Tickled Pink

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Downfall of a Teasing Milf Maid at the Manor House.
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It was an innocent remark which first drew me to Middle Grange Hall.

It came during one of those long telephone conversations with my sister. Well, when I say, conversation, that is a bit of an exaggeration. What usually happens is that she talks and I listen. I usually switch off during the boring bits and think about something else. However, something she said in this particular conversation made my ears prick up with interest.

"What was that you said?" I interjected as she prattled on to something new.

"At Middle Grange Hall last week, aren't you listening woman?" She snapped.

"Of course I am," I lied, "but, I was interrupted at this end by one of the children."

I heard her sigh audibly over the phone, but then, her enthusiasm for gossip took over. "I'll tell you the full story," she said.

"Well, it's about my friend Lisa Barber, from round the corner, you know, the one with the frizzy ginger hair? Well, last week, she went for a job interview up at Middle Grange Hall. I didn't even know she was looking for a job, until she told me. Anyway, she has a boy at public school now and obviously needs the money. She saw the position, in the job centre down the High Street. It was for a cleaner/maid, part time, good rate of pay. Apparently, just the sort of thing she was looking for. Well, as she says, jobs are difficult to come by round here and it was handy being based just up at The Hall. Anyway, she went along to meet the new owner, a Colonel Bridges who is a 50+ gentleman apparently. He lives there with his older sister and there's just the two of them in the big house. She does the cooking and looks after the household, but, it's a big house and she needs a bit of help mainly with some cleaning and other domestic duties. An easy number, thought Lisa, when it was explained to her and she said the pay was really good for 3 afternoons a week."

"So did she get the job?" I asked.

"Just a minute and I'll get to that," she snapped. "I'm just about to tell you the interesting bit now."

She went on with her story.

"Well Lisa went up on Wednesday afternoon and met Colonel Bridges. He's a strange old chap to say the least, according to village gossip.

Lisa formed the impression that he was a dirty old man.

"Oh why was that then?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Well, he kept looking at her legs for one. Then he talked about her duties, which didn't seem too heavy. He described the cleaning and dusting and other stuff he requires her to do and then he shows her a maid's uniform which he wants her to wear. Well, Lisa can see straight away that it's a bit on the short side. But, she says nothing about it. She thinks he's a bit eccentric, but probably harmless. She meets the sister, lovely old girl and gets on very well with her."

"So when the Colonel offers her the job she takes it. She's over the moon at having found such a good job. Then, on Monday afternoon, she reports for work. Straightaway, she puts on her little outfit and starts to do some dusting. Not an hour goes by before the Colonel appears in the dining room where she's working. She thinks O.K. he's probably just checking up on her, which seemed fair enough. Well, she was bending down to pick something up in the corner of the room when she catches the Colonel crouching down behind her, looking up the dress of her uniform and peeking at her panties. Poor Lisa is flabbergasted, goes red in the face and doesn't know where to put herself."

"Well, she does her best to put it out of her mind. Anyway, she is just about finished for the day, when he catches her bending over again in the kitchen and gives her a smart smack on her bum. Lisa is horrified and angry. She's had enough of this and gives him a piece of her mind. Tells him that she's a respectable married woman and won't tolerate that kind of behaviour etc...etc...She has a good mind to report him to the authorities or whoever. In any case, it's not the job for her."

"To cut a long story short, she quits and the Colonel settles up with her quite generously. At the same time, he apologises profusely for his conduct. He didn't know what came over him etc...etc...

So, Lisa is disappointed about the job, but then she falls in for the post of receptionist at the George Hotel. Lucky her. It seems the manager knows her father pretty well. Wheels within wheels, eh!

Well to round this bit of gossip off, Lisa makes some discreet enquiries at the Job Centre without spilling the beans on the Colonel. Not her problem she keeps saying."

And, apparently, there have been a few women who have quit shortly after starting. The Job Centre staff haven't got a clue as to why, they think he must be too strict or something. So Lisa went along with that and said nothing to cause any trouble."

The line went quiet for a while.

"Well" asked my sister "did you hear all that?"

"Yes," I confirmed, very interesting. "And you say the job hasn't been filled."

"Oh no," Christine, "you can't be serious. Don't tell me you're interested in that job, after all that I've just told you. The man is clearly deranged."

"Look, I'm just asking that's all. The money would be a godsend for me and I'd be back in time to make the family evening meal."

"Well you must be crazy, that's all I can say," said my sister Sylvia. "You needn't come to me crying if you get molested."

I wouldn't do that, Sylvia, I thought to myself, not if I didn't want such news to be broadcast round the village within hours. She was my sister and I loved her, but she was such a gossip.

Well crazy or not, I was going to try for the job. In my opinion, Lisa had bolted like a frightened filly and not given the job a chance.

As I walked back along the hall, I paused to look at myself in the full length mirror. Not bad, not bad at all, I thought, smoothing my hands down over my figure hugging dress and admiring my slim, but curvy, form. Certainly, my legs wouldn't let me down in a maid's outfit.

And I had a pretty face, I knew that. If it was down to looks, I had the job already.

The next day, I just happened to be in the village doing some shopping and I had just enough time to pop into the Job Centre. I asked about part-time jobs and we were going through the few options available, when the cleaning job at Middle Grange Hall came up.

"Umm, I see that this one is still available" said the young assistant, puzzled, as she looked through her records. "I thought that it had been filled last week."

She excused herself and went off to find out more. She came back smiling, "Yes, it is available, if you are interested."

"Well, yes, I could be" I replied.

"Have you any cleaning and domestic duties experience?" she asked.

"Well I've been a housewife for a number of years and have 2 children," I retorted "and that's a hell of a lot of experience, believe me."

"Yes quite," said the assistant, "I take your point."

She brightened up. "Shall I fix up an interview for you, then?"

Why not? I thought and, within a minute, she was on the phone to the Colonel.

She turned to me with her hand over the phone. "He wants to know your age, height and weight," she asked me, all embarrassed.

"Tell him I'm 31 years old, 5ft. 7 in. and weigh just over 8 stone."

She relayed this on and then smiled. "It's all fixed up for you to go in on Monday afternoon. He will give you all the details then, and, if everything is O.K., then you can start straight away. He just needed your details for the maid's uniform."

I was taken aback by the speed of my application. But, I saw no reason not to proceed. After all, I thought, I could always turn it down if he turned out to be a weirdo.

It also left me the weekend to organise the household and plan things at home.

My sister rang me on Sunday afternoon, desperate to know whether I'd followed up my interest in the job at Middle Grange Hall. I told her ...nothing.

Should I tell Darren, my husband? I deliberated. On balance, no, I think not. Well, maybe later, when I had got the job, because he was sure to put forward a dozen arguments against it without even trying. But then, he wouldn't understand what a boring life I led here in Market Whinstone. Neither could he accept what it would mean to me to have a little money of my own.

I had been looking for a little part-time job for some time now, but, either Darren put me off applying, or someone beat me to it. So, I was quite happy to have a job lined up for myself. They were not easy to come by.

When Monday came, I presented myself at the Hall for my interview. The Colonel invited me in, and, as I walked passed him, I hoped that I was making a good impression. I was wearing a smart navy blue skirt, with matching heels and a white blouse. My long dark hair was pinned up high on my head.

He sat me down, giving me the once over while stroking his moustache. And, as he did so. I leaned back in the chair and crossed my long, shapely legs. That got his instant attention. It was so effective, I only just stopped myself from giggling.

He asked me a few questions, before giving me a brief chat as to my duties and other details of employment. Then he gave me a quick tour of the rooms. I think he liked the look of me, because, he went to a cupboard and got out a maid's uniform. "You would have to wear this while you are working here," he drawled in his military style voice.

"Oh, no problem," I told him. "Should I try it on now?"

His eyes lit up. "Well, why not?" He enthused. "Let's see what you look like in it."

He showed me into a small room where I could change and left me to it.

I took off my jacket, blouse and skirt and hung them up on a coat hanger. This left bra, panties, stay up stockings and high heels. Then I reached for the outfit he had given me. "Gosh, it's short alright," I muttered, as I slipped it on and fastened it up.

I stepped out into the hall and looked at myself in the mirror. The outfit had obviously been obtained for someone a bit smaller than me, because, I was showing rather a lot of leg. I turned round and was relieved to see that it was covering my bum at the back, but not by much. I was showing a fair bit of cleavage too. Otherwise, it was a good fit, and, if I say so myself, I looked good in it. I twirled round, happily, it felt rather French and sexy, especially with a cheeky little maids' white ribbon perched on my head.

Just then, the Colonel appeared and I stood before him for inspection. I could tell he was pleased and impressed, because, he kept on repeating what I came to realise was his favourite word. "Excellent...excellent..." It came out in a sort of low growl.

"You don't think the dress is too short for me?" I asked mischievously.

"Oh no, good heavens no," he assured me. "It's just perfect for you."

"Have I got the job then, Colonel?" I asked.

"Oh yes," he said looking at me from head to toe..."Absolutely."

"Well, then, I'd better get on with some work," I said and twirled around, looking for the duster and cleaning materials.

As I dusted in the hall, I couldn't resist having another peek at myself in the mirror. I was glad I had fastened up my hair before I came because I looked very neat. Also, my 3 inch heels were pushing me up to 5ft 10 and the uniform fitted snug enough to show off my curves. It was fortunate indeed that my lovely long legs were my best feature, for very little of them were hidden under the uniform. Oh well, I thought, better not bend over too much or my new boss will be having a heart attack.

I started in the drawing room, elated that I had got myself a job. Then I moved to the music room. I was making good progress, but, there were lots of rooms and a large hall, stairs and landing. However, I reasoned, that I had all week to get round. So, I stopped for a breather and decided to pop in and see the Colonel's sister. I had seen her when I had first arrived and she had been very quiet.

"Oh hello, dear," she said, when I popped my head around the kitchen door. She was a lady in her sixties. She looked at my uniform, "Oh that's rather short on you, my dear," she frowned. "But, Gerald will approve of it, I'm sure," she smiled.

There didn't seem much to do in the kitchen, but, I stayed for half an hour and had a coffee with her. She was ever such a sweet old dear.

Then I went back to do a bit more dusting and vacuum cleaning.

The Colonel often popped his head round the corner of whatever room I was in just to have a look at whatever I was doing. "Excellent...excellent..." he would growl before disappearing. I got the distinct impression he was on his best behaviour. I looked at my watch, it was time to go. So I got changed and said my goodbyes. The Colonel showed me to the door.

"See you on Wednesday, then?"

"Yes, of course," I said and felt his eyes on my rear, as I swayed my hips down the path.

I had made arrangements for the children to be picked up after school by my friend, Pam, but, I knew I couldn't keep asking her to do this.

So, I decided to tackle the Colonel about my hours. If he wouldn't budge, I would reluctantly have to quit. My children were quite young at 7 and 5 and I had to put them first.

So on Wednesday, when I had finished cleaning etc., I went to see the Colonel in his study.

I explained about my children and asked if I could alter my hours.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked, smiling.

I asked him if I could come 4 days a week instead of 3, but work the same number of hours. That would mean I finished earlier, so I could pick the children up from school.

"Yes, I think I like that better," he beamed. "So what day off would you like?"

We agreed on Friday, as the Colonel sometimes went up to London on a weekend.

I was so pleased, that I gave him a little curtsy as I left the room. He liked that alright and I heard his earthy growl. "Excellent...excellent..."

We had agreed that I would come in on the Friday, one last time, before I changed my hours the following week. Once again his lordship was on his best behaviour. I sensed that having lost a few employees so quickly, he was determined to let me settle in. That didn't stop him trailing around watching me. Of course, he just couldn't resist ogling my legs when he thought I was too busy to notice. Maybe, I should take this uniform home with me, I thought, and parade it round the bedroom. No, I corrected myself, Darren would not be amused. And if he wasn't interested in me coming back practically naked from the bathroom each night, then a uniform wouldn't excite him anyway. Besides, it would give him a good reason to object to my part time job and make me quit.

The Colonel paid me as I left and I was really happy. I had a nice little job, a fistful of money and had changed my hours to suit me. It couldn't be better. "See you Monday," I said cheerfully to the Colonel.

He walked with me to my battered red mini and got an eyeful of leg as I manoeuvred myself into the driving seat. He was stroking his moustache as I drove off.

I finally got round to telling my husband about my job that weekend. He grumbled a lot, but, I knew he would have to accept it, as it didn't affect the children at all. That didn't stop him moaning though "A wife of mine shouldn't need to work" he kept grumbling.

"Look, I like it and it gets me out of the house." I kept telling him. "Besides, lots of my friends have little part time jobs."

Eventually, he dropped his objections.

And yes, I told my sister. She would find out anyway. She always did.

I assured her again and again that the Colonel had behaved like a gentleman and there had been no hanky panky. "It must have been Lisa," I told her. "All that ginger hair must have sent the wrong message. In any case, I won't stand any nonsense," I assured her.

She seemed quite disappointed at all this, no juicy gossip to pass on.

"Still it's early days yet," she rallied. "A leopard doesn't change his spots that easily."

As I put the phone down, I felt a strange flush of disappointment myself. Did he prefer Lisa to me? He hadn't even brushed up against me accidentally. How dull.

On Monday afternoon, I took a little radio in with me. I like a little music when I'm working in the house and I hoped they didn't mind. I was in one of the upstairs rooms and one of my favourite songs came on. So, I stopped for a minute or two and danced and twirled to the music. Suddenly, I saw the Colonel in the doorway and stopped, a little embarrassed.

"I don't do this often," I giggled, "I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all," he smiled, "as long as you don't mind me watching you."

"You can watch me anytime," I said posing prettily for him and blushing red.

"You have such lovely well shaped legs," he groaned. It was something he obviously had to get off his chest.

"Oh thank you, kind sir," I said as I lifted up the front of my dress and gazed down at my legs as if I had never seen them before. Then I kept my dress up a bit longer than a good girl should. I suppose I wanted to see him looking at them. And he was. Having a damn good look before I dropped it down Naughty tease that I am.

The Colonel was struck dumb at my leg show and it took him a while to recover. He tugged his finger at the collar of his shirt as if it was suddenly too small.

Meanwhile, I carried on dusting, biting my lip at my own foolishness. What was I doing showing off my legs like that? I should know better.

Encouraging him was the last thing I should do.

After a while, he shuffled out of the door. "Excellent...excellent..."

Now that we had broken the ice, he was a little more relaxed with me, but still on his best behaviour. This carried on all week, until Thursday, when with half an hour to go on my shift, he sneaked up on me, while I was bending down adjusting the vacuum cleaner. I wasn't even aware that he was in the room, he must have tiptoed in. Suddenly, I was aware of him bending down and looking up my mini-dress. It was short enough for him to have got a perfect view all the way up to my bare thighs and little white panties.

"Oh!" I jumped up in shock, quite startled by his presence.

"Just picking up something that I dropped" he assured me, unconvincingly. "Sorry I made you jump."

"I don't mind you...picking things up"...I said, "just give me a bit of a warning first, so I won't get such a shock."

He looked at me carefully, digesting what I had just said, while I gave him my cutest smile. Then he got out his wallet and peeled me off some notes. "There's your wages, my dear, plus a little bonus."

We both knew what the bonus was for. He had given me an extra £10 for his naughty little peek. I opened up my mouth to refuse, but, at the last second decided to keep it. It was the easiest money I had ever earned.

"Thank you sir," I said coyly, as I curtsied. Then, I couldn't help smiling as I heard his little growl when picking up my radio. Then, knowing he was watching me, I swung my hips to the music as I walked out the door to get changed. The Colonel was making me feel like a woman again.

I didn't have to go back until Monday, so I had arranged to go shopping with Sylvia. She asked me 10 questions before I had driven out of the street. "Look I said, it's an easy job and I enjoy going. He's been the perfect gentleman and his sister is a sweet old lady. What more do you want me to say?"

"But several women have packed in the job because of him. He must be lusting after you something rotten. You have a good figure, you're pretty and you have better legs than Lisa."

"Well," I said. If he does anything naughty, you'll be the first to know."

I was lying through back teeth, of course. She would be the last person I would tell.

I had two weeks wages to spend, so, I bought myself a lovely outfit that I had spotted in Marks and Spencer's a week earlier. Normally, I would have denied myself such a treat, but now I had some money of my own and it made such a difference. I also bought a pair of nice shoes to go with it, as well as something for the children.