliri would be horribly vulnerable! They wouldn't be able to repel a half-hearted invasion from the Drakkar, let alone an assault from the Progenitor!"

Edraele's telepathic voice rushed into John's mind, as she thought to him,*I have no doubt Calara could see you to victory, but even if you prevail in this battle, we still lose! If the Maliri forces are that badly mauled, we'll be powerless to assist you against the Progenitor!*

*The last thing I want is a pyrrhic victory! I don't want to see millions of Maliri get killed!* he replied, his frustration bubbling over. *It's not me you have to convince that a fight to the death is fucking crazy!*

He suddenly froze, his eyes going wide, as he blurted out, "Calara! Faye! I just thought of something, but I'm going to need your help!" Turning his chair to look at Irillith, he added, "We need a nearby system with an asteroid belt. Any ideas?"


Tashana was soaked with sweat, thrashing in the bed as she suffered through one of her more vivid nightmares. It started the same way as it always had, with a shattering crack as the airlock door to the shuttle she'd been given for her exile, was sundered by the pirates. As they battered it aside, and the burly pirate in the lead got his first look at her, his lecherous laugh chilled her to the bone. Without so much as a pistol to defend herself, she brandished a wrench, trying to look threatening.

"Welcome to the Unclaimed Wastes, pretty thing," the muscular Terran pirate leered, licking his lips as he stared at her body.

"Leave me alone!" she yelled, but even to her own ears, it sounded like shrill shriek.

More pirates were forcing their way through the broken airlock, and a shorter, rotund man gave her his most disarming smile, filled with rotten teeth, as he said, "There's no need to get all riled up. We just wants to be friends."

They were spreading out around her now, and she waved the wrench in front of her, trying to ward them away. "Please," she sobbed, panting hard with fear. "I haven't done anything to you!"

She caught movement to her left, and swung around to swing the wrench at her attacker, but all too late, she realised it was just a ruse. She felt a heavy hand clamp down on her wrist, as someone surged in behind her.

"We're going to do everything to you, though, pretty thing," the lecherous pirate said, close to her ear, as he shook the wrench from her hand.

The room echoed with braying laughter, as she was twisted in place, and forced to face her tormentor. Her heart lurched in her chest, when she saw who it was! It wasn't Hadley, the pirate who'd been the first to brutally ravage her. This man was just as tall and muscular, but altogether more terrifying, his Maliri-like pointed ears giving away his true nature. Those handsome features concealed the malignant mind of a despicable tyrant, one hell-bent on enslaving the Maliri.

She opened her mouth in a wordless scream of terror, but a light, tinkling noise echoed around the interior of her interdicted shuttle, filling her mind with confusion. With a lurch, she shrugged off her nightmare, and sat bolt upright in bed, her chest heaving. The noise echoed around her room again, and she grabbed for the Enshunu pistols she kept under her pillow, feeling a tremor of fear when she found nothing but the sweat-soaked bedsheet.

Suddenly, she remembered where she was, and slumped with relief, as she pressed the comm button on the sidetable, and said, "I'll be there in five minutes, just let me take a quick shower."

"Take your time," Tsarra said, her youthful voice kind and understanding. "I just wanted to let you know our fleet's approaching Epsilon Aquarii. We'll be launching the assault on Genthalas and the Progenitor's forces in just under an hour."

"Alright, I'll be there soon, Matriarch," Tashana replied, closing the call and flopping back on the bed, wincing at the painful cramping in her stomach.

She lay there for a minute, staring at the golden, high-arched ceiling as she calmed her frantic heartbeat, and slowed her breathing. The moment of truth was finally here. Would they be strong enough to defeat the Progenitor? With a shaky sigh, she climbed out of bed, and headed for the bathroom.


John wrapped his arms around the tearful girl, as she clung to him fiercely. "it's for the best, Kali," he said, stroking her back.

"There must be something I can do!" she pleaded, looking up at him with her lovely indigo eyes. "Why can't I lead my forces on my flagship?"

Leena stepped closer and placing her hand on his shoulder, she sounded worried, as she said, "She's right, we might be able to help! Just by being present with our Fleet Commanders, we might be able to pass on orders from Edraele, or something."

Shaking his head, John looked around at the four upset young Matriarchs, and replied, "It's too dangerous, and I'm not going to risk any of you getting hurt. Calara believes the safest place for you is here with Edraele at Genthalas, and I'd be a fool to ignore her advice. Besides, she'll be coordinating with Alyssa, who can pass on all her orders to your Fleet Commanders, now that they're all linked to Edraele. Calara's a gifted tactician and strategist, and we couldn't have anyone better coordinating our forces."

"You said we're in this together," Valani said, her expression anxious. "I don't want to just sit back and watch, I want to fight at your side!"

John caressed her cheek, before pulling her in for a hug beside Kali, and said, "I'll try to stop Tashana's forces, no matter what, but If something happens to me, all of you are the best hope for a brighter future for the Maliri. You're all my beautiful insurance policies, okay?"

The thought of losing John was almost too much to bear, and the girls gasped in fright, their faces stricken with alarm. Under Alyssa's guidance, Edraele reached out to them, swaddling their minds with loving reassurance which soon settled them down again. Understanding that John was right, they nodded reluctantly, feeling disappointed.

Nyrelle hugged him from behind, and whispered, "Be really careful, and come home to me. You've got a promise to keep, remember? What we've done so far has been amazing, but I want you to be my first..."

His eyes widened at that, and he turned to look at her over his shoulder, as he said, "But you seemed so confident and self-assured, I just assumed..."

She giggled, and shook her head, as she replied, "How many men have you seen around here? Except for Ceraden, of course, but he doesn't count. I've never been to the border stations..."

"None of us have," Kali said in a hushed voice, blushing furiously to a fetching royal blue.

"Give me a few minutes to go and wrap up this battle, and I'll be right back! Okay?" John announced, sounding cheerful and enthusiastic, and lightening the mood with his playful joke.

The girls laughed and smiled at him fondly, moving closer to give him a group hug.

He hugged them in turn, and was sincere as he said, "I wanted to spend some time getting to know you first, and didn't want to rush any of you into anything you weren't ready for." He gave them an apologetic smile, and added, "I'm just sorry you've had to share my time the way you have. It's been a hectic couple of weeks with the refit, and what with healing so many engineers, guards, command staff..."

"That's alright," Nyrelle purred, rubbing her slender tummy. "Getting you all to myself the other day was amazing!" The other three girls nodded, giving him shy, but lustful smiles.

John pulled back a bit so he could place his hand on Kali and Leena's toned stomachs, and said, "I'm really glad we did it that way. The third time is special, and I wanted each of you to feel what it's like on your own."

Earlier that week, he'd been with each of them on their own, packing their youthful stomachs with a full load of cum. It had been an intimate moment with each young woman as she knelt before him, staring into his eyes, as he fed her for that all-important third time. He'd cuddled each girl afterwards, running his hands over her swollen belly, and promising that the next time, they'd be able to feel that heavy weight expanding their womb.

He had arranged to see all of them on the same day, so when he went to sleep that evening, he'd been pulled into the dreamworld again that night, just as he expected he would. However, he'd worked to improve the Progenitor sigils in his wards, and had once again managed to elude the ancient horrors that stalked him relentlessly in the Astral Pocket Plane.

Leena stood on tiptoe and gave him a tender kiss, drawing him from his thoughts, and she said wistfully, "The last few weeks have been incredible. I can't even remember what my life was like, before you were here."

"You're a wonderful girl, Leena," he replied, stroking her cheek as he gazed into her eyes. Looking around at each of them in turn, he added, "All of you are. You're all kind, thoughtful, and caring, and I think you're going to be outstanding Matriarchs."

"And good mothers, too?" Nyrelle asked him, her bravado leaving her for a moment.

John kissed her, then brushed his fingers over her toned lower belly, making her gasp. Giving her a warm smile, he replied, "You're going to be amazing."

*Better wrap it up, we need to depart soon,* Alyssa told him, her tone gentle and apologetic for interrupting them.

Looking around at the four girls, John said, "I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I want you to promise me something before I leave, alright?"

"Anything!" Kali said breathlessly, the others nodding their immediate agreement.

"I know I don't need to tell you to look after each other, but can you take special care of Edraele?" he asked, meeting their probing gaze. "She's going to be worrying about Tashana, as well as all the people on both side. She'll need your support."

"You can count on us," Valani said, her tone serious, her three friends echoing her sentiments.

John smiled at them, and said, "You're good girls, thank you."

With that he waved them a fond farewell, then left the room, and walked quickly back towards the drydock, where he know the Invictus' crew, and Edraele, were all waiting for him.

*You were very sweet with them,* Edraele told him, sending him a tender telepathic smile. *I appreciate your thoughts about me, but I'll be alright, you don't need to worry.*

*You need looking after just as much as the rest of my girls. You're all exceptional women, but everyone needs some emotional support now and then,* John said firmly, striding along the corridors as he made his way towards Genthalas' dock. *I know you're worrying about all of us, as well as Tashana, but let those girls help you. They care about you a great deal.*

*I will do, thank you,* she replied, sounding touched by his concern for her.

John knew the way from Edraele's quarters like the back of his hand now, and he returned to the relatively quiet drydock in record time. His crew were already waiting aboard the Invictus, but Edraele was waiting for him with her three bodyguards. He smiled as he approached them, hugging the four women in turn, before he said, "We're going to try and draw them away from Genthalas, but watch out for surprise boarding actions. You've got the garrison, and the four of you to lead them, if Tashana's Matriarchs try to sneak in and take over the place."

"This station will not fall," Luna said, her intimidating yellow eyes flashing to his. Ilyana and Almari nodding grimly, in wholehearted agreement with their deadly companion.

Edraele smiled at him, and said, "Don't worry about us, you've got enough to take care of. Genthalas is strong enough to repulse all but the most concerted fleet actions, and we have these three ladies, as well as the Matriarchs cohort of assassins. We're more than capable of keeping the station secure."

He nodded, then said, "I almost feel sorry for anyone trying anything!" He glanced at the holo-image shimmering on his wrist to check the time, then added, "Time to go, I've got a promise to keep."

Before he could turn to leave, Edraele leaned in and gave him a tender kiss, before saying telepathically, *I love you. Thank you for trying so hard to restore my family.*

*This time when I bring Tashana back, we'll sit her down, and explain that we're just trying to help the Maliri. It'll all be okay,* he replied, soothingly, stroking the side of her head, before waving them goodbye and jogging over to the aft-airlock, on the starboard side of the ship.

He glanced back at the four women and gave them a wave goodbye, before stepping inside the Invictus, the door closing behind him to the sound of crystal bolts sealing the hull.

*We're on the Combat Bridge to save time,* Alyssa told him, as soon as he came aboard.

*I'll be right there,* John replied, before walking up to the double doors on the right-hand side of the corridor, and pressing the button beside them.

The reinforced doors swished open with the whir of heavy-duty hydraulics, and he jogged across the Secondary Hangar Bay, ducking underneath the Raptor as he did so. There was another set of newly-installed double doors on the opposite site of the huge room, which he knew would lead into the Primary Hangar Bay. He ignored those, however, and ran straight up to what appeared to be a seamless wall.

Counting the fourth decking plate over from the door, he held up his hand at chest-level, and placed it on the cold Titanium wall. A green light swiped over the concealed DNA scanner built into the featureless surface, and to his left, a door swung open, revealing the glowing anti-gravity fields of the secret grav-tube. Stepping inside the blue field, he floated up in the dimly-lit tube, hearing the door close behind him. The field was set up for fast travel, like the emergency grav-tubes from the bedroom, and it seemed to take only a few seconds to shoot up the five decks to the Combat Bridge.

He stepped out into the brightly lit room, and found the crew waiting for him, already geared up in full armour. "Hey everyone," he greeted them, as he stepped into the armour-equipping frame, and donned his lion-embossed Paragon armour suit.

The girls turned to wave at him as he strolled down the ramp, before sheathing his sword in the custom-built slot on the back of his chair. Sliding his Punisher rifle into the secure rack at the end of his console, he settled in his chair, and smiled at Alyssa when she turned to face him.

"Welcome back," she said, returning his smile. Glancing towards the Pilot's Seat, she added, "Jade's taking us out."

John turned his attention to the Nymph, and saw that Jade had already lifted the Invictus off the deck, and was now reversing out of the drydock. There were huge view-screen panels set up around the walls, the feeds from a multitude of external cameras giving the illusion that he was looking straight out of the hull, through huge windows. The Combat Bridge was in the centre of the Invictus, though, protected by dozens of metres of reinforced hull, and quad-shaped Crystal Alyssium armour plating.

The view was spectacular, giving them a breathtaking view of the drydock as they left, before the Invictus cleared the edge of Genthalas Station, and was out in space once more. Jade rotated the assault cruiser with practiced ease, retro-thrusters flaring all along the port side, as they swung around to starboard. She powered up the six massive Trankaran engines on the rear of the ship, and the Invictus leapt forward, as it raced towards the Nav-beacon.

"How's the handling?" John asked, as the Nymph began putting the ship through its paces.

"Fantastic!" she exclaimed, turning in her chair to give him an excited grin. "It's even better than before!"

He frowned, and glancing at Dana, he asked, "Hey, Sparks! Didn't we just make the ship fifty percent bigger? Shouldn't the handling be more sluggish?"

Dana turned her chair, and grinned at him, as she replied, "Nah, we aren't flying through an atmosphere. We don't have to worry about aerodynamics, just how much mass we're hauling. Sakura's team slapped on two more engines, and the extra thrust from them countered the additional mass we added to the midsection of the hull." She tapped a few commands into her console, which brought up a rotating display of the Invictus, showing the locations of all the new retro-thrusters. The redhead winked at him, as she continued, "We've got a shitload of spare power at the moment, so I added lots more retro-thrusters; way more than we needed to counter the added tonnage."

John watched Jade put the ship through its paces, the seven-hundred-and-fifty-metre vessel manoeuvring with a grace that seemed utterly implausible for a vessel of its size.

"Well, that was a surprise, but I'm not going to complain," John said, giving Dana a broad smile.

"Sorry to interrupt, John," Rachel said, turning in her chair to look his way. "I'm receiving a call from Fleet Commander Lilyana."

"Put her through, please," he replied, focusing his attention of the holographic image that coalesced before him.

An image of a beautiful Maliri woman appeared in the centre of the Bridge, with long snowy-white hair brushing down over her shoulders. The House Valaden Fleet Commander gave him a lovely smile, and said, "It's wonderful to see you again, John."

She was wearing the incredibly ornate golden armour of a highly experienced veteran officer in the House Valaden military, numerous priceless gemstones sparkling where they caught the light. Despite her obvious seniority, which matched her calm and elegant bearing, she looked in the flush of youth, with flawless skin, and bright aquamarine eyes. Behind her, on the bridge of her ship, the Galaena Serine, her white-haired Bridge Crew busied themselves with tasks, glancing up to smile at John in acknowledgement, before continuing with their work.

In truth, Lilyana was one-hundred-and-seventy, and had undergone a rather dramatic transformation since their first meeting, earlier that week. As the highest ranking Fleet Officer in Edraele's mighty navy, it was fitting that she receive more attention than the rest of her lower-ranked officers, and he'd set aside time for a couple of intimate sessions with her. Her worry lines had smoothed away as she supped from his miraculous fountain of youth, greedily drinking down every last drop he could give her. With her new mane of white hair, she had gained a dramatic new air of authority over every woman under her command.

"It's good to see you too, Lilyana. I like the new hair," John replied, returning her smile. He frowned then, as he asked, "Is there a problem?"

She shook her head, making her long, feathered hair swish with the movement, which took her by surprise. Blushing self-consciously, she replied, "I know Edraele said that she would pass on your commands via telepathy, but it would feel disrespectful not to acknowledge my Commanding Officer, on the eve of battle."

He gave her a respectful nod, and said, "Thanks for checking in. Is everything proceeding according to plan?"

"All our forces have assembled in the Lambda Aquarii system, as you instructed," she replied, although she bit her lip anxiously when she finished speaking.

"You look worried, Lilyana," John stated, rather than asked. He gave her an encouraging smile, and added, "You've got over a century more fleet combat experience than I do. Never be afraid to speak your mind."
