Three Strikes And A Home Run


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"Oh. I guess we can do that. You wouldn't really mind? I mean I feel like we're putting you out now and if we stay even more it just wouldn't be right. I think you need to start paying me less to make up for us staying here with you more."

Over the course of the next three weeks Crystal moved all her and the kids belongings to my house. A time or two Jackie helped her and I caught her smirking at me. Hummm. I wonder what that's all about.

Finally just before school started the DNA tests came back showing Frank was the father of Crystal's children. The court made the child support award but they didn't award any alimony. It seemed what I was paying Crystal was close enough to what Frank earned that none was authorized. Even the child support was a pittance though. Crystal got $25.00 per week per child.

After she moved in Crystal began doing even more around the place. She completely took over caring for the house, yard and chickens. In season she even did the garden work. She did all the light work with the hog operation also and helped me with the cattle. I was beginning to wonder how I ever managed to keep up doing it all by myself. Occasionally I would smile and realize I hadn't been keeping up. Now I was managing to do some of the lower priority repairs and even managed to do some cosmetic work on the house and outbuildings. I'll be damned if she didn't spend a lot of her time helping me do that also. Crap, we even had fun doing it. She was a pleasure to work with or just be around.

One of the neighbor boys went into the service and I bought his ten year old truck. I couldn't find anything wrong with it and I wanted a more reliable second vehicle than Crystal's old Junker. When I had her go with me to pick it up she went willingly. I had her drive it home for me. After we got it home I refused to take the keys when she offered them to me. I said, "No Crystal. You keep them and put the spare set on the key board. I want you to drive the new truck or mine from now on when you leave the place. I don't want to take a chance your old Junker will crap out on you somewhere."

Damn, just like a woman. Crystal stared at me for a minute then she broke out in tears and ran to her bedroom.

That fall we had a large Thanksgiving and Christmas right there in my old farmhouse. I didn't have any relatives living in the area but Crystal still had a brother and her sister Jackie. They and their families all came down and we had a great time. All the kids screaming and running around made the holiday so special. Oh, my, how those women could cook too. I made myself sick both days eating their good cooking.

We even had a little New Year's party on New Year's Eve. After our guests left Crystal poured us each a final glass of Port and sat with me in the dark den watching the Christmas tree lights flickering.

Crystal had leaned against me and rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. We were relaxing and enjoying each other's company when I felt her shaking. I looked down and she was crying silently.

"Shhhhh. What's the matter honey," I asked.

"What's wrong with me Dean? Why do you just treat me like one of the guys all the time? What did I do to make you not like me? I'm not easy Dean. Was it what happened the night of my divorce hearing? I mean I could understand you not making a move on me while I was still married but what's wrong with me now? Why don't you want me now?"

Crap I though. Where did this all come from? "Crystal I thought we were getting along great. There's NOTHING wrong with you. Hell, I know you've seen me when I let my needs show but I won't do that to you. Crystal I like you better than any woman I know. You are a great help here on the place and I just love being with you all I can. I know you have my back and will help all you possibly can. How am I supposed to treat you? Crap, I think you're my best friend in the world. I just wish I had met you when I was younger before my life got so screwed up. You're a much better woman than those three I was married to. There's not a thing wrong with you."

I felt my stomach clench and a great feat gripped my heart. Crap, she wasn't going there was she? If she was could I put myself through that again? Shit, we needed to talk big time. "Uh Crystal if you're going where I think you are I, uh. I don't know if that is a good idea at all. I admit I have thought about you a lot in that way but I just don't know if I can make myself do that again. I'm a loser and every time"

Crystal jerked away from me and looked angrily at me. "Damn It Dean are you trying to say you think I'm a skank like those three you married and had to divorce? Is that it? I'm a double divorcee and I'm not good enough for you. Haven't I shown you what kind of person I am? Dammit I've been living with you for almost two years now. Our kids think we're a family. Hell, we've been married in every way except for the ceremony and sleeping together. Damn it you even put my name on your checking accounts so I could buy things for you. If you didn't trust me why did you do that? Don't you love me? Is that it?"

"No. I...I think." I took a deep breath and continued, "I think I do love you but I just couldn't take that kind of pain again if we broke up. I just couldn't and I couldn't put my children through that either."

"What about me Dean? Don't you think I'm afraid of being hurt again too? Don't you think I want to protect my children from the pain a separation would bring? How about now? Don't you think our children would be devastated if we separated now? It would kill me and I know it would kill you too. All I'm asking is that I be allowed to show my love for you physically.

Damn it Dean if you won't marry me fine. I'll just live in sin with you. Hell everyone in town thinks I am doing it now anyway so why not?"

"Crystal I can't think about this anymore tonight. I need to get some sleep. I'm sorry." I stood and left Crystal sitting on the couch crying silently. I thought this was a hell of a way to fuck up a nice holiday season. I had pissed off the best thing that had ever happened to me or my kids and now I was probably going to lose her. Shit.

I couldn't sleep. I heard Crystal clanging around in the kitchen for quite a while after I had gone to bed then finally the lights went out. It was nearly four a.m. when I finally gave up and got out of bed. I wandered out into the dark house. I had managed to doze for a few minutes from time to time but had not gotten any sleep. The kids would be up in two or three hours and another day, another year would start. What would it bring?

I had another glass of the Glenlivet while I stared out the back window. I heard a noise behind me and turned to see Crystal standing staring at me. She gave me a wan smile and said, "I guess I fucked up tonight didn't I? Do you want me to find somewhere else to stay? I'm sorry I said those things to you Dean."

I don't know what happened at that time. I felt empty and scared when Crystal asked if I wanted her to leave. The way she was standing there just behind me in the moonlight was so pitiful. I didn't even realize I had moved. I wrapped her in my arms and pulled her to my body. We met in really our first kiss that had any meaning. Well, not really, we had both given each other kisses in the past but more as friends than anything. This was a lover's kiss. Crystal moaned and plastered her body to mine.

I pulled back and looked down into Crystal's face. "No," I whispered. "The last thing I want is for you to leave. I would be so lost without you here. If you left us I don't think I could go on. You would tear my heart completely out if you left me. The others just broke it. You would take it with you and I would die."


I kissed Crystal again and felt her collapse. I had to hold her up. I scooped her up and carried her into her bedroom. Well, damn it was closer than mine was. I didn't even close the door. I placed her on the bed and crawled in beside her. When I had gotten up I had put on a pair of boxer shorts. Now my cock was sticking out the fly and hard as a steel bar. Crystal smiled up at me and then looked down at my cock. She reached out and gently took hold of it. She pulled me toward her with the other hand. "Please Dean. Just love me right now. That's all I need, all I want. I just want you in me now please. We can do the other later. Please?"

I rolled to the side and struggled to remove my boxers. Crystal moaned and sat up. She took off her T-shirt in one smooth move and lay back onto the bed. I crawled over Crystal and nestled between her splayed legs. My cock nudged against her thigh then notched into her dripping hole as I moved forward more. I pressed downward as Crystal tilted her hips. I sank about an inch into her hot, wet love canal. She whimpered and I groaned. I thrust deeper and then slowly sank into her hot box until our pubic bones were smashed together.

We rocked, we moaned, we thrashed and banged against each other as we pleasured each other. We went over the edge together. Crystal screamed loudly enough to wake the dead and I groaned. We strained tightly against each other as our orgasms flowed through our tired bodies.

Crystal bit her lower lip as she stared up at me. Her eyes sparkled. Hell, even a blind man could see the love in them. I had been so blind, so scared. I was still scared but now I was scared I would fuck up and let this wonderful person get away from me.

I didn't think about my next move. I pulled away from Crystal almost violently and jumped from the bed. She looked scared. "Dean what is it," she asked fearfully.

"Wait," I replied as I ran from her room. I almost ran down the hallway, across the living area and into my bedroom. I was rummaging through the jewelry in a bowl in my top dresser drawer when Crystal came up beside me. We had neither one taken the time to put our clothes on after I jumped from her bed.

There it was. Finally. I turned to Crystal. She was standing beside me, legs slightly spread. I could see my sperm running down her right thigh. She had tears once more running down her cheeks. I grabbed her left hand and raised it. "I found it Crystal. I want you to have it. It was my mother's. Would you marry me Crystal? Please? I'm sure. Crystal there's NOTHING wrong with you. It was wrong with me. I was scared and still feeling sorry for myself. You woke me up. I know this is right."

Crystal smiled. No, she glowed. She pushed her left hand slightly toward the ring I was holding and nodded her head yes as she whispered the same word.

I placed my mother's engagement ring on Crystal's finger. We kissed and turned toward my bed. After we were in bed I felt her gently pull the covers over us. Crystal giggled and said, "Well, at least this way I won't have to sleep in the wet spot." She giggled again and gave me a gentle kiss. "Good night Honey."

"Daddy. Daddy we can't find Crystal. She's not in her room or the kitchen. Do you know where she is?" I heard a herd of elephants stampeding across the den toward my bedroom. Crap. The door was wide open and Crystal was still in my bed. I looked over to see her breasts shining in the morning light, the sheet barely covering her bare ass. I started to cover her better when the herd stampeded through my open door.

All four kids stopped and stared at Crystal and me. The noise had awakened her too and she was pulling the covers up. She was blushing too. God she was beautiful.

Naturally it would be Tim who did it again. "Mommie why are you in bed with Mr. Thomas naked," he asked.

I couldn't help it. I broke out in a loud laugh. Crystal stared daggers at me and blushed even deeper. I moved until I rested on the headboard of the bed and scooted over next to Crystal. I patted the edge of the bed and said, "Why don't you kids sit here for a minute. Your mother and I need to talk to you.

Kids last night your mother finally made me realize I had my head stuck up my...I mean last night your mother and I decided to get married. She will be all your mother now and I will be your daddy. Is that ok?"

Stacy looked at the others and broke out in a big smile. She nodded her head yes but Tim said, "I thought she was our mother and you were our daddy. This isn't going to change that is it? But why did mom sleep here last night instead of in her own room? And why is she sleeping naked? She doesn't usually sleep naked. She said we weren't supposed to sleep naked."

Crystal was giggling in spite of herself. I looked over at her and pulled Timmie into a hug. "Timmie when a man and woman love each other like your mother and I do they sleep together. We sleep together naked so we can be closer to each other and love each other better. That's why you kids shouldn't just come into our bedroom without knocking and asking if you can. You wouldn't want to see your mother naked and upset her would you? That would really hurt her feelings if you did and you don't want to do that do you?"

Timmie shook his head no. Stacy was watching us and grinning. She said, "I'm glad Crystal is going to be our new mother. We all love you both so much. When are you going to get married?"

Crystal smiled and said, "We don't know yet Stacy. Soon I hope but we have a lot to do first.

All the younger kids had climbed onto the bed farther and were crawling over Crystal and me. The phone rang and Stacy picked it up. "Hello. Yes. I don't know. Guess what Aunt Jackie. Daddy and Crystal are going to get married."

I heard a shriek and tried to get the phone away from Stacy. She moved away and said, "Ok. Unh huh. Ok, see ya." She hung the phone up.

I said, "Stacy you shouldn't have told Aunt Jackie that."

"Why Daddy. Was it supposed to be a secret?"

"No but your mother probably wanted to tell her the news herself."

I felt Crystal shaking beside me and turned to look at her as Stacy said, "Oh. I'm sorry mom."

Crystal began crying harder and I pulled her to me. "What's wrong Honey," I asked.

She shook her head no and said, "Nothing. Nothing at all. You called me her mother. She called me mom."

I sent the kids into the den to watch cartoons while I pulled Crystal into my arms. I was kissing her gently and stroking her as she cried herself out. I heard gravel sliding and a car door slam. Our back door flew open and I heard steps stomping across the floor. I heard voices in the den then running steps came toward our bedroom. I was watching the door when Jackie came storming through in her full Sheriff suit.

She stopped halfway to the bed and stared at me cuddling her sister. Crystal's beautiful breasts were uncovered and pressed against my chest. Jackie put her hands on her hips and said, "Well it's about time you idiot. I was sure getting tired of listening to Crystal cry and moan about you ignoring her. I was about to shoot you and put you out of her misery."

Jackie sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Now, tell me all about it and hurry. I have to get back on patrol. How did you get the damn big lug to break down Crystal?"

I looked at Jackie and said, "Uh Jackie could you maybe just go into the den for a minute or two? I need to get dressed and start some coffee. It doesn't look like I'll be getting any more sleep for a while."

Jackie stood and went out the door. I had just got out of bed when she stuck her head back in. "I'll make the coffee but you hurry." She glanced down at my still hard cock and grinned. "Ohhhh, Nice one Sis. Don't let him get away."

"Jackie!" Crystal screamed. I just turned and ran for the bathroom and my clothes.

Well, we married on Valentine's Day. We worked and lived just like we had before except now Crystal slept with me and we loved each other physically and in every other way. Late that fall Crystal came to me and told me we were going to have a child. I had promised her one of our own and considering our ages we decided to have it as soon as possible.

The young one just started kindergarten and Crystal is crying. Her baby started school and she feels old. I pulled her down the driveway toward the house. "Honey think about it. There are no kids here. The work is caught up for a day or two. Whatever are we going to do with ourselves," I asked as I rolled her nipple between my thumb and index finger.

Crystal stopped and pulled me to her as she moaned. "I dunno. I bet I can think of something though." She pulled back from my embrace slightly and looked me in the face. Her hand came up and cupped my cheek as she whispered, "Oh, Dean I love you so much."

Yep, I had three strikes against me in the game of life but I hit a home run at my next time at bat. It took two very special ladies to make me wake up and realize I had been going for fluff instead of substance and how to tell the difference.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19698 months ago

Romance would have been a better place for this. Nice story... great antidote to stories I don't enjoy or bring me down.

NitpicNitpic12 months ago

If he is that busy on the farm,how did he find time to court wives two and thre?.

juanviejojuanviejoabout 1 year ago


oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

I really liked this, well described good plot, and I love the characters you provided for us

NudeInMaineNudeInMaineabout 1 year ago

I loved the story. I take exception to the discussion started by Tim why he was sleeping naked. Sleeping naked is not an adult thing. It’s a comfort thing. It’s always more comfortable sleeping nude. We’re 3 generations of nudists on both sides of our families. My bro and I grew up sleeping naked, and our respective children and all the adults alike, sleep naked. In fact we’re usually nude when home. Even do yard work in the nude. One last comment regarding the kids swimming in stream…..skinny dipping while living on a farm should be the only way to enjoy the water. Besides kids are natural nudists, would rather be naked than clothed.

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