Thylacine Alpha Ch. 06

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Time to leave for the ceremony.
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This is a continuing story, read from the beginning.

Tasmanian Tigers are marsupials that look more like canines than felines, even though they are called tigers. They are also called the Tasmanian Wolf, but are not related to wolves in any way. The tiger part originates because of the stripes on their coats.

Hope you enjoy the story.

Yes, there is a little gratuitous sex. It is an erotica site after all.




Jessica did not respond to his claim she was now a Were. Her only move was to the bedroom where she laid down on the bed. She had grasped David's hand whilst on the verandah and still had hold after climbing onto the bed. He followed her lead and stretched out beside her, Jessica placing her head on his shoulder, an arm over his chest and a leg over his. She never let go of his hand the entire time, even when she slept. It was early with the sun still in the sky, but he managed to doze. His changing to his animal shape had taken energy from him that needed a little recharging.

After a short nap Jess had woken sensing the link she now had with the man she was cuddling. David was made aware of his companion when he found his cock being enclosed within a warm moist mouth. He lowered a hand to her to find bare skin amazed they were naked without him having been aware of losing any clothing. With both hands he gently urged Jess to lie on top of him so they could kiss. His partner had other plans and kept her body moving to sit up, straddling his hips so his cock was splitting her vulva. Her eyes were closed and head pushed back as her face reflected the feeling of peace and sexual bliss. The feeling was shared as David sensed a higher level of sexual state between them. It was like bolts of electricity were sparking across their genitals. This contact soon sent Jess into a climax. With that done she smirked, looking down at him and doing a hip shuffle until his cock was fully sheathed inside. Her hips kept moving and with a tight hold on them he began pushing upwards to meet her movements.

The sensations of sparks didn't cease and they soon felt the need of more than the cowgirl position could provide. As one they rolled, hanging on tightly to each other lest they come adrift. With Jess now under him he began the wonderful plunging of his cock into her hole. Building up speed to such that if they had been dry wood a bushfire would have ignited. The climax, when it arrived, was monumental. The new bond was producing benefits far beyond his wildest dreams. The warmth that had built inside her heart had given her such a great feeling of love and contentment. She felt like it was possible to face anything with this sensation bolstering her emotions.

What neither knew at the time they finished and returned to sleep were the growls emitted from two unseen throats, and two pairs of eyes shining. Contentment with the situation was not solely felt by the humans on the bed but by two beasts within them, one just newly forming.

Brian and Helen woke them later after returning from a very enjoyable change, run, play and then human sex under a tree. They prepared dinner, a simple but warm meal, then taking turns to shower and freshen up. The Were Devil pair were happy, but showing signs of fatigue from their afternoon outing.

Brian insisted they had to contact Jess' parents. She searched for the phone number of the long time neighbours of her parents. She knew them well as she had played with their children while growing up. Helen made the call and although they were suspicious they did get the couple from next door to talk on the phone. Surprise was evident when Jess spoke to them, then suspicion, followed by hurt that she had not come home. It took time but Jess managed to calm their feelings and explain the problems. It took a long time for them to understand, accept and agree to what had happened, as well as what they needed to do and why. They promised to be careful about what they say to anyone. Jess promised to visit as soon as possible and stay safe until then. Even the neighbours assured that they would keep quiet after it was all explained to them. They had known Jess all her life and she was like family to them.

That night was quiet in the farmhouse with the four sleeping peacefully after an emotional and physical day. The next few days were without major problems. It was almost an anticlimax after the efforts of going into hiding and Jessica's coming out. Brian organised transport and protection for David and Jessica to attend the Alpha naming ceremony. Helen enjoyed her few days off from work and the unexpected sexual encounters with Brian. He too enjoyed her company as well. They did have to explain to Jess that, although they were apparently well suited to each other in human and Were forms, they were not to be a mated pair. She almost looked sad hearing this, showing a romantic side to her character.

Jessica came to terms with her new self. It was apparent to her that the fast acceptance of her situation was most likely due to the mating bond she shared with David. The calming effect of being with him had gone from needing skin contact to just being in the same room together. She could not guess if this would extend to all the time regardless of their proximity. For now their closeness made her feel good, allowing her adjustment to be smooth.

She had no problem seeing her mate as an Alpha of the pack, of more surprise was to learn that he had a brother. She had met his parents a couple of times and liked them, even though his father was a bit surly and not at all talkative. She now understood a bit better at how they could not be too relaxed and accepting of a girl who would never play a part in their real lives. She actually regretted not being able to see them now, hoping they would accept her into the family. Her own parents were great the few times they met David. It was a hope they could be told the full story about him and what he was, and what she had become.

Her largest problem that week was her inability to change into her Were animal. She thought that deep down there was a reluctance on her part to really believe it was true. Regardless of the coaxing and help the three others tried she could not relax and change. The thought was too scary.

Brian and Helen soon learnt to leave the house if David became too embroiled in their sexual encounters. The moment they felt his hormone levels rise too much they went outside to run through the nearby scrub. They didn't always get away in time, or far enough away and occasionally had more of the best sex of their lives even though they could not later recall all the details. To David's credit he was gaining more control and the effects on his two Devil companions was becoming less.

They had kept track of the Were Tiger pack through careful contact with Trent and Nicola. They may not be overly welcomed by the acting Alpha, but for appearance sake they were advised of what news was important. They also gleaned a lot of information from their friends within the pack. Their main hope was that many of the pack members did not like Reginald and his leadership methods, but without an alternative Alpha coming forward they would be stuck with him. To most David had been almost useless, as he appeared self absorbed and disinterested in the pack's welfare. He was the only possible contestant for the leadership, so they seemed to have become resolved to many years of Reginald. Reginald was not particularly strong in terms of comparison with other Alphas, but he still contained more than the others except David.

On Thursday evening the Devil pack Alpha spoke with them to make a declaration of support for David's bid to be Alpha. He offered what aid he could from his clan without entering the Were Tiger land or being the aggressor in any conflict. They would, however, provide transport, backup and protection for David and his mate until they arrived at the border. This was no little favour as the Devils were a fighting group, used to being in places and situations that gave no quarter. When it came to conflict expertise and experience they made normal human specialist forces look like raw recruits. David was unable to properly thank the Alpha for this assistance, except to be extremely grateful, and when he became Alpha he would honour their friendship however he could.

The four had discussed the best way to get David safely to his land. Brian had suggested that Helen and Jessica should go to a safe location. This was nixed by the two women. They had not stuck around all week just to be sidelined at the last minute. Helen had a good reason to be with them as she was a medical nurse with battlefield triage experience. She may not shoot very well, but could fix all wounds on others.

Jessica responded to the suggestion, "How dare you dump me like this. I went through all this hell and finally got you to be with me David. I am what you made me, even though I have not changed yet. Am I considered your mate, and a pack member?" seeing David slowly nod she continued, "Then I have the same right as anyone else to be there. You might even find having your mate beside you, in the flesh, an advantage for the others to see. Surely if you look more settled they will want you to lead them. From what you and Brian told me about your brother you would have to be a better choice. I need to be there to show them you have a grade A bitch by your side."

The other three chuckled at her statement as she took a breath before continuing sadly, "Besides if anything happened to you, what would happen to me? I can't see Reginald being happy I am around. He surely would try to remove me as well. If you go I have to be with you, together."

She just hoped her impromptu speech was enough, and hoped it made sense to them. The answer she received was a little unexpected, especially from a supposed tough Alpha wannabe. He had a tear in his eye as he leaned over to hold her close.

Mumbling into her neck, "Okay Jess. But you wear protective clothing and stay down if anything happens. What would happen to me if I survived just to have lost you?"

Her tears joined his as they held each other. Brian and Helen left them alone for a while to check the outside perimeter.

Helen made a comment to Brian when they were outside, to which Brian could only nod and agree, "She will make a hell of an Alpha bitch."


Saturday arrived and the four set off in the van to meet some Devil people and change vehicles. They were met by three fully manned vehicles of Devil veterans. Two other vehicles were there including an armoured SUV capable of withstanding anything short of a direct hit by an anti-tank RPG. The last car was to transport Helen and Jessica to safety, although they didn't use it. Instead our four climbed into the armoured vehicle and were escorted via a roundabout route to the Tiger pack land. Where possible they travelled backroads hoping to bypass any danger. Their main hope was that there were too many approaches for their enemy to cover and they would arrive before any major effort could be brought against them.

The journey they were on could normally have been completed within four hours. Today they had already been driving for this time and were only about three quarters of the way there. They were taking a more southerly route at the moment before swinging back to the west. The trailing vehicle alerted them to a sighting to their right side in the air. It was only a flash of reflected light, but the crew were able to get a visual on a light aircraft that was shadowing their path. Of course aircraft were quite common, but for experienced veterans paranoia was the norm. The motto was not just used in police dramas on TV, 'There is no such thing as coincidence.'

At this stage they could not escape being observed from the plane, so they got ready for an altercation in the near future. In each vehicle this amounted to doing the twentieth check of all weapons, storing away any loose items and keeping alert for problems.

The first try was easily averted. The aggressors had not taken into account the improved senses of Weres. A semi-trailer had been parked across the dirt road they were travelling, some distance away. If they had been normal humans its would not have been spotted until too late causing them to slow and stop. There were no side roads in that area so they would have needed to turn around to find a detour. However being able to see it earlier they could take a detour long before getting near. They were able to see a vehicle on the road they left racing from the blockage to pursue them. This was joined by a second vehicle that had been following them. The plane they had noticed was still parallel to them so they confirmed it was unlikely to be a friend as well.

It became obvious that someone would be waiting ahead as the two chase vehicles maintained roughly same distance behind them. The relatively open terrain of farmland also made it impossible to be out of sight from the plane. To David it appeared their only hope was to reach the forests before trouble hit, and he guessed that was unlikely to happen. Brian was driving and made sure he stayed below the speed limits, not wanting to be noticed by the police for such a simple thing as speeding. It was frustrating, but he didn't want to put the police in harm's way.

The radio call came in from the lead vehicle to say information received was that there were no police in the area at the moment. Car number three would move ahead to check their passage was clear. They could all increase speed.

Brian was familiar with what they were hoping to do. If there was a blockage ahead the lead vehicle would either take care of it, or give them a heads up to change route.

In the end it all became an anticlimax. Their pursuers did not have enough manpower to create much of a problem to the team. Only one vehicle was in front of them with one man in it. The lead team dealt with it quickly and they made it to the forest region. The trailing cars had attempted to catch them from behind but the rear protection team stalled them enough to allow David to arrive at the boundary to his pack's grounds. His protection detail left to return to where they came from, ensuring they cleaned up any mess left behind of their pursuers. Brian and Helen left with them leaving the SUV for David and Jess to drive to the pack camp.

David could tell Brian was unhappy to leave his friend, as David was that they had to separate. Helen and Jess were emotional at the parting having developed a friendship during their week of forced companionship. David had to control his beast when Jess thanked and quickly hugged Brian. Brian actually looked worriedly towards David as he was hugged, and then moved into a submissive posture to prevent any dominance issues. He knew how things worked between mated pairs, especially when alpha strength, and her touching another male could be a huge problem. He quickly passed her to Helen who also had moved to a submissive position, and she quickly whispered a warning to Jess. For her part Jess then looked surprised and contrite for her unthinking behaviour, having forgotten some lessons from the past week. She was quick to thank Helen and apologised to her and Brian, then rushed to hug David to confirm he was her man. It was only then that David relaxed. He apologised from his human half to his friends for getting uptight. They bowed their heads in acceptance of his apology in a way that showed his higher status. The Devils waiting for Brian and Helen could tell that there was tension, and were prepared to come between any fights. The relief was evident in all of them when it all blew over. Who wanted to fight the person you had been protecting. Some good news was that the observation plane had left the area.

Jess gave David a passionate kiss having felt the building loneliness of not maintaining her contact with him since the drive began. It was still all very new and she had a lot to learn and get used to. Brian had to cough and call out very loudly to get David's attention that he was losing control and that they were all feeling the effects. He was worried that with only Helen available there she might be a bit overwhelmed with five Devil males.

As the pair were about to leave on the last leg of their journey Brian gave David one last piece of advice, "Drive as fast and as carefully as you can, and don't stop for anything or anyone. Hope it goes well my friend, for all our sakes."

"Thanks Brian. I will and yes I do too. See you later, and thank everyone for the help in getting us here."

They drove off down the dirt track with Jess waving back to them.


Hope you liked this chapter of the story.

Any helpful feedback and comments appreciated.

Voting is always appreciated to show how much you enjoyed my writing.

- GfG.

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GforGrahamGforGrahamover 4 years agoAuthor
thanks for comments tat,girl

Must thank all who have read and voted. Gives a boost to keep going. I didn't check the size of this chapter before loading it. Less than a page is lousy of me, I should have looked at this and kept writing. However I am trying to write just enough at a time to keep the story going forward, not too large to proof read, and mostly to help me keep momentum. The next chapter should be the final in this series, although originally it was just to be a short prelude to the real story. Guess it ran away with me hanging on.

Again thanks to all for persevering with my interupted story.

tattooed_cowgirl15tattooed_cowgirl15over 4 years ago
I love your story however.

I really wish it was linger chapters! You build everything so nicely and smoothly that the reader can't help but get caught up in the words and lives of your characters only to have it all come smack, bang and crash at the end of the first page. Speaking for myself I don't like cliffhangers very much as I find it's a huge tease and not the good kind

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