Tied Up By a Mistress and Her Maid


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So I was able to fuck myself in the ass by stretching my neck forward and back, forward a pull into me, and relax, the hook was less insistent. I went into my own rhythm for perhaps a minute or two, pulling the little fuck into myself. As I did so, my toes were taken into a hot mouth and sucked, and so too my fingers. So I fucked my own asshole lightly, and my fingers and toes were like little pricks into the wet heat of two mouths.

I felt a presence by my head again, and reached my fingers forward, and felt the top of tight thighs moving forward onto my hand, which I rotated now. It was Rebecca, for her crotch was at the height of my fingers, and she let me play beneath her knickers into the warm smoothness of her cunt lips, and she moved back and forth onto my fingers. Her lips were smooth to my limited touch, but when I curled one upwards in a probe and a try, she was content to allow my finger to curve into her cunt, just a little.

"He's fingering me, the cheeky sod," she was amused at my audacity, and took a little pleasure there while my finger stretched and pushed into her, just a tiny bit, for my wrists were shackled and I was limited where I could reach.

She moved forward onto my hand some more, and my finger curled into the tight heat of her asshole, just to the knuckle, and I felt the tight rim of her sphincter grip me.

"He's got the tip of a finger into my ass," I could just hear Rebecca's voice announce my progress.

"Well, I suppose that is fair," proclaimed Electra, "since we have put four inches of steel into his rear!"

I imagined her standing watching, her legs spread and her stance tall and imperial, watching me her plaything with black leather straps at my wrists and ankles; a strap choking my neck and a chain connecting that collar to the end of a steel hook curved into my tightest channel; shining bright steel slicked with lubricant; my cock and balls tied and bulging and richly coloured.

And her apprentice standing at the other end of the table, perhaps with her eyes closed and perhaps with fingers pulling at an exposed nipple while her cunt and asshole were resting and pressing down onto a restrained movement from my fingers. For I could feel a little slickness on the tips of my fingers and a quicker, rhythmic squeeze on the tip of my finger, as her tightest muscle gripped and pulsed me.

Ah, this was a slow build of pressure and ecstasy and surrender, and there was a tightness through my whole body now, and the slow shifting fuck of the metal was arousing nerve endings in my dark channel, and the blood was hot, filling into my rope tied prick and held there. It was if my body was my cock and my cock was my body, huge and heightened and aroused, pleasure swirling from my groin up the line of my spine, and I was making low, involuntary sounds from my throat.

There was a change in the room, as Rebecca eased herself off my fingers, and then there was a silence and, oh what a glorious scent as she placed her cunt wettened fingers to my nose, and brushed the dew of her lips over my lips. Her wettened finger, slick with her own moisture, pressed into my mouth like a small fucking prick, and I swirled my tongue over her taste. Then she was gone.

I felt movement on my neck and a tug on the steel in my ass, and there was a click as the chain was unlatched. Two further clicks, and I could move my hands, for the straps were undone. I reached my arms forward and embraced Rebecca standing at the head of the table, my hands caressing her plump backside, and one hand rubbing up her spine.

My ass pulsed and sucked on the metal hook, but it was slowly removed from my core, and left an emptiness there as the metal was taken away. My ankles were also unstrapped and all of my limbs were free.

"Roll onto your back," Electra commanded, "and make yourself comfortable."

A pillow was placed under my head, and the eye mask and the headphones made secure. And then my hands were taken once again and strapped, this time straight by my sides, and shackled again to the table. My feet were spread to the corners of the table and my ankles strapped in place, and I was on my back, secured and helpless, my rope tied cock hard against my belly. There was a silence in the room, and just a rush of waves from the headphones.

Silence and motionless, the two women were still. I had no idea where in the room they were. I did not know if they looked at me with curiosity (what might we do next?); or looked at me with contempt (see how he is trapped and cock risen and helpless); or admiration (look at the fine length and straightness of his cock, tied there).

They might not even be looking at me at all. Silence and stillness. My cock was beating with my heartbeat, so there was movement.

The external silence, beyond the soundtrack from the headphones, broke through and I could hear their voices, just chatting to each other with occasional laugh, and a clatter of instruments on the tray down by my feet. A mouth sucked onto my nipple, and teeth tugged the small tightness erect and firm, fingers rolled my nipple and my prick responded, nerve endings sending and twitching a connection there.

"Look, his cock is connected to his nipples, see how it responds to my pull on his tight tits."

There was a tight pain, first on one nipple and then the other, and I knew that clamps had been placed on my small erect tips, and would keep them tight. I drew in my breath with a gasp, and then felt a weight between my nipples and a cold band across my chest, and guessed that a chain had been connected between the nipple clamps, and then connected to the rope cooked around my prick.

At some stage a coil of rope had been wrapped around the shaft of my thickened prick, and the chain between my nipples was connected to that rope.

So there was a triangle of connected triggering and response, for each time my cock tightened or throbbed, it would tug on the clamped nipples, and each tug on my nipples would send a twitch to my prick. So a constant circle of tug and tightness was set up, and I could not control it.

There were the four glorious sensitive hands caressing my skin with lotions, wonderfully scented, and a deep massage of my arms and legs and feet. And the centre of my cock and balls and ass hole were avoided, and their massaging hands would deliberately move away from my heat; the teasing bitches but I would not dare say that, for they could remove their attention and deny me.

I was now powerless to these women, and was their thing, their object. Yet they caressed me and cared for me by giving, so I was given to them as a gift and they were taking from me some something. For why would they do this, if it did not bring them their own pleasure?

I knew that Rebecca had taken a little sliver of pleasure from my fingers to her cunt and ass, but Electra was more remote, and had not yet allowed any intimacy with her body. I wondered if she would, or whether her pleasure was from seeing me subject to her desires. It was a curious thing, but she remained remote.

I could hear her telling Rebecca things about reactions, and control and tension and edging and she was clearly an experienced mistress. I suspected that this session was a little tame by her more demanding standards, something I would confirm later when I read of her history as a dungeon mistress.

But then I felt, once again, a presence by my head, and a finger probing my mouth and becoming a little fuck there, my saliva moistening with my suckle on her fingers. I did not know who this was, who was attending to my mouth. And then I did know, for a full nipple was placed into my mouth and the weight of soft breasts was over my face. Rebecca's tight tipped and full breast was in my mouth, and I had sucked on it before and remembered its taste and feel.

I suckled that weight of breast as far into my mouth as I could, gently nipping on the erect nub of nipple. Her hands stroked down my ribs and over my stomach, as I sucked upon the breast, and then the other one, for R liked both her breasts to be suckled upon, and would offer me each in turn. I imagined warm milk spilling from those tits into my mouth, but that was all in my head.

Once again I felt the turn of the small pricked wheel on that part of my cock that was not coiled in rope, and then its running pain on my balls, which were hard and tight now, and I imagined a rich red or purple as the heated blood was trapped there. As I suckled upon Rebecca's tits, Electra was paying a delicate attention to my cock and balls, and caressing and pressing around my ass hole.

It felt as if something was deep within me, but it was just a press on my dark channel, with a finger or a toy, perhaps. I could not tell what was being done to me, nor what tools and small, sharp objects were involved.

As I suckled on Rebecca's full breasts, her nipples tight and hard in my mouth, little sighs of joy just edging over the rising waves on the soundtrack of this pleasure, I felt Electra's attention focus on my cock and balls and asshole.

My prick felt like a rod of hard iron, constrained as it was by Electra's rope, and she was now swirling some soft thing about the head of my shaft. I could not tell if it was velvet cloth or the palm of her hand, but it was slow, ecstatically slow, a slow rub around the tip of me. It was almost unbearable, but the mistress bitch knew exactly what pressure to place and what pressure to deny, and I knew that it was pointless to cry out or do anything else but moan low in my throat.

This I think was where Electra got her pleasure, through her total command over her slave's reaction, her dominion. It was strange, for I would usually consider myself any woman's equal when it came to giving and receiving pleasure, but because I had elected to surrender myself and place my arms in her chains and my cock in her rope, that paradigm had shifted.

I did not know what she desired, and I was unable to provide it. So I gave myself up to her completely, and had no interest in her pleasure for I could not grant it, and I was expectant of the next sensation on my cock and in my ass, for it felt that she was pressing into me with her finger or with some toy, and I could not tell how wide open my hole was, or if it sucked in some tight thing, or whether it swelled and opened with some big thing.

Rebecca lifted her wet tits from my mouth, and let my fingers caress her thigh as she walked away from the head of the table. I felt a pull on my taut nipples, still clamped, and a sharp pain there, and the chain was taken from my chest. I felt a pull on my cock as the triangle of pull and response was broken. And with a click one of the nipple clamps was removed and I felt a hot tongue suck my breast, and pull that pain tightened nipple into a mouth, and there was a blossoming ease of the pressure as she suckled.

I guessed it was Rebecca reciprocating the suck on my breast just as I had suckled long on hers. The other nipple clamp was removed, and a pair of fingers squeezed a hot soothing sensation onto my tight tipped nip, and her tongue suckled one breast and her fingers gently twisted my other hot peak.

And at the base of the table, Electra unlatched the chains about my ankles and then she climbed upon the table and spread my legs around her waist. So I was splayed and opened for this woman, my ass and my cock central to her hands. My legs were around her, my thighs against her waist.

I felt flesh, so knew that she had taken her blouse off, but my eyes were denied the fullness of her big breasts, and my hands were still strapped by my waist, so I was denied the feel of her smooth skin, and I was denied the weight of her big hard tits in the palms of my hands.

My cock though, was not denied.

"Look Rebecca, see what happens when I unravel the rope. See the rich redness of the head, and watch how its colour changes as the blood flows."

And, ah God, there was a flow of heat to my prick, and felt it tighten and harden even more than it had been this last what, hour? For I could not tell how long I had been in this state of arousal and denial, but it was longer than any time in my life, I think, this long slow arousal over which I had no control. These beautiful women had built me up and given me such filling pleasure, and still they were not done.

Rebecca continued a gentle suckle on my breast, and my nipples felt huge as she alternately sucked one and bit the other, and pressed the heat of her palm to my chest. And then she moved back to the head of the table, her hands still on my chest and flowing down over my belly.

She stood close to my head and I could scent her sweet cunt, and then she dropped her breast again to my mouth, and I suckled to her. And as I did, Electra started up a slow stroke of my rod, both hands twisting and oh so slowly stroking the shaft of my cock, and a pressing fullness on the open swell of my asshole.

The two women stroked their hands over me, Rebecca's hands a long slow slide down my sides and over my chest, her tits full and heavy and wet over my face, her nipples hot and hard on my tongue. Electra's hands were tighter and harder now, slowly stroking my shaft up and down, and fingers grasping my high tight balls.

Slowly the throb started deep in the base of me, a tight coiling and heating at the base of my spine, and my breath was ragged and panting now, and I could not suckle R's full and heavy breasts any longer, and she lifted them from my mouth. But oh God, then her nipple became a tongue, and as Electra pulled on my long prick, Rebecca started to fuck into my mouth with her tongue, and she too was panting into my mouth as I was pulled on my cock.

My hands stretched and reached only air, and then it must have been Rebecca's hands reaching down to caress my fingers as her tongue and lips tangled with mine, and our breath tangled and I breathed her in and she breathed me in, and we set up a rhythm of breath, and Electra set up a longer and faster rhythm on my risen prick. And I was between the two women, one a hot wet mouth on my mouth and lips, her hands stroking across my chest and nipples and belly; and Electra sitting between my open and thrusting groin, my legs around her waist.

Oh, oh, my sweet fuck, my cock filled and felt impossibly huge, my ass was pressed and pushed, and I could not tell if there was a finger there, but from the base of my spine I could feel my come boiling and thrusting to the peak of me, and the strokes built me and peaked me, but not yet, ah fuck, not yet, she pulled one more long hand over my shaft and, ah not yet, one more long pull and one more deep push into my ass.

"Rebecca, look, here he is, let's see..."

A string of come shot from the long depths of my shaft, pulsing over my chest and nipples, a long heat of come like I had not shot since I was a twenty year old, ah fuck yes, pull it from me, tight hands, pull and twist and urge up the long syrup of come. I felt a long pushing fuck into my ass and a pressure deep inside me as she milked my prostrate.

"Let's see just how much hot cream I can pull from him, his hot long cock. God, I can feel the heat in his cock and in the tight tunnel of his ass. Oh yes, that's it, hot come for your ladies, give us all of your hot creaming come, oh look at the spurting mess."

And at my chest, Rebecca creamed the hot fluid from deep in my balls onto my skin with her palms, a gentle rotation of her massaging hands, this time my cream was the moisture and the lotion. At my groin the mistress Electra was slow and gentle with her hands as she held my cock for some five slow minutes, as it softened and coiled in her hands and she held it with a quiet pressure.

My heart uncoiled from its beating tension, and I relaxed into their soothing hands. All I could hear was a low murmur of their voices as together they gave their ministry to my calming body. And I was a sacrament and holy place for their granting hands.

They undid the straps of my wrists and bade me carefully sit up on the table, and one of them took away the dark mask from my eyes and took one of my hands in hers, and there at the end of the table stood Electra, her high full breasts thrust upward in a half cup bra, just the fullness of dark brown nipples half crescents in the cups, her white belly a beautiful rounded curve. So she allowed me to caress her with my eyes, and her eyes were large and dark, a wrinkled laugh at their corners, and a gentle smile on her lips. Even if she was the commanding mistress, she had a warmth and softness about her face.

She turned away and reached for her gossamer blouse, and covered herself. By my side, Rebecca's skin was blushed and reddened, her breasts full with my suckle and the pull of my mouth on her nipples, and she had given herself some small pleasure as she had peaked and pushed me to a long, slow, langorous ecstasy. My own skin was flushed and warm, soft with the oils and creams, including my own jetting cream.

The two women left me to dress, and a minute or two later I joined them at the small table in the living room. As I sat, there was no indication from them or me that twenty minutes before I had been naked and chained, my cock huge and hard and tied, my asshole red and swollen and open before them. They gave no clue that an hour before I had lain naked before them, their hard hands spanking the bare cheeks of my ass. No clue, but there was the knowledge of my openness and surrender. It was a strange thing, but I had been their playground, for just a short time.

As I left them, a firm body hug from each of them in turn and a warm tongue kiss from Rebecca, I didn't look back. I didn't look down, but saw the leaves in the trees above my head, and the blue sky, and the clouds. I felt more alive than I had for a very long time.

When I got back to my car, I looked at the dash clock, and realised that this kindness of women had given up nearly two and a half hours of themselves to me. Damn, that was special.

It's good to be alive when there are people in the world willing to take you to a special place.

Go there, give yourself up to the kindness of women.

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AG31AG316 months ago

So I woke up this morning and began thinking about this story. It was a pleasurable review, and I added several bits of my own. I couldn't remember it in detail, so I decided to revisit. It's even better the second go around!

AG31AG317 months ago

I was so happy for the MC!!! And a special thanks for this: "So a constant circle of tug and tightness was set up, and I could not control it."

cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

I agree with yowser, suspense had me edgy, wondering what they would do next & what you would feel. xox

SomaSlaveSomaSlaveover 1 year ago

I've never read a better description of sensual BDSM. It's like a Hegre video in text. Marvelous!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very erogenous!

Nice! I would enjoy having 2 women massage and dominate me like this. I would especially love having them attach clamps and a chain to my sensitive man-nipples and torturing them!

" 'Look, his cock is connected to his nipples, see how it responds to my pull on his tight tits.' " --This is me! My nipples are connected to my cock, and I love having women pull on my tits!

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