Three Square Meals Ch. 096


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Leena looked blissfully content as she revelled in his generous praise, but a flicker of embarrassment crossed her face.

John remembered what she'd told him earlier and kissed her to silence any objections. "You're worried I'll think badly of you, because you like hearing some well-deserved compliments?"

She blushed as he guessed correctly, then nodded, darting a worried glance up at him.

He gave her a tender kiss. "Well, I love seeing you smile, so I'm afraid you'll have to get used to it. Now, just rest, while I tell you how fantastic I think you are..."

The Maliri girl laughed, but she didn't protest when he did exactly that, whispering kind, honest, heartfelt words to her. Leena might have watched John closely on Genthalas, but he'd spent a couple of weeks getting to know her too and had very much liked what he'd seen. Her light-green eyes softened and filled with emotion as he talked about all the ways he admired her, and she practically glowed as she listened to his litany of praise. Unfortunately, John's neglected stomach interrupted with an obnoxiously loud rumble, voicing its protest at the lack of lunch.

"Sorry about that," he said with a grin.

She giggled and shook her head. "I'm not surprised you're hungry, you were very energetic earlier..."

*Come to the Officers' Lounge and we'll take care of you,* Edraele said a moment later, sounding absolutely delighted with him.

Leena smiled as she felt Edraele's surge of positive emotions wash over her, then tilted up her head and kissed him. "Go and enjoy your lunch. I had a really wonderful time with you today, thank you for everything."

"You're not coming too?" John asked in surprise.

The Maliri girl shook her head and ran her hand over her curved abdomen. "You fed me earlier to get me ready, remember? Besides, there's someone on their way who requested a cuddle in bed..."

John heard bare feet padding down the corridor and recognised Jade's loping run before she swept into the bedroom. The Nymph grinned at them both as she bounded over to the bed and didn't waste any time wrapping the Maliri girl in a warm hug.

"I'd love to take care of your beautiful mate for you, Master!" she offered, then started purring in delight.

He gave them both a kiss, smiling at Jade as she embraced Leena, the Nymph murmuring loving words to the Maliri girl as she rocked her gently and stroked her back.

After dressing, John glanced at the ship's chronometer on the wall, and blinked when he realised it was nearly four in the afternoon. He headed for the Officers' Lounge and was surprised to see all the girls sitting around the table, extra chairs brought in to accommodate everybody. "You're all eating late, aren't you?"

"We had a light lunch earlier while you were busy with Leena. Everyone wanted to join you for an early dinner," Alyssa said, waving him over to his table. "The Maliri girls have been hard at work in the kitchen..."

John walked over to his customary seat at the head of the table, his eyes lighting up at the feast of exotic dishes spread out before him. "I can't believe Jade's voluntarily missing out on a Maliri banquet... the food looks amazing!"

*It's not every day I get to cuddle one of your mates when she has your baby growing in her womb!* the Nymph replied, sounding elated.

Tsarra smiled in greeting as she brought him a plate and cutlery. "Don't worry, we'll save her some."

"Hello, you two," John said with a grin, pulling her into his arms. Her slender blue tummy was revealed by the oval cut in her dress, so he kissed her below her navel, then lifted Tsarra so that she was sitting sideways across his lap and kissed her too. He looked back at the group and couldn't help smiling when he saw the doe-eyed looks on all the beautiful faces around the table. "Only a few more months and you'll all get your turn..."

That broke the quiet wistful mood and everyone dove into the bevy of different dishes, excited chatter filling the air. Tsarra looked at him questioningly for a moment, just in case John wanted her to move before he started dinner, but he held her tighter making it clear she wasn't going anywhere. It was a very pleasant meal and as he enjoyed the delicious food, he took a moment to enjoy the ambiance, watching as Edraele's and Alyssa's girls chattered away comfortably together. It was like getting a fleeting glimpse of the future with all these wonderful women and he hugged Tsarra closer, very much enjoying that thought.

One particular conversation drew his interest and he listened to Sakura and Luna discussing the finer points of swordsmanship. The discussion led to Sakura challenging Luna to a sparring session after dinner, which was eagerly accepted by the yellow-eyed Maliri assassin. Although John was fascinated to know who would win that fight, he knew he'd be entertaining one of the three remaining Young Matriarchs that evening. They seemed to have everything pre-arranged already, so he glanced around the table, wondering which of those beautiful Maliri girls he would be with next.

Kali gave him a cute grin then blushed, Nyrelle was busy undressing him with her smouldering eyes, while Valani met his curious gaze, studying him in fascination.

It was the House Naestina Matriarch who spoke up, Valani smiling as she said, "I'd be interested to watch them too, if you'd like some company?"

"Really? You wouldn't mind?" he asked in surprise.

Rachel laughed and rolled her eyes. "You're planning on taking her to see a swordfight for your first date? How romantic!"

The rest of the girls laughed and John actually flushed with embarrassment, which generated even more laughter and plenty more jokes at his expense.

When the playful teasing had subsided, Valani said, "I really would like to watch them with you. I know you enjoy honing your martial skills, so I was hoping you could explain some of the finer points of the duel to me?"

"I'd love to," John replied, smiling at her in relief and genuinely looking forward to it.

Her teal eyes twinkled as she returned his smile, then Valani went back to watching him eating his dinner, as John enjoyed trying all the spicy dishes until he felt pleasantly full.

"You really were hungry," Tsarra noted, brushing her fingers through his hair. "It was lovely to see you enjoying my cooking."

"Which ones were yours?" he asked.

It turned out that the Maliri girls had prepared specialities from each of their Houses, all of which had been delicious. He didn't hesitate to compliment the respective chefs, much to their delight, and dinner concluded on a high note.

John caught Sakura's eager glance, so he glanced up at Tsarra and said, "You've been lovely company, but I need to go and make a practice sword for Luna... Unless you'd like to come along too?"

Tsarra shook her head. "Enjoy some time with Valani, I've monopolised more than my fair share of your attention already. Besides, I'm busy working on something at the moment..."

"Sounds intriguing," John said, offering a hand to help her off his lap. "Are you deliberately keeping it a secret?"

She nodded and moved aside to give him room to stand. "It's a surprise for tomorrow!"

"I can't wait to see it," he said, giving her a parting kiss. Turning back to look at the girls, he continued, "I'm going to head down to the Cargo Bay to get some Invictium alloy. Are you ladies ready?"

Luna and Sakura were up like a shot, both eager to start the sparring match. "We'll meet you in the Dojo!" the Asian girl replied. "This'll be a great opportunity for Luna to get some practice wearing Paragon armour."

"Great, I'll see you both there," he agreed, watching as the two former assassins strolled out of the lounge at a brisk pace.

Valani was more demure, but only by a fraction, as she glided over to link arms with John. "I'm ready whenever you are," she said, big eyes gazing up at him.

He shared a smile with her, then followed the other two girls towards the grav-tube. John gave Alyssa and Edraele a parting glance before he left, asking, *Any problems while I was... occupied... with Leena?*

*We'd have told you if there were,* Alyssa said, making a shooing gesture with her hand. *You just focus on giving that sexy girl the best time of her life!*

Edraele nodded, a dazzling smile on her face. *Leena is ecstatic! It's wonderful seeing these girls so happy!*

*How are you coping with all the extra psychic energy?* John asked, as he escorted Valani into the grav-tube.

*The love-drunk is just a bit giddy at the moment,* Edraele replied, sounding faintly embarrassed.

*See if you can really do a number on Valani tonight!* Alyssa urged him. *It's fun seeing Edraele losing control like that!*

John couldn't help smiling as he said, *I'll do my best...*

Valani glanced up at him, the red glow from the anti-gravity field casting a purple hue over her blue features. "What's making you smile, John?"

He guided her out of the grav-tube when they reached Deck Nine. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I was just listening to banter from Alyssa and Edraele."

"What's it like having them both in your head all the time?" she asked, looking intrigued. "Edraele doesn't use telepathy with us too often. She only speaks to me that way when she wants us to gather together, that kind of thing."

*It feels rude to be intruding in your thoughts all the time,* Edraele explained gently, including John in her telepathic reply. *I'm always listening in case either of you get anxious about anything, but I don't like to constantly remind you of it.*

Valani looked touched and John smiled at her as he opened the cargo bay door. "Let's just say that Edraele's approach differs considerably to Alyssa's..."

He could feel the blonde's amusement over their empathic bond but she chose not to comment.

Walking towards the storage crates, John blocked both Matriarchs from his mind for a moment and said, "To answer your original question, I really enjoy it. Alyssa's teasing can be a bit maddening at times, but I know her heart's in the right place. Jade speaks to me that way now too and the three of them are always trying to make my life better in whatever way they can."

"Like a guardian angel watching over your shoulder?" Valani replied, nodding thoughtfully. "That's how it feels for me with Edraele."

"Alyssa's sometimes more like a naughty devil trying to lead me astray, but yeah, that's it exactly," John said with a smile. He frowned then and added, "I really missed Edraele when she was in cryo. Not hearing her voice for a week was awful."

She squeezed his hand and nodded her understanding. "It's really hard being separated from the ones we care about."

He turned and brushed his fingers against her cheek. "I'm really sorry that we'll be parting ways again. I promise you it's not by choice." He paused for a moment, letting his Matriarchs back in his mind, then continued, "I spoke to Tsarra about our future living arrangements; did she mention that to you at all?"

Valani's teal eyes shimmered with excitement. "It was one of the first things she told us! I'd assumed that eventually we would rule our Houses from our homeworlds. Is it really true, that you want all of us living with you on Valaden?"

"I want to be with you wherever we end up," John said, pulling her closer. "If we're going to have children together, then I want to be there to help raise them." He winked at her and added, "Plus you're lovely. I've always really enjoyed your company."

"You're so different from Maliri males," she murmured, shaking her head in amazement. She giggled then, putting her hand over her mouth as she shook with laughter.

"What's so funny?" he asked, surprised by her sudden mirth.

She stood on tiptoe and kissed him. "I was just imagining how my mother would have reacted if she knew I was planning on ruling House Naestina from Valaden! She must be turning in her grave!"

"I take it you two weren't close?" John asked, feeling a surge of guilt for the events that had seen this girl's mother and sisters assassinated.

"Don't feel guilty, please, I won't be shedding any tears for Tinefain," Valani insisted, accurately reading the flicker of emotion she'd seen on his face. "My mother wasn't a nice person, nor were my elder sisters... far from it in fact. At least one of them tried to have me poisoned on a couple of occasions. Tinefain might not have been behind the attempts on my life, but she was definitely aware of them. She was fond of my elder sisters and found it... amusing. If Edraele hadn't intervened the way she had, I'd probably be dead by now."

"That's no way to live, worrying that the people you should be able to rely on the most, are the ones trying to kill you," John said, gently stroking her back.

"My life's so different now, wonderful in ways I'd never even imagined before," she said with a happy sigh. "I feel safe and loved, and actually have hope for the future, for the first time I can remember."

"I was furious with Edraele for what she did, but she always understood Maliri society a lot better than I ever have," John said, struggling to reconcile the idea that assassination of those dozen noblewomen might actually have been a good thing. "I would have done my best to stop all the murders and assassinations, but it would have taken me time... time you obviously didn't have."

"Thank you for saving my life, even if it was by accident," she said, giving him a tender kiss.

They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, the atmosphere between them electric. John felt goosebumps rising on his arms and he could see that she felt it too.

*Sorry to interrupt, but Luna and Sakura are waiting for you,* Edraele gently reminded them both.

He smiled at Valani and reluctantly pulled away. "I'm beginning to regret my decision to watch this duel..."

"You can make it up to me later," she said softly, stroking slender fingers across the strong muscles of his forearm.

He turned back to the storage crates and lifting the lid from one, drew out an orb of glistening black Invictium metal. The alloy changed colour as he applied his will to it, the black swept away by swirls of white that soon encompassed the entire globe. It was easy to shape it into a replica of the blades he'd forged for Almari and Ilyana, figuring that he could make some changes later if Luna wasn't happy with it. Glancing at the container with crystal Alyssium inside, he beckoned out a similar weight of the sparkling white alloy and willed it into a replica of the Invictium blade that hung motionless in the air.

"It's like watching magic..." Valani breathed, her eyes wide in awe. "I can't believe that you're able to just manipulate the metal with your mind... even with the evidence right here in front of me!"

"It does come in handy," John said with a grin, reaching for the swords. He paused for a second and asked Edraele, *Do you know if Valani had any pets growing up? Preferably one that wasn't murdered by a psychopathic sibling?*

An image of a small, colourful bird filled his mind a second later. *It's called a Striped Tordove; they're very intelligent creatures and capable of mimicking speech.*

Leaving the levitating swords for a moment, he beckoned some more of the crystal Alyssium over and began to go to work. The hours he'd spent practicing the intricate craftsmanship required for the engagement rings had really refined his sense of telekinetic control and he was able to create an exact replica of the bird, small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. Plucking it from the air, he studied it for a moment, nodding with satisfaction.

John turned and handed it to Valani with a smile. "A small token of my affection."

Her face lit up in delight as she studied the tiny bird. "It's a Tordove! I've always loved those birds, I actually owned one as a child."

On a whim, he narrowed his eyes, reaching into the metal with his mind. Crystal Alyssium was white after all, so perhaps with a little encouragement...

Valani watched in astonishment as a bright bloom of colour spread out through the metal, with blues, oranges, and greens recreating the tiny bird's resplendent plumage. John painted a distinctive band of yellow across its wings, which forked half-way down.

"It looks just like Ruvyn!" she gasped, cradling the delicate sculpture as if it was the most precious thing in the world. "How did you know?!"

"A little bird told me," he said with a self-conscious smile. "Do you really like it?"

She hugged him tight, showering him with kisses. "I love it! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome," he replied, enjoying the feel of her soft lips brushing his skin.

Valani pulled back a little then glanced at the swords. "Come on, I don't want to wait for... the duel... any longer than we have to!"

John knew exactly how she felt and he grasped the two swords and fell into step beside her as they walked briskly across the Cargo Bay. He glanced at her as they stepped into the grav-tube, appreciating just how beautiful the Maliri were, with Valani a particularly gorgeous example of her species. He'd been surrounded by stunning women for the last several months, all of whom were very eager to provide him instant sexual gratification whenever he wanted, so it felt exciting to savour that thrill of anticipation for a change. He could see by the look in Valani's eyes that the feeling was very much reciprocated.

Transferring both swords to his left hand, he held out his right to her as they walked out of the gravity field onto Deck Three. She gently squeezed his fingers and gave him a shy but intriguing smile, made all the more alluring by her rapidly building confidence. They shared flirtatious glances as they entered the equipping room and John paused to kiss her hand and share a smile with Valani before they entered the main Dojo.

Luna and Sakura were there waiting for them, both women wearing full suits of Paragon armour, although his Security Chief was currently holding her helmet under one arm. The Maliri was hovering a foot off the ground, experimenting with the anti-gravity repulsors built into the armour's calves and forearms. Sakura spotted the new arrivals and she turned to wave to them, with Luna landing a couple of seconds later and greeting John with a respectful bow.

"I'll be right back," John said to the Naestina Matriarch, then strode across the mats to the two assassins and gave them an apologetic smile. "Sorry to keep you ladies waiting."

"You're forgiven," Sakura replied, darting a glance at his young companion and winking at her. She leaned towards John and whispered, "Valani's lovely, isn't she?"

He nodded. "Very. Thank you for looking after her."

"You're welcome!" she replied, a twinkle in her brown eyes.

Turning his attention to Luna, he saw that the assassin was studying the two blades with a great deal of interest.

She realised he was focusing on her and blushed as she met his gaze. "Sorry, I couldn't help but be intrigued."

"They're both for you," John said, handing her the Invictium sword first. "This is made from an older alloy Dana created. It's not as strong as the white armour, so it'll be ideal for training. Have a quick practice with it then let me know what changes you'd like me to make."

Luna nodded her understanding, taking the sword in a firm one-handed grip. She stepped away a few paces to give herself room, then began to twirl the blade around, the movements effortlessly fluid and graceful. It was like the sword was merely an extension of her own arm, she swung it with such comfortable expertise.

After a minute of practice with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, Luna lowered the sword, then walked back to join them. "It's a very nice blade, but there are a few alterations I'd like to make if that's okay?"