Time for Truth Ch. 09


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That evening, when she stopped by, I knew resisting her was pointless and that Brandy was right. Then..." he paused. "We argued and she left. I should have not yelled at her but the situation was getting out of hand. "

Michael spoke, "Kim, she threatened to expose the affair, right?" Michael asked.

"It doesn't matter. I panicked and handled everything wrong." Clarence surmised.

"You can go to Texas. Marisol is graduating Friday, and Hannah, Miriam, and Jebediah are going. You can go with them." Michael suggested.

"Mike, if I go and see her with someone else, I might hit him." Clarence sighed.

"Maybe if you showed up, you wouldn't have to him hit." Mike chuckled. "But once Javon realizes your interest in his daughter, be ready to get your ass kicked."

Clarence groaned. "No, I won't go there. She deserves a chance with someone her age."

"OK, I won't force you, but if you don't go then you need to talk to her or something, even if it's just to find closure." Michael suggested. Then he cleared his throat. "Well now that we've talked, I expect you to join Brandy and me for breakfast. Then you will go to the airport to pick up Phillips family and help Hannah and the Daniels catch their flight."

Clarence smiled, "Yes alpha." He answered, "Now go home and kiss my Godson for me."

Michael left and decided that tomorrow Clarence was getting on that flight to Texas. Even if he had to break his promise and command that he go.


Benny and Ares were home and both had a chance to meet their new guest. Geraldo Cortez seemed like a decent man, and he really cared about his children. In the two weeks since the truth was exposed, he worked with BJ and Jules to do what was best for all five kids. Benny chuckled. It tickled him to no end the way his twin cousins decided that if their siblings could have two daddies, why couldn't they. So one night as the pack ate dinner, Heaven and Nevaeh stood and made an announcement.

"Momma, Poppa, we want two daddies like Javier. If he can have two daddies, then we can too, so Daddy Geraldo is our other daddy." BJ frowned, but not to be deterred, Nevaeh hugged her Poppa, then continued. "Poppa, he's our daddy too cuz he's Javier, Marisol, and Rosita's daddy, but you are our Poppa, OK." she explained.

Not to be outdone, Heaven decided to explain what this meant. "Since we have two daddies, then we get two special birthday gifts for our birthdays, right. Poppa can buy our bikes and Daddy can buy us each a new Nextar Air. I want a blue one and Nevaeh wants a red one, ok Daddy. Oh and Momma, we want a white cake with sprinkles. Oh and Poppa and Daddy," the little munchkins smiled, "We love both of you."

Everyone laughed. Javon commented, "I knew those girls were smart." Then the pack had a jovial meal. When they finished everyone headed home and Geraldo headed to his apartment that the pack allowed him to use. Javon insisted he could remain in the alpha home, but he asked to stay someplace else. His main goal was to get to know his children.

Benny walked home with Marisol wanting to catch up, and needing to make sure she was OK. She was graduating in two days and everyone was excited. Their family members from California would arrive tomorrow and he wished Saphirra could come, but it was a holiday and the graduation was a family event. He sighed, and Marisol chuckled.

"Girl what are you laughing about now?" Benny asked.

"You. Call her. I bet she's up." She added

"I don't have to call anyone, besides, we're just good friends." Benny huffed.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." Marisol teased.

"OK, enough, tell me about Zeke. I've never met him. I have to check this guy out." Benny stated.

"You have met him. He was at my party, remember." Marisol reminded him.

Benny nodded and grinned evilly. "Yea, I remember, the guy that was hiding from us. Well tomorrow when he gets here, I'm meeting him at the gate."

Marisol laughed. "You, Benson James Daniels Loess, stay away from my mate."

"I cannot believe you've met your mate. He better treat you right." He added.

"I'm not the only one who is taken. What's your girl name again, Sasha? Sandra..." she teased,.

"Saphirra, and she isn't my mate, just a friend." Benny insisted.

"Keep telling yourself that cousin. I want to make a bet. When Grandma Hannah and Miriam arrive, you are not allowed to ask about her. If you do, you have to swim in the lake naked in human form on Saturday. Oh and Benny, it's supposed to be cold Saturday." Marisol reminded him.

"OK, I got this. If I win, I get to chaperone you and Zeke during his entire visit." He added. Marisol shook his hand because she knew he would ask about Saphirra.

Soon they were at her house and Rosita joined them. The three bantered back and forth until Benny decided to head home. As he walked home, he called Saphirra. She answered in the first ring.

"Hey beautiful, miss me." he asked.

"Benny hi," Saphirra answered. She was happy to hear from him.

"I was just checking in. Is everything alright?' he asked.

Saphirra smiled, "I am fine. Look, enjoy your time at home. We can catch up when you get back."

Benny smiled. Since forming a friendship with Saphirra, he felt even more connected with the members of Thane. He wasn't changing packs right now, and neither was Saphirra, so even though he felt she was his mate. He had not told her, but insisted that they were friends. He watched Bruce, and felt kind of bad for the guy.

Alpha Michael called him in after their encounter and they talked. He took his advice and met with Bruce. As they talked, he realized that Bruce teased Saphirra just to get her attention. It made no sense to Benny, teasing a female to get her attention. Then he asked Bruce why was he so vicious. Bruce looked contrite. He admitted that he had no excuse; however, he knew she was off limits and he would never cross that line again.

Benny smiled, as Saphirra told him about antics at the garage. Her laughter made his heart sing. When he got back, he was telling her the truth. She was his, and then he'd see where it would go. Saphirra talked and his animal rested. He smiled, and she noticed that he was silent.

"Benny, are you there?" Saphirra asked.

"Yes. I'm here." Benny replied. "Listen, has Bruce tried to..." he asked.

"No he hasn't. Besides, Patch and the guys at the shop are watching out for me.' Saphirra sighed.

Benny relaxed. "OK. We'll be back in a few weeks. Stay out of trouble." He added teasingly. Saphirra smiled. Benny Daniels was a great guy and the best friend a girl could want. She just hoped he didn't meet his mate while home. She'd hate to lose his friendship.

Her wolf became agitated. He'd better not look at another female or ...

Saphirra spoke to her wolf. My wolf, he is a free agent. He can date whom...

Hearing enough her wolf declared, silencing Saphirra, He's mine. Benny is our mate.

Saphirra wasn't surprised at the declaration of her animal. She just hoped Benny felt the same way. Well, he'd be back in a few weeks, and then she'd tell him. What was the worst that could happen?

Benny's wolf sighed mournfully when he disconnected from Saphirra. He laughed at himself. Marisol would win their bet. He had to make sure Saphirra was OK.


"Hey, Airhead, I want you to meet someone. This is my friend, Hunter." Aria introduced her brother to her friend. The truth of it was that Hunter was not really her friend, but he was available and she needed someone to keep her family at bay. Ares saw right through her ruse.

Ares turned to her guest. He admitted to himself that the guy was good-looking. He was the exact type of guy his sister normally dated. Hunter was a little over six feet tall, muscled, yet slender. He had a handsome face, too handsome to be human. Ares scented him, and knew. The guy wasn't human. His sandy blonde hair was trimmed and styled in the latest fashion, and he was cocky. These were traits Aria could not resist. However, for them to be friends, they were a bit too standoffish. Yes, in front of everyone else they laughed and bantered back and forth, but here alone with him, he knew they were merely acquaintances. "OK, Hunter, welcome to Loess. I hope you enjoy your visit here. We will do everything we can to make your stay enjoyable. " Ares smiled and extended his hand.

Hunter relaxed. He had noticed others of his kind intermingling with this pack, and for the first time in his short life as a vampire, since leaving his sire, he felt as if he could belong. Ares then zeroed in on his sister. "Now Aria, who was the guy that hurt you at Thane?"

"Um, Aria, Ares, this sounds personal, so I'll leave you two alone." Hunter interjected as he made himself scarce. The twins told him to have fun, and waited until he was out of the apartment before continuing.

Aria was annoyed, "No one hurt me. I am fine." She answered defensively. Ares didn't believe her. He knew someone did something because she hid within herself. Now he returns home and she brings home a guy, a vampire no less.

Ares took a deep breath and tried a different approach. "Ok, you don't have to tell me, but I will find out." He declared.

"Ares, I'm fine. There is no guy in California. I just miss my new friends there, that's all" Aria assured him.

Ares didn't buy it. He knew something was going on. Zoe and Saphirra knew something but the girls were not talking. Even Phillip acted strange, as if he was too afraid to say anything. He wanted to talk to Alpha Michael, but he was busy. So he talked to Clarence, which was strange because he suddenly closed up when Aria was mentioned.

If he didn't know any better, he'd think something went on with Clarence and his sister. Shaking his head and dismissing the thought, Ares decided to test his new theory."Well, Sis, as soon as we get back and settle in, I'll talk to Clarence and his new mate, and..." He froze, Aria was growling and the gleam in her eyes was dangerous, even Hunter stepped back.

"What did you just say?" Aria demanded. "Clarence found his mate." He found someone else? Her body froze, and Ares saw her shut down.

He spoke quickly."No, he hasn't, but it's obvious something happened between you two. Aria, tell me, Maybe I can help." Ares pleaded, knowing how badly his sister hurt.

Finally, Aria broke and told him about the brief affair. He listened and was furious that she was hurt but like Aria he agreed that Clarence was really not at fault. He had no control over the other woman's actions. She even admitted that she had done the same thing and showed up at his house uninvited. She really had no claim on him and she should have stayed in the bedroom and let him deal with his guest. But Aria admitted, her wolf couldn't do that. Even if he was hers just for one more night, he was hers.

When she confronted him and he lost his temper, her wolf retreated and she became frightened, No man had ever raised his voice to her in that tone. She walked away, and it almost killed her. Clarence was right; he was not hers, and she had no rights to demand anything from him.

Ares exhaled, and then he hugged his sister. "Aria, have you talked to him?" he asked. He knew she would not call, but she needed to.

"No, and I won't call him. He said it was only sex and I agreed. It's not his fault that I let my feelings interfere." Aria explained. She would get over him; she just needed time.

Ares didn't speak for a moment, and Hunter made himself scarce. What surprised him wasn't the fact that his sister had fallen for this much older gentle man, but that he could accept it so easily.

Clarence was well respected beta in his pack, an honorable wolf. He was sort of shocked that he got involved with Aria though. Clarence was a leader, and he never became involved with members of his pack that were so young.

Unlike some of the other betas, he didn't try to be cool or fit in with the younger members and they respected him for that. Even while the girls visited, he never once saw Clarence treat his sister in any way but respectful.

Clarence dated, but mostly women that were older and he kept his affairs secret. Well, technically, he kept this one secret as well, but Ares noticed that whatever happened affected Clarence as much as it did his sister. He grimaced, because he didn't like thinking about his sister being with any guy. Even though he could admit that his sister was beautiful, and a man would have to be insane not to want her. If she did have to fall in love, then he wouldn't mind it being with Clarence.

All of a sudden he thought if Zoe. Man he missed her. He would call her tonight and tell her want he learned. He knew the Daniels' family and Hannah would arrive soon, and he wished Zoe was coming with them.

Ares hugged his sister, and chuckled. "Sis, we are a pair aren't we? We are a couple of fools in love." Aria laughed. Her twin was the best brother a girl could wish for.


The Phillips' clan was heading to California. Leo and Remy, Phillip's parents, had never flown so they were nervous, Candace and Daniella assured them it was safe and they would love the Thane alphas. Their older sons would meet them on different flights and they would spend the next two weeks together. Visiting with Phillip and becoming acquainted with his new home. Alpha Javon arranged transport for them and Blaine and Vince were driving them.

As they arrived at the airport and boarded, Blaine and Vince watched them takeoff. "We should just stay here tonight," Vince joked, "We have to drive right back in the morning."

"Naw, I have to get home to my beautiful mate." Blaine answered. Vince laughed, because he knew exactly what Blaine was thinking. Hell, he wasn't mated and he thought about the same thing. As they drive, Blaine noticed his nephew was often quiet. He dated, but he wasn't out of control like most males. He knew why, and he understood. His son, Benny had the same issue.

"Blaine, when did you know that Celia was your mate? I mean you didn't recognize her until she came back, but did you suspect before she left?" Vince asked all of a sudden.

Blaine looked at his nephew. The question sounded serious. "I knew who she was, but I was being an ass. My foolishness made her run from me and I missed out on being with my mate and raising my son for three years. Hey, have you met your mate?" Blaine asked. He had no idea that Vince was serious about anyone, and this was news to him.

Vince was his adopted nephew. Years ago a vampire named Johannes infected the young wolf with his vampire genes in an attempt to kidnap and marry Cantar, a key member of their vampire family. Gernick rescued the boy and brought him to the only people he trusted to care for him and he became a part of their family. Javon declared him as his second son. That was all it took.

"I don't know. Maybe? In my mechanical engineering class there is this girl. She hates me. Well, she hates everyone. She's beautiful to me Blaine. She's slender, but not skinny. She has the prettiest hazel eyes, and the most gorgeous mouth. Her lips are so plum; I just wish..." Vince sighed.

"She doesn't wear a lot of make-up. Honestly, she doesn't need it. She always wears a beanie, but her hair is a sunny wheat color. Sometimes, I see tendrils poking out from under her hat. She's quiet, a loner, like me. Last week when we worked together, I was so happy, now she avoids me. Sometimes, she lets me sit with her at lunch but she won't talk. When I'm with her, everything in me wants to fight for her, protect her. Then she looks at me and pushes me away. She's different, and I know how she feels, and I wish she'd let me in, but she's frightened. Something about her calls to my wolf. She's lycan, but she has no affiliation with any pack.

I tried to shadow her and she knew she was being followed. She didn't really see me, but could sense that someone was there. She called me out and told me to stay away from her. I feel that she's mine, but she's hiding something. I know we need to get home, but can we stop by her apartment. I want you to meet her and I need to see if she is OK." Vince finished. Blaine understood, for years Celia and her family lived near them and was not really a part of their pack. He couldn't wait to meet this girl that fascinated his nephew.

"Sure, let's go." The two drove in silence and twenty minutes later, they drove into a small parking lot. It was late, but Vince suspected that she was awake. He climbed out of the van and he and Blaine walked to her door. She opened it before they reached the thresh hold.

"Vince, what are you doing here? It's late." She demanded.

A part of her was so happy to see him, but another part warned her of the danger of caring. Bad things happened to people when you cared. "Look, it's late. What do you want?" she demanded.

"Well, can we come in first? Then we can tell you," Vince replied. She stepped aside and the two males entered. Vince was at her apartment. She had to remember to breath. He was so handsome to her. He wasn't very tall. He had thick brown hair and sun-kissed skin. He didn't mock her or make fun of her. He was quiet and she liked being around him. When he smiled, she felt butterflies in her stomach. If she were a regular girl, then maybe she could be with a guy like him, but she was not a regular girl. She was trouble, the exact thing a guy like Vince did not need.

"I'm sorry Blaine, this is Diane Black. She is a class mate of mine. Diane, this is my uncle, Blaine Loess." Vince stated. Blaine looked at this girl and agreed with Vince. She was beautiful. She was also frightened.

Diane was aware of the pack and that Vince was a member, so meeting his uncle was no big deal. She was also aware of the packs friendship with vampires. She feared vampires. She witnessed her best friend and her best friend mother's death at the hands of two of those monsters. She'd never forget the vampires face. Alpha Jael did nothing as the vampires ravaged the women, and when the monster was done. He let him leave.

She knew she had to escape, and it was that night she began to plan. No one escaped Jael alive. A woman and her pups escaped over three decades ago and the alpha was furious. He sent men to search for them and they learned that the vampires killed them also. They weren't pack members, just rogues.

A few years ago, a girl escaped, but one of the males chased her and killed her. He was also killed by vampires. Vampires were vicious creatures with no respect for life. Vince's family aligned themselves with those monsters. They were probably worse that the pack she ran from.

Although she knew the stories, it was death with freedom or death in her home. She chose freedom. One night, as the pack slept, she hid and snuck out. They didn't seem to miss her, so she changed her name, and created a new identity for herself. Diane Black was human; she was safe. Amari Jael, was future mate of Joe, beta to the Jael pack. She'd die before she went with that bastard willingly.

Vince talked, trying to convince her to visit his compound. The blonde watched her, and it made her uncomfortable. She knew he figured she was a runaway, and he might contact Jael. She wasn't waiting around to find out. As soon as they left tonight, she was moving again. She'd withdraw from classes online and reinvent herself someplace else, someplace safe. She escaped Jael, and she would get away from this place. She just wished she could finish her class. If she could then she could work, but for now she'd have to learn on the go. She was not going back to Jael. She'd rather die first.

Blaine watched the girl. There was something about her. He'd mention this girl to Javon and he would research her. She wasn't saying much, but her actions screamed runaway. It was strange, because as a runaway, she should want to stay hidden, but she enrolled in technical school and was taking classes. After a few minutes, she became agitated and they knew they needed to go.