Time for Truth Ch. 02


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Love, they are young. They met some kids there and exchanged numbers. It's no big deal. Margaret replied.

At the same time, Reina was trying to pacify an irritated Levin. They are girls. Of course boys will notice them. she told her mate.

The girls were in Marisol's room talking about the boys they'd met. Marisol liked Timothy and hoped he'd actually call as he promised. Soon Harriet and Megan had to go and get their chores done, so Marisol offered to help. The three girls worked together the rest of the day. At dinner time, everyone reported to the dining hall and Marisol helped serve. At first the Omegas in charge tried to send her back to her family, but she refused. Margaret was very proud of her. Her granddaughter was not afraid of hard work.

Zeke came in and prepared his plate. He needed rolls, and Marisol had brought out fresh ones. She was serving, just like a common Omega. He was impressed. He smiled at her, but she quickly walked away. Feeling slightly dejected, Zeke ate his dinner and then left the dining hall. Knox and the guys finished, and they headed out for awhile. Zeke had no problem attracting women in the past, and tonight when they arrived at the Silver Slippers things were no different. Four women slipped him their numbers as soon as he entered the club, but he passed the numbers off to his friends.

The guys made sure they had singles and were waiting for the show to begin. Soon the owner, Buck, announced that the show was about to start. Zeke watched as a gorgeous long-legged blonde came out to dance. Scantily dressed in a farm girl costume that barely held her triple D's in place, she performed her routine. The men around him were entranced, but Zeke had no desire to see this woman naked.

She finished her show, collected her bills and clothes, and exited the stage. "What the fuck, man? You're dead tonight. What gives," Knox asked? "Did the Alpha blast you about his precious granddaughter again?"

"Yes, and ruined my day," Zeke answered. He was not about to tell this guy that Marisol was his mate. It wasn't his business.

The next girl came up, and she captivated his interest. The girl was not very tall. She had sun-kissed skin. She had a head full of curly brown hair that she'd pinned up. Her curves were womanly, but not overt. Zeke felt his cock stir. The girl wore a cute little school girl outfit. In his mind, she became the one girl he found himself desiring. She began to dance, and Zeke's imagination went wild. He saw Marisol dancing just for him. His cock hardened, and his heart raced. For a moment, only he and his fantasy woman were in the room. Soon, her dance ended, and Zeke realized she was not the one he wanted. His cock went limp, and he knew he was screwed. He could no longer touch any other woman but his intended mate. Five years of celibacy was going to be a long ass time.

He groaned, and Knox laughed. "Damn, she was hot. Man you should get her number," he suggested. Zeke laughed at this pun, and excused himself to get a drink. As he was ordering the dancer they'd just watched walked up to the bar. She introduced herself, and he was polite. He complimented her dancing, but once he saw her up close he realized that she did not even compare to the girl he dreamed of. He ordered a soda after deciding that tonight someone had to stay sober.

Soon the night ended, and the guys headed back to Wildwood. Zeke went to bed while castigating himself. Five years was a long ass time. He rose the next morning and reported to his job. As a Beta, he patrolled the perimeter of the compound, and he also worked as security at the office. He went to breakfast, and listened as people chattered. The girls came in, and he overheard Marisol's name. He also heard something about her meeting a boy. His wolf growled. He waited for her to join them, and five minutes later he got his wish. Marisol was breath-takingly beautiful. She sat with her friends, laughing and talking. That is until she saw him, and her smile vanished.

You need to talk to her, his wolf demanded. She cannot go out with another male!

Stop, she is young and we gave our word, he reminded his ticked off wolf. Lakota and Margaret walked in, and both noticed how Zeke glowered at their granddaughter.

ZEKE! Lakota warned. Zeke dropped his head and left. Margaret looked at her mate and said, "Lakota, she is so young. How can he... She needs time...." Lakota kissed his wife.

"Love, Levin and I both talked to him. He will wait," he reassured his wife.

"Grandma, Grandpa, good morning," Marisol greeted them when they entered. Kayla and Jayden had eaten earlier and were with their caregiver. Levin and Reina had gone to work, and her grandparents were about to go. Marisol decided to help her friends with chores again today.

"Hi sweetheart, don't overdo it today. You are just visiting, remember," Margaret reminded her. The three chatted before they ate and went off to their respective jobs.

Marisol was so relaxed. She'd been here three days and had not had the dream again. Suddenly, her phone rang and she was excited when she answered, because it was Timothy. He was calling to see if the girls wanted to hang out that evening. She agreed, and all three girls were excited at the prospect of seeing the boys again.

They were meeting the boys at six, and they decided to dress in similar colors. Harriet had her own car, so she'd drive them. Marisol called her grandmother and told her of her plans. Margaret approved, but told her she'd assign someone to drive them and serve as an extra guard. Marisol felt relief. Not that she thought something would happen, but she felt better knowing someone would be with them just in case.

Margaret called her head female Beta and asked her to assign someone to accompany the girls, but she said she'd go with them as opposed to assigning someone else the task. The day went on uneventfully, and soon, it was time for the girls to go, so they went to meet the guard that was driving them. The three girls were heading to the car when Marisol walked past Zeke. He stopped, and they looked at each other. He didn't say anything to her. He just stood there and looked at her. She felt butterflies in her stomach, but she simply looked away and rushed by him. He stepped aside and let her go.

The week Marisol visited flew by, and soon it was time for her to go home. She hugged her family and thanked them for having her. She hugged and said goodbye to her friends. She'd miss them, but she was ready to go home. Zeke had avoided her the rest of the week, and he was perturbed that she didn't seem to notice. However, when she left, he shifted and spied on her from the side of the house. As she was heading out to fly home she noticed Zeke watching her. Suddenly, the butterflies returned, and she shivered. She felt strange, but dismissed it as simply feeling a bit melancholy about leaving.


Benny had an exciting week. He'd had dinner with the Thane Pack, and then they returned to their apartment. The next day, the young men spent all day attending orientations and visiting various offices as part of completing their final registration.

Javon called Thane back as promised, and the two men talked. Nina wanted to speak with her mother. Michael called Hannah to his office and the two women spoke for the first time in over thirty years. Actually, they cried more than they talked. Brandy cried as well, and the conversation ended with Hannah begging Nina to come home.

Michael Thane spoke to his former pack member, and asked if she would come back. Nina hesitated. It wasn't that she didn't want to visit, but the memories were so painful. Thaddeus was there, and he too was apprehensive. He knew Benson was gone. He also knew that he owed that man a great debt, but he didn't want to come up lacking in Nina's eyes.

Nina faced Javon and Elise, and Javon gave her his permission to visit. Not that he would have refused, even if he could. Michael assured her she would be safe, and even went so far as to state she could bring as many people with her as she needed to feel safe. Nina smiled and said, "Momma, I'll be there in a few days."

Hannah sobbed loudly, tears of joy and relief. Her baby was coming home. Finally, Nina was coming home. They hung up, and Elise asked, "Do you want Celia, BJ, and Kyra to go with you?"

Nina thought for a moment before answering, "No, let me go alone first. If it goes well, we can arrange for them to visit next." She took a deep breath and continued, "I want to go with just Thaddeus. Can Theo and Jasmine stay here," she asked?

"Nina, you never have to ask. The triplets would love the company. Let's schedule your flight." They left the men to go arrange the trip to Nina's former home. "Thaddeus, are you alright," Javon asked?

"Yes, I'm happy she will be able to see her family again. I want to meet them. It's silly really. What if I don't..." Thaddeus's voice trailed off as he struggled to explain exactly what it was that he was feeling. Javon laughed at the consternation on his brother's face, but then he saw that Thaddeus was really worried about something. Suddenly it occurred to him what it was that Thaddeus was having trouble with.

"Thaddeus, that woman loves you. She has made a life with you here. You have no reason to fear a ghost," Javon assured his younger brother.

Thaddeus grinned and replied, "I'm just being silly. She needs this. She needs to reconnect with her family. I am going to be there for her. I'm there for her, no matter what."

Celia and Kyra arrived at the alpha home. They knew the Alphas were talking with Mom and Thaddeus about going home, and they wanted to know what was decided. Momma, we are here. We want to talk, Celia sent.

I'm with Elise, Nina replied. Within seconds the girls joined their mother and the Alpha bitch. Celia and Kyra entered the Alpha Madam's office respectfully. Nina explained that she spoke with Grandma Hannah, and she and Thaddeus was going to visit for a few days. The girls shared a look. They wanted to go.

"Momma, if you're going back there we want to be with you." Celia explained. Kyra quickly agreed with her sister. Nina smiled, so proud of both daughters.

"I need to go there. Then, I will arrange for you two and your brother to come. I will be fine, but this is something that I need to do first. I love you two, and I am so proud that you want to go and protect me, but I need to face them and I need to do it alone." Nina smiled, "Well, I won't really be alone, Thaddeus is going with me," she added. Celia sighed relieved, but a part of her wanted to see her baby and make sure he was alright.

Nina looked at her oldest child, then she hugged her, "Now you see how I felt," she teased, bringing a smile to Celia's face, which was quickly followed by tears as she broke down and shared her fears with the three women she trusted most in the world.


When the boys' day ended, they had their schedules, had purchased materials, and were planning to attend a campus party welcoming incoming freshmen. Terse and Lars spent the day at the school making sure the boys got everything that was necessary completed. As they were headed back to the jeep, someone cleared her throat gaining their attention.

"You guys are so full of yourselves. You are not going to that party. It's not safe," she taunted.

"Um, last time I checked, I thought I left my Momma at home. You are definitely not my Momma," Paul replied, as he blatantly eyed her body. She was sexy as sin, and he liked what he saw.

She smiled at him, perusing his form appreciatively as well. "Nice doggie, you are cute. If I wasn't sent here as extra security I might try you out, but then Gernick would probably kill me," she smirked and then went on, "You are cute, but not cute enough to die for." Paul growled. She was a vampire. She'd been sent by Gernick and he knew she would never do anything to upset her boss. DAMN! he thought..

"Well, who says Gernick needs to know," he whispered? The vampiress laughed, he was bold for someone so young. But she was not interested in corrupting a kid. "Look, um..." she waited.

"Paul," he interjected, smiling at her.

"Paul, go find yourself a nice little bitch and play with her, OK. Now as for the party tonight, you all are not going."

Paul was perturbed. He was supposed to hook up with some girls at this party. Besides, Lars and Terse wouldn't be there, and they could go a bit wild without being under their watchful eyes for a few hours. They knew not to shift, so that wasn't the issue. They knew humans would be present and were taught as pups never to shift around humans. They would panic and chaos could ensue.

The boys knew they were heavily guarded. Because of the make-up of their pack, their vampire family was always extra cautious. Even when the boys were home, if they tried to get into something that could cause problems, the vampires that protected them often ran interference. It had always been that way. Since Nicolette Ivanov saved Nina, and her husband accepted the pack as family, they were always guarded. Gernick was extremely protective of those he loved, and if anything suspicious was happening tonight, he would ban them from participating.

The other three boys started to protest when Terse looked over and saw who they were talking too. He had to intervene. Four horny male youths could be a handful, and he knew at least one of the boys had some female in mind to spend time with. He needed to diffuse this situation. "Hey Candy, how are you? I didn't know you were here," he added. She turned and smiled at Terse. The boys were annoyed, and Candy had to struggle to keep from laughing at the look of consternation on each of their faces.

"Hey, Terse. Yes, and I was telling your boys that the party tonight is off limits. It's not secure," she explained.

Terse nodded, "You guys heard Candy. If she says it's not secure then you aren't going."

"Ah man! Come on! Sheesh," the boys rumbled!

"We can go to the compound tonight. I'm sure Alpha Thane would not mind," Lars stated, although he was disappointed as well. He wanted the boys to attend the party because they needed time on their own, and he needed some time to himself as well. "Besides, we all need to run and work off some energy, right," he pointed out looking directly at Paul, who was busy watching Candy walk away. "Um, yeah, sure Lars," he mumbled.

The other three boys grumbled, but reluctantly agreed to go to the compound that evening in lieu of the party. When they arrived at the compound, the whole family was there to meet them. They all joined the pack for dinner, and Grandma Hannah told them Nina was coming to visit in a few days, which was very exciting for everyone to hear.

Benny learned the names of all of his Aunts and Uncles, while the family learned that he and Ares were cousins, which immediately led to Ares being considered a grandnephew and grandson as well. Soon, even Paul and Phillip had been adopted into the fold.

Some of the younger wolves approached them and the boys had a great time getting to know them while realizing to their chagrin that the younger wolves looked up to them. It seems that not many of the Thane wolves ever traveled very far from their pack lands, and these young wolves thought the older boys were incredibly brave for traveling so far from their home.

Soon, the boys had forgotten all about the mixer and enjoyed hanging out at the compound. They also spotted a group of girls about their age, and readily introduced themselves. Lars, as well as Terse found someone to occupy their time while the boys were occupied with their new friends.

Ares, although he was having fun hanging out and flirting, took a moment to look around. This was something his father often did, and he found himself doing so as well. Ares saw that everyone was having a great time. A few of the younger kids shifted and were playfully wrestling. The women were chattering, and everyone seemed content. He smiled, until he noticed that Alpha Thane seemed worried, and he couldn't help but wonder what it was that him looking so concerned. He decided that he needed to talk with him before they went back to their apartment in order to try and find out what it was that had him so bothered.

When the other guys went off with younger members of the pack, Ares took a moment to speak to Alpha Michael. Michael had actually walked off to the side of the room and was drinking a tea. Ares joined him.

"Alpha Michael, I never thanked you personally for allowing us to become temporary members of your pack. I also want to thank you for allowing my cousin to know his family. I know it's not much, but we really appreciate your kindness." Ares looked around. "Alpha Michael, you seem bothered. If us being here is too..." Michael stopped him.

"You are too astute for one so young. You will grow to be a fine Alpha one day, just like your father. I've always admired and respected Javon, and to have members of his pack here is a great honor. Ares, don't concern yourself with me and my pondering. Nothing is wrong." He looked at the Daniel's family and Hannah. "Finally after all these years, things are finally going right." Michael smiled and patted Ares on his shoulder. "Son, go visit, enjoy yourself. Run with the other young men and women. Nothing is wrong." He assured his young guest.

Ares felt better and joined his friends. They had decided to go for a run, so everyone stripped and shifted and went on a run. Ares was joined by a few female pack members, just lie his friends. He smiled, the girls were friendly and unlike some human females, they weren't sexually repressed. Ares smiled. A cute little blond bitch caught his attention, and he wanted to get to know her. The group took off. It was exhilarating, and the land was beautiful. The pack took great pride in showing them their homeland. Paul tried to woo a few girls, and they shot him down. He didn't give up, just smiled, and told them he'd keep trying. They'd give in to his southern charm eventually. The boys laughed, and felt as if they were at home.

The hour grew late, and Terse called the boys over letting them know that it was time for them to get back to their apartment. Grandma Miriam asked the boys about staying the night at the compound. She had room, as did Hannah, so all of them could stay with the family. The boys declined this time, because they had classes the next day. However, they promised that if Alpha Thane allowed them to, they'd stay over the weekend.

Grandma Miriam and Grandma Hannah packed food for them to take home with them. Although they were stuffed, Alpha Madam Brandy would not let them refuse. Soon their jeep was paced with enough leftovers for days, and the boys headed home. They started classes the next day and needed to rest.

As Lars drove into their apartment complex, he knew hey were guarded. He looked toward the roof and nodded to their silent guardian. Candy was standing outside watching from the roof of a neighboring apartment building. She alerted the team when the boys were back home safe and secure. As soon as they were safely inside, Candy vanished back to her post to keep watch.

Once they were back at their apartment the guys got into bed, while Lars and Terse went to their own apartment, leaving the boys alone. One condition for agreeing to accompany the boys was that they had their own space. They loved their pack members, but hanging around with guys that young was a bit much for anyone to do 24/7.

The next morning, while the boys were getting ready to start their day the excitement led to a bit of banter amongst the boys."Paul you are a dog," Ares teased.

"Woof woof, buddy, all of us are dogs," he reminded his friends as he partially shifted, causing the guys to burst out laughing. "By the way, I will be busy this weekend. I have a date with Jada from my psychology class. Then I'm meeting Kelly to go over some notes for anatomy. I'd sure like to see her anatomy," he joked. "Then there is Lisa, man that girl is hot!" Paul stopped and looked at his friends, "So what are you three jerks up to," he asked?