Time Never Waits Pt. 01

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A man time travels from 2022 to 1980.
60.2k words

Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 12/20/2023
Created 12/20/2022
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Everybody in this story is over 18. It is a fantasy. One containing mind control, time travel, and incest. So be warned. If it's your thing, I hope you enjoy it...

My name is Travis. That's good enough for introductions. I'm 60 years old. 6'2" tall. Weigh in at 220 pounds. I'm a scientist and engineer. I do have a PhD, but mostly I'm self educated.

My interest lies in the possibility of time travel. Or, some semblance of it.

I've been working on a project that has implications of certain types of brain wave transferance. Which is where I am today. In a lab, wired up like some sort of robo-zoid gone mad. I'm staring at a monitor that's posing a question. "Enter Value For Date And Time"

The theory is, you enter these numbers, hit ENTER on the key board, and, well, we don't know what the fuck will happen, but it's supposed to access that memory in your brain and let you remote view it live.

I was sweating profusely. Nervous...No... That's too tame. I was scared shitless. I could fry my brain, for fucks sake. But, what the hell. No pain, no gain, right? My finger pressed ENTER. My world exploded in a flash of blinding light. Then went dark.

When I opened my eyes, I tried to focus. Unsuccessfully. My head hurt. I mean it hurt. Like it was on fire. I clamped my jaw shut, then my eyes. I looked for death to come save me from this excruciating pain.

Suddenly, as fast as it began, it was over. Now my head was merely buzzing. My ears ringing a little.

I eased my eyes open. Waited for them to focus. Then took stock of my surroundings. It took a moment for my situation to fully register. Perhaps my brain had been fried afterall. When I looked around, my eyes settled on a mirror. The face looking back at me was not mine. Well, it was mine, but it was an 18 year old me.

I jumped out of bed, the dizziness coursing through my head threatening to send me crashing to the floor. I sat back down, controlling my breathing, struggling to organize my thoughts. I slowly stood back up and took stock of myself and my surroundings.

My mind started cataloguing everything. First, where was I? I recognized the room. It was my old bedroom. Ok. Whatever. I was sure my brains were scrambled now Next, I looked down at my body. It was not 60 years old any longer. I instinctively reached for my phone, then froze, suddenly remembering the present situation. I remembered the calender. One I got free from the local feed store. I turned to look at it. June 6, 1980. My birthday. Ok, I'm 18 years old. Wait. No. I'm 60 years old. But back in my 18 year old body.

So the experiment worked. Now what? I suddenly realized I was starving. Fuck me but this is not what I expected at all. I guess there's not much I can do at this point but go with the flow and see how this plays out. I walked through the house into the kitchen. My mother was there, standing at the sink. My grandmother was sitting at the table. They both looked around when I walked in. I could only stare at them both in turn for a long minute. They had both passed in my present time. Yet, there they were, alive and in the flesh. The emotions coursing through my entire being at that moment almost overwhelmed me. Unexplainedly the feeling passed almost as suddenly as it had begun. Replaced with a long repressed feeling. One of hidden desire. Capped with endeniable lust and longing. Those old long forgotten memories came flooding back in as if they had never been gone.

"There's my birthday boy". My mother said joyfully, as she stepped over and wrapped me in a hug. Pulling my head down. My face buried in her D cup breasts.

I instantly got a raging hard on. Her warmth. Her scent. Her voice. Everything about my mother instinctively turned me on. She's 37, 5'6", weighing about 160 pounds. Her hips a little wide. Thighs slightly thick. Her blonde hair hanging long and wavy. Her full lips kissing my face.

My grandmother, not to be out done, stood and held her arms out, beckoning me in a welcoming gesture. At 61 years old, her heavy, braless DD cup breasts swayed tantalizingly as I stepped in. She wrapped me up, my face at the top of her teardrop shaped breasts. They hung low on her chest. Narrow where the connected, then filling out to plump orbs. She was an inch shorter than my mother at 5'5". Weighing 145 pounds. Her hair gray with the faint remnants of her once sunny blonde color. The gentle wrinkles and laugh lines on her face still holding the vestiges of yesterdays makeup. Her lips covered in red 1950's lipstick left a smear on my cheek. Something about her woke up a long repressed memory...

I was remembering all those years ago when I accidentally walked in on her while she was in the bathroom after taking a bath. It was right after she had moved in with my mother and I. The sudden recollection that this had been just a couple of days ago. Not years ago. Damn this was confusing.

But, I do clearly remember that she was the first totally naked woman I had ever seen.

My raging cock twitched, jerked and throbbed as I stepped in unsteadily. My crotch making contact with her. Her eyes opened wide as she suddenly realized what she was feeling pressed against her pubic mound and belly.

Embarrassed, I stepped back from her embrace. My face flushed. The heat of embarrassment and raw lust coursing through my veins.

I was wearing loose shorts and a Dallas Cowboys jersey. They did something to atleast hide my cock. My stomach rumbled coarsely, reminding me why I was in the kitchen to begin with. I turned suddenly and strode over to the cabinet where I remembered the cereal to be. Retrieved a box of frosted flakes. Grabbed a bowl and spoon from the dish drainer, and sat down at the table. I poured the bowl full. Fed it the milk, and dug in. I was halfway through the bowl before I looked up. The two women talking. I couldn't focus on what they were saying.

Suddenly everything was quiet. I looked up. My mother and grandmother were looking at each other, then to me.

"What?", I asked, wondering about their seemingly strange behavior.

My mother spoke up first, "You hate frosted flakes, but your ea..."

I cut her off mid sentence, suddenly remembering that I did indeed once dislike them. But at the mioment, I would eat just about anything. Then again, tastes change as we get older, " Oh, yeah, well who said you can't try new things?" I suddenly realized I was looking at my mother's tits when I said that.

It was then the pressure in my head returned. I looked up into her eyes. Locking in the solid contact. Her face seemed to change ever so slightly. Something subtle, yet pervasive nonetheless. "Of course, honey, you can try anything new that you want"

When I broke eye contact, she shook her head quickly. Seemingly as if trying to validate an errant thought.

I paused in mid bite, considering this new development. I looked over to my grandmother, and locked in the eye contact with her. My mind racing. Suddenly realizing that the pressure was gone. Replaced by a new sensation. It was like... Hmmm, I'm not sure, but it felt good. I noticed the same manifestation in my grandmother's face as I had noted in my mother.

I focused on a thought. Just one simple instruction directed at my grandmother. 'With your right hand, touch your left nipple'

Her hand automatically went straight to her left tit. Softly touching her nipple through her robe.

I had a sudden epiphany. A thought process that was beginning to nag at the outer edges of my analytical brain. I had a vague recollection of something about this sort of behavior. It took me back to my Junior year in college. I had attended a conference on the use of hypnotism in behavior modification. I had witnessed the same reaction in test subjects back then. But, this was different somehow. It was as if it was an automatic reaction.

I needed to get away from here. To think. The full brevity of my current situation was beginning to set in. I excused myself, put my dishes in the sink and retreated to my room. My mind returned to my cock. My 60 year old brain trying to mesh and synchronize with my 18 year old body.

My cock had lost it's hardness while I had been processing the new developments. I stood up and stripped off my clothing. My flacid cock hung with the semi stiffness of adolescent insatiable desire for gratification. My mind began to wander in a focused sort of way that I had trained it to do over the decades. It allowed me to maximize the creative potential of my innate intelligence.

I closed my eyes and brought my mother into focus. I pictured her full, pendulous breasts. I had seen them briefly on occasion. The light pink nipples amid pink areola. They hung low on her chest. Wide between. Long. Sweeping down and outward to pointed east-west upturned nipples. I imagined the rest of her body. The softness of her thighs. Marked lightly with cellulite. Her skin pale. The blueish undertones of the blood vessles nestled beneath the surface. Her face, probably considered homely to most, was absolutely beautiful to me.

I envisioned her on her knees, her hand grasping the length of my throbbing cock. Her lips parting as she closed the distance and allowed it to slip into her mouth. Into that forbidden orfice that I longed to penetrate.

My hand went to my cock, wrapping around it's pulsating girth. The hot blood coursing through its length as I imagined my mothers tongue lavishing the head, the shaft, probing my piss hole. My cock swelled up to impossible proportions. My balls heavy with youthful cum as they drew up tight and released a flooding torrent of ropey cum. I bit off a cry of lustful ecstasy. My head getting light with diziness as the power of my orgasm rippled through my trembling, jerking body.

Somewhere along about then I must of passed out.

I woke feeling a warm touch. I started, jerking awake, anxiously looking around. My eyes came to rest on my mother. Her face wrinkled in a frown as she gently shook me awake.

"Travis, are you ok, honey?" the concern in her voice palpable. "You've been asleep all day"

"Yeah, I'm okay, guess I just needed the rest". I replied. Suddenly realizing I was nude and sporting a renewed hard on that was proudly proclaiming its presence to the world. I caught my mother sneaking a quick glance at it before continuing.

"I'm about to start supper. Get cleaned up and come on". She turned to leave, glancing down to the wood floor where I had emptied my balls earlier, the copious amount of sperm laden cum had dried there in it's long ropey streams. She glanced back at me, stealing another hesitant look at my pulsing cock that seemed to be following her every move with some invisible eye.

I focused on it then. Was it bigger than I remember it? I realized it indeed was. It stood out a full 8 inches in length, its girth had also seemed to increase. It was now a good 8 inches in circumference. I realized it was actually growing to match my true age. I took stock of the rest of my body. Nope. Still the same gangly 18 year old frame. 6'2", 180 pounds.

I sat a moment. My head clear except for that ever so slight nagging sensation that resided just beyond my consciousness. That pervading pressure that was only recognizable if I focused on it. I had to get a grip. This whole thing could get out of control.

Questions formed in my mind. Was this permanent? I mean, would it end as suddenly as it had begun? Would I suddenly start aging physically again until I reached my true age? I glanced again at my cock. It appeared to be the only physical manifestation apparent. I closed my eyes and focused on my brain and thought processes. They seemed to be fully intact. That was good, right? Atleast my over priced education was still viable.

I thought about how to take notes. To document this whole ordeal. When I returned to 2022, I would need to be able to... Wait a moment. Go back? How? This was 1980. My actual presence was in 2022. How could I return. The technology didn't exist yet. It wouldn't for another 30 some years. Did I even want to go back? I had an opportunity here. One that would afford me many opportunities. I just had to play my cards right.

Anyway, I thought, shaking it off, I had more pressing issues at the moment. Namely, how do I get back to 2022 if I found it necessary to do so. What was my body doing? Did I even exist then. This was too much. I couldn't focus properly. My youthful hormones were in full competition with my 60 year old brain.

I stood up, my mothers lingering scent still wafting on the air. That caused my distended cock to jerk and pulsate with unrequited desire. A long stream of precum drooled from my slit. Hanging lasciviously from my engorged member. I felt my hand move to it. Wrapping around its throbbing girth. I furiously began to jack off. I couldn't very well go to the table in this state, now could I. I added another load to the one deposited earlier. Not taking a chance on fantasizing about my mother for fear of passing out again.

I dressed quickly. Then headed down the hall, as I passed my grandmother's room, I spotted some used clothing on the chair by the bed. I zeroed in on a pair of panties, peaking out from under a blouse. I hesitated. Looking around to see if anybody was looking. I heard my mother and grandmother talking in the kitchen. I stepped in hesitantly. Paused briefly. Then decided to go for it.

I strode over to the chair. Reaching down, I shifted her blouse out of the way, exposing the pair of granny panties. I picked them up. My pulse quickening. My heart beat strong in my ears. Taking one last look around, I raised them to my face. Inhaling deeply. The sweet, musky scent of her elderly pussy invading my senses. There was a faint background scent. Urine. It was almost nonexistent, but present nonetheless. My cock jerked, seeking new life again. I quickly put them back as I had found them, and quickly left the room. My middle aged brain still battling with those hormones flooding my system.

A sudden thought occured to me. I chuckled lowly at the thought. How many times have I wondered what I would do differently if I could go back and know what I know now? I stopped dead in my tracks. Remembering the events from earlier today. I began to understand the 'pressure' in the back of my mind. Something in the event that allowed my 60 year old being to meld with my 18 year old body had altered my brain chemistry somehow.

The brain was a combination of various equipment. A hard drive. An electromagnetic generator, of sorts. Suddenly it made sense. My mind was manifesting my thoughts into actual energy pulses and releasing them as radio waves. Or something like that.

The thoughts came flooding into my brain. I needed to conduct a series of experiments. Test the parameters of my newly developed skill. Was it real? Or simply coincidence. I was about to find out. As I stepped into the kitchen, I took in the two women already seated.

I focused first on my grandmother. Aligning my thoughts. Condensing them. Holding her gaze a long moment before releasing the data packet in her direction. I saw her face change in that subtle manner. I wordlessly motioned for her to stand up. Wondering how analog directives would work. She stood up. Waiting. I gestured for her to come to me. She immediately obeyed. Her braless tits swaying beneath the blouse she wore. When she got to me, she stood still. Her eyes focused on me. I directed a thought for her to return to her seat. I directed a thought for them to forget this moment, then went and sat down. My mind racing with possibilities as I gazed at the two mature women that had been the most important women during my childhood. Those distant thoughts came flooding back to the surface. I remembered all those long years back when they had been the forbidden subjects of my youthful lust.

Now... 48 years later. I was afforded a second chance to fullfill those fantastical desires. Yes, I was going to fuck my grandmother and my mother. My eyes fell on the newspaper sitting on the table in front of where my grandmother was sitting. My eyes widened in wonder, then narrowed in quiet speculation as my eyes read Business on the exposed page. I had been an astute study of stock market trends through the years. I suddenly realized that in the storehouse of information contained in my brain were all the stock trends going all the way back to 1929. A plan began to form in my mind as I considered where to get large enough amounts of capital to take advantage of this opportunity. My thoughts were interrupted by my mother,

" Travis, what are your plans today, honey?"

"I need to clear my head, mom, then make some plans.". I cocked my head slightly as I shifted my thoughts back to her delightful body. Then, acting on a sudden whim, I shot the thought to her to meet me in her bedroom. Then waited to see her reaction.

She immediately replied, "Clear your head? Whatever do you mean child?" as she stood up from the table. Her pendulous breasts shifting under her robe before settling into place again.

My grandmother chided in with a little grunt and chuckle, "Linda, haven't you learned by now not to try to make sense of what children think they mean?"

My mother shifted her narrowed gaze to my grandmother, "Well, mother dear, I suppose you have the magic formula to figure it all out, huh?"

My grandmother just grunted quietly and picked the paper up, shook it out, and started reading.

My mother turned and started walking down the hallway to her room. Her butt swaying beneath the worn terry cloth robe. I followed her in.

She stopped in the middle of the room, looking around confused. She turned to look at me, "Why on earth did I come in here, and why are you in here?"

"Well, mom, I'm here to clear my head. I thought I said that already".

"Yes, but what are doing in my bedroom?"

I dropped my shorts, and pulled my shirt off, dropping it to the floor. I stepped toward her, my blood engorged cock swaying as it pounded and throbbed above my youthful cum laden balls.

My mother stepped back, her eyes wide looking from my face to my swollen cock. "What the hell do you think your doing, young man. Put your clothes ba..."

I cut her off with another directive. 'Stop talking. Take your robe off. Follow my instructions. You will do anything to please me'.

With another confused look, she let her robe fall to the floor. I gazed intently at her, letting my stare take in her body. Her pendulous breasts, hanging just above her sligtly rounded, poochy belly. Blonde pubic hair sneaking out the edges of her cotton panties.

"Take your panties off and lay on the bed"

Her breasts hung and swayed as she bent over, taking them off. My cock steadily dripping precum. I knew I had to get inside her fast, or I was gonna lose it and blast my balls on her floor.

She stepped naked to the bed, her butt slightly pockmarked with cellulite. That made her even more beautiful in my eyes. She sat down, turned, and stretched to settle in. Turning her gaze to me, still confused and unsure, she instinctively knew what was coming. She knew no words would change what was about to happen, so she simply spread her legs, preparing herself to be mounted by her only son.

I crawled between her thighs, as she offered herself to me. She reached between us and gently grasped my cock and guided it to the flooding opening of her beautiful pussy. I slowly went inside her. Savoring every single moment as inch by inch of my youthful cock slid inside her. As my swollen balls settled on her butthole, I felt her pulsating cunt walls beginning to milk my cock. I pulled back, then slowly slid back into her. My pace picking up. My balls slapping at her ass as my pulsating cock speared into her. I lowered my face to hers, sticking my tongue out to her lips. She began sucking on my tongue. Her hard nipples and swollen breasts beneath my youthful chest, as they swayed with my heavy strokes.