Time for Truth Ch. 06


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Soon the three just talked, but both girls felt he was hiding something. Then Aria realized something significant. He didn't say he was going back to school. He said he was going home. Candace left and Aria faced him. "Phillip what did you mean when you said you were going home tonight? Are you relocating to California?" she asked.

Startled that she figured it out, Phillip looked at her. His eyes were wide and she could tell he was nervous. "Yes, Thane is home for me now. Look, Aria, only you and Alpha Javon know. Please don't say anything. I'm not ready to tell everyone yet."

Aria sighed. I'll miss him. she thought. Then she hugged her friend and agreed to keep quiet for now. "Hey, you're not gone yet. Besides, we can travel, so it's not like we'll never see you again, right?" Phillip smiled and nodded. Since contacting the pack initially and having Nina reintegrated with Thane, Thane and Loess were now connected. He wasn't losing his family, just expanding. He'd tell father tonight and when they came home for Marisol's graduation in a few weeks, he'd tell everyone else. "Come on, let's go. Your dad warned me about you and I like having a butt to sit on." He teased. Soon they laughed and rushed off to find everyone else.


At Thane, Clarence returned home and everything seemed normal. Javon contacted Michael and told him that the boys would fly back tonight. Michael could tell that something was bothering the other alpha so he waited. Finally Javon spoke.

"I was there the day he was born. Leo and Remy announced his birth and I never saw a father that was prouder. I was the third person to hold him. As he grew, he was a handful. When the boys got together, you knew they were going to cause trouble. Phillip was the most rambunctious and outgoing." Javon laughed. "Then around thirteen they discovered girls. He teased every girl in this compound and was whipped every time, but he never gave up. He became quite the little Lothario, our Phillip." Michael laughed. "He is a member of Thane now. I have to let him go. But Michael, he will always be considered ours. Take care of him and if you ever need anything from us, just call." He added finally.

Michael exhaled. "Javon, I am honored to accept Phillip into my pack. You all are family. He's not leaving, just moving to a different address. Right?" he added. Javon took a deep breath and Michael paused. He knew the other man was near tears if he wasn't crying already.

"Their flight leaves at nine tonight." Javon informed the Thane alpha. Then he took another deep breath. "Michael, just take care of them, OK."

"Javon, I promise you. They will be fine." He assured his new friend. Michael wasn't sure exactly what to say to alleviate Javon's fears. The boys had lived with them for months now, but it was the situation with Phillip that caused this concern. No Alpha liked losing a pack member. He had lost a few over the years by marriage and others that wanted to be independent. So, he knew exactly how he felt. It was especially hard on Javon because his pack members never left. Most people joined when they mated with a member of his pack. Like Nina and her children, rogue wolves often asylum with his family and were adopted into the fold.

They talked a bit more and Michael said everything he could to alleviate his friend's concern. Eventually they hung up and Michael thought for a moment. He honestly knew how Javon felt. After the incident with Benson, his brother targeted more pack members. Instead of putting up with Isaac's abuse, several families left. It hurt when a pack member left. He'd do everything he could to help ease Phillip's transition. Love, I need you he sent. Within seconds, Brandy waddled into his office and hugged him. She felt a sense of melancholy through their mate bond. His son kicked as her protruding belly was pressed between them. Michael laughed and sent Calm down, MJ. I was just giving Momma a hug. He sent his son a shaft of love.

"Brandy, Phillip is now a member of Thane." He stated. Brandy was not surprised, she was already aware as an alpha bond formed between her and the young male as well. Michael continued, "Javon is having a hard time. I assured him that Phillip would be fine."

Brandy smiled. "Love, all four boys are already like our own kids. We're just adding an existing member. I'm sure Javon will be ok." She exhaled. "I have an appointment with the healers tomorrow. I want you to come with me." Michael smiled. "OK, love, I'll be ready when you go."

Soon, Clarence knocked, and entered, He smiled broadly when he saw his two alphas together. Brandy glowed and he was just as excited about the new pup as if it were his son about to be born. "Alpha, Madam Alpha, I wanted to know what time will the boys be returning. I need to arrange transport." This time the boys were returning without their chaperones. Javon had given Lars and Terse permission to stay in Texas. He trusted the boys to function more as adults now.

Michael sighed and relayed Javon's message. Clarence nodded and then focused on Brandy. "He's taking care of the two of you, right?" he asked, grinning at his friend. Michael laughed and Brandy assured Clarence that she and MJ were fine.

Clarence laughed. "Well Alpha, I think you two will have your hands full. You will probably have the most spoiled 'son in the pack. It has been ages since we had a little one here. The Carter twins are almost ten now." He grinned; the pack was so happy for their alphas. It was as if this was their baby as well. "Everyone will cater to him and you two will deal with the fail out. I, Uncle Clarence, will definitely indulge in spoiling him. Get ready. You need to have a second one soon after." He teased.

Not to be deterred, Brandy chimed in, "When will you stop procrastinating and mate? MJ will need playmates." She laughed at the look of star terror that spread across Clarence's face. He was not interested in finding a mate. The one woman he would have wanted was taken, and besides, he liked being single.

"Well, Madam Alpha, on that note, I'm out." He faced Michael once more. "I'll arrange pick up for the boys," he concluded. Then he left leaving the lovely couple alone. Brandy rubbed her back because it hurt. This happened more and more as her due date grew closer and closer. Michael was on full alert. But she assured him that it wasn't time yet.


In the meantime, right above the Mexico border in southern Texas, Geraldo Cortez answered an important call. He found them, and now he wanted to get to know his kids.

"She is eighteen now sir. She just became of age." The soldier reported to his employer. The wolf grinned. Here he was, barely thirty-seven years old, and he felt as if he'd done the impossible. For sixteen years, he sat behind bars in a Mexican prison wondering what happened to his mate and children. Now he had found his children. It was time to make his family whole once more.

After sending Angel north with his children years ago, he worried. She was so young, and beautiful. But she was smart, and he knew she could take care of them. The first year after he was released, Geraldo worked and scraped everything he had together to find them. When he learned that Angel had been murdered, he was devastated, and demanded answers. At first he feared his children perished as well, but learned they survived. He was relieved.

He had a new goal. He had to find his kids. Since his release from prison, Geraldo worked several jobs and he saved enough money to hire a private detective to track his family down. He worked long hours, slept in a shelter, and only ate two sometimes three times a week. Every cent he earned went to look for his children.

The children were adopted and their adoption records were sealed. So that meant they could be anywhere. He was happy to learn that they were still in Texas. He would go there and see them as soon as he found them.

He was in southern Texas and was slowly working his way to Loess Falls. One day, he was on a landscaping job when his boss told him he had a call. He was a loner and wondered who could be calling.

"Hello" he answered.

"Geraldo, hijo, por favor vienen a casa. Su padre está enfermo." Geraldo, son, please come home. Your father is ill. A voice he recognized immediately.

"Pena, Perdón. No puedo. Él nos echó." Pena, I'm sorry. I can't. He kicked us out. Geraldo reminded his stepmother.

Pena would not let him refuse, and eventually he agreed to come back to Mexico. Not sure what to expect, Geraldo had was prepared for the worst. However, nothing could be worse than the last sixteen years of his life. As he entered the compound, he noticed the pack looked destitute. The pack which over twenty years before was full and vibrant was now shallow and its members not well.

Geraldo entered the alpha home, and his father hugged him. He was so thin, not at all like the strong man that banned them to their death. Someone lead him to his room and he unpacked. He looked around for a moment then Geraldo, Sr. knocked. He asked Geraldo to join them in his library. They needed to talk.

He joined his father, eyeing Pena carefully. His father asked his forgiveness. His stepmother sat beside her husband and apologized as well. He wanted to rant at them, tell them he lost everything, but he was silent. He didn't need them anymore. He needed to see his children.

It was at this time that his father asked that he become Alpha. Geraldo refused, because he was truly done with them. He just wanted to find his children.

Then his father had one more request. He wanted his grandchildren and Angel to come home. It was then that Geraldo broke. His family was broken. Angel was gone, and his kids had new parents. He would find his children, and try to be a part of their lives. But as for his father and his pack, he was done. He, nor his children, would ever consider The Cortez-Alvarez Pack home. Geraldo, Sr. was hurt. He never thought his own flesh and blood would denounce him so resoundly. He had no choice but to accept his son's decree. Pena was hurt. How could Geraldo Jr. be so cruel to his father and deny him this final wish? Because of him, her children walked away and never came back.

Geraldo Jr. was not done. For years these wounds festered and he had to let it out. He faced his parents, tears streaming down his cheeks. He was no longer a scared boy, but now a man. Sixteen years fighting for your life in prison forced you to grow up. And through it all, he thought of his mate and children and they helped pull him through. Now these two selfish, mean-spirited, hateful people felt sorry. They felt guilt; then they should.

"We were kids father. We were still children. She had no one else but me." He took a deep breath. Geraldo was surprised that deep down he harbored such anger. "I don't understand how you could send us and two small children out into the world. You knew I was in trouble. You knew no one would help us. But you didn't care. I was in prison for years and you didn't lift a finger to help. If you were so concerned, then you would have at least helped Angel and the children. Maybe, she would have survived and I could have come home to them."

"Son, I will help you find her and the children. Let me call the Alphas in the North American region, I'm sure if she is there we will find her." His father promised.

"She's gone. She was killed in Texas. A man shot her and he killed her. My children were adopted. They have no idea of what happened to me, just that I abandoned them. So, Dad, I'm sorry is a little too late." Geraldo stood to leave when his father spoke once more.

"Geraldo, Jr., you are my son. Do not walk away from me." Geraldo senior demanded.

Geraldo kept walking and his father called out, "I'm ill. Please talk with me. Tell me how to right this wrong?" He pleaded.

Geraldo wanted to just go. This man out kicked him out of his home almost two decades ago. He wanted to destroy him and he did, but still, he was his father and deserved his respect. HE stopped and he faced the man he once loved more than he ever thought possible, but he grew to hate with every cell in his being. Now he looked at him and felt cold indifference. He no longer had respect for this man.

Geraldo was so young when he mated with Angel. He was barely of legal age and she was younger than that, but he loved her. The pack she belonged to was dying out and she was on her own. He met her when he stopped some male pack members from taking advantage of her. Being that he was the alpha's son, news spread quickly to avoid the skinny bitch. They became good friends and eventually fell in love. She needed a home and he could give her one. So at a young age, they mated. His father was furious, but the deed was done. Angel had a hard life and he foolishly believed that if they mated, his pack would welcome her.

She moved in and he was immediately demoted from Beta to lower omega as punishment. A few months after they moved home, Marisol was born. He and Angel were terrified, but happy. She named their oldest daughter after his mother. This action angered his stepmother and they were ostracized even more.

Next came Rosita. Geraldo sighed, because at this point, Angel was carrying their third child. They had no home. He approached a few neighboring packs, but they refused them asylum. He carried both girls and Angel just walked by his side. Marisol was two, and she grew hungry, they saw a small village and wandered there. An old woman let them in and gave them shelter for the night. She was a recluse and a member of the last pack that refused to help them.

One day, Angel was hanging the wash for Tia Juanita when pack members saw her. They immediately reported to the Alpha who promptly called Juanita in. She was told that the interlopers had to go. She tried to explain that they were young, just children and the girl was carrying a pup. Aloha madam sympathized, she really did, but the alpha said they had to go.

Angel knew what to expect, so she packed light for them. Geraldo returned. He'd caught two small rabbits for supper. "Wait, why are you packing?" he asked.

Angel sighed, "The alpha sent for Tia Juanita. We must go. We don't need to cause problem for her." Angel made the soup and waited. Juanita came home and looked at the young couple. These kids had no one, and she could not longer help them. She opened her mouth to speak. Geraldo stopped her, "We'll leave after supper. Thank you, Tia Juanita, for helping us as much as you have already. We will be fine." Marisol was barely two at the time and Rosita was still an infant. The baby started to cry, because she didn't want to leave. Angel pulled her daughter into her embrace and whispered, she calmed down and they went on their way.

At this point, he had nothing else to lose, so he took odd jobs. He hated it, but with what he earned, he could afford a small apartment for them to live in. One night, he was on the job for his new boss when they were swarmed by police. He ended up charged with several crimes and he knew he'd never see his family again. His boss told him to say nothing, and he'd try to get the police to let him go.

Geraldo did exactly what he was told. The leader of the group, true to his word, told the police Geraldo was just a kid that was looking for work. He had nothing to do with anything. However, the prosecutor was out for blood, and he went for the maximum. All four men stated that the kid was innocent and their solidarity angered the judge. He gave all of the maximum sentences. Angel was devastated. Geraldo was also. Using what savings they had, Angel stayed in the apartment for two months. When the money ran out, they had to go.

The man Geraldo worked for had outside connections. He called in a few favors and over two thousand dollars was placed in Angel's account. Being young, alone, and having to move was not new to her. However, she was always accosted by males. The men saw Angel and watched her. Even though she was pregnant, several men made advances on her. She was never rude to them and this made her more vulnerable. No one knew she was the mate of an Alpha son, but at this point it no longer mattered. Her pregnancy progressed and she needed to find someplace to have her child. One day Geraldo sent a letter. He told her of the money that was in the accounts. "Take it and go." he ordered. He wanted her to leave Mexico, go to America. The packs in America were more welcoming than the ones in Mexico. Angel took their savings and went. She crossed the border into Jael territory and that is where Javier was born.

Geraldo spent the next sixteen years of his life in a Mexican jail. He was sentenced to serve life, but he didn't think he'd live that long. Every day, he had to fight with someone to survive. The first few years were the hardest, but soon word got that he was dangerous, and they left him alone. He didn't have any friends, and he knew Angel and the children were gone. He realized he'd never see Angel or their children again. He allowed himself one night to grieve, and that night he cried. He failed as a son, as a mate, as a father, and even as man. His family had to suffer because if his arrogance and stupidity. From that point on, he did not shed another tear.

Not one to stay down for long, Geraldo decided to fight. He worked his way up to trustee, then earned a parole hearing. He did whatever he had to be freed. The Mexican officials took noticed and some questioned why he was sentenced so harshly. He was just a kid in the wrong place. A new judge reviewed his case and found it full of mistakes. Geraldo Javier Cortes should not have gone to prison. He was not carrying any drugs, no weapons, and even the leader of the cartel stated he had nothing to do with them, but an overzealous police force charged him anyway. Somehow, the judge was coerced into giving him a maximum sentence. The new judge reversed the order and several years later, Geraldo Cortez was free. His one and only goal was to find his mate and his children.

He knew they went to America, and that was where he headed. He arrived in America and within six months, he'd tracked his family to Texas. He learned that Angel had been murdered, and his kids had been adopted. He stopped. He looked at his parents. They stared back, Geraldo, Sr. actually looked proud. But his son was not finished.

"You tried to destroy me, take away the only thing I had left, and you did. I lost my Angel, my Marisol, and my Rosita. I have never seen my son. So father, you succeeded and you win, but don't gloat. I will find my children. That sir, I promise you." Geraldo Jr. stated finally and then he stood and walked out.

Geraldo Senior looked the door that slammed behind his son. This was his first born. Over the years, he and Pena had more children, but he would always love his first born a bit more. That is why he was so angry when he mated so young. He girl was beneath him, an omega and an orphan. He had greater plans for him than to be tied to a female that would hold him back. However, he stood up for her and took care of his family despite how he was treated.

Geraldo, Sr. admitted to himself that he took things too far. It was his pride and foolishness that caused the pack to disintegrate into despair. The pack lost respect for him as Alpha when he banned Geraldo and Angel. Stronger pack members left leaving the frail and weak behind. Marauders came, and took even more. Finally, he was left as a shell of what he used to be.

Geraldo, Sr. shook his head. He was trying to protect his son, not hurt him. He only wanted the best for him, and he thought that if he took away the title and the money, the girl would go. She stayed. He treated her abominably, and she never said a word. There were things he and Pena did to that girl, and he knew she never told his son. So knowing she wouldn't leave, they decided to make him send her away.