Time for Truth Ch. 14


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Amari looked at her dark haired Adonis appreciatively. At 6 feet tall the two of them were just about the same height, but he was broad shouldered and had a strongly muscled torso that appealed to her and she was dying to know what it would feel like to finally be held by him intimately. He'd taken a few steps back from her but she quickly closed the distance between them and grabbed his cheeks before placing a scorching kiss on his lips.

While Amari's lips moved passionately over his Vince stood stock-still. He knew if he moved even an inch the tenuous hold he had on his control would snap and he would take her right here and right now. There would be no way he'd be able to stop himself and she'd said she wanted to wait. The very last thing he wanted was to do something that she'd regret later.

However, Amari had other ideas and whispered, "Vince, do you want me?"

With her deep red locks framing her face and her gorgeous green eyes staring back at him Vince could feel his control slipping and his body started to shake."Baby, you are driving me insane; we have to stop," he told her with a note of pleading in his voice. "Unless you are ready to mate with me Amari, then we need to..." but before he could finish his statement she kissed him again.

That was the last straw for him and his control snapped. Vince growled loudly and seized control of the kiss and her body. Lofting her against the wall, he quickly moved between her thighs, pressing his hard length against her core where she was so hot and so needy.

'"Vince, I don't want to wait anymore," Amari whispered.

"Fuck!" he groaned as the last amount of restraint he possessed melted away at her words.

She knew he could smell her arousal. Her pussy was literally dripping she was so ready for him, but she still had to play the game, so she pushed Vince's body back and slid away from the wall he'd pushed her up against. Vince began to growl and turned quickly to stalk after her but stopped when he saw that she was removing the short skirt that she was wearing, panties, and all. His growl turned to a groan as he took in her frame and saw just how wet she was for him. Her juices were literally dripping from her body making his cock throb and his mouth salivate.

He stood transfixed just watching her and Amari smiled. "If you want me then you'll have to catch me," she teased and took off. The apartment was small, but not so small that she could not outmaneuver her mate. He went left, and she faked right. After a few minutes of dashing around the apartment Vince managed to gain momentum and got her pinned against the wall. She was sweaty, and he was panting from their exertions.

"Enough, you're mine Amari! And after tonight there will be no question who you belong to," Vince growled possessively.

Shoving him to the floor, Amari growled as she tore his pants off of him and sank her hungry pussy onto his stiff cock. "Shut up, too much talking!!!"

Vince moaned as her body engulfed him and Amari rode him steadily using clear sure strokes as she claimed the one man she wanted to be with forever.

Despite how good it felt to finally be joined with his mate Vince suddenly had a moment of clarity and grabbed her hips. She had to stop. They were not protected. This was too risky.

"What?" Amari asked as she laid her body forward into him.

"Baby, condoms, I have condoms in the bedroom we need..." but she placed her fingers on his lips to quiet him.

"You don't need them anymore Vince. I'm yours and you're mine," she told him softly.

Letting the reality of that statement sink in for a moment Vince rolled her over so that he was now on top of her and took control of their lovemaking riding his woman into ecstasy. Amari had never known pleasure so real and so complete until now. Suddenly, her wolf rose up and right there on the floor in the kitchen of their small apartment she prepared to mark her mate.

"Vince," she hissed.

Vince could tell by the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes what she wanted and needed and he needed it too...desperately. "Please Amari, please mark me baby," he whispered to her and roared as soon as her teeth pierced the skin of his neck.

The sensations running through his body were more intense than anything he'd ever felt before and he was unable to subdue his beast any longer so Vince gave in to his most base desires and marked his mate. The feeling of Amari's blood running down his throat and his knot forming were pushing him toward a place he knew he'd never been before. Forcing his knot way inside her convulsing cunt he came in a haze of pleasure so intense he was afraid for moment that he was going to lose consciousness. Amari too was lost in a haze of coital bliss. The feeling of Vince thrusting his knot into her had set off another wave of orgasm that was even stronger than the ones that had come before it and her body shook from wave after wave of pleasure that was coursing through it.

Vince never stopped moving, as Amari held on to him tightly. Soon, she was laughing out of sheer happiness. "Well Mr. Loess, are you OK?" she asked with a huge satisfied smile on her face.

Vince's eyes sparkled with happiness as he answered her. "I've never been better Mrs. Loess. How are you?" he asked.

I'm officially a member of Loess now. Your parents will want to see us at breakfast," she informed him and he laughed.

"Well, let me put my mate to bed. She needs some rest," he replied lifting her off the floor and carrying her into their bedroom.

The two had been lying in bed for just a few minutes still connected by Vince's knot when suddenly he felt a little strange. Something was happening to him, but he realized quickly that it was just his knot releasing or so he thought. At about the same time he also realized that Amari was ready for him again, and he was most definitely ready to make love to her again. Only this time he wanted to take it slowly and really have a chance to get to know his mate's beautiful body. He wanted to explore every inch of her frame. She was perfect and she was his, and he spent the next several hours making sure that she knew just how happy that made him. Lying between her thighs, he entered her slowly while kissing her and telling her how much he loved her. Vince made love to his mate thoroughly with his heart, mind, and soul. In the kitchen, he'd been a wolf dominating his bitch, but in their bedroom, he was a man loving his woman.

Amari was so happy. She was prepared to do anything and everything she could to keep this man happy both in bed and out of bed. She realized quickly that he was a very thorough lover. And for a man that claimed he'd had almost no experience with women, he certainly knew how to take care of her. Soon, he was begging her to cum for him, to cum with him and she did just that as they both soared to the heavens.

Sometime later, after Vince had acquainted himself with every part of Amari's body several times she was laying in bed happy and sated. She finally belonged to Vince. She was finally free and no longer oppressed. She could finally just be was the last thought that ran through her head before she finally dozed off.

Vince was about to follow her when he heard the sweetest sound he'd ever heard in his life. "Hi Daddy." Vince gasped quietly as realization sank in. In a few months, he'd be a father.

Dad! he called, surprised and very happy.

Vince is everything OK? Amari, is she alright?" Javon asked immediately.

Yes, we're both fine. I didn't mean to worry you. Sorry, it's just that... I mean... Dad, she may have conceived.

Javon smiled, Congratulations son, care for your mate tonight. We can talk tomorrow. And he ended the communication with his son as Elise walked in.

"What?" she demanded, immediately realizing that something was up.

"In a few months we will be welcoming our first grand pup," Javon explained.

"Wait! Who?" Elise asked. Aria and Clarence had just mated, and Vince and Amari had only been mated for an hour, but then she remembered Vince's unique makeup and screamed leaping into her mate's arms. Her son was having his first pup. She had to wait for confirmation of course, but she was so excited and wanted to share the news.


Marisol was home alone at the moment trying to get all of her last minute tasks finished before leaving for Louisiana in the morning. Zeke would be driving her there, and her parents would come to visit just as soon as things settled down at Cortez. Her Dad had arranged for a therapist to reside in Louisiana for the next six months. Alpha Lakota and Grandma agreed that it was a wise idea. They had also agreed with her parents when they'd suggested that she not stay on campus but at Wildwood, while she was attending classes. She didn't mind really; at least this way she'd get to see Zeke every day.

For the first time she was really and truly happy. Her Dad was home and now he had his true mate. Her brother and sister would have four parents to love and look out for them, and she even had a new sister, Amari, whom she wanted to get to know. As she mused about all the recent changes to her life, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," she called and Kyra entered.

Marisol adored her youngest aunt and she was sure that something was going on with her. She hadn't gone with them today on their shopping trip, which was very odd but she wasn't sure if she should ask her about it or just wait and see if Kyra would talk about it voluntarily.

"Do you have everything?" Kyra asked her.

"Yes, Zeke is coming by early tomorrow morning to load the truck and we'll head to Louisiana after breakfast," Marisol answered.

Finally curiosity and worry got the best of her and Marisol decided that she needed to at least try and get Kyra to talk to her about whatever it was that was going on with her. "Aunt Kyra, are you ill?" she asked.

"No," Kyra assured her with a small smile. "I'll be fine in eight more months," she went on to answer slyly.

Marisol frowned for a moment and then her eyes widened. "A baby? You're having a baby!" Marisol exclaimed and hugged her tightly. "Does grandma know about this? What about Dad?"

Kyra shook her head and explained, "No, only Malcolm knows and now you. I just wanted you to have some happy news for once."

"I want to come home when you're ready to have him or her or them, so promise me you won't forget to call.. " Marisol prattled on.

"It's a boy, and it's only one this time unless he has a sibling that's really quiet," she added.

Marisol laughed, "I can't wait to mate with Zeke and start a family. Aunt Kyra, I am so happy for you."

The two women chatted for a while longer, but Kyra made sure her niece packed everything she needed to take with her. She wished she could accompany her in her parent's absence, but this pregnancy was a rough one. She could barely get up in the mornings.

Love, you need rest, Malcolm sent.

Kyra smiled and bid her niece goodnight before she went home.

As she was getting ready for bed there was yet another knock on the door. She'd already changed into her nightclothes, so she went to see whom it was and was thrilled to find it was Zeke and opened the door quickly for him. "I wasn't expecting to see you until tomorrow morning," she said as he entered the house.

"I know, but I knew you were home alone and I just wanted to come and check on you and say goodnight," he explained sounding just a little sheepish.

Marisol was touched by his concern and admitted, "I really don't like being here all by myself. Maybe you could stay here with me tonight."

Zeke gasped a little and tried to swallow past the lump that formed in his throat at the idea of spending the night alone with his mate. While he wanted nothing more he knew that, her parents and his Alpha's would be none too pleased with him if he did. "I don't think would be a very good idea," he said after a moment.

Marisol's smile suddenly began to fade and the light that had entered her eyes when he'd arrived started to dim as well as she looked down and quietly said, "Oh, I understand."

Feeling terrible for disappointing his mate Zeke used a finger to life her chin so he could look in her eyes. "There is nothing I want more in the world then to stay here with you tonight, but I don't want to disrespect your parents by staying here without their permission," he explained. "How about we go get you all tucked into bed and I will stay with you until you fall asleep? Would that be OK?"

When she realized that this wasn't a form of rejection the smile and light returned to her eyes and she nodded her head in agreement. An hour later Marisol was fast asleep and Zeke headed back to his apartment secure in the knowledge that she was safe and happy.

The next morning he arrived at the Benson home along with a few Theta's who were there to help him load the truck for the drive home.

Marisol was already wide-awake and kissed him hungrily as soon as she laid eyes on him. Zeke held her close to him, amazed that a woman as remarkable as Marisol was actually his. After exchanging a few more very passionate kisses and getting the truck loaded up, they headed to the dining hall for breakfast. The air inside the room was practically buzzing with electricity. The Thane wolves were heading home today and Phillip's family was returning, but that wasn't what had everyone practically humming. Apparently, a new mating had occurred last night and Marisol gasped when Vince and Amari entered the room completely oblivious to everyone around them. Zeke laughed and quickly congratulated the young Beta. Ares was sitting with Zoë, who looked quite pensive. Meanwhile, Marisol wondered if she and Zeke really needed to keep waiting.

Sensing the direction her thoughts had taken Zeke held her close and whispered, "Baby, we will mate when the time is right for us."

Marisol took a deep breath and smiled at him. "I know you're right. It's just hard to wait," she admitted before they went and sat with Alpha Javon and Madam Alpha Elise who wished them both a safe journey.

They were not the only people leaving that day. Hannah, Jebediah, and Miriam were returning home as well. Ares had asked Zoë to stay and go back with him and Benny and Saphirra would be going back with them as well.


Benny was incredibly jealous of Vince right now, but he was happy for him too. He could see from the silly grin his cousin was wearing that he was extremely happy right now. Saphirra squeezed his hand and they shared a knowing smile.

Last night would live in their memories forever. After returning from allowing his younger siblings time with their cousins and friends Benny had returned to his parent's home and found his mate waiting there for him.

"I missed you today," Saphirra whispered. "You were all I thought about."

Benny held her in his arms just breathing in her wonderful scent. She felt so perfect to him. "Let's run," he suggested.

Saphirra smiled and the two undressed quickly. Benny was in a constant state of arousal with his mate around, so he often ran, or worked out, or found something physical to do to take his mind off of mating. The two shifted and took off running. Benny loved the rolling countryside of the Texas prairies and Saphirra could easily see why this place captivated him so much. Meanwhile, she admired his golden wolf. He was so sleek and slender. Her wolf chuffed, challenging him to chase her.

Never one to back down from a challenge, Benny gave her a head start and then took off after her. She was fast, but he was quicker. Occasionally she would try and outmaneuver him by zig zagging in one direction or another, but he knew the terrain better than she did and he was able to catch her every time. They ran until they reached the boundaries of the pack lands. When Saphirra ducked into the caves Benny had called for her to stop, but she didn't hear him. Benny followed her into the caves wanting to get her back on pack lands as quickly as possible.

Saphirra had darted into the cave and met with some unlikely guests. "Well, well, well, looky here. A cute little wolf bitch. I always wanted a dog." Benny arrived and heard the males talking. Saphirra whimpered, tucking her tail, and dropping her head. He immediately sent word to Javon who dispatched wolves to them. Meanwhile, Benny entered the cave growling furiously. There were three human males in there and they smelled strange. Saphirra whimpered as one blew smoke into her face. Benny became even more aggressive to the men's delight. Saphirra was terrified. The men had not really touched her, but she had heard stories about human men with strange tendencies.

One of the males reached for Saphirra's fur, which was when Benny pounced. The male struck him with a piece of wood but froze stock still when he realized that they were surrounded by a snarling pack of wolves. All of a sudden, the males were no longer laughing as the reality of the perilous situation they found themselves in became obvious.

"Man, these dogs are going to eat us!" one guy called out.

"Look, I just wanted to get high, not die," the second man said.

Picking up sticks the humans started swinging them around. Javon had ordered his pack members not to kill them just to run them off. They allowed the males to get out of the cave, but they all took pleasure in nipping them. The small nips were not enough to change them, but enough to make them wary of ever cornering a helpless wolf again.

Once the men had made their way outside they ran off as several pack members chased them to make sure they were off the pack's land. Saphirra shifted back as did Celia and Blaine who quickly checked her over and realized that she was unharmed just frightened.

Soon everyone returned home and Javon talked with Benny and Saphirra about their ordeal. Once he was satisfied that they were both fine, he sent them both home. Once Benny had gotten her back to the house the two sat outside and Benny held her close for quite some time.

"Benson, I love it here," she told him. "When I was in trouble, your pack came so quickly. I must tell Momma, Poppa, and Patch. I loved running with you too. It was just what I needed." As she prattled on and on Benny listened while also reliving the nightmare of her being trapped in the cave by those men.

"Saphirra, I would have killed each one of them had they moved to harm you. You are my life, and I promise I won't ever allow anyone to harm you in any way. I get it now. I understand exactly what you are to me. You're mine, Saphirra. Mine to love, mine to hold, and mine to protect. I choose you," he said finally and exhaled. "Mate with me tonight. Right now."

Saphirra sighed. "Yes," she whispered and Benny kissed her before leading her to his bedroom. Soon they were exploring each other while still being as quiet as possible so as not to wake anyone. Benny feasted on her breasts, tasting her and allowing her scents to imbed themselves into his mind. Saphirra held back a moan as his finger stroked the heat that burned between her thighs. He inserted two fingers inside her and stroked her pussy with the same rhythm he stroked her mouth with his tongue, but she needed more. "Benny, I need you," she pleaded desperately.

Benson smiled down at her before getting up and undressing himself. Once he'd gotten his clothes off the two of them lay together completely naked and exposed just touching and rubbing against each other.

"Benny please," Saphirra had just whispered when they were interrupted by someone knocking on his bedroom door.

"YES!" he yelled. Saphirra quickly donned one of his shirts as he pulled his shorts back on. The door opened and his two younger siblings came rushing in. They were worried about Saphirra and wanted to see for themselves that she was OK. Benny growled.