Three Square Meals Ch. 094


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"Only if you teach me some of your Kerith'merane techniques," John replied with an eager smile, as he accepted her hand and rose to his feet.

Ilyana looked appalled, her eyes widening in shock. "The sacred disciplines must not be taught to anyone who has not pledged themselves to their teachings!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean any offence," he hastily apologised.

Almari laughed and rolled her eyes at her fellow assassin, while Ilyana's turquoise eyes sparkled in amusement. When John looked at the pair in confusion, Almari explained, "The Maliri aren't a spiritual people. She's just teasing you."

Ilyana stepped closer and said quietly, "Even if my words had been true, I would still teach you anyway."

John stroked her cheek, feeling a surge of affection for the earnest woman standing before him. It was lovely to see the two of them letting their guard down around him and revealing their more playful sides. "Minx can mean two things; a cunning young woman, or a boldly flirtatious one. I think both versions apply to you..."

They shared a smile, both enjoying the intimacy of the moment. Ilyana gave him a quick kiss, then proceeded to give him a gruelling introduction to the Maliri unarmed fighting style she favoured. The assassin was a good instructor and he remembered Irillith mentioning that Ilyana had given her some combat training when she was younger. Almari was happy to stand patiently to one side, but after watching them fight for hour, she noticed that dark clouds were brewing above the mist-shrouded mountains outside.

"John, the holo-simulation is changing," she said, turning to watch the gathering storm.

Ilyana stepped back from the debilitating choke hold she was demonstrating to him and stood with the other Maliri to admire the crackle of lightning.

Almari turned to look at John and said, "Why is there electricity shooting from the clouds?"

"You haven't seen lightning before?" John exclaimed in surprise.

She shook her head, then jumped at the booming peal of thunder that echoed through the dojo.

He smiled at her and said, "I just added the weather effects to make a more dramatic setting. Lightning is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs on Terra during heavy storms; you never get that on Valaden?"

"The climate is very placid all year round," Almari explained. "I've never seen a rainstorm that severe before!"

"I like it! It's making my heart race!" Ilyana gasped, her eyes following the searing flash of another jagged lightning bolt as it ripped across the sky. She gave John a coy glance. "Would you like to feel?"

He stood in front of them and placed a hand on their blue chests, feeling their pounding heartbeats through their smooth skin. "Thunderstorms can be very exciting," he agreed, gazing into their eyes. "I know a few other ways to get the pulse racing..."

"Really?" Almari asked, gazing at him under her long lashes. "What might they be?"

John stepped back and gave them a teasing grin. "I want both of you to fight me... at the same time."

Ilyana looked excited now. "Are you going to use your powers?"

"Some," John admitted, gliding across the mat to put some distance between them.

The two assassins shared a grin and squared off against him, both eager for the fight. John slightly increased his strength and speed, being very careful not to exceed the normal natural limits for his body. When he was ready, he beckoned the girls forward with a confident gesture.

They split up to attack him from opposite sides, but John was moving quickly now and darted around to put Almari between him and Ilyana. He attacked aggressively, sweeping out Almari's legs as she charged towards him, the Maliri girl landing on her back with the wind knocked out of her. Springing past the downed girl, he moved to grapple with Ilyana, moving quickly enough now to have a chance at countering her moves. She grinned in approval when he used the counter-hold she'd just taught him, then did a new move which he hadn't seen yet, ducking under his grasp and grabbing hold of him like a limpet. John would have certainly lost at that point, but he used his superior strength to pry her vice-like grip from his throat and deftly pin her instead.

When Ilyana tapped him on the arm, he helped her and Almari up, then looked at each girl in turn. "Would you both like to move that fast and be that strong?"

Their eyes lit up with excitement and they both nodded, looking like they could barely believe their pointed ears.

"That's the most I can enhance your bodies without actually giving you psychic powers," he explained. "I don't want to go any further than that today, not when I won't be there to mentor you through any new abilities."

"I understand," Almari replied looking thrilled. "To even have that edge would make a tremendous difference!"

Ilyana managed to curtail her excitement for a moment and studied him quietly. "Would you show me how you fight when you're not holding anything back?"

"Of course," he readily agreed. He glanced at Almari and added, "Would you like to see too?"

She grinned at him and nodded, joining Ilyana in backing away across the mat. John waited patiently for them to attack this time, making no aggressive moves as he willed his full strength into effect and ramped up his psychic speed. Just as the girls got within striking range, he surged forward, moving in a blur. Grabbing hold of Ilyana, he tossed her up in the air, then lunged at Almari and caught her in an unbreakable grip. Guiding her gently but inexorably to the mat, she stared at him in shock, powerless to resist against such titanic strength.

Almari's eyes darted to Ilyana, who was sailing upwards in slow motion, mouth opened in a startled cry. John gave the pinned assassin a quick smile and a kiss, then released her and turned his attention to Ilyana. He effortlessly plucked her out of the air, then whirled around and brought her to the mat beside her fellow Maliri. She struggled for a moment against his implacable strength, then lay limp, realising it was futile.

John released her and knelt between them. "How was that?"

"Terrifying," Ilyana admitted, staring at him in awe.

"I've never felt so totally helpless," Almari murmured, a similar look of wonder on her face.

"I didn't mean to frighten you," John apologised, placing a hand on their toned stomachs and gently caressing them both. "You know you don't have any reason to be scared of me, don't you?"

Ilyana gave him a reassuring smile. "I wasn't scared of you, not exactly. But getting a glimpse of how powerful you are... that really set my pulse racing!"

Almari nodded. "That was better than any thunderstorm!"

John offered them both a hand, helping them up so that they knelt in front of him. Gathering them in his arms, he pulled them close. "There's other things we can do that are even more exciting..."

Almari kissed him first, moaning into his mouth, her lust for him quite apparent. Ilyana was just as excited when he kissed her next, her turquoise eyes smouldering with desire. John rose to his feet and the girls wrapped their arms and legs around him, taking it in turns kissing him as he carried them effortlessly through to the bedroom.

He made love to Almari first, starting gently and letting her get used to being stretched to take him. When she clung to him and begged for more, he increased the pace, coaxing her through multiple orgasms as she gazed lovingly into his eyes. After her fourth, he switched to Ilyana who spread her velvety smooth blue thighs for him, eager to be taken by so powerful a man. He took his time with her too, building her up to a tremendous climax that left her reeling. After three more, she was lying limp in his arms, kissing him slowly with a look of wonder in her eyes.

His quad was aching at this point and both girls could sense his need for release. Almari brushed her fingers across his shoulder drawing his attention. "How would you like to cum, John?"

"I need to feed you, to help you grow stronger," he replied, turning and placing a hand on her slender stomach.

Ilyana drew him down for a kiss. "I want to feel you filling my womb with your cum," she murmured, her voice full of yearning.

"I'd love that too," Almari agreed, a similar look of need in her eyes.

John paused in his thrusts and took a steadying breath. "Do you want to feed each other?" he asked, with the hint of a smile.

The assassins took a moment to understand what he was saying, then flashed sultry smiles at each other as they nodded. John eased back to give Almari room to straddle Ilyana, then picked up the pace again, holding onto Almari's firm hips as he drove his throbbing cock into her friend. The two girls began to kiss as he rode them to the finish, their soft cries of pleasure urging him onwards. It didn't take him long and he thrust up to the hilt inside Ilyana, filling her womb with his cum and making her belly swell with his load. Half-way through he plunged into Almari, pumping the rest of his cum into her and feeling her clamp down on his shaft as she climaxed with him.

When he was drained dry, he flopped back on the bed, barely having enough energy to turn and watch the assassins, as they moved into an enthusiastic sixty-nine. Once they'd sucked the cum out of each other, they snuggled up beside him, rounded tummies feeling warm against his flanks.

"I want you to take good care of each other when you're away in Trankaran Space," he said quietly, looking down and making eye contact with each of them in turn. "You'll be far away from me and I don't want anything bad to happen to either of you."

"I won't let Ilyana get hurt," Almari said, sharing a smile with the other Maliri girl.

Ilyana nodded. "I'll keep Almari safe for you, I promise."

"I'm sorry for putting you both in danger like this," John said with regret. "One day, when this is all over, there'll be no more fighting for either of you. No more being assassins or bodyguards, you can just enjoy being mothers, looking after our children. You'll be the VIPs then and it'll be my job to protect you and keep you safe."

Almari reached across him to stroke Ilyana's curved tummy, then let out a soft sigh when Ilyana reciprocated. "I'd love that so much," she murmured, looking up at him with hope in her eyes.

"You really care about us, don't you?" Ilyana whispered, her gaze softening.

"Of course. You're both wonderful girls," John replied, hugging them closer. "I'd love to spend eternity with the pair of you..."


Edraele and Alyssa shared a warm smile as they eavesdropped telepathically on John's conversation, while sitting together on the Ready Room sofas.

"Ilyana and Almari are so happy," Edraele marvelled, taking a sip of her drink, before returning the cup to the coffee table.

Alyssa nodded, kicking off her shoes and tucking her legs underneath her. "He's amazing with my girls as well." She drank some of her own coffee, then continued, "I don't know how he does it, but he manages to bring out the best in them with just a few kind words. Have you checked their connections to you yet?"

Edraele relaxed and closed her eyes, focusing inwards on the array of mental compartments that represented over a thousand Maliri girls. The light blazing from the two assassins eclipsed most of the network and she gasped at the strength of that glare.

Alyssa laughed and gave her a knowing smile. "Yeah, and all they did was beat each other up, screwed, then had a bit of loving pillow talk. Imagine what those girls would be like if John had spent months caring for them!"

The Maliri Matriarch felt the thrilling new ripples of energy flowing through her psychic connections, her skin tingling at the feeling of untapped power. "I don't know how you can handle so much energy..."

Giving her a playful grin, Alyssa said, "You'll be able to see for yourself soon."

"I must admit, I was sceptical at first," Edraele said, looking at her hands and summoning a spiral of purple telekinetic darts that raced around her fingertips. "But you were right... At this rate, I'll be able to supply John with as much energy as he needs."

"And I'll be able to focus on keeping all the girls going," Alyssa agreed, with a smile of satisfaction. "I don't want us to ever run out of energy like we did at Khalgron."

Edraele nodded sombrely. "That holo-vid was awful. I'm so sorry you had to face that battle alone, it must have been a nightmare trying to provide power to everyone!"

"With you and Jade out of action? Yeah, it was," Alyssa admitted, reaching across to clasp Edraele's free hand. "I'm so glad you're back again." She paused for a second, then added, "And not just for that reason, or because you're my friend and I was worried about you. It's nice to be able to talk with someone who understands what it's like being a Matriarch."

"It really is," Edraele replied, joining the young blonde on her sofa and wrapping her in a loving embrace.


Rolling over in the bed, Niskera studied Orinaden's incredibly handsome face as he slumbered. She'd noticed the Legionnaire months earlier, admiring his broad frame and strong, noble features, but had felt too intimidated by how good-looking he was to even consider approaching him. When she had seen how he'd reacted to her new appearance, gazing at her with unabashed reverence, Niskera had been unable to resist bringing the very eager male to her bedchambers.

Sex with Orinaden had been amazing and she'd feasted her eyes on this beautiful example of Trankaran masculinity as he'd taken her. He'd been similarly enraptured, gazing in awe at her glowing features and only closing his eyes to praise the Great Maker at his climax. She had resisted the urge to correct him, although she'd been sure to thank the Great Protector as she found her own release. Still, as tremendously satisfying as it had been to bed such a ridiculously handsome male, she was surprised to find her thoughts drifting to another...

The soft chime from the runes on the comm system drew her attention and she quickly rose from the bed to answer the call, not wanting to disturb Orinaden in his slumber. Fleet Warden Thandrun's broad face appeared in the holographic screen, his amber eyes widening in wonder when he saw her, just as they had the scores of other times they'd met over the last week.

"I apologise for disturbing you, my Queen. I wished to inform you that we'll be moving into orbit with Trankara in a couple of minutes," he explained, giving her a respectful bow.

Niskera managed to suppress a sigh, having hoped that her old friend would have got over her change in appearance by now. "Thank you, Thandrun. I will prepare myself and join you in the shuttle bay shortly."

Closing the call, she turned to glance at Orinaden and saw that he was gazing at her with wide eyes, a look of startled disbelief on his face.

She glided over to sit beside him on the bed, before leaning down to give him a tender kiss. "You were magnificent, Orinaden, thank you."

"It was my pleasure, Q-Queen Niskera!" he stammered, gaping at her in amazement.

Niskera caressed his head affectionately, then rose from the bed and walked to the bathroom to get ready. She paused as she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the long mirror, still finding the glowing lines that swirled around her body fascinating to see. Just as she was about to move away to wash, she hesitated and studied her dark-grey body closer, trying to imagine what she'd look like as one of those slender and dainty Maliri girls. It was difficult at first, but got progressively easier as she imagined herself wrapped around John in the throes of ecstasy. Shaking her head at her own foolishness, she stepped into the dark pool of water and began to scrub herself clean.

Today was going to be one for the historical records and the thought of the shockwaves she was about to send through Trankaran society was more than a little intimidating. Still, it had been over six months since she had last visited her homeworld and she longed to see Trankara's majestic volcanic ranges, as well as the beautiful lava lakes that blanketed the planet.

Orinaden had fallen asleep again when she returned to the bedroom, so she dressed quietly in her layered set of Chancellor's ceremonial robes. Managing not to disturb him, she slipped out the door, then strolled down the corridor to the elevators. Although the refugees from Khalgron weren't permitted on the secure upper levels of the battlecarrier, the corridor was still busy with the Anvil's crew going about their business.

There was no way of hiding her approach, broadcast as it was by pulsing amber light, so the Trankarans whirled around and bowed in reverence to her as she passed. Niskera gave them a benevolent smile as she always did, their faces reflecting their delight as they gazed at her in wonder. Although it saddened her to see her people act so deferentially, it was still a pleasant feeling to see their unabashed joy at her presence.

Fortunately, there was a lift waiting for her, so she was able to walk straight in without waiting and had the lift to herself as she descended. When the doors opened, Thandrun was waiting for her outside with an honour guard of twenty legionnaires. They all snapped to attention at her appearance, managing to overcome their awe to offer her a respectful salute as she walked out into the corridor.

She smiled at Thandrun as he fell into step beside her. "Do you think the Senate has any idea?"

He shook his head, a broad grin on his face. "No, My Queen. We've monitored communications from the fleet to the homeworld to check, but no one would disregard your request in any case."

They boarded the blocky rust-coloured shuttle, the legionnaires filing through to the big loading area at the back. As soon as everyone was aboard, the shuttle rumbled as the engines were powered up, the ship taking off from the shuttle bay decking with a flare of retro-thrusters.

Thandrun had started to relax now, as he usually did after being in her company for a few minutes. "Are you nervous about addressing the Senate, Niskera?" he asked, giving her a sympathetic smile. "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

"You're very kind, Thandrun," she replied, patting him on the arm. "Thank you for the offer, but I believe I should be able to manage."

She glanced out the window, seeing the red glow of the planet as the shuttle swept through the clouds on its approach to the capital. Thandrun left her to her thoughts as she gazed out over her homeworld, admiring the lights from the robust cities built into the mountain ranges. Niskera reminded herself that should her meeting with the Senate go badly, all of this could be lost to the Kirrix and she felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach.

*Don't worry, Niskera, I know you'll be amazing,* Alyssa's soothing voice murmured, echoing through her mind. *You must be arriving at Trankara now, so I wanted to wish you good luck with your meeting and let you know that help is on the way. John has met with the Maliri; they're sending a huge fleet of very powerful ships to help defend the Republic. You can expect their arrival in ten days.*

Niskera felt a surge of relief and was overwhelmed with gratitude towards John and Alyssa. Her jubilation was only marred by a pang of regret, that she wasn't able to communicate her profound thanks.

*I can't hear your thoughts, but I can sense your emotions,* Alyssa reminded her a second later. *You're quite welcome. We'll be sending additional fleets every few weeks until you've fought back the Kirrix and reclaimed your worlds.*

Barely able to contain her elation, Niskera whirled around to beam a radiant smile at the Fleet Warden sitting beside her.

"What is it?" he asked, bemused to see her joyful expression.