Time for Truth Ch. 13


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Soon they were at the dining hall and everyone ate. Alpha Michael asked the Loess males to join him. Both young men made their request and he gave his permission. Then he called Javon.

Javon called Elise and told her Ares and Benny were bringing their mates home. Elise smiled and immediately called Celia.


Javon sent that their pack members were returning later that day. Aria jumped up. Clarence was coming back, and she was elated. She rushed out and joined the other females. They were anxiously waiting for the wolves to return. A lunch was being set up. Aria prepared her apartment, as Marisol made sure Zeke could rest when he returned.

Marisol was torn. One of her father's was returning, but the other one had taken over as alpha. She was proud of him. She was happy for him. He could finally have the family he missed out on. She'd talked with her new stepmother earlier. Marisol liked Iyoka, and supported her. Iyoka was a strong woman. She had survived living in hell, and she was a survivor.

She was going to talk to her today. Well, now was as good of a time as any. Momma, I'm going to the medical center to talk with Iyoka. Can you come? Marisol sent.

I'll come but I won't stay. You don't need me. Jules replied.

However, she met her daughter and they walked over together. Luckily for them, Iyoka was already outside talking with David as they approached. The two were talking and it seemed heavy. They waited. David looked up and recognized them. He smiled. Marisol and Julianne walked over.

The three women talked easily as if they were old friends. Marisol was already friends with Amari. She was so happy that she found her mate in Vince. David could see that Marisol and Iyoka needed to talk, so he wanted to give them time. "Um, Julianne, can you help me. I need coffee, but I can't operate the machine. Will you take me to get one?" David requested.

Jules smiled and gladly accompanied David. As they walked, she could see that he was down. They stopped at the vending machine and Jules sat beside him. "David, what's going on? I thought Kim was bringing in a specialist." Julianne stated.

David smiled, "She did and they ran test. He wants to operate and fix the damage they caused. I'm happy about that."

Julianne sighed, "You don't have to tell me, but I know what it's like to hurt. You are not alone David. You have people all around that care about you."

David smiled, "Julianne, I wished we had the life you all have here. Then again, I wouldn't have a best friend and a God daughter. My mom would still be here and my brother..." he sighed and let his tears fall. "Julianne, all of the people in our old pack were not bad. They were victims of a horrible situation. I hope Alpha Geraldo realizes that." Julianne rubbed his back and let him cry. Soon, he was done and he smiled. "Now, Marisol and Iyoka will need a coffee. Let's get them." Jules smiled through her tears and stood. She purchased the drinks and they went back.

After David and Julianne left, Marisol faced Iyoka. Neither woman spoke at first. Then Marisol smiled.

"I cannot wait for you to fall in love with Daddy. You are his true mate. He loved Mama, but I don't believe she was his true mate. He lost so much and feels so guilty. You both deserve a second chance." Marisol stated out of the blue.

Iyoka looked confused, "Wait, what are you saying Marisol? He loved your mother." She explained.

"Yes, he did. He took care of her as best he could in their situation, but I never understood until now. I see Momma and Poppa and they are inseparable. If Mama was his true mate, he would have not sat in prison for nineteen years without finding a way to reach out to her. He loved her, but the difference is he would die for you Iyoka. He took over an entire pack for you." Marisol exhaled.

"I know this to be true because if my mate, Zeke, was ever threatened, I'd do whatever it takes to protect him. He'd do the same for me." Marisol stated, and then she smiled and hugged her second Mom.

Iyoka was speechless. This young woman amazed her and she accepted her as her father's mate. Iyoka returned her hug. "Marisol, I don't know him, but my wolf recognizes and loves him. I promise to do everything I can to make him happy." Marisol smiled and she was beautiful. Iyoka could not help but smile back as David and Julianne returned. The four sat and drank their cups of coffee. Marisol asked about Amari and David told her she was with Vince.

Julianne was quiet. Iyoka could tell Jules was still worried. David saw the two needed to talk, and asked Marisol if she would help him back to his room. He needed rest. Marisol moved immediately. She liked David.

Julianne spoke. "Iyoka, I am truly happy for you and Geraldo. You both deserve a chance to have a family." Her eyes became moist.

"Julianne, what are you afraid of? I have lived in fear all of my life and I know that monster when I see him? Why do I frighten you?" Iyoka asked.

"It's nothing. They will all be home soon and I'll be relieved." She explained.

Iyoka sighed, "You don't trust me. I understand. You don't know me. But whatever it is, it can be dealt with."

"He can take my children. If Rosita and Javier decide to join your pack, I will have to let them go." Jules sat. Celia sent, Jules, where are you?

Visiting Iyoka. I'm fine. she replied. Celia would be there soon.

Iyoka knew of the history of his kids. She and Marisol had talked at length. She also knew the kids belonged to Julianne and BJ. Her mate would not hurt his kids. Iyoka spoke honestly, "I know he is my mate. I know he loves his children, and he would never hurt them. I can't speak on what I don't know, but I ask that you try not to be upset. We will work something out."

Jules hugged her and laughed. "I know I seem silly but..." Iyoka smiled.

"A mother's love knows no bounds. I wish I could have gotten Amari to a safe place when she was born. I was terrified but I had David." Iyoka sighed. "I was willing to die for my daughter, and in many was I did. So I know how you feel Julianne, and I will help in any way that I can."

Celia walked into the room. She eyed Iyoka cautiously. It wasn't that she didn't like Iyoka, but Iyoka and Geraldo could cause her friend pain. Iyoka saw Celia and she smiled. Celia checked on Jules and saw she was safe. She calmed down.

Iyoka sat and waited. Celia spoke, "Iyoka, I'm glad you're doing better." She really meant it.

Iyoka smiled and thanked her. Soon Marisol returned looking frazzled. Iyoka laughed, "David got you didn't he?" She asked. She was worried about her friend but right now that was not something she was willing to share.


Soon Clarence and his entourage headed back to join their family. The Loess wolves were driving back today. Clarence arrived at the compound and the Jael pack members were already working. They were repairing the damage that had been done. Clarence saw some women attempting to carry debris. He parked and he, Ares, and Benny dived right in and carried it for them. The women seemed surprised that they helped.

Thaddeus came out and ordered the Loess males to help clear the area. Soon the area was clear. Geraldo looked around. He called the Jael betas. He asked them to tell him who worked in which areas.

Thaddeus and BJ stayed with him as he met with his betas. Finally the last beta left and Geraldo was worried. Could he do this? This pack was damaged and he didn't trust them. They would not change overnight and he needed help. BJ spoke, "Geraldo, I'll move here for a few months. Jules and the kids can stay home but I am willing to stay here and help you in any way I can."

Geraldo sighed. He was relieved. He wanted to ask BJ to stay but feared he'd refuse. "You need to talk with Javon first. I'll call. It will only be temporary until I figure out who I can trust." BJ sent to his alpha immediately and Javon could not refuse. BJ called Julianne. She did not like the idea of her mate being in another territory away from her. BJ tried to explain that Geraldo needed his help, but Jules needed him home too.

Geraldo waited and said he should go home. He asked him to let his kids know he missed them and reassure Julianne that he would never do anything to hurt her. He asked BJ to watch out for Iyoka and Amari. They were a part of their family now too. BJ nodded. He'd make sure Iyoka and Amari were content.

Geraldo watched his friends drive away, leaving him alone with his new pack. He went to his office and called Iyoka but she was out of her room. The nurse told him she had gone outside with her friend David. Geraldo thanked her and said he'd call back later. BJ had told Geraldo not to worry and that he'd be back. The Loess wolves went home.

Geraldo went out and started assigning roles. He expected to have some resistance, but the wolves complied immediately. The wolves were surprised by their new alpha. Jenzel gave orders and Joe enforced them. He wouldn't lift a finger to help a snake. Alpha Geraldo was different. No job was to demeaning. He worked beside omega to beta. Following his lead, the betas took on what was once considered lesser jobs. Geraldo did not distinguish between pack members. He called all young and able bodied members to work, and ordered the older ones to help supervise the children.

There were not many children in this pack. He counted less than thirty. There were a few teenagers, but not many. None of the betas were mated, which was understandable. Geraldo needed to take a break. He was angry that those selfish alphas were allowed to do this to these people and no one interfered until now. How could the other packs turn a blind eye to the ills of this pack? Javon knew, Michael knew, yet they did not intervene.

However, they could not impose their pack doctrine on to this pack. He knew the politics, but still... As he contemplated, one of the betas approached. He saw the new alpha walk off and was concerned. He approached carefully, and waited. Geraldo looked up, and the beta spoke.

"Alpha Geraldo, I know it's a lot to take in. The wolves here need help. We need a leader. Don't give up on us." He pleaded.

Geraldo nodded. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Ransom," he replied.

"Thank you Ransom. I just need a few minutes to think. You all take a break. I'll be back out." Geraldo ordered.

He noticed that no one prepared breakfast. He asked Ransom about meals and learned that the pack basically cooked in their homes. Only the higher ranking wolves ate in the dining hall.

He and Ransom walked over to the dining hall where he met with the head cook. He gave new orders; all wolves had three full meals each day in the dining hall. He demanded to see the food budget and the wolf complied immediately.

The cooks worked on an early dinner. At three, Geraldo called for all work to cease. The wolves reported to the dining hall for an early dinner. He sat at the head table as the remaining betas, their families and a few thetas came in, He asked was that everyone. He felt through his bond and the fear from his pack members broke his heart. He commanded that all wolves report for dinner. Soon the dining hall was full. Young and old alike looked at him. Eyes full of hope and fear.

Geraldo stood tall. His heart heavy and he was so close to giving up. Geraldo, they need you. I know it's a lot, but don't give up on them. Iyoka sent. She had to encourage him. She felt his despair and sensed he wanted to give up.

Iyoka love. I am not leaving. We will rebuild. he replied.

Geraldo, just hold on. I'm here. she sent. He smiled and felt stronger. His mate was with him. He could feel her presence. He knew they had not joined and should not be able to communicate. But right now he didn't question it. Sometimes extraordinary things happened in extenuating circumstances.

He had a thought. They needed to hear from their new alpha madam. He spoke and told the pack to eat, He then called one of the betas, Ransom and asked if they could set up a projector and a computer. Ransom took care of it immediately. The community center had a small theater and he called Javon. Javon contacted the medical center to see if Iyoka would be well enough to speak. Elise went over to the medical center to talk with her.

Elise walked in and Iyoka asked, "What does Geraldo need?"

Elise smiled. This girl was a true Alpha Bitch. She was in the hospital and her first concern was her mate and her pack. She explained that he wanted to let her speak to the pack so they would know she was OK. Iyoka agreed, but asked that David and Amari be with her.

Javon told Geraldo it was fine and they would set things up on this end. David and Iyoka were transferred to the conference room in the alpha home. Amari joined her mother. She wanted to know what to say. Iyoka told her to be honest. They just needed to connect with there family. She and David sat at the table and Amari stood behind them.

Geraldo appeared on screen, He was so handsome, but looked exhausted, Iyoka gasped, and he smiled. "Iyoka, you look beautiful. Amari, I'm glad to see you. David, I'm glad you are doing better. Iyoka, the pack needs to see you. I know you can't be here in person, but maybe if they can talk to you it will help. He was terrified, and she needed to reassure him for some reason. Geraldo, I'm here she sent.

"I will talk to them. I need to see that they are ok." Iyoka replied. Amari squeezed her shoulder.

The pack finished dinner and everyone reported to the theater. Geraldo noticed that his betas sat up front and the lower wolves sat in the back. He called Ransom and asked that the young and frail be brought up front so they could see and hear. He wanted the stronger wolves scattered throughout the crowd. Geraldo sent to all betas that Ransom would share his instructions. The males spread out making sure the females had seats.

Soon he stood. "Everyone, your Madam Alpha wishes to address you. She is in Texas and under medical care. She will answer any questions you might have." He lowered the lights and the screen came on. The pack erupted in cheers when Iyoka appeared. The women cried as they saw her, Amari, and David. Iyoka cried as she was her pack members, now safe and not being mistreated. Soon she spoke. "Listen, I am coming home as soon as I can. David will come home with me. I want you to know that I trust Geraldo. He did the one thing we all prayed for. He stopped them. He stopped my parents and ended Joe's tyranny. Please, give him a chance and don't be afraid, OK. We will be fine. We will rebuild. We are the Cortez Pack." She stated.

"Can I ask her a question?" a timid older female asked.

Geraldo nodded and she faced the screen, "Iyoka, you say we can trust him, but how do we..." she cried.

"Carrie, I trust him with my life, with my d... sister. He is my mate. He destroyed them to protect me, to protect us. He loves me and he would never hurt me. To hurt any of you would kill me and Geraldo can never do that. Just like if you reject him, you will hurt me. Please, Carrie. I know I'm asking a lot, but trust me. He will never hurt you." Iyoka concluded.

Another female stood, "When will you be back?"

"As soon as I can." Iyoka answered. She stayed on a little longer and answered a few more questions. Soon, David needed to lie down and they logged off. After talking with Iyoka, the spirits of the pack was a lot higher. They disconnected and Amari hugged her Mom. She hugged David. Their pack was strong and things had to be better now. A nurse took David back to the medical center, but Amari asked the alpha if Iyoka could stay with her. ' Kim felt it would be OK. They actually planned to dismiss her in a few days. So staying one night with her daughter would not hurt. Vince stayed at his parents until Amari and Iyoka went to bed then he bid his parents good night and went back to his apartment.

Elise held Javon close. Their pack members had arrived earlier and he was waiting on a report. He needed to let Iyoka address her pack members first though. They went to his office where, Thaddeus, BJ, and Blaine were waiting.

As Iyoka and Geraldo held their conference, Elise took the time to meet Ares mate, Zoe. Aria was so happy to see her friend and Elise was impressed with the young woman. Once Zoë said Saphirra was here, Aria immediately said they had to have a girl's night. Elise laughed. Her children were happy and that was what any mother wanted.


Benny took his mate to his parent's home and introduced Saphirra to his mother. Blaine stood with him, his pride in his son evident. He listened. Benny was a credit to him and Celia as parents.

Celia was impressed. Benny's mate was a lovely girl. She was unique and she made him happy. Blaine asked Benny to come with him giving the women a chance to talk. Celia was impressed with Saphirra. The girl was pretty, smart, and good with her hands.

Benny returned and wanted to take Saphirra to meet other members of the pack. Saphirra hugged Celia and joined her mate. Vince and Amari returned and Saphirra learned they were studying automotive repair. Benn proudly announced that Saphirra was one of the best mechanics at Thane. Immediately, she, Amari, and Vince had something in common. Aria and Marisol met their mates but wanted to see what was going on with their family members. The men walked them over and they younger wolves talked.

Malcolm went home and checked on Kyra. She rushed to him. The triplets followed. He held his four girls close. He was so relieved to be back home.

"Babe, are you Ok? The baby?" he asked.

Kyra smiled, "He's fine. I'm fine. We're glad you're home." Malcolm held his family. Soon the girls wanted to see their cousins and the family walked over to the community center.


David was in his hospital room alone. His family was safe now. They had powerful friends and allies. He should be happy, but he was not. He had to grieve. He had to let Blaze go. He had to get on with his life. David knew what he had to do, but he had no clue how to start.

Iyoka called her mate, Geraldo, David needs you. Alpha Javon was challenged and destroyed the betas that came here with us. I just found out that Blaze was David's brother. Can you talk to him? I'm afraid I will lose my friend. she sent.

Iyoka, don't worry I'm calling him now. Geraldo replied.

David, Iyoka loves you and counts you as part of her family. She can't lose you. I know you don't know me, but I care about you too. You are not alone. Geraldo sent.

He felt David's despair and it almost broke him. Alpha Geraldo, thank you. I mean no disrespect, and I am honored that you are concerned but you have your family, so please let me grieve in peace.

David, hold on. Ok we care. Geraldo switched to Iyoka.

Love, he is in deep despair. I need someone with him. I'm calling Javon. Seconds later Javon's phone rang. Geraldo explained the situation and he and Elise headed to the medical center. Iyoka got up and Amari was worried, "Mom, what is it?" she asked.

"David." Then Iyoka dressed and left. Nina met her. She and Celia walked with her back to the medical center. She went straight to David, but the alphas were with him. Amari joined her along with Vince. Soon everyone was worried about the theta. Kim assigned nurses them around the clock.

Geraldo was up and he needed to go to Texas, but he didn't want to leave the pack. He had several betas, but not one he truly trusted. At this early stage they could try and take control in his absence. He was torn. One of the thetas that served in the home joined him and he faced the older gentleman. The man looked at this new young Alpha and he liked him. He knew his mate was in Texas and something else was going on there that called his attention.