Threesome Next Door Ch. 08-14


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Jillian definitely would be home. She mentioned that Tina, her roommate and costar in some of her porn movies, would be with her parents in Knoxville on Thanksgiving Day, but free the rest of the weekend, so hoped to fly in to be with us. I confirmed that we liked that idea.

Megan's mother planned on flying in for Turkey Day from Missouri, but wouldn't stick around since she'd move on to her younger sister's home the next day or so. On that basis, Brad invited his parents to also visit, but hadn't heard from them about their plans, at least up to mid-November.

Beth shared that her parents were unhappy with her living arrangements, and so while in communication they only wished her well for the holidays. Jo's parents were a definite maybe about dropping in. They lived about three hours from Palma Sola on the east coast of the state. Doug's parents were about the same – indefinite and several hours driving time away.

My mother was in Arizona and had no intention of ever leaving except in an urn with her ashes. We talked occasionally and my nearby sister kept her on the straight and narrow. Ginger's parents were in New England and not prone to travel. We promised we'd make a visit in the springtime and that was sufficient to let us off the hook with them.

One great surprise was that Ginger lured Blake and Luke to come down that long weekend and be here with the rest of us. Ginger, our neighbors, and I had extended the invitation to our T-Day dinner to other friends and lovers, as well, but we didn't expect any of them to show up based on their responses.

On that basis we had fifteen in our little 'club', three parents for sure, and four others as possibilities. So, for the big meal we had eighteen to twenty-two mouths to feed.

Ginger became the de facto head of the large meal mainly based on her cooking and organizational skills. She divvied up the various shopping, prep, and cooking tasks and doled them out to everyone in the neighborhood. I was put in charge of ensuring there were adequate tables and chairs for the afternoon meal, and to sit around on the various patios. I also had to be sure we had sufficient flatware, dishes, and serving utensils.

To fulfill my task, I went to a store named Stage Your Home. They were slanted towards filling a reasonably empty home with furniture so it looked lived in so it could be more easily sold on the competitive Florida real estate market. I made them an offer to rent the dining room tables with the leaves, matching chairs, and then a dozen other miscellaneous chairs more appropriate for a covered patio or living room. I also rented a couple of sleeper sofas.

I was back in Houston for part of each week in November leading up to Thanksgiving week. I felt a rising tension and excitement as the holiday season approached. Nancy especially exhibited the anxiety I saw so many catch as the end of year approached.

On the business front, Ginger was also traveling, now needing to spend time in Raleigh as well as White Plains. I kidded her, "You have me and our neighbors at home, Luke and Blake in White Plains, and ... oh, dear, you need a male dedicated to your pleasure in Raleigh." Ginger just rolled her eyes.

Also on the business front, I got a call from company based in Atlanta named Nova Construction Products that were about to start an acquisition of several competitors. They more or less knew of their competition, but were unsure where to go from there. They didn't know how to evaluate them, make an offer, or whether any counter price would be reasonable, and certainly not whether any of the companies were a good investment. They wanted to end up with national market coverage versus their current regional stance. I flew up there for a day to meet with them, and wrote a proposal as a result.

On the home front, things were 'normal', or as normal as they could be with the sexual intermixing of now three families: two threesomes and one couple, who all lived next door to each other. Stacy had become fully integrated into my family, and she'd become just what she'd hoped for, another wife who happened to have a husband (me) and a wife (Ginger).

Stacy continued to distinguish herself in the consulting work we were throwing at her in large amounts. We told her to yell 'Uncle' if we overwhelmed her, only she hadn't said anything to us other than 'I can help with that'. Ginger was talking about involving her in the Raleigh client, and I already had her working behind the scenes on her mother's company, and was looking forward to involving her in the Atlanta job including having her do some work at the client site.

All the relatives started to arrive on Wednesday, so our homes quickly filled up. Officially, Ginger and I were host to Tara, Blake, and Luke, plus our two children Ethan and Jillian, plus Ellie. We had four men and four women in the house, and all of us were horny, and all of us knew we were enthusiastic about open relationships and sexual freedom.

Our first night, first round, we matched up Ethan and Ginger, Luke and Stacy, Blake and Ellie, and me and Tara. We were all in our living room, which had been renamed the loving room.

Stacy became the main attraction. Luke 'spoke' her language when it came to touching, licking, and making love to her. I'd taken to referring to her sex sessions in terms of orgasms per minute, and I think she reached a new high with Luke. Neither of them were trying for a record, and Luke was a little scared of her at first, afraid that he was hurting her in some way.

She communicated to him that she was better than fine and urged him to continue whatever he was doing. She squealed, moaned, yelled, and groaned, and sighed loudly through one hard climax after another until she finally collapsed in his arms after she'd felt him fill her pussy with his love potion.

For her part, Tara was at the top of her game. She had one mission for her trip and I think we achieved it that first evening: she wanted to have me fuck her in my own bed with Ginger getting fucked by one of her handsome studly friends beside her. She also wanted to swap back and forth so she could get fucked by Ginger's studly friends. That was an easy kink to fulfill once she vocalized what she wanted to have happen. Later, she was even happier when Ethan made love to her and cleaned her up with his mouth 'just like daddy'.

Ellie clicked with all of the men, and at the end of the evening we all slept in the various beds we'd set up beforehand.

Thanksgiving Day started with a bustle of activity to stuff the birds and get them cooking in various ovens. The weather cooperated so we were going to eat late afternoon on Doug, Jo, and Beth's patio, with dishes coming to the table from all three kitchens – theirs, Brad and Megan's, and Ginger and mine.

Our guests were pressed into service helping to arrange furniture, set the tables, and even to make a couple of pies. To my surprise, all of the contingent relatives belonging to Jo, Megan, Brad, and Doug showed up, so we would have twenty-two for dinner.

I met Doug and Jo's parents and found them engaging. They were early retirees. Brad's parents were still working, both in a retail shop they owned. Megan's mother also worked for her local town government doing voter registration and tax records.

About noontime, we had three more surprise arrivals that gave me pause. Cindy, Cork, and Nancy showed up. Even Tara was surprised. They'd decided at the last minute to come and talked Nancy into it. I'd invited them, but they had indicated they probably couldn't swing it. We had a very huggy and kissy greeting in front of everybody else. Three more places at the tables were set.

I finally got a chance to ask Cork about his name – Cork McCann. He laughed and told me, "I'll tell you my real name, but shoot you if you use it or tell anybody. It's Corduroy, like the fabric. Apparently, it has something to do with the bed covers when I was conceived, but neither parent will give me the straight scoop. I was Cord for a while, but in high school we used to have a source for cheap wine to get high. I did more than my share, and so earned the nickname Cork. I kept it after college."

I nodded, "And why computers?"

He laughed, "With a name like Corduroy I became an introvert and a geek. I loved gadgets and computer shit. I never gave it up. Find what you love and do it, right? Here I am."

I teased, "You, Cindy, and Nancy?"

"Yeah, that's a surprise. I love Nancy now ... and of course my fiancée. I think we'll be a triad just like you, Ginger, and Stacy, and your neighbors, as I understand from meeting someone named Beth. I guess there's a lot of that going around."

"If you're up for it, you'll see us all in action late tonight and over the weekend."

"We have to fly back early on Monday. We all have assigned middle seats, but it's only an hour flight."

We put on the television to some of the football games. Every major channel had some kind going on. The men bonded in front of the TV and the women were all bonding in Jo's kitchen.

Cork helped me uncork a dozen bottles of wine and we set them out around the homes so people could graze. I hadn't see Megan's decorating work for a couple of weeks, and was amazed at how far she'd come in that short time frame. She'd done a lot, and their home looked really nice and livable.

Megan's mother, Holly Truit, sat next to me at the dinner table, a long affair comprised of multiple tables end to end on the patio. Doug stood and in a stentorian voice gave a credible blessing and giving of thanks for the love we basked in and the blessings in our life. Dinner started with a bang.

Holly asked me about my consulting work and seemed to understand much of what I told her. She'd met Ginger and Stacy earlier, and had taken in that we were a threesome living together in an open relationship. She had also learned about the Doug-Jo-Beth triad, and by implication that Brad and Megan were associated with all of us in a 'romantic and intimate' way.

I had an expectation that the parents would not know about the sexual intimacy we shared among neighbors and some work colleagues. That assumption proved to be false, at least for some.

Holly engaged me during our meal, "Megan speaks highly of you as a lover. In fact, if I can quote her, 'I am in love with Steve. You've got to meet him and be with him.' I'm not trying to embarrass you, but I hope that you'll think kindly about 'being with me' when there's an opportunity this weekend." Her used of the term 'being with me' left little doubt in my mind about what she meant.

I flashed a glance down the table at Megan. She was grinning broadly and gave me a thumbs up sign and then pointed at her mother. I confess that I rolled my eyes in response.

I said to Holly, "Pardon my shock at your bold suggestion. You're sure you want such widespread participation in our neighborhood?"

Holly flashed a grin, "Oh, yes. Absolutely. Megan's always after me to loosen up."

I teased, "Just don't get so loose that you fall apart."

* * * * *

After a very filling dinner we all lethargically moved to new and more comfortable chairs to digest the heavy meal and watch more football. Jillian, Stacy, Megan, and Cindy circulated and took orders for pie and ice cream, and brought them to the various men in our media room. Many joined us even when they weren't concerned with any of the games.

I stopped Megan as she passed by. I half-seriously teased, "Are you trying to get me to do something dramatic with your mother?"

Megan laughed, "In a word, yes!" She whispered, "She needs to get laid, and you are just the right guy to do it for her. You two would be a great match. My understanding is that she's a 'hot fuck'."

"Now, how would you know that?"

"I talked with one of her old boyfriends a couple of years ago. Those were the words he used. She had no interest in him, however."

"Why not get Brad involved with her?"

Megan chuckled, "And what makes you think I'm not?"

I liked Holly. She was a delight, actually understood some of what I talked about when I went off on my consulting work, and she has a personality that sparkles. I like sparkles. Moreover, she was only a slightly older version of Megan, and I loved her. Holly was attractive and I respond to a woman who flirts with me.

Megan said, "Please try to sneak away with her. I told her ALL about my new lifestyle, and you featured prominently in it. There's no risk. I mean she's not going to stalk you or anything like that." She stroked my face and gave me a very passionate kiss. Did I mention that I also respond well to kissing?

I went and pulled Holly up from the chair she'd take. I gave her a 'Come with me' look and we went out the front door. I said, "Let's walk off at least a little of our dinner and dessert."

We walked along Palma Sola Boulevard for over a mile and back. We just chatted about other things, particularly what Megan would do when she went back to work. Holly had a good grasp of the nursing work that Megan did, and had also helped her daughter research the local job market. She wasn't worried.

Back at the house, the cleanup crew had finished and things were about as back to normal as they can be with twenty-five people milling around three adjacent homes. I suggested that I give Holly a tour of my home. We strolled next door.

I pointed out a few salient points as we entered the house and living room. Just after I closed the door behind us, I swept Holly into my arms and kissed her. She kissed back and moaned, "Oh, yes!"

We stood and made out for a few minutes and then I half-heartedly continued my tour. We got to the master bedroom and I opened the door, just in front of Holly so she could go into the room first.

Ginger was stretched out on the bed, with Luke plowing his large cock into her pussy. He made about six more strokes before he stopped and the couple looked over at us.

I casually waved and said, "Ooops. Sorry. We'll find another room." I pulled Holly back a step and shut the door.

Holly's eyes were the size of saucers. She babbled, "That was ... your wife ... she was fucking Luke ... Luke?"

"Yes, Luke. He's one of her lovers from the White Plains area. She's often up there for business."

Holly connected with some additional facts, "Oh, Blake Hogan is from White Plains, too."

I nodded as I pulled Holly towards our guest room. "Yes, he's another of Ginger's lovers. Blake and Luke are friends. They often 'do' Ginger together. It's very erotic and exciting for her."

The guest room was vacant, but we could see that a couple of the guys were using it as a base for their overnights with us. I kissed Holly some more, but she was still reacting to seeing Ginger and Luke.

Holly said, "You weren't at all bothered by watching your wife with another man?"

I shrugged. "No. It happens many times each week. We have an open marriage. We both have outside friends."

Holly nodded, "That's me ... I'm an outside friend." She flashed me a smile and pushed her chest out.

I said by way of a question, "A friend with benefits?"

"Oh, God, yes, I hope so." Holly came back on track. She kissed me and then we started to strip away each other's clothes.

Holly Truit was a VERY enthusiastic lover. Ginger is too, and she'd even give her a run for her money. I've watched a lot of porn in my years, including Jillian's videos. Some girls in the films seem inert and motionless as some hunky guy plows his man meat into them. At the other end of the spectrum are women who are eager, enthusiastic, and visibly energetic as a similar buff man fucks her.

Holly put all of the lively, spry, zealous, and responsive porn queens to shame, even those faking their interactions. She was a tireless delight to mate with. She also was vocal, and dished out a steady stream of 'dirty talk'.

She started, "I love having your naked body rubbing against mine. Oh, I feel your man stick trying to attack my defenseless little pussy – I surrender. Take me. I've thought about little else other than your cock since Megan told me about what a good lover you are. Oh, yes, all the way inside me, that's exactly where I wanted it all day. I feel so full of you. I hope you cum hard; I want to feel you cumming. Hold my tits while we fuck. Can I be your fuck buddy for all time? Can I fuck you better than I already am? Can you feel how wet I am for you? I think I want to suck you down for breakfast, too. Oh, I hope there are lots of next times; this is just perfect. I love sitting on your cock, like this; it's so far up inside me. Your eyes are sexy and they're telling me you like my pussy wrapped around your cock." She went on and on. Those were some of the phrases I remembered for some reason.

I thought I might have ejected Holly into earth orbit because I came so hard, but then she was fully engaged and fucking cumming back at me. I filled her snug MILF cunt with a generous injection of Steve Carson semen. She claimed she felt every surge from my cock and loved it. She also collapsed after the aerobic fuck she'd led. I collapsed with her.

We were lying there panting when Ginger and Luke came into the guest room. They were both naked. Ginger kissed me, and then kissed Holly and even praised her about her choice of partner for an evening fuck. I waved one hand weakly. Luke got something from his suitcase and then my wife and lover left us and shut the door again.

Eventually, I went down on Holly – to her amazement – and cleaned her pussy with my mouth. I even shared some of my discoveries with her to her wanton delight. She cackled with delight that I was so naughty and sexual with her. We showered, redressed, and joined the others as nonchalantly as we could. They were mostly in front of the television or sitting around talking at one end of what had been our long dining table on the patio. Others seemed to come and go doing other activities.

I didn't think we'd been missed until I noticed Blake and Tara coming out from my house a few minutes later. They both had that freshly fucked aura about them. I smiled and nodded to my important client. She smiled back and came to me. She said, "I've been naughty. I know you were busy, so I discovered that nice man that I'd seen in pictures with your wife. Oh, he was very good. When you're recovered, please come and get me. I've been wet for you ever since we met."

A little later, I bid many of our friends good night and headed to my house. Tara came with me. A couple of the other parents saw us leave together and I think they caught on that something sexual was going to happen. It might have been because we were both wearing lecherous smiles and panting in anticipation.

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tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110almost 5 years ago
Don't know how you do it

You are a prolific author. I don't know how you come up with the material or the time to write, but please keep it up. This story is a 5* rating so far. Thank you.

nwiannwianalmost 5 years ago
Great Story

Great Story - good balance of sex and plot - nice length to read hate it when you get things in one page installments!! - Cant wait for your next post

tizwickytizwickyalmost 5 years ago
Another Solid Gold Winner

The way that you write about Manatee County, Bradenton, Coquina Beach and Anna Maria Island makes me think that you must live there. Your accurate descriptions of the local area makes me homesick and a little bit nostalgic. One continuity question regarding Knights Bridge Industries being in Raleigh NC I thought that in "Loosening Up" they were based in Tampa. Please keep up the great work.

Pinupfan53Pinupfan53almost 5 years ago
Awesome fantasy

I love the depth and complexity of your stories. The sex is awesome. Please keep the story going

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