Tia Plans An Impregnation Pt. 02


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"That's very interesting," said Greg as he rolled Tia on her back and cuffed her legs to the restraints on the headboards. Tia offered her arms to be attached to the ankle cuffs. Greg smiled at her embarrassment, but reassured her that her position was very erotic.. Her raised butt was offered for Greg's deepest penetration. Greg began to caress her beautiful shaped rear. Greg gently kissed her sex, and applied a soothing coat of baby oil.

Tia became mesmerized by the sight of Greg's cock. His 8.5 inches of manhood was swollen rock hard with veins bulging along his length. She looked forward to the stretching his thickness would produce. She envisioned his massive penetration discharging its contents to her deepest reproductive core. Her fantasy was about to become reality. Greg rose to his feet and spread his legs wide...centered himself directly over her vulva... pushed his harden cock down in a position that would start the next insemination.

Greg was taken by Tia's erotic beauty. But he also realized that Tia was positioned to be breed. Carnal lust was driving their animal breeding process. He had a job to do and he was selected because he was well suited for his work. He loved his work, and with that thought he lowered himself into Tia. His probe set to deliver its next fertile charge.

Tia realized that she had been positioned and prepared well for the next servicing. Greg's cock was slowly lowered; his cock spread her lips, and popped thru her entrance. The feelings generated were awesome. She could feel his cock swell and flinch as Greg drove it into her vagina ever so slowly, inch by inch. Greg's insertion reached its final depths as he rested his full weight on her upraised hips. Tia's easily accepted Greg's weight.

Their joined together bodies showed very little external motion. Instead Greg and Tia instinctively allowed their merged reproductive organs to perform their impregnating function.

Tia's imagination amplified every movement of Greg's cock. Greg's cock and her vagina seemed too engaged in a struggle to reach that ultimate expression of pleasure. She felt his cock throb, swell and dance. She exercised every muscle in her vagina to grasp, squeeze, and stroke his rigid breeding muscle. The pleasure sensations were unbearable.

Tia found herself supporting Greg's weight on the back of her restrained legs. Silently they conserved their physical energies and gave their reproductive organs free rein to complete the second insemination. She detected intense throbbing in Greg's cock. He seemed to be swelling immensely. On its own, his cock began surging. Suddenly she noticed Greg's eyes flare. His hips began to shake. His cock thrashed internally as the intermittent discharges fed her womb its second insemination.

Greg's rutting groans were followed by Tia's tearful whimper. Tia's vagina lovingly milked Greg's impaled cock of all his life giving juices.

Greg removed his rod and toweled himself off. Momentarily he released Tia from her restraints and said, "Allow me to untie these cuffs and let your legs relax. A little rubdown might make them feel better. But I will have to put you back in this position for the multiple orgasm session."

Tia said, "I'm very much aware of that. A lot of my work has been involved in developing the methods used for the multiple orgasm insemination. The New Life center has found that pregnancy success rate was improved when we adopted these measures. Give me about 15 minutes and we can get on with the egg and butterfly.

Greg's smooth massage worked out a lot of tension in Tia's legs. The last insemination did not expend a lot of physical energy as they expertly let their reproductive center inseminate itself. But Tia knew, from watching previous breeding sessions, that the next phase would tense every muscle in her body. Tia rationalized that impregnation is the result of a tremendous physical effort.

Tia's hips remained resting on the special pillow that kept her vagina above her head. Greg then fastened her arms and ankles back to same headboard latch. This further pulled her hips up into an almost vertical position.

Tia watched Greg rubbed a thin layer of lubricant over a shiny egg shaped device. Attached to the egg was an 8 inch long flexible antenna that was used for insertion and removal. In addition, the antenna's main purpose involved the receipt of the RF signals that would be transmitted by Greg's remote controller. Tia flinched as Greg placed the cold object at her opening. Greg showed patience as he let her adjust to the temperature. Then after an approving nod, he pressed the round object down the tube of her vagina until it contacted her cervix.

Next Greg placed a butterfly clit exciter over the clitoris. He carefully spread the inner lips, pulled back the clitoral hood and placed the vibrating button on ground zero. The remote controlled butterfly was secure in its resting place with straps encircling her waist and legs.

Tia was under Greg's complete control. She only hoped that he would show some mercy. Without the Ovuxcel, she wasn't sure her body would respond. Then, she gave him permission to proceed.

Greg sat on the bed in a cross legged fashion facing Tia, and started the egg vibrating. He watched Tia's facial expression. After a little more speed, her eyes closed and said, "There it goes, I feel it, it seems far away." Greg watched Tia's body respond with some undulation. He gave her a very slight jolt with the butterfly and watched her flinch. "Oh, that works," she said. Greg eased the egg vibration up to the 15% setting and noticed Tia's increased response. He then eased off and restarted the vibration each time raising the upper setting.

Tia said, "you can't believe the sensation I'm feeling down deep inside. I feel some grabbing. I can take some moo.o..r..e ," as Greg hit her clitoris with another butterfly charge.

Greg had the egg setting up to 45% and Tia's abdomen showed a distinct tightening. She began to emit a low sounding hum, and her pelvis rocked in a slow rhythm. Her legs tightened.

Tia was determined to try and reach that continuous orgasmic state. Through the increasing ecstasy she instructed Greg to keep the pressure on. Tia told Greg, "if it looks like I am close and maybe struggling a little to reach orgasm, press the "zap" button and go on to the next one. " Greg nodded and raised the settings further.

The "zap" switch is a feature built into the clit exciter that discharges a very low voltage current to the exciter button. The mild shock produces an instantaneous orgasm. Tia had tested the device before and the desired result is involuntarily.

The egg vibration was now up to 60% and Tia's body was straining. The muscles in her abdomen would tighten then release. Her guttural groans expressed the breeding instincts taking place within her body. Muscle seizures hit the pit of her stomach. She felt several deep cramps. She moaned, "I'm coo.o..oming, its so deep." Then she was struck by an attack of the butterfly which caused more orgasmic flailing.

Greg began to see a determination in Tia that surprised him. Instead of Tia allowing herself a brief respite she kept urging Greg to take her further.

Tia's said, "Let's don't stop now let's go for another."

The egg was now up to 70% and Tia's hips continued to rock faster. It appeared to Greg that she was trying to reach greater heights of sexual ecstasy. He began to wonder if Tia's was struggling for impregnation or testing her sexual limits. Greg registered his concern as he asked, "Are you ok?"

"More!" was all she said.

The egg was at 80% and the butterfly at 60 %. Tia's body was sweating profusely. Her legs and arms contracted so that her hips and vagina rocked in the air supported only by her shoulders. "I'm close..so close.. uuum..higher..oh god" were words describing her lust.

Her body would spasm and she continued.

Greg could only observe as Tia appeared lost in her own orgy.

She begged Greg, "Push the zap button." Greg obeyed.

Tia went into violent spasms. A frightening scream erupted "Oooowweeee..aaugh."

Greg knew she had tripped. He jumped up and released her restraints and ripped the toys from her body. Tia rolled over into a fetal position with her body continued exhibiting spasms. Greg had never seen such a reaction. He tried to comfort Tia, but her body shuddered everywhere he touched.

Greg wanted to call for help but hesitated. He had to get Tia out of this state. Would he be blamed for something...he wasn't sure. Out of an instinct reaction he almost struck Tia across her face, but he couldn't make himself do that. Instead he whacked her rear with as much force as he could muster. It seemed to shift Tia's emotions as her body started to quiet. Greg instinctively cradled Tia in his arms until the whimpers settled.

Tia slowly came to her senses and coldly said, "Thanks Greg, you've done a great job servicing me. But right now I need Tim. I need to clean up. Just make sure you are back tomorrow."

Greg was somewhat taken aback by Tia's terse remarks, yet he understood. Tia's comments were without affection. They only reaffirmed the purpose of their mission. He knew that both of them had to guard themselves against an emotional relationship. He was totally drained physically, mentally, and sexually. Tonight, his service was no longer needed. It was time for him to go.

Terri came in after getting the "clear" signal and gathered the second set of urine and semen samples. In addition she drew the mandatory blood sample and asked, "Are you ok? I was a little worried about you."

Tia displayed a totally spent smile and said, "I think I reached a new high in sexual lust tonight. Greg did a great job, I wonder if I'm pregnant? Terri, did I do ok? I want your honest opinion."

Terri looked at Tia in total amazement and said, "I've never seen anything so erotic in my life. It was all I could do to keep an objective research perspective. I've never seen a porno that was as sensual as your display."

Tia replied, "Thanks Terri, but I have had all the breeding I can stand for one night. Right now I need my husband. I need his arms around me, holding me." Terri left and released the security lock to Tim's observation room.

As Tim approached, Tia held out her arms and asked, "I hope you are not upset."

I'm glad you wanted to see me enough to let me back in." was Tim's reply. "I was worried when you went into that continuous orgasm."

Tia said half smiling, "Tim that was work. It took a lot of effort to reach that state. It was pure lust. Somehow it seemed to be tied up in the emotion of impregnation. It's very difficult to explain. It's totally different from the feelings of affection, and love that I have for you.

Tim said, "I'm supposed to make love to you tonight and finish off the evening with a third insemination. If you are too tired or sexually spent, I can understand."

Tia placed her hand over her husband's lips and said, "I want you to make love to me, have your way with me, and I'm yours forever. Keep in mind that the Ovuxcel is still working and we women have a lot of sexual endurance. I just hope you understand that it may be a little sloppy. Make sure you fill me with your cum too."

"I understand that's part of the planned program," said Tim as he lifted Tia onto the bed, mounted her in a very familiar fashion, made love to her sensually and completed the third insemination.

Chapter 6

Insemination: Day Two

Today's agenda:

Tia welcomed the Fertility Team into the Suite for a catered lunch. Terri had come in earlier and helped Tia collect all of the fertility samples.

Dr Harris, gave Tia a cursory physical and declared her physically fit to continue the impregnation program. Then they all settled in for some lunch. The entire team was amused at Tia's ravishing appetite.

Tia laughed at the banter and commented, "you would be to if you worked as hard as I did yesterday."

Dr Harris informed Tia that her temperature had spiked up this morning. This means that the egg may not arrive until today. Until we get all of the results we won't know when impregnation takes place, but today may be your best chance. This would be normal.

After they had completed lunch, Dr. Morgan presented the evening agenda. "We want Greg's first insemination to take place with you resting on the chest support bench. This puts your cervix in a different position. There is some evidence to suggest that impregnation is easier in this position.

The multiple orgasmic phase will be assisted with the vertical saddle installed. Tia will be strapped in place for her own protection. We have discovered that you are very expressive in the throes of passion. We even think this may add something to the eroticism. We have also added another interactive aspect to this phase.

We have added a set of earphones that will describe each manipulation. The voice is very sexy. A set of pushbuttons are installed in a set of handles located below your chest. Tia


will have access to switches that signals a "yes" or "no" indication for each request. Should the excited genital area becomes to intense you have a "KilI" button to stop the pressure. In other words you will be in control of your own lust excursion.

The vertical saddle is equipped with an anal exciter, a vaginal insert and a clitoral vibrator.

Greg will assist in the precise placement and make sure each device is lubricated. Greg will then assume a position in front of your face. You will be able to share some of the ecstasy with him either manually or orally. Greg will be in a position to comfort and caress you.

Should you go into a perpetual excited state or faint as you did yesterday, we will give Greg some suggestions that will help you recover. I think this is one area Greg was not fully prepared for yesterday.

Dr Morgan then explained that the second insemination for the evening. After Greg achieves his second erection, we want to fully empty him of all sperm. This will be a slight role reversal and Tia may enjoy this part.

Tia will drain Greg in the multi-orgasmic phase by having him take the position on the front chest support. His knees will be spread with his genitals hanging free. Greg will be secured to the bench with straps over his back. We have to make sure that he doesn't make any violent move that would injure his genitals. Tia will have the freedom to stroke him manually and/or administer fellatio. After Greg expels his charge then a complete stripping will be done.

The final stripping will be done by attaching a small sleeve to his penis and inserting a specially made vibrating probe that is anally administered directly to his prostate. The penile sleeve will be attached to the same low voltage charge that was hooked to the ladies clit exciter. Each of these devices will induce an involuntary orgasmic response.

Tia will collect all the sperm and prepare a condensed charge for Greg to insert into her womb. The sperm charge will be drawn into a special syringe. The syringe has a special fiber optic probe that will have the capability of projecting an internal image of Tia's vagina. The lens is connected to a closed circuit TV and will aid in locating the cervix opening. The tip of the syringe is shaped like a curved eye dropper and works well to inject the sperm directly into the womb.

Tia interrupted Dr Morgan and asked if Greg could be dismissed after the stripping. I'm sure Greg won't be interested in any more sexual activity. It's also something I would like for my husband to help me with. I would like for him to spend the rest of the night with me just as we did last night.

Dr. Morgan thought about Tia's request and gave the approval. She cautioned Tia, no intercourse with Tim tonight.

Tia assured Dr. Morgan that would be no problem.

With that in mind I think we should use the 6 hour Ovuxcel tonight.

As the team turned to leave, they all gave her a hug and wished her luck. Dr. Morgan left Tia a logbook and said, "Since you will have some free time this afternoon, write down your thoughts and answer the questions we've prepared. It's our first step in the debriefing."

Breeding Session II

Tia prepared herself with a warm bath, and excited herself further with the wonderfully placed jets in the jaccuzzi. She further prepared for the evening by inserting the little blue 6 hour time release Ovuxcel. Then Tia wrapped her sex package in a Victoria Secret sheer chemise with thong...no bra. She wanted Greg to know that she appreciated his service, and yes, the pun was intended.

Greg arrived right on time. Tia placed herself behind the door as she invited Greg to enter.

Greg was surprised at the bold and beautiful presentation of Tia's sexuality. As Greg started to speak, Tia placed her fingers over his lips, and led him to the bed.

Tia began, "let me talk, I have to apologize for the cold attitude I displayed as you left last night. It was totally out of character but I had some feeling that I had betrayed my husband. He helped me realize how important you are to us in this process."

Greg silenced Tia as he covered her lips with his. "Tia, I'm a grown boy. Thank goodness for the counseling sessions here at NLC. I was advised that the emotion you showed was to be expected. Usually, it is not shown until the second or third session. But I am human; my ego was hurt. Keep in mind, my wife and kids welcomed me home with open arms and made me realize how important they are to me. They made me feel a lot better."

Tia returned the kiss with more passion and said, "You continue to remind me why we picked you to be the biological father of our firstborn. There won't be any quick brush off tonight. Now, let's not wait to long. The Ovuxcel has kicked in and my fire is burning pretty good."

As Tia reached to pull Greg free of his shirt, he asked, "Please explain the cushioned bench in the center of the room and describe how we are going to use it. "

"Well Mr. Greg." Tia teased, "This bench has been shaped for a person to rest comfortably on their stomach with their butt positioned high in the air and their legs hanging over the end of the bench. Cushioned rests are provided for the inhabitant's knees. Handles are appropriately placed to hold onto. The shape of the bench allows a rear entry approach. In this position the male sperm is deposited so that it drains into the female's womb."

Greg smiled and asked, "How does the sperm get into the vagina."

Tia smiled and said, "Mother nature takes care of that."

Greg pulled Tia to him and said, "Mother nature is a wonderful thing." He opened Tia's chemise, then, let his chest become familiar with her breast. Her crotch felt the rise in Greg's manhood. Greg rolled above Tia, paused, raised himself then removed his pants and shorts. When he returned to Tia the thong was gone. The Ovuxcel along with Greg's sex play had Tia lubricating liberally.

Tia sat up and pushed Greg back into a sitting position and placed one hand around his cock and the other behind his balls. The tension in his scrotum had pulled his balls firmly against his body. She lowered her head and took him in her mouth.

Greg pulled Tia free as he could not withstand any further oral activity. Her action was indescribably erotic.

Tia raised herself from the bed, took Greg's hand and settled on the bench. Tia rested in a face down position with raised hips precisely located to accommodate Greg's coupling. Tia sensed Greg's approach, closed her eyes, and felt his cock part her labia. Greg's cock, also dripping with lubrication, found her opening. His advance was gradual, and brought tremendous pleasure. Her vagina welcomed his thick invasion. She wanted to wrap her legs around his hips and pull him in. The position did not allow it.